total: 866
filtered: 52
Electrical and noise responses of Graphene-Silicon Schottky diodes decorated with Au nanoparticles for light-enhanced sensing of organic gases
Open Research DataGraphene-Silicon Schottky junctions decorated with Au nanoparticles were used for light-enhanced detection of organic tetrahydrofuran and chloroform. Au nanoparticles exhibited localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the range of yellow light; thus yellow LED (wavelength of 592 nm) was utilized to induce the plasmonic effect, that increased the...
Surface-dependent biological potential of spherical silver nanoparticles
Open Research DataThe growing interest in silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is largely driven by their significant antimicrobial potential. As carriers of reactive silver ions on a nanoscale, AgNPs are considered excellent candidates for specific antibacterial strategies. Numerous scientific studies have highlighted that AgNPs are broad-spectrum antimicrobials, with their...
Raman spectroscopy analysis of poly(lactic acid)-carbon black composite treated by femtosecond laser
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the Raman spectroscopy measurements of commercially available carbon black-filled poly(lactic acid) 3D printed electrodes after femtosecond laser ablation. These results were utilized in the manuscript published in Electrochimica Acta: 10.1016/j.electacta.2022.140288
AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) analysis of surface topography loaded with nickel nanoparticles.
Open Research DataThis dataset presents AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) images depicting the surface topography loaded with nickel powdered nanoparticles. The detailed equipment and measurement data was described in "AFM readme.txt" file
Raman spectroscopy analysis of synthesized sol-gel silica coatings
Open Research DataThese data contains Raman spectra of silica coatings synthesized using sol-gel method A and B, which were described with publication associated with this dataset. Raman scattering was measured with a Renishaw microRaman spectrometer (830 nm).
Research 1: Heterojunction of (P, S) co-doped g-C3N4 and 2D TiO2 for improved carbamazepine and acetaminophen photocatalytic degradation
Open Research DataThe first research article consisted on the synthesis of phosphorus and sulfur co-doped graphitic carbon nitride incorporated in 2D TiO2 structure for solar-driven degradation of emerging pollutants from the group of pharmaceuticals not susceptible to biodegradation. The hybrid photocatalysts with different loadings of (P, S)-doped g-C3N4 were characterized...
The study of the influence of ZnO nanoparticles on pyocyanin production - the optimization of production and the study of the physiological response of the cells
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the in-depth analysis of the influence of zinc oxide nanoparticles on pyocyanin production.
Raman spectra for pyrolized natural compounds
Open Research DataThe presented data showcases the results of Raman spectroscopy analysis conducted on pyrolyzed natural compounds both with and without the inclusion of graphene. The study delved into four specific compounds: methylcellulose with lysine (ML), methylcellulose with lysine-graphene composite (MLG), algae (A), and algae-graphene composite (AG). Raman spectra...
Raman studies of 3D printed CB-PLA samples after microwave treatment
Open Research DataThis dataset contains Raman spectroscopy analyses of microwave-activated carbon-black doped polylactic acid 3D printed electrodes.
Raman data of deuterium and hydrogen grown boron-doped diamond
Open Research DataRaman spectra were recorded at room temperature using a micro-Raman spectrometer (Invia, Renishaw) equipped with an edge filter with different excitation wavelengths and lasers: UV λ = 325 nm (HeCd), blue λ = 488 nm (Ar+), green λ = 514 nm (Ar+), and IR λ = 785 nm (IR diode) and 50× microscope objective. To avoid sample heating, the radiation power...
Carbonized Metal-Organic Frameworks-based strucutres with aluminium, phosphorus and nitrogen
Open Research DataThe dataset includes Raman spectra of carbonized Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF) [acquired on Renishaw] and electrochemical properties of the materials [acquired on EC Lab], which includes techniques such as Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LCV), Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Taffel slope and Chronopotentiometry (CP).
XRD for molybdenum sulfide modified with nickel or platinum nanoparticles
Open Research DataThe presented data showcases the results of XRD analysis conducted on molybdenum sulfide modified with nickel or platinum nanoparticles . The MoS2 was prepared on the TiO2 nanotube substrates via a facile hydrothermal method, followed by the deposition by magnetron sputtering of Ni or Pt nanoparticles on the MoS2 surface. Structural characterization...
Electrical and noise responses of graphene back-gated field-effect transistors enhanced by UV light for organic vapors sensing
Open Research DataBack-gated field-effect transistors with graphene channels (GFETs) were investigated toward organic vapors sensing. Two methods were used for sensing experiments including DC characteristics measurements and fluctuation-enhanced sensing by low-frequency noise studies. The data set consists of raw and modified data on GFET responses to acetonitrile,...
Changes on the Surface of the SiO2/C Composite, Leading to the Formation of Conductive Carbon Structures with Complex Nature of DC Conductivity
Open Research DataChanges on the Surface of the SiO2/C Composite, Leading to the Formation of Conductive Carbon Structures with Complex Nature of DC Conductivity
Plasmon resonance in gold-silver nanoalloys
Open Research DataSurface plasmon resonance (SPR) can lead to improve or formation a new linear or nonlinear optical phenomena. Especially it can enhance a light emission from luminescence materials. The presence of metal nanostructures or nanoparticles is necessary to excitation of the SPR. It is well known that gold and silver nanostructures exhibit plasmon resonance...
Au nanoparticles identifiction with the use of AFM Volta potential mapping
Open Research DataThe specific physical, chemical and electrochemical electrical properties of gold nanoparticles have led to their extensive use as high-performance chemical and biochemical sensors. The described properties relate to surface plasmon resonance, fluorescence quenching or enhancement, high electrical conductivity and light scattering. The described nanoparticles...
Physicochemical studies (Raman) of multiple times processed poly(lactic acid)-carbon black composites
Open Research DataThis dataset contains Raman spectroscopy studies of commercially available ProtoPasta 3D printable filament, composed of poly-lactic acid (PLA) and conductive carbon black (CB) filler. The aim of the study is to observe structural differences and applied properties changes under multiple reprocessing of the composite material at different temperatures...
Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis of wood and straw based biochars
Open Research DataThis data set includes the BJH and BET analysis results for straw and wood chips-based biochars generated at 450 Celsius degrees.
Chemical and structural studies of screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCE) with boron-doped diamond foils
Open Research DataThis dataset contains chemical analyses and structural studies by XPS and Raman spectroscopy, carried out for SPCE containing boron-doped diamond BDD foils done with scanning electron microscope. Different points for XPS analysis mark different electrode spots: A) working electrode, B) reference electrode, C) counter electrode, D) pads.
Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) results of cement pastes containing iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (nanomagnetite)
Open Research DataMercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) data - curves of cement pastes containing iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (nanomagnetite) in *.opju (Origin) format.
Physicochemical studies (Raman, XRD) of poly(lactic acid)-carbon black-nanodiamond composites
Open Research DataThis dataset contains physico-chemical examination of a new 3D printing-dedicated composites with poly-lactic acid (PLA), carbon black (CB) and nanodiamond fillers. Two types of nanodiamonds were studied: detonation nanodiamonds (DND) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNW). The investigated techniques include Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction...
Raman spectra of MXenes catalysts
Open Research DataData contain results from Raman spectroscopy of the Ti3C2Tx MXenes produced via acidic etching aluminum from MAX Phase (Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2-Al-Ti3C2) using different etching agents, HF/HCl and HF/H2SO4 with different weight ratios (1:3, 1:4, and 1:5). The samples were labeled as MXene HF/HCl X:Y and MXene HF/H2SO4 X:Y, where X:Y means the acids weight ratios. ...
The XPS studies revealing the surface chemistry of Cu-Sn-TiO2 nanocomposite coatings
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) data of nanocomposite Cu-Sn-TiO2 coatings electrodeposited from oxalic acid bath containing Cu and Sn salts as well as TiO2 nanoparticles under various treatments: mechanical stirring, ultrasonic or none. The details of the electrodeposition process are presented in the descriptor file...
The AFM micrographs of gold nanoparticles on silicon substrate
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the first approach towards AFM topographic imaging of gold nanoparticles synthesized and immobilized on the silicon surface. Measurements were made in the semi-contact mode on the NTEGRA Prima device, manufactured by NT-MDT. Scans were performed with amplitude detection at an operating value of 60% of the free oscillation amplitude....
New 3D printable filaments with nanodiamonds, physicochemical additives characteristics and electrochemical activity
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the physicochemical analyses (XRD, Raman spectroscopy, BET analyses) and electrochemical analyses (CV, EIS) for a new 3D-printable composite has been developed dedicated to electroanalytical applications. Two types of diamondised nanocarbons - detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNWs) - were added...
Physicochemical studies (BET) of nanoparticles used for 3D printable conductive composites
Open Research DataThis dataset contains physico-chemical examination of fillers used to fabricate new 3D printing-dedicated composites with poly-lactic acid (PLA), carbon black (CB) and nanodiamond fillers. Geometric surface area of the nanoparticles was studied by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) adsorption/desorption isotherms. Investigated samples: CB Ensaco 250G, detonation...
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of bulk boron and borophene flakes
Open Research DataThese data contain Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of bulk boron and borophene flakes obtained during ball milling (450 rpm, 6 h, 1 g). Spectra were acquired to investigate the chemical bonds and functional groups on the surface of the pristine boron and borophene flakes.
Nanostructures fabrication with use of electrical AFM litography
Open Research DataIn the last 10 years, one of the nanotechnological trends has been observed, consisting in the development of new variants of computer memory systems with high capacity and speed of access, using quantum dots. One of the techniques for creating nanodots and other nanostructures is based on the use of an atomic force microscope acting as a lithographic...
Borophene Chemical Vapar Depostion
Open Research DataThe presented dataset corresponds to a nickel boride-based bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. Developing highly efficient and durable electrocatalysts is essential for advancing renewable energy solutions. In this study, a simple one-step chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method was employed to synthesize boron-containing derivatives...
Partial PLA composite surface activation by femtosecond laser ablation
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the studies on electrochemical activity of PLA composite (commercially available CB-PLA Protopasta), which was 3D printed in a form of 1x1cm electrodes. The electrodes were submitted to femtosecond laser ablation, etching a certain % of the electrochemically-exposed electrode size. The % value is in the name of each file. The goal...
The XPS studies of the CB-PLA electrodes after different surface treatments (chemical, electrochemical, enzymatic)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the Xray Photoelectron Spectroscopy results of the studies performed under different conditions of surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes. The activation was performed by hydrolysis in different solvents (DMF, 1M HCl, 1M NaOH), electrolysis in 1M NaOH, enzymatic treatment in polymerase or simultaneous electrolysis...
Mini Light-Emitting Diode Technology with High Quantum Efficient NIR-II Partially Inverse Spinel MgGa2O4:Cr3+,Ni2+ Nanophosphors
Open Research DataThe increasing demand for second near-infrared (NIR-II) region materials, which retain the advantage of minimal scattering and immense applications in the medical and NIR spectroscopy field, has led to considerable research in this region. A mini light-emitting diode (mini-LED) is essential for backlighting liquid crystal displays, indicating the need...
Nanoindentation tests of the hydroxyapatite composite coatings applicated on titanium alloys by the electrophoretic method
Open Research DataCurrently, there are no metal materials that meet all biomechanical and biochemical requirements needed for long life implantable biomaterials. The main purpose of the study was to functionalize the surface of the titanium alloys used in biomaterial implants.
Ni-based compounds in multiwalled graphitic shell for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reactions
Open Research DataThis study investigates Ni-based compounds (Ni, NiO, Ni3C) coated with a graphitic shell as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are employed to identify the presence and contribution of Nickel ions (Ni0, Ni2+, Ni3+) and determine the phase composition. Electrochemical...
Electrical and noise responses of the ink-printed MoS2-based gas sensor for sensing of NO2, NH3 and C3H6O under UV light (275 nm)
Open Research DataThis data set consists of DC data, low-frequency noise spectra data and UV-vis spectroscopy data collected for ink-printed MoS2-based resistive sensors (2D MoS2 overlapping flakes creating a continuous layer on the ceramic substrate). The sensors were investigated toward three target gases - nitrogen dioxide (1-10 ppm), ammonia (2-12 ppm) and acetone...
Amplitude-distance spectroscopy in semi-contact mode
Open Research DataSince it was invented by Binnig et al. in 1986, atomic force microscopy (AFM) plays a key role in science and technology at the nanoscale. AFM is a microscopic technique that visualizes the surface topography using the attractive and repulsive forces of interaction between several atoms (in theory) of a blade attached to the end of the probe lever and...
XPS data of deuterium and hydrogen grown boron-doped diamond
Open Research DataThe high-resolution C1s X-ray absorption spectra of BDD@H and BDD@D samples were measured using the facilities of the HE-SGM beamline (HE-SGM) at the BESSY II synchrotron radiation source of Helmholtz–Zentrum Berlin (HZB).[90] The measurements were carried out under ultra-high vacuum conditions: P ≈ 2×10−9 Torr at T = 300 K. The NEXAFS spectra were...
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of pre- PXBS (0 h) and PXBS during the crosslinking process (24 h–288 h)
Open Research DataThe goal of this research was developing biodegradable and biocompatibile xylitol-based copolymers with improved mechanical properties, and investigating the change in their thermal and chemical properties withprogress of the cross-linking process. Using a raw material of natural origin such as xylitol, a prepolymer wasobtained by esterification and...
The electrochemical response to BDD electrode functionalization with CD147 receptor
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements of the boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode functionalization with CD147 receptor. The functionalized electrode was then used for the electrochemical detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus S1 protein.
The electrochemical response to BDD electrode functionalization with IgG2B receptor
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements of the boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode functionalization with IgG2B receptor. The functionalized electrode was then used for the electrochemical detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus S1 protein.
The electrochemical response to BDD electrode functionalization with ACE2 receptor
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements of the boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode functionalization with ACE2 receptor. The functionalized electrode was then used for the electrochemical detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus S1 protein.
The chemical and mechanical pressure influence on chromium luminescence
Open Research DataIn this study, we aim to compare the changes in the luminescence properties of Ga2O3:Cr3+ modified by Al or Sc ion substitution (chemical pressure) and hydrostatic pressure. We find the same behavior for Ga2–xAlxO3:Cr3+ and different behavior for Ga2–xScxO3:Cr3+ in terms of the optical properties under chemical and mechanical pressure. We consider Al...
The electrochemical studies for chitosan hydrogel membranes on glassy carbon substrates
Open Research DataThis dataset contains various electrochemical studies carried out to investigate the preconcentration of [Fe(CN)6]3- ions by chitosan hydrogel membranes coating the glassy carbon electrodes. The glassy carbon electrode (GCE, 3.0 mm diameter) was first polished with Al2O3 powder (0.3 mm) using a polishing kit from Buehler, rinsed with deionized...
The influence of chitosan hydrogel cross-linking by agarose on coating physico-chemical properties
Open Research DataThis dataset contains various physicochemical analyses showing the effect of different concentration of chitosan and the cross-linking agent agarose. Each sample is labeled by C and A representing chitosan and agarose concentrations, respectively, while the exact amounts are depicted in the attached table. Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy...
Influence of the annealing condictions on the chemical structure of LaBaGdCo ceramics
Open Research DataCeramic samples based on Barium, Lanthanum, Gadolinium and Cobaltium were produced by solid state reaction. After sintring in a furnance, samples were annealed at 300 Celsius degree in wet and dry atmosphere. Annealing takes 72h or 2h. Results of annealing were observed by X-Ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), OmicronNanotechnology. XPS analysis...
Partial PLA composite surface activation by femtosecond laser ablation
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the studies on electrochemical activity of PLA composite (commercially available CB-PLA Protopasta), which was 3D printed in a form of 1x1cm electrodes. The electrodes were submitted to femtosecond laser ablation operating with different parameters. These were: gas atmosphere (He or air, data in different subfolders), the percentage...
Lanthanum investigations in ceramics annealed in a dry and wet atmosphere
Open Research DataCeramics based on Barium, Lanthanum, Gadolinium and Cobaltium were produced by standard solid state reaction from oxides and carbonate powders. After sintring, samples were annealed for 2 hours or 72 hours at 300 Celsius degree in a both: wet and dry atmosphere. Results of annealing on a chemical composition and valence state of lanthanum were observed...
Valence state of Manganium in a MnCoO ceramics
Open Research DataManganium -cobalt based ceramics materials were produced by solid state reaction and sintred in a furnance in air atmosphere for 20h. Annealing temperature was 600 Celsius degree. For investigations a series of samples, with a various composition was chosen: MnCoO, Mn, Co2O and Mn2CoO. In order to determine valence states of the Mn, X-Ray photoemission...
Depth chemical profile in a CeIr3 sample
Open Research DataThe polycrystalline sample of CeIr3 used in the present studies was synthesized by arc-melting cerium (4N) and iridium (3N5) in an arc furnace on a water-cooled copper hearth using a tungsten electrode under a high purity argon atmosphere. A piece of zirconium was used as an oxygen getter. First, a button of Ir was prepared by arc-melting the iridium...
Gold nanocubic structures agglomeration when put on conductive surfaces
Open Research DataThis dataset contains Dynamic EIS results obtained for the gold electrodes with non-functionalized gold nanocubes (AuNC) deposited at its surface. The deposition was the following: 2 uL of the solvent containing CTAB as the surfactant was put on the electrode and dried, the same procedure was applied 5 times. Afterward, the electrode was immersed in...