dr hab. inż. Robert Małkowski
- Associate professor at Power Converters and Energy Storage Group
- z-ca kierownika laboratorium LINTE^2 ds. badań naukowych at Linte^2
total: 74
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Concept and Implementation of Innovative Scalable Wind Turbine Emulator with Doubly Fed Asynchronous Machine
PublicationThis paper presents the design of an innovative scalable wind turbine emulator. The system’s hardware and software components are described in detail including test results, demonstrating the research potential of the proposed design. The uniqueness of the proposed solution lies in its scalability, achieved despite the use of physical devices with fixed parameters. This scalability allows for the flexible shaping of the system’s...
Year 2024
An ANN-Based Method for On-Load Tap Changer Control in LV Networks with a Large Share of Photovoltaics—Comparative Analysis
PublicationThe paper proposes a new local method of controlling the on-load tap changer (OLTC) of a transformer to mitigate negative voltage phenomena in low-voltage (LV) networks with a high penetration of photovoltaic (PV) installations. The essence of the method is the use of the load compensation (LC) function with settings determined via artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms. The proposed method was compared with other selected...
Experimental test results of an automatic voltage regulator with independent phase voltage controllers
PublicationThe growing number of distributed renewable energy sources and dynamic constant-power loads (e.g. electric vehicle charging stations) pose new challenges for network operators. These changes result in alterations to network load profiles and load flows, leading to greater voltage volatility. One effective solution to these problems can be the use of automatic voltage regulators (AVRs), which stabilize and symmetrize voltage output,...
Optimization of Division and Reconfiguration Locations of the Medium-Voltage Power Grid Based on Forecasting the Level of Load and Generation from Renewable Energy Sources
PublicationThe article addresses challenges in optimizing the operation of medium voltage networks, emphasizing optimizing network division points and selecting the best network configuration for minimizing power and energy losses. It critically reviews recent research on the issue of network configuration optimization. The optimization of the medium voltage power grid reconfiguration process was carried out using known optimization tools....
Year 2023
Will NILM Technology Replace Multi-Meter Telemetry Systems for Monitoring Electricity Consumption?
PublicationThe estimation of electric power utilization, its baseload, and its heating, light, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) power component, which represents a very large portion of electricity usage in commercial facilities, are important for energy consumption controls and planning. Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is the analytical method used to monitor the energy and disaggregate total electrical usage into appliance-related...
Year 2022
New Performance Indices for Power System Stabilizers
PublicationThe subject of the article is issues related to innovative indices for power system stabilizers (PSSs). These new indices will be able to quickly show which PSS (among many other PSSs) is not working properly and that advanced optimization and simulation methods should be used to improve the PSS settings. The authors note the fact that the acceptance requirements for PSSs are different in various power systems. Moreover, the authors...
Year 2020
Adaptive Algorithm of a Tap-Changer Controller of the Power Transformer Supplying the Radial Network Reducing the Risk of Voltage Collapse
Publicationhe development of renewable energy, including wind farms, photovoltaic farms as well as prosumer installations, and the development of electromobility pose new challenges for network operators. The results of these changes are, among others, the change of network load profiles and load flows determining greater volatility of voltages. Most of the proposed solutions do not assume a change of the transformer regulator algorithm....
Integrated algorithm for selecting the location and control of energy storage units to improve the voltage level in distribution grids
PublicationThis paper refers to the issue that mainly appears in distribution grids, where renewable energy sources (RES) are widely installed. In such grids, one of the main problems is the coordination of energy production time with demand time, especially if photovoltaic energy sources are present. To face this problem, battery energy storage units (ESU) can be installed. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to optimizing...
Operation of the Hybrid Photovoltaic-Battery System on the Electricity Market—Simulation, Real-Time Tests and Cost Analysis
PublicationThis paper presents research on a hybrid photovoltaic-battery energy storage system, declaring its hourly production levels as a member of a balancing group submitting common scheduling unit to the day-ahead market. It also discusses the variability of photovoltaic system generation and energy storage response. The major research questions were whether the operation of a hybrid photovoltaic-battery energy storage system is viable...
Underfrequency Load Shedding: An Innovative Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic
PublicationIn contemporary power systems, the load shedding schemes are typically based on disconnecting a pre-specified amount of load after the frequency drops below a predetermined value. The actual conditions at the time of disturbance may largely dier from the assumptions, which can lead to non-optimal or ineective operation of the load shedding scheme. For many years, increasing the eectiveness of the underfrequency load shedding (UFLS)...
Year 2019
Distribution Transformer with Multi-Zone Voltage Regulation for Smart Grid System Application
PublicationThe article presents four concepts of the multi-zone voltage regulation (MZVR) system. It is a combination of a distribution transformer with an on-load tap-changer, for step voltage regulation, and a power electronic converter, dimensioned for a fraction of MZVR power, realizing continuous voltage regulation, supplemented by a special switch, the so-called bypass. This allows voltage regulation at high resolution, wide range and...
Real-time hybrid model of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator
PublicationIn recent years renewable sources have been dominating power system. The share of wind power in energy production increases year by year, which meets the need to protect the environment. Possibility of conducting, not only computer simulation, but also laboratory studies of wind turbine operation and impact on the power system and other power devices in laboratory conditions would be very useful. This article presents a method...
Transformatory z regulacją przekładni pod obciążeniem w systemie elektroenergetycznym
PublicationZmiany zachodzące w systemie elektroenergetycznym, związane między innymi ze stałym wzrostem zapotrzebowania na moc, przyłączaniem źródeł odnawialnych czy rozwojem elektromobilności, przy jednoczesnym wzroście wymagań dotyczących jakości energii elektrycznej, zmuszają operatorów sieci elektroenergetycznych do podejmowania działań zmierzających do sprostania nowym wymaganiom. Jednym z kierunków tych działań jest wykorzystanie w...
Voltage Source Power Line Conditioner for Applications in Local Supply Systems
PublicationThe paper presents the basic principles of operation of voltage source power line conditioners (VSPLC) as well as their energy and filtration properties. A 4-level cascade based Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is used as a voltage source. The advantages of this topology is relatively simple construction and simple way of balancing DC link voltages. Results of the theoretical and experimental investigations confirm good energetic...
Year 2018
Simulation of the Dynamics of Renewable Energy Sources with Energy Storage Systems
PublicationThe intermittency of renewable energy sources (RES) constitutes a challenge for effective power system control. Fossil-fuel-based units offering ancillary power services to meet the short-term power imbalance are a financial and environmental burden for the society. Energy storage systems (ESS) can be the solution in view of the electricity market development and growing environmental concern. The major questions are, in what circumstances...
Year 2017
Energy storage device based on flywheel, power converters and Simulink real-time
PublicationThis electronic document is a “live” template and already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet. Paper presents information on Energy Storage Device based on Flywheel and bi-directional IGBT Power Converters – designed for LINTE^2 laboratory owned by Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. Paper is divided into four sections. First section of the paper provides introductory information...
Impact of R/X ratio of distribution network on selection and control of energy storage units
PublicationThe interest in energy storage is still increasing. Energy storage units are installed in high voltage networks, medium voltage networks and low voltage distribution networks as well. These units are often used to improve power quality. One of the criteria for improving power quality is reducing voltage deviations. Depending on the type of network and specifying its R/X ratio, this criterion can be fulfilled by control of active...
Qualitative Indicators Used to Select the Placement and Parameters of Energy Storage Installed in the Distribution Network
PublicationThe technology related to energy storage has developed in recent years. Continuous improvement of the solutions available on the market resulted in wider usability of energy storage. They are also increasingly used in a distribution network. This study contains a synthesised description of physical features of the energy storage used in distribution networks. Several criteria of algorithms used to determine the placement and...
Selection of optimal location and rated power of capacitor banks in distribution network using genetic algorithm
PublicationIn this paper, the problem of placement and rated power of capacitor banks in the Distribution Network (DN) is considered. We try to suggest the best places for installing capacitor banks and define their reactive power. The considered formulation requires the optimization of the cost of two different objectives. Therefore the use of properly multiobjective heuristic optimization methods is desirable. To solve this problem we use...
Year 2016
A New Method of the Load Compensation Use During Creation of Post Blackout Start-up Path in Power System
PublicationIn the paper a new method of effective use of load compensation during creation of post blackout start-up path is proposed. Theoretical assumptions and simulation results of an investigation are presented. An experiment performed in the Polish Power System is also described. This experiment proved that the method proposed by the authors is advisable. The method may be utilized by power system operators for power system restoration...
Activity coordination of capacitor banks and power transformer controllers in order to reduce power losses in the MV grid
PublicationOne of the main issues related to the optimization of the MV (middle voltage) network is to reduce losses of active and reactive power. Lower losses of active and reactive power give not only economic advantage, but also improvement of energy quality. The object of regulation that can be used for these purposes are transformer with On-Load Tap Changer and capacitor's banks. This paper presents results of analysis of the possibility...
Badania laboratoryjne wybranych sposobów koordynacji regulatora transformatora blokowego oraz regulatora generatora
PublicationWprowadzenie wymogu stosowania transformatorów blokowych z przekładnią regulowaną pod obciążeniem spowodowało konieczność określenia właściwego sposobu podziału kryteriów sterowania pomiędzy regulator generatora a regulator transformatora blokowego. W referacie zwrócono uwagę na aspekt miejsca pomiaru napięć. Ma to istotny wpływ zarówno na algorytm jak i jakość regulacji. Rozważania teoretyczne zilustrowane zostały wynikami prób...
Badania układu UPFC w oparciu o model laboratoryjny i symulacyjny
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję oraz sposób realizacji laboratoryjnego modelu układu UPFC. Układ zrealizowano według nowej metodyki oferującej elastyczność w szerokim zakresie testowania nowych algorytmów sterowania. W referacie zaprezentowano też przykładowe wyniki prób eksperymentalnych potwierdzające słuszność przyjętej koncepcji sterowania. Dane pomiarowe zostały również wykorzystane do celów walidacji opracowanego modelu...
Badanie sieci świadomości sytuacyjnej dla infrastruktury elektroenergetycznej
PublicationWspółczesne systemy elektroenergetyczne są narażone na nowe rodzaje zagrożeń. Są one spowodowane lukami w zabezpieczeniach oraz słabościami architektonicznymi związanymi z szerszym zastosowaniem technologii teleinformatycznych (ICT) w tych systemach. Połączenie sieci elektroenergetycznych z Internetem naraża je na nowego rodzaju niebezpieczeństwa, takie jak ataki APT (ang. Advanced Persistent Threats) lub rozproszona odmowa usługi...
Computer-aided analysis of resonance risk in power system with Static Var Compensators
PublicationStatic Var Compensators operation in a power system may significantly improve voltage profiles in nodes and the reactive power balance, as well as ensure greater system stability in emergency conditions. However these devices may be a cause of a resonance in the system. The aim of this paper is to call attention to the need to include resonance phenomena in a compensator’s location evaluation process. The analysis performed in...
Koncepcja platformy wymiany informacji o incydentach cyberbezpieczeństwa dla krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego
PublicationArtykuł opisuje wybrane zagadnienia związane z cyberbezpieczeństwem w sektorze elektroenergetyki. Jednym z elementów zapewniania bezpieczeństwa sieci elektro-energetycznej jest efektywna wymiana informacji o incydentach bezpieczeństwa. W jej ramach wszystkie zaangażowane podmioty systemu elektroenergetycznego, tj.: elektrownie, operatorzy systemów przesyłowych, operatorzy systemów dystrybucyjnych, dostawcy rozwiązań bezpieczeństwa,...
Laboratoryjny model odbioru oparty na przekształtniku częstotliwości o mocy 150 kVA i platformie Simulink Real-Time – koncepcja, realizacja, badania eksperymentalne
PublicationW artykule opisano koncepcję oraz sposób realizacji laboratoryjnego modelu odbioru o mocy 150 kVA. Odbiornik zaprojektowano w taki sposób, aby umożliwić emulację zmienności mocy dowolnego odbioru. Integralnym elementem modelu jest transformator z energoelektronicznym przełącznikiem zaczepów. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono założenia, strukturę przyjętego algorytmu sterowania, wymieniono i opisano podstawowe wielkości...
Security Requirements and Controls for Incident Information Sharing in the Polish Power System
PublicationAmong the strategies of protecting information assets of the power system, sharing of information about current cybersecurity incidents between energy operators appears to be a prerequisite. Exchange of information leads to the effective detection of attacks and exploited vulnerabilities as well as the identification of countermeasures. This paper presents the results of continuation of our works on developing a secure and efficient...
Simplified saturation modelling in three-leg power transformer for the system stability analisys
PublicationThe paper presents a simplified method for modelling non-linearity of the magnetic circuit of the power transformer. The saturation effect is implemented by describing the self and mutual inductances as a function of the magnetic flux. The most important element of this function is the saturation coefficient which is calculated based on transient state during the unloaded transformer switch on. The transformer model is described...
Wybrane aspekty związane z pracą regulatora napięcia generatora synchronicznego w trakcie odbudowy systemu elektroenergetycznego
PublicationOdbudowa systemu elektroenergetycznego po awarii katastrofalnej (blackout) jest procesem skomplikowanym pod względem technicznym i logistycznym. Proces ten polega m.in. na tworzeniu ciągów rozruchowych pomiędzy źródłem zasilania jakim najczęściej jest elektrownia wodna, a elektrownią konwencjonalną w celu umożliwienia jej uruchomienia. Odległość między elektrowniami może być duża i wynosić nawet kilkaset kilometrów. W związku z...
Year 2015
Influence of Shunt Compensation with SVC Devices on Resonance Risk in Power Systems
PublicationMany analyses are required to locate a new reactive power source in a power system. The choice of a location is a very complex matter which requires various aspects to be considered. Selecting a location also entails the necessity to assess it from the point of view of the selected compensator’s structure as well as the system’s performance in various states with the new device on. The paper presents the issues of assessing compensator...
Laboratory Load Model Based on 150 kVA Power Frequency Converter and Simulink Real-Time – Concept, mplementation, Experiments
PublicationFirst section of the paper provides technical specification of laboratory load model basing on 150 kVA power frequency converter and Simulink Real-Time platform. Assumptions, as well as control algorithm structure is presented. Theoretical considerations based on criteria which load types may be simulated using discussed laboratory setup, are described. As described model contains transformer with thyristor-controlled tap changer,...
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono koncepcję oraz sposób realizacji laboratoryjnego modelu odbioru o mocy 150 kVA. Odbiornik zaprojektowano w taki sposób aby umożliwić emulację zmienności mocy dowolnego odbiorcy, jak również pracę transformatora zasilającego takiego odbiorcę. W referacie zaprezentowano też przykładowe wyniki prób eksperymentalnych potwierdzające słuszność przyjętej koncepcji sterowania.
Security Information Sharing for the Polish Power System
PublicationThe Polish Power System is becoming increasingly more dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to cyberattacks, including the evolved and highly sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats or Distributed Denial of Service attacks. The most exposed components are SCADA systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. When addressing this situation...
Study of the Operation of Synchronous Generator Voltage Regulator During the Creation of Post Blackout Start-up Path
PublicationThis paper presents the influence of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) of synchronous generator on the process of creation of post black-out start-up path. Two elements of AVR have a significant impact on this process: underexcitation limiter (UEL) and load compensation (LC). The authors present a theoretical investigation and simulation results that illustrate how the mentioned elements of AVR affect voltage levels in a power...
SVC and power transformers controllers coordination
PublicationThe use of shunt compensators such as FACTS (for example SVC) in power systems gives possibility of fast and flexible control of voltage or reactive power. An efficient cooperation between a transformer and compensator connected to busbars, or transformer’s tertiary winding, requires a proper coordination of controls. The article contains theoretical considerations and simulation results which indicate that such co-ordination is...
Testing Situation Awareness Network for the Electrical Power Infrastructure
PublicationThe contemporary electrical power infrastructure is exposed to new types of threats. The cause of such threats is related to the large number of new vulnerabilities and architectural weaknesses introduced by the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in such complex critical systems. The power grid interconnection with the Internet exposes the grid to new types of attacks, such as Advanced Persistent...
Testy platformy SAN dla sektora elektroenergetycznego
PublicationWspółczesna infrastruktura elektroenergetyczna jest narażona na zagrożenia związane z dużą liczbą nowych luk i słabo- ści architektonicznych wynikających z szerszego wykorzystania technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ang. Information and Communication Technologies – ICT). Połączenie infrastruktury elektroenergetycznej z Internetem naraża ją na nowe rodzaje ataków, takie jak ataki typu APT (ang. Advanced Persistent Threats)...
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pokazujące możliwości wykorzystania baterii kondensatorów zainstalowanych wewnątrz sieci SN (w odbiorców przemysłowych), w celu zminimalizowania strat mocy w sieci elektroenergetycznej. Wyniki analizy pozwoliły określić, które ze stosowanych obecnie kryteriów regulacji jest najbardziej korzystne. Wskazywano również na konieczność koordynacji działań regulatorów transformatora i baterii kondensatorów.
Year 2014
Case studies of resonance phenomena in high voltage overhead power lines with shunt reactors
PublicationMisguided design of the towers of power transmission lines can lead to serious problems such as voltage asymmetry, overvoltages, electric arc extinction difficulties or resonance – in case of double circuit line with shunt reactors. The paper points out those threats on example of 400 kV double circuit overhead transmission line with shunt reactors.
Detection of high frequency current components by residual current devices
PublicationThe negative impact of current harmonics on the main components of residual current devices is presented. A solution for the improvement of the operation of residual current devices is proposed.
Koordynacja działania regulatorów transformatorów oraz kompensatora SVC
PublicationStosowanie kompensatorów bocznikowych typu FACTS (np. SVC, STATCOM) w systemach elektroenergetycznych związane jest między innymi z takimi ich zaletami, jakimi są szybkość i płynność regulacji. Efektywność współpracy podłączonych do wspólnych szyn kompensatora z transformatorem, lub kompensatora zainstalowanego w trzecim uzwojeniu transformatora wymaga właściwej koordynacji sterowań. W artykule zawarto rozważania teoretyczne oraz...
The Large Customer Reactive Power Control Possibilities
Publicationn this paper the authors wish to draw attention to the rationale for, and the possibility of, the use of local reactive power sources by the Transmission Node Master Controller (TNMC). Large Customers (LC) are one of the possible reactive power sources. The paper presents the issues related to the need for coordination between the control systems installed in the LC network, and coordination between control systems of the LC as...
The Methodology of identifying the place to install shunt compensators in the transmission network
PublicationThis methodology of selection and localization of static com- paper presents pensators in wide network. Proposed method is based on analysis of voltage area power profiles in the nodes of the power grid, and designating locations, In Which Voltages ex- cessively tend to change in time. Practical way of modeling the SVC device in PLANS program you Presented, as well as some example results of research.
Year 2012
Celowość wykorzystania źródeł mocy biernej zainstalowanych w sieci SN do regulacji U i Q
PublicationW artykule zawarto uwagi dotyczące celowości, możliwości oraz ewentualnego sposobu wykorzystania źródeł mocy biernej w celu regulacji U i Q w sieci SN. Wskazano również na celowość weryfikacji jakości sterowania transformatorów zasilających sieć 110 kV/SN.
Coordination of generator transformer controller and multi-parameter generator controller regulation algotrithms
Publication -
Generacja rozproszona, jako sterowne źródło napięcia i mocy biernej dla sieci średniego napięcia
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł przedstawia przykładowe wyniki uzasadniające celowość wykorzystania źródeł rozproszonych w procesie regulacji napięcia i mocy biernej w sieci SN. Część wyników jak i główne wnioski stanowią efekt pracy badawczej [6]. W pracy wskazano podstawowe ograniczenia związane z wykorzystaniem generacji rozproszonej w czynnym udziale w regulacji napięć w sieci SN. Wskazano możliwości oraz efekty aktywnego uczestnictwa analizowanych...
Nowy algorytm regulacji transformatorów zasilających sieć rozdzielczą
PublicationW niniejszym artykule opisano przykład nowego inteligentnegoalgorytmu regulatora transformatora. Układregulacji transformatorów 110/SN, z proponowanym algorytmemdziałania, umożliwia automatyczne dostosowaniealgorytmu działania regulatorów do aktualnych stanówsystemu elektroenergetycznego (np. lawina napięcia)i w ten sposób może wpłynąć na wzrost bezpieczeństwaelektroenergetycznego.
Statyczne kompensatory bocznikowe i i ch lokalizacja w sieci przesyłowej
Year 2011
Energoelektroniczne kompensatory bocznikowe jako sterowane źródła mocy biernej
PublicationNa podstawie analizy rozwiązań technicznych stosowanych na świecie przedstawiono podstawowe cechy konstrukcyjne energoelektronicznych układów bocznikowych. Omówiono wady i zalety pod kątem możliwościwykorzystania tych układów jako sterowanych źródeł mocy biernej w systemie elektroenergetycznym.
seen 6139 times