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Search results for: low-coherence
Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement
PublicationDuring the last thirty years low-coherence measurement methods have gained popularity because of their unique advantages. Low-coherence interferometry, low-coherence reflectometry and low-coherence optical tomography offer resolution and dynamic range of measurement at the range of classical optical techniques. Moreover, they enable measurements of the absolute value of the optical path differences, which is still an unsolved problem...
Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement
PublicationW artykule opisano niskokoherencyjna metodę pomiaru hematokrytu krwi.
Low-coherence sensors with nanolayers for biomedical sensing
PublicationIn this paper, we describe the fiber optic low-coherence sensors using thin film. We investigated their metrological parameters. Presented sensors were made with the use of standard telecommunication single mode optical fiber (SMF28). Different materials were applied to obtain thick layers, such as boron doped diamond, silver and gold. The thickness of layers used in the experiments ranged from 100 nm to 300 nm. Measurements were...
Low-Coherence Fibre-Optic Interferometric Sensors
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Low-coherence Fiber-Optic Interferometric Sensors
PublicationW artykule porównano parametry metrologiczne zrealizowanych niskokoherencyjnych czujników światłowodowych wykorzystujących interferometr Michelsona oraz Fabry-Perot.
The use of low-coherence interferometer for sugar content determination
PublicationIn this article, the implementation of low-coherence interferometer with signal processing in time domain for sugar content determination in aqueous solution is presented. The elaborated measurement set-up was tested with the use of synthesized source made of two low-coherence sources. The use of two sources with dedicated parameters enabled to obtain a proper metrological parameters of the measurement system. The elaborated low-coherence...
Optical low-coherence interferometry for selected technical applications
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono teoretyczne podstawy optycznej interferometrii niskokoherentnej i przedyskutowano jej unikatowe właściwości. Opisano w nim opracowany przez autorów system OCT przeznaczony do badań strukturalnych materiałów technicznych. Badania te obejmują także zmiany stanu polaryzacji promieniowania rozproszonego w badanym obiekcie. W artykule zawarto wyniki badań wybranych materiałów silnie rozpraszających promieniowanie...
Low-coherence photonic method of electrochemical processes monitoring
PublicationWe present an advanced multimodality characterization platform for simultaneous optical and electrochemical measurements of ferrocyanides. Specifcally, we combined a fber-optic Fabry– Perot interferometer with a three-electrode electrochemical setup to demonstrate a proof-ofprinciple of this hybrid characterization approach, and obtained feasibility data in its monitoring of electrochemical reactions in a boron-doped diamond flm...
Measurement of selected characteristics of low-coherence optical signal sources for optical coherence tomography
PublicationOCT to nowa metoda badania wewnętrznych struktur materiałów. Wśród wielu technik detekcji sygnału optycznego wykorzystywanych w OCT najpopularniejszą i najbardziej obiecującą jest OLCR (Opticla-Low Coherence Reflectomerty - reflektometria niskokoherentna). OLCR wykorzystuje szerokopasmowe źródła, których parametry, jak np.: charakterystyka widmowa, charakterystyka szumowa, determinują właściwości metrologiczne systemu OCT. W artykule...
Measurement of selected characteristics of low-coherence optical signal sources for optical coherence tomography
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Fiber-optic temperature sensor using low-coherence interferometry
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The low coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with diamond and ZnO layers
PublicationThe authors present a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer built with the application of diamond and zinc oxide (ZnO) thin layers. Thin ZnO films were deposited on the tip of a standard telecommunication single-mode optical fiber (SMF- 28) while the diamond layer was grown on the plate of silicon substrate. Investigated ZnO layers were fabricated by atomic layer deposition (ALD) and the diamond films were deposited using Microwave...
Biophotonic low-coherence sensors with boron-doped diamond thin layer
PublicationLow-coherence sensors using Fabry-Perot interferometers are finding new applications in biophotonic sensing, especially due to the rapid technological advances in the development of new materials. In this paper we discuss the possibility of using boron-doped nanodiamond layers to protect mirror in a Fabry-Perot interferometer. A low-coherence sensor using Fabry-Perot interferometer with a boron-doped nanodiamond (B-NCD) thin protective...
The use of thin diamond films in fiber optic low-coherence interferometers”
PublicationIn this paper we present the use of thin diamond films in fiber-optic low-coherence interferometers. Two kinds of diamond surfaces were used: undoped diamond film and boron-doped diamond film. They were deposited on glass plates as well as silicon layers. A conventionally used mirror was used as a reference layer. Diamond films were deposited using Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (μPE CVD) system. Measurements...
Low-Coherence Interferometric Fiber-Optic Sensors with Potential Applications as Biosensors
PublicationFiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometers (FPI) can be applied as optical sensors, and excellent measurement sensitivity can be obtained by fine-tuning the interferometer design. In this work, we evaluate the ability of selected dielectric thin films to optimize the reflectivity of the Fabry-Pérot cavity. The spectral reflectance and transmittance of dielectric films made of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) with...
Measurement of complex refractive index of human blood by low-coherence interferometry
PublicationIn this article, the usefulness of the optical technique for measurements of blood complex refractive index has been examined. Measurement of optical properties of human blood is difficult to perform because of its nonuniform nature. However, results of my investigation have shown the usefulness of low-coherencei nterferometry for measurement complex refractive index of human blood. Furthermore, mathematical analysis of spectrum...
Low-Coherence Interferometric Fiber-Optic Sensors with Potential Applications as Biosensors
PublicationFiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometers (FPI) can be applied as optical sensors, and excellent measurement sensitivity can be obtained by fine-tuning the interferometer design. In this work, we evaluate the ability of selected dielectric thin films to optimize the reflectivity of the Fabry-Pérot cavity. The spectral reflectance and transmittance of dielectric films made of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) with...
An Optical Low-Coherence System for 2-Dimensional Visualization of Thin Polymer Layers
PublicationW artykule omówiono zasadę działania i przedstawiono podstawowe właściwości systemu OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography). Na przykładzie folii polietylenowej przedyskutowano możliwości wykorzystania systemu do badanie wewnętrznej struktury warstwowej obiektów niebiologicznych. Przedstawiono i omówiono wyniki przeprowadzonych badań nad warstwowymi materiałami przeźroczystymi.
Response of a New Low-Coherence Fabry-Perot Sensor to Hematocrit Levels in Human Blood
PublicationIn this paper, a low-coherence Fabry-Perot sensor with a spectrally measured signal processing response to the refractive index of liquids is presented. Optical fiber sensors are potentially capable of continuous measuring hematocrit levels in blood. Low-coherence Fabry-Perot interferometric sensors offer a robust solution, where information about the measurand is encoded in the full spectrum of light reflected from the sensing...
Enhancement of fiber-optic low-coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with ZnO ALD films
PublicationIn this paper investigation of the enhanced fiber-optic low coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with zinc oxide (ZnO) film deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) was presented. Model of the interferometer, which was constructed of single-mode optical fiber with applied ZnO ALD films, was built. The interferometer was also examined by means of experiment. Measurements were performed for both reflective and transmission modes,...
Response of a New Low-Coherence Fabry-Perot Sensor to Hematocrit Levels in Human Blood
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Fiber - optic low-coherence tomography system for visualization of internal structure of ceramic materials
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono światłowodowy system dwuwymiarowej wizualizacji niejednorodnych struktur warstw ceramicznych. Omówiono projekt i fizyczną realizację układu wykorzystującego optyczną, niskokoherentną reflektometrię optyczną, która umożliwia niedestrukcyjne obrazowanie wewnętrznych struktur różnych materiałów. W pracy przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki pomiarów wewnętrznych warstw LSFO.
Low-Coherence Interferometer with Nanocrystalline Diamond Films with Potential Application to Measure Small Biological Samples
PublicationThe study investigates a case of a low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry–Prerot interferometer with a nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) mirror. The method of achieving double density of interference fringes is proposed by the application of birefringent material in the cavity of the interferometer. It can be used to reduce sample volume in comparison to conventional interferometers. The use of a biocompatible diamond mirror makes it specifically...
Application of thin diamond films in low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry Pérot displacement sensor
PublicationThe novel fiber-optic low coherence sensor with thin diamond films is demonstrated. The undoped and boron-doped diamond films were elaborated by the use of the microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (μPE CVD) system. The optical signal from the Fabry–Pérot cavity made with the application of those thin films is sensitive to displacement. The sensor characterization was made in the range of 0–600 μm. The measurements...
<title>An optical low-coherence system for 2-dimensional visualization of thin polymer layers</title>
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Combined analysis of whole human blood parameters by Raman spectroscopy and spectral-domain low-coherence interferometry
PublicationIn this article the simultaneous investigation of blood parameters by complementary optical methods, Raman spectroscopy and spectral-domain low-coherence interferometry, is presented. Thus, the mutual relationship between chemical and physical properties may be investigated, because low-coherence interferometry measures optical properties of the investigated object, while Raman spectroscopy gives information about its molecular...
<title>Fiber-optic low-coherence tomography system for visualization of internal structure of ceramic materials</title>
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Determination of refractive index dispersion using fiber-optic low-coherence Fabry–Perot interferometer: implementation and validation
PublicationWe present the implementation and validation of low-coherence Fabry–Perot interferometer for refractive index dispersion measurements of liquids. A measurement system has been created with the use of four superluminescent diodes with different optical parameters, a fiber-optic coupler and an optical spectrum analyzer. The Fabry–Perot interferometer cavity has been formed by the fiber-optic end and mirror surfaces mounted on a micromechanical...
Computer-aided analysis of signals from a low-coherence Fabry-Perot interferometer used for measurements of biological samples
PublicationThe aim of the study was to develop an automated computer-aided system for analysis of spectrograms obtained from measurements of biological samples performed with a low-coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer. Information necessary to determine dispersion characteristics of measured materials can be calculated from the positions of the maxima and minima that are present in their spectra. The main challenge faced during the development...
Fiber optic low-coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with ZnO layers in transmission and reflective mode: comparative study
PublicationA construction of a low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer using a thin ZnO layer as a reflective surfaces was proposed and examined. In the investigated setup, the ZnO layer of thickness 200 nm were deposited on the face of the standard telecommunication single-mode optical fiber (SMF-28). Measurements of interference signal were performed for the interferometer working in the transmission and reflective mode, as...
Application of thin dielectric films in low coherence fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensing interferometers: comparative study
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PublicationDistributed measurement often relies on sensor networks. In this paper, we present the construction of low coherent fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot sensors connected into a quasi-distributed network. We discuss the mechanism of spectrum modulation in this type of sensor and the constraints of assembly of such sensors in the network. Particular attention was paid to separate the signals from individual sensors, which can be achieved by...
Shaping coherence function of sources used in low-coherent measurement techniques
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Shaping of coherence function of sources used in low-coherent measurement techniques
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zależność pomiędzy charakterystyką widmową źródła i ekwiwalentną długością drogi koherencji źródła. Wyniki analizy teoretycznej i symulacji komputerowych wykazały, że użycie źródła syntezowanego wpływa na zmniejszenie wartości ekwiwalentnej długości drogi koherencji. Dodatkowo wykazano, że zmniejszenie ekwiwalentnej długości drogi koherencji można otrzymać poprzez odpowiednie kształtowanie funkcji koherencji...
Shaping coherence function of sources used in low-coherent measurement techniques
PublicationW niskokoherencyjnych technikach pomiarowych kształt funkcji koherencji wykorzystywanego źródła ma bezpośredni wpływ na parametry metrologiczne układu pomiarowego. Z tego względu, w wielu aplikacjach niezbędne jest użycie metod pozwalających na zmianę kształtu tej funkcji. W artykule przeanalizowano możliwości kształtowania funkcji koherencji, a przedstawione analizy teoretyczne i wyniki symulacji komputerowych wskazują, że kształtowanie...
Detection system for optical coherence tomography: Czerny-Turner spectrometer
PublicationResearch methods based on spectral analysis have powerful impact on development in many field of science. Signal spectrum can be a source of useful and important data. It enables to obtain information about physical and chemical properties of tested materials. This paper has been devoted to describe optical design for high resolution spectrometer, which is significant element of optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. Designed...
Quantum Coherence as a Resource
PublicationThe coherent superposition of states, in combination with the quantization of observables, represents one of the most fundamental features that mark the departure of quantum mechanics from the classical realm. Quantum coherence in many-body systems embodies the essence of entanglement and is an essential ingredient for a plethora of physical phenomena in quantum optics, quantum information, solid state physics, and nanoscale thermodynamics....
Structure of the Resource Theory of Quantum Coherence
PublicationQuantum coherence is an essential feature of quantum mechanics which is responsible for the departure between the classical and quantum world. The recently established resource theory of quantum coherence studies possible quantum technological applications of quantum coherence, and limitations that arise if one is lacking the ability to establish superpositions. An important open problem in this context is a simple characterization...
Towards Resource Theory of Coherence in Distributed Scenarios
PublicationThe search for a simple description of fundamental physical processes is an important part of quantum theory. One example for such an abstraction can be found in the distance lab paradigm: if two separated parties are connected via a classical channel, it is notoriously difficult to characterize all possible operations these parties can perform. This class of operations is widely known as local operations and classical communication....
1D portable optical coherence tomography system
Publication—Imaging methods are an expanding branch of technology, which involves data acquisition and analysis of images for research and diagnostics. This paper has been devoted to the description of the optical design for a one-dimensional, portable optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. The Mach-Zehnder interferometer has been designed in the presented study. The description of the construction and applied hardware solutions have...
Dispersion compensation in optical coherence tomography
PublicationDyspersja wprowadzana przez system optycznej tomografii koherentnej (OCT) oraz badane obiekty powoduje zniekształcenia fazowe w zależności od długości fali widma promieniowania zastosowanego źródła optycznego. powoduje to rozmycie obrazów otrzymanych przekrojów badanych materiałów pogarszając właściwości metrologiczne systemu OCT. W artykule przedstawiono metody kompensacji dyspersji w systemie OCT oraz przedyskutowano ich właściwości.
Optical Coherence Tomography for nanoparticles quantitative characterization
PublicationThe unique features of nanocomposite materials depend on the type and size of nanoparticles, as well as their placement in the composite matrices. Therefore the nanocomposites manufacturing process requires inline control over certain parameters of nanoparticles such as dispersion and concentration. Keeping track of nanoparticles parameters inside a matrix is currently a difficult task due to lack of a fast, reliable and cost effective...
Estimation of Coherence Bandwidth for Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel
PublicationA shallow underwater acoustic communication channel is characterized by strong multipath propagation. The signal reaching the receiver consists of a direct waveform and a number of its delayed and suppressed replica. A significant time dispersion of the transmitted signal and selective fading of its spectrum are observed. Coherence bandwidth defines maximal bandwidth, wherein the channel amplitude characteristic remains constant...
Detection of petroleum products using optical coherence tomography
PublicationIn this work, we present a novel method developed for the analysis of the properties of thin layers for detecting petroleum products on a water surface using a commercially available optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. The spectral density analysis of the signal from a spectroscopic OCT (S-OCT) enables us to perform the precision calculation of the thin layer thickness and other properties like homogeneity, and dispersion,...
Efficient signal processing in spectroscopic optical coherence tomography
PublicationSpectroscopic optical coherence tomography (SOCT) is an extension of a standard OCT technique, which allows to obtain depth-resolved, spectroscopic information on the examined sample. It can be used as a source of additional contrast in OCT images e.g. by encoding certain features of the light spectrum into the hue of the image pixels. However, SOCT require computation of time-frequency distributions of each OCT A-scan, what is...
Nanoparticles displacement analysis using optical coherence tomography
PublicationOptical coherence tomography (OCT) is a versatile optical method for cross-sectional and 3D imaging of biological and non-biological objects. Here we are going to present the application of polarization sensitive spectroscopic OCT system (PS-SOCT) for quantitative measurements of materials containing nanoparticles. The PS-SOCT combines the polarization sensitive analysis with time-frequency analysis. In this contribution the benefits...
Polarization state analysis in optical coherence tomography
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano metody analizy stanu polaryzacji światła w systemach optycznej tomografii kohererentnej. Przedstawiono różne konfiguracje systemu PS-OCT wraz z ich parametrami oraz właściwościami. Omówiono zasadę pomiaru stanu polaryzacji ściatła przy użyciu systemu PS-OCT oraz przeprowadzono dyskusję nad przydatnością metody do badania struktury materiałów silnie rozpraszających promieniowanie.
Polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography system
PublicationW pracy pokazano system OCT czuły na stan polaryzacji do pomiaru właściwości dwójłomnych wybranych ośrodków rozpraszających światło. W systemie zastosowano detekcję zrównoważoną. Pokazano wstępne wyniki pomiarowe.
Synthesized light source for optical coherence tomography
PublicationW artykule omówiono wpływ parametrów źródła promieniowania optycznego na właściwości systemu OCT. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na źródła syntezowane. Omówiono charakterystykę źródła zbudowanego z dwóch różnych diod SLD. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów, które wskazują na możliwości znacznego polepszenia czułości i rozdzielczości systemu OCT wykorzystującego takie źródło.
Latent fingerprint imaging by spectroscopic optical coherence tomography
PublicationOptical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-contact and non-invasive optical method for evaluating semitransparent and scattering objects. Its unique features, such as non-destructive 3D measurements of tested objects with a fast scanning rate, make this technique interesting for latent fingerprint reading, which is the subject of this paper. So far, OCT has not found widespread use for reading fingerprints directly from surfaces...