Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: dural PA32
Saturation ESR spectroscopy of PA12 polyamide
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PA32 aluminum alloy - tensile properties
Dane BadawczeIn addition to steel, aluminium alloys are the main building material used in the shipbuilding industry. Due to its undoubted advantages, such as low density (nearly three times lower than in the case of steel for shipbuilding) and high corrosion resistance, it is often used for hulls of yachts and small vessels as well as superstructures. For safety...
Rural homel and landscapes
PublikacjaOmówienie wpływu historii regionu na różnorodności form krajobrazu otwartego i jego elementów na obszarach wiejskich. Przykłady studiów krajobrazowych. Omówienie przyszłych możliwości ekonomicznych terenów wiejskich wynikających z zachowania harmonijnego krajobrazu na obszarach wiejskich.
Urban-rural Partnership
PublikacjaOmówiono koncepcję partnerstwa ''miasto-wieś'', opartą na idei zrównoważonego rozwoju regionalnego i policentrycznego modelu systemu miejskiego. Koncepcja ta, realizowana w krajach Unii Europejskiej, tworzy mechanizm redystrybucji zysków i korzyści uzyskiwanych w strefach dynamicznego rozwoju ośrodków miejskich na ich zaplecze wiejskie, ograniczania ujemnych skutków tej polaryzacji rozwoju i wzmacniania inicjatyw lokalnych na obszarach...
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Rural Society
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Rural Educator
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Dual Labor Market
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Methodology of studying preferences among rural residents as element of procedure for public land management in rural areas
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Rural architecture and landscape - problem of continuity
Contemporary rural house for Kaszuby Region
PublikacjaWiejski dom jako mieszkanie rolnika był i jest najważniejszym składnikiem krajobrazu wsi Kaszubskiej.Rozpoznanie typologii tradycyjnego domu, synteza tradycyjnych elementów architektury kaszubskiej w powiązaniu z inspiracją lokalną tradycją daje podstawy do wykorzystania w kształtowaniu współczesnej zabudowy mieszkaniowej.
The effect of polyamide PA12 and polyester PBT blocks' lengths on the structure and propertries of multiblock terpoly(amide-block-ester-block-amide) (TPAEA)
PublikacjaThe ternary multiblock system terpoly(amide-b-ester-b-amide) (TPAEA) of the chemical structure: poly[(oligoamide-6.36)-block-(tetramethylene terephthalate)-block-laurolactam)] -(PA6.36-b-PBT-b-PA12)n- has been obtained (Table 1). In this system the third component (PBT block here), characterized with the proper molecular weight, is dissolved in hard phase of PA12 blocks and partially dissolved in soft phase of PA6.36. The effects...
Journal of Rural Development
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Rural policy brief
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Rural Sustainability Research
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Rural and Remote Health
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Threats to Rural Landscape and Its Protection in Poland
PublikacjaThe article describes the premises and conditions for the implementation of a pro-landscape spatial policy in rural areas in Poland. It presents the erosion of spatial order in a large part of the country’s territory. Firstly, the state of protection of the rural landscape and the legal aspects of shaping the space of rural areas are described. Secondly, the location is depicted, and the main physiognomic and environmental threats...
Mural - kiedy wandalizm staje się sztuką
PublikacjaCałość mojego referatu rozpoczęłam od przytoczenia opinii na temat tego czym tak naprawdę jest mural. Następnie skupiłam się na pochodzeniu współczesnego muralu. Odpowiedziałam na pytanie skąd, w jaki sposób i dlaczego pojawiły się rysunki ścienne. Przechodząc od malarstwa jaskiniowego sprzed 32 tysięcy lat, przez malarstwo starożytnego Egiptu, hasła wypisywane na murach starożytnego Rzymu, mural propagandowy Meksyku z lat 20....
Local Development Strategies in Shaping Rural Landscape
PublikacjaDlaczego krajobraz kulturowy wsi jako zintegrowana całość wymyka się procedurom planistycznym i zarządzaniu? Dlaczego praktyka życia społecznego w dziedzinie gospodarowania przestrzenią na terenach wiejskich przeciwstawia się i zaprzecza równie powszechnie deklarowanej intencji kształtowania harmonijnego krajobrazu?Profesjonalne diagnozy kryzysu krajobrazu kulturowego wsi koncentrują się zwyczajowo na nieskuteczności, często rzeczywiście...
Similar concentration of surfactants in rural and urban areas
PublikacjaSince surfactants are used in various products, they end up in surface and wastewater. Surfactants may therefore impact ecosystems and living organisms. Actually, only few anionic surfactants and some alkylphenols are regulated. There is no comprehensive evaluation of surfactants in the atmosphere, surfaces and waters of areas of increasing anthropic levels. Here, we measured the levels of cationic, anionic and nonionic surfactants...
Design of Highly Selective Dual Band Band Stop Filter using Dual-Path Step Impedance Resonator
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Can social enterprise contribute to creating sustainable rural communities? Using the lens of structuration theory to analyse the emergence of rural social enterprise
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Transport undertaking as means of activation of women in rural areas
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Concept of rural spatial planning in line with social expectations
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Management of energy renovation for traditional rural residential houses
PublikacjaRenowacja energetyczna ma na celu zmniejszenie energii zużywanej przez budynek poprzez poprawę właściwości cieplnych przegród budowlanych oraz usprawnienie efektywności systemów instalacyjnych. Jest to istotny element w osiąganiu celów klimatycznych zdefiniowanych przez społeczność międzynarodową. Renowacja zabudowy o wartości kulturowej wiąże się z koniecznością zachowania cech architektonicz- nych, decydujących o jej rozpoznawalności,...
Rural Landscape Planning for Sustainable Development. The Case of Poland
PublikacjaThis text results from theoretical study on the possibilities of rural landscape renovation in Poland. The introduction marks new spatial phenomena and the scope of their influence. It indicates social and cultural reasons of the changes, and states the need of their renewed interpretation. The second part of the article contains a description of the degrading cultural landscape of the country and presents its features. It then...
Landscape as the tool of coherence in the land management of rural communes
PublikacjaEconomic and social transformation of rural areas in Poland after 1990 reveals itself through disintegration of previous spatial order. Building a new pattern requires a vision, which would counteract complex causes of disintegration. The latter belong to institutional domain of planning strategies and the area of common practices. Therefore, agreement on aims and means between spatial policy strategies and tactics of space users...
Mural i jego rola w przestrzeni zurbanizowanej
PublikacjaCzym tak naprawdę jest mural? Definicji jest bardzo wiele. Według Słownika języka polskiego PWN mural to „wielkie malowidło wykonane bezpośrednio na ścianie budynku”. Pierwotnymi malowidłami tego typu były prace naskalne z epoki paleolitu. Następnie ważnymi epokami dla rozwoju tego typu prac był starożytny Egipt i starożytny Rzym. Samo słowo „mural” pochodzi z języka hiszpańskiego (h. mural – ścienny; malarstwo ścienne). To dzięki...
Advances in Dual Diagnosis
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Ural-Altaic Studies
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Ural Mathematical Journal
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Journal of Dual Diagnosis
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Molecular properties with dual basis set methods
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Integrated Three-Level Dual-Phase Inverter
PublikacjaIn view of reducing the number of inverter legs that provide dual-phase, three-level output voltages (as may be needed in an uninterruptible power supply), and that also provide a wide range of output frequencies (as needed in an advanced motor drive system with wide speed ranges), a three-level, dual-phase inverter topology is presented in this paper. Its three-level attribute was based on the F-type inverter topological concept,...
Dual polarization antennas for UHF RFID readers
PublikacjaThis paper presents various concepts of switching polarization in patch antenna dedicated for UHF RFID readers. Proposed designs allow for switching between linear and circular polarization. The first design does not require electronic switching as the polarization can be changed by choosing one of two available feeding terminals. Two remaining designs use PIN diode or FET SPDT switch.
Design and Implementation of a Dual-band Filtering Wil-kinson Power Divider Using Coupled T-shaped Dual-band Resonators
PublikacjaThe paper introduces a novel structure of a dual-band filtering Wilkinson power divider (WPD). Its essential component is a dual-band bandpass filter (BPF), implemented using coupling lines and two T-shaped resonators. The BPF is incorporated into the divider structure to suppress the unwanted harmonics within the circuit. The latter is achieved owing to a wide stopband of the filter. The deigned dual-band WPD can suppress third...
Ranking ecosystem services delivered by trees in urban and rural areas
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Innovative method for utilization of wastewater for security and safety in rural areas
PublikacjaIn the rural areas building of sewerage systems and central wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) often brings too high costs, due to high distances from one farm to another and terrain configuration. Individual treatment systems for each farm are a good solution. The teratment wetlands for nine individual farms were constructed in Kaszubian Lake District in summer and autumn 2009. Three configurations of reed beds were chosen. In...
Treatment Wetlands in Rural Areas of Poland for Baltic Sea Protection
PublikacjaWater and wastewater management, especially in rural areas, greatly affects loads of nutrients discharged to the Baltic Sea. In Poland, this management is unbalanced because of the dispersed development and in many locations construction of sewerage system is uneconomic or even impossible. For this reason, a significant part of sewage from single-family houses in rural areas must be discharged into domestic sewage systems. The...
Classification of Landscape Physiognomies in Rural Poland: The Case of the Municipality of Cekcyn
PublikacjaThis article presents a methodology and the results of the classification of the rural landscapes physiognomies conducted on the study area located in the municipality of Cekcyn, Poland. The study aimed to develop a landscape identification method that would combine natural, cultural, and visual criteria with which to implement the provisions of the European Landscape Convention. The realization of the European Landscape Convention...
Ranking ecosystem services delivered by trees in urban and rural areas
PublikacjaPolicies and strategies for tree management and protection on a national, regional, and local level have not sufficiently considered differences between rural and urban areas. We used expert knowledge to compare rural and urban areas in a case study evaluating the relative importance of ecosystem services (ES) in policy development. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and focus group discussions were used to rank 17 ES, representing...
Rural Building in Opole Silesia During the Period of the Frederician Colonization
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to present the rural construction in the Opole countryside (Poland) during the “Frederician colonization”. Showing socio-economic areas of Opole villages, differing from each other, the differences of which resulted from the environmental conditions influencing the processes of enfranchisement and industrialization. These processes at the turn of the 17th and 19th centuries influenced the image of the...
Enhanced Gain and Isolation Dual-Band Dual-Port MIMO Antenna with Integrated Lens for Millimeter-wave 5G Internet-of-Things Applications
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a dual-band dual-port Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna with enhanced gain and port isolation for 5G millimeter-wave (mm-wave) Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The gain enhancement is achieved using a 3D-printed dielectric lens integrated with the antenna, whereas port isolation is improved using a novel 2D compact metamaterial incorporated between the MIMO elements. The proposed integrated...
Economic Sciences for Rural Development
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Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
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Australian Journal of Rural Health