total: 1577
filtered: 394
Permanent traffic counting stations - Expressway S6 in Gdansk (dataset containing 5-min aggregated traffic data and weather information)
Open Research DataThe data includes traffic data from permanent traffic count station located on the expressway S6 in the Tri-City Agglomeration area in Poland. The data covers the three year period between 2014 and 2017 and one direction of traffic (southbound).
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ assessment of the acquired knowledge as the basis for professional work – years 2017-2018
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the years 2017-2018 on their assessment of the acquired knowledge as the basis for professional work. The survey was conducted in the period from 2018 to 2020, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2909 respondents....
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ assessment of the acquired knowledge as the basis for professional work – years 2011-2013
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the years 2011-2013 on their assessment of the acquired knowledge as the basis for professional work. The survey was conducted in the period from 2013 to 2015, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 3021 respondents....
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ assessment of the acquired knowledge as the basis for professional work – years 2015-2016
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the years 2015-2016 on their assessment of the acquired knowledge as the basis for professional work. The survey was conducted in the period from 2017 to 2018, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 4500 respondents....
Strengths of studying at Gdańsk University of Technology - the year 2012
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates from the year 2012 on the strengths of studying at Gdańsk University of Technology. The survey was conducted in 2014, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 629 respondents. To summarize, among the strengths of studying...
Strengths of studying at Gdańsk University of Technology - the year 2011
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates from the year 2011 on the strengths of studying at Gdańsk University of Technology. The survey was conducted in 2013, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 615 respondents. To summarize, among the strengths of studying...
Strengths of studying at Gdańsk University of Technology - the year 2013
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates from the year 2013 on the strengths of studying at Gdańsk University of Technology. The survey was conducted in 2015, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1777 respondents. To summarize, among the strengths of...
EU state aid for fisheries and aquaculture in the perspective 2014-2020
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography, and some examples of decisions issued by the EC on the topic of state aid for fisheries and aquaculture in Poland and in Germany. The data constitute a description of the basic state aid instruments used in practice in the period 2014-2020 for...
State aid for shipyards
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography and a list of important individual decisions issued on the topic of state aid for shipyards in Poland and in selected UE countries. The data constitute a description of the basic state aid instruments used in practise in the period 1999-2018, but...
Tax support mechanisms for research and development projects in EU countries
Open Research DataOne of the important areas requiring special support from the state are activities in pro-innovative investments. Tax incentives allocated to research and development are used by practically all European Union countries. Their aim is to persuade entities conducting business activity to invest in the so-called new technologies - defined as the area of...
Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ competencies assessment by entrepreneurs
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) graduates’ competencies assessment by entrepreneurs. The survey was conducted in 2017. The research sample included 102 respondents representing various firms from Pomeranian Voivodship. The study concerned i.a. assessment of GUT graduates' preparation for the requirements...
LIDAR data from a topographic survey conducted in the area where the Gdańsk Głowa Fortress was located
Open Research DataThe measurement data was obtained during research aimed at utilizing LiDAR observations to detect remnants of the historical complex of the Gdańsk Głowa Fortress. The collected information comes from a spatial survey conducted using a scanner mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle. This advanced measurement system allows for precise registration of the...
The effect of interview location on the perception of Ecosystem Services provided by trees. A Polish case study.
Open Research DataSeveral survey research methods are available to study attitudes towards the environment, including: CAWI (computer-assisted Internet interview), CATI (computer-assisted telephone interview), CAPI (computer-assisted personal interview), and PAPI (paper-pencil interview). An increasingly popular CAWI approach is the geo-questionnaire – an internet survey...
Microalgal strains from the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains information on the cyanobacterial and microalgal strains maintained at the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA) at the Institute of Oceanography UG. The collection maintains cyanobacterial and algal strains isolated from the Baltic Sea and additionally several strains collected from a wide range of habitats. The culture collection...
Entrepreneurs' intention to use tax relief
Open Research DataThe dataset presents the results of research conducted by the author among Polish entrepreneurs in 2017–2020. The diagnostic survey method was used to collect primary data among enterprises from the SME sector. The measurement instrument was a survey questionnaire developed by the author. This study is a key piece of research. The aim was to examine...
TF-IDF weighted bag-of-words preprocessed text documents from Simple English Wikipedia
Open Research DataThe SimpleWiki2K-scores dataset contains TF-IDF weighted bag-of-words preprocessed text documents (raw strings are not available) [feature matrix] and their multi-label assignments [label-matrix]. Label scores for each document are also provided for an enhanced multi-label KNN [1] and LEML [2] classifiers. The aim of the dataset is to establish a benchmark...
A New Adaptive Method for the Extraction of Steel Design Structures from an Integrated Point Cloud
Open Research DataA new automatic and adaptive algorithm for edge extraction from a random point cloud was developed and presented herein. The proposed algorithm was tested using real measurement data. The developed algorithm is able to realistically reduce the amount of redundant data and correctly extract stable edges representing the geometric structures of a studied...
Horizon Europe proposals - Administrative Part
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data collected during the HE National Contact Point training on Oct. 12, 2022, reg. the administrative part of Horizon Europe grant proposals. The data set includes presentations concerning administrative forms of 2022 proposals and their content, including participant data; information about abstract writing, keyword choice and...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Rakoczego Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 21 Rakoczego street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-10:00. The video camera was installed niearby the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split and the...
LIDAR data from a cliff measurement conducted in the vicinity of the town of Jastrzębia Góra on the Baltic Sea coast
Open Research DataMeasurement data were obtained during research related to the use of LiDAR observations to assess the stability of a coastal cliff. The collected information comes from measurements conducted in the vicinity of the town of Jastrzębia Góra on the Baltic Sea coast. The acquired point cloud constitutes a comprehensive set of data regarding the geometry...
GSADF test results for national art market (G-7 group) + selected investments
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data illustrating the results of detecting and data-stamping price explosivity periods in national art markets in G-7 countries with additional investments from a second group (MSCI, S&P 500, crude oil, gold and silver). The files contain:• 01_diagnostics_gsadf – summary of results for analysed time series.• 02_st_value...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Chrobrego Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 75 Chrobrego street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Czerska Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 71 Czerska street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number of...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Gdanska Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 21C Gdanska street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number of...
Video DATA - Traffic generation modeling for discount shops - Dragana Street
Open Research DataThe data includes video traffic data (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists) registered at 27 Dragana street in Gdansk. The data covers the day 01.10.2020 at 6:00-22:00. The video camera was installed at the parking area belonging to the discount store Lidl. The data obtained was used in analysis, providing information about the modal split, the number of...
Biomass of macrophytobentos in the Puck Bay in 2010-2018
Open Research DataThe database contains data on qualitative composition and biomass of macrophytobenthos (flower plants and macroalgae) in samples collected in the Puck Bay area (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea) at 20 stations between 2010-2018. The database contains information on sampling sites (region, geographical coordinates, depth), sample characteristics (date,...
The database of localization and expression of aquaporin 3 (AQP3), aquaporin 7 (AQP7) and aquaporin 9 (AQP9) in the male reproductive system in cattle. Morphometric studies. Localization of zinc finger transcription factor GATA-4.
Open Research DataThe data present research results being part of the OPUS-22 project entitled “In search of new markers of male fertility in cattle. Aquaporins expression in the reproductive organs and sperm of the bulls (Bos taurus)” obtained from the National Science Center in Poland (grant no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/00204). The aim of this part of the project was (i) to determine...
St. Adalberd church 3D point model
Open Research DataResearch data show the church of St. Adalbert in Gdansk, Poland. Two layers are presented in the .zip file: one represents the laser scanning result, the second represents the point cloud from 36 photogrammetry images from the UAV system. The aligned point clouds formed the basis to create the high-resolution 3D model. Reference data are laser scanning...
Underwater noise recorded in Hornsund Fjord, Spitsbergen, at the front of the Hans Glacier
Open Research DataThe data includes underwater noise recorded in Hornsund Fjord, Spitsbergen at the front of the Hans Glacier between 05/09/2013 and 30/09/2013. A description of the data is in the article
LIDAR data from the measurement of a WD113 bridge structure
Open Research DataThe measurement data was obtained during research related to the utilization of LiDAR observations to assess the condition of bridge structures. The provided data comes from measurements of viaduct WD113 located along a newly built national road near the town of Koszalin. The acquired point cloud constitutes an integral set of information regarding...
Corporate income tax in Mexico (1981-1986)
Open Research DataThe following dataset contains information about Mexican corporate income tax. The presented data concerns the years 1981-1986.
Characteristics of selected Anabaena isolates from CCNP Collection
Open Research DataEN: This dataset includes information about Anabaena strains (cyanobacteria) deposited in the Culture Collection of Northern Poland (CCNP), at the Division of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Presented data concern Anabaena strains their (1) isolation and culture conditions, (2) taxonomic position, (3) morphology...
Share of manufacturing jobs in total employment in 2000–2022
Open Research DataThe dataset provides information on employment in selected countries in 2000–2022 in manufacturing. Data are presented as a percentage of total employment in a given country.
Technology and democracy: the who and how in decision-making. The cases of Estonia and Catalonia. METADATA
Open Research DataThe analysis of the Estonian data comes mainly from studies conducted to analyse the cost-efficiency of the Estonian online voting model (Krimmer; Duenas-Cid; Krivonosova, 2021), as well as from the contagion effect that ensued in other parts of the Estonian administration after the voting system was developed (Krimmer; Duenas-Cid,2019). In both cases,...
Technology and democracy: the who and how in decision-making. The cases of Estonia and Catalonia. METADATA 1
Open Research DataThe analysis of the Estonian data comes mainly from studies conducted to analyse the cost-efficiency of the Estonian online voting model (Krimmer; Duenas-Cid; Krivonosova, 2021), as well as from the contagion effect that ensued in other parts of the Estonian administration after the voting system was developed (Krimmer; Duenas-Cid,2019). In both cases,...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2001
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
Characteristics of selected Nodularia spumigena isolates from CCNP Collection
Open Research DataEN: This dataset includes information about Nodularia spumigena strains (Cyanobacteria) deposited in the Culture Collection of Northern Poland (CCNP), at the Division of Marine Biotechnology, Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Presented data concern Nodularia spumigena strains, their (1) isolation and culture conditions, (2) taxonomic...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2003
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2005
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2002
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
AVHRR Level1CD covering Baltic Sea area year 2004
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data derived from recordings of the AVHRR/3 radiometer operating on board the NOAA POES (Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites) Series - 5th Generation Satellites covering the Baltic Sea area. The satellite data was recorded in the years 2000-2012 directly by the HRPT station installed at the University of Gdańsk. The registration...
Area covered by dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2014-2018
Open Research DataChanges compared to version 1.0:
Area covered by dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2019-2023
Open Research DataChanges compared to version 1.0:
Area covered by dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2007-2008
Open Research DataChanges compared to version 1.0:
Area covered by dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2009-2013
Open Research DataChanges compared to version 1.0:
Monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) of the Baltic Sea
Open Research DataMonthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) from 2001 to 2022 calculated from data from the SatBaltic System ( The spatial resolution of the maps is 1 km. The calculation of monthly mean values at each pixel was based on four SST maps on each day of the month. The primary source of SST information was satellite data collected...
LIDAR data from a survey conducted in the vicinity of the town of Lake Lednica
Open Research DataThe measurement data was obtained during research aimed at utilizing LiDAR observations to assess changes occurring in the shoreline of Lake Lednica. The collected information comes from a spatial survey conducted using a scanner mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (ALS, in the IR channel). This advanced measurement system allows for precise registration...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 225-231, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 267-273, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 302-308, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...