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Evaluation of Selected UX Techniques by Product Managers - A Preliminary Survey
PublicationIn this paper we present the results of an opinion survey among 28 IT product managers who evaluated the subjective usefulness of 24 selected UX techniques to 6 IT product management tasks derived from ProdBOK®. We selected the UX techniques based on the literature review and 6 interviews with experienced IT product managers. Based on the survey results, we propose our recommendation of useful techniques for 5 of the 6 studied...
Lefschetz periodic point free self-maps of compact manifolds
PublicationLet f be a self-map of a compact connected manifold M. We characterize Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps of M for several classes of manifolds and generalize the results of Guirao and Llibre [J.L.G. Guirao, J. Llibre, On the Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps on connected compact manifolds, Topology Appl. 158 (16) (2011) 2165-2169].
Lefschetz periodic point free self-maps of compact manifolds
PublicationLet f be a self-map of a compact connected manifold M. We characterize Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps of M for several classes of manifolds and generalize the results of Guirao and Llibre [J.L.G. Guirao, J. Llibre, On the Lefschetz periodic point free continuous self-maps on connected compact manifolds,
Improving Ship Maneuvering Safety with Augmented Virtuality Navigation Information Displays
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a rule for vibration surveillance of manipulators in order to improve operating parameters of industrial robots
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozważań są drgania układu nośnego manipulatora IRb-6. Proponowane podejście ma na celu minimalizację poziomu drgań końcówki manipulatora. Dla niestacjonarnego układu sterowanego, którego zachowanie opisano we współrzędnych uogólnionych, zdefiniowano energetyczny wskaźnik jakości uwzględniający energię kinetyczną i potencjalną układu, a także - chwilową energię sygnału sterującego. Dalsze rozważania dotyczą tymczasowego...
A New Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller with PID Sliding Surface for Underwater Manipulators
PublicationDesign of an accurate and robust controller is challenging topic in underwater manipulator control. This is due to hydrodynamic disturbances in underwater environment. In this paper a sliding mode control (SMC) included a PID sliding surface and fuzzy tunable gain is designed. In this proposed controller robustness property of SMC and fast response of PID are incorporated with fuzzy rules to reduce error tracking. In the control...
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Redundant Actuation of 3RRR over-actuated Planar Parallel Manipulator
PublicationPraca opisuje zagadnienia modelowania i napędzania manipulatorów równoległych. Cechą charakterystyczną manipulatorów równoległych jest występowanie jednego lub kilku łańcuchów kinematycznych zamkniętych (gałęzi równoległych). Standardowo, konstrukcje takie są napędzane jedynie silnikami montowanymi w parach kinematycznych łączących łańcuchy kinematyczne z podstawą. Niekiedy konstrukcje takie są układami napędzanymi nadmiarowo (liczba...
Towards a software platform for experience administration: Decisional DNA Manager
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepcje dochodzenia do konstrukcji platformy wspomagajacej procesy zarzadzania dosswiadczeniem decyzyjnym.
Prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej jako podstawa wygaśnięcia mandatu radnego w świetle orzecznictwa sądowoadministracyjnego – wybrane problemy
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Managing Cystic Fibrosis in Polish Healthcare
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Model of a Maturity Capsule in Managing IT Projects
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to present a report on the development of a model of information technology management (MITM). This model is an answer to the need to support decision making in the selection of methods and information technologies. This article presents a multisequential model (MSM) of technology selection and a model for initial processing procedures (IPP) necessary for the MITM model. The presentation of the...
Metrisability of managing of stream-systemic processes
PublicationTo achieve the planned goal, in order to properly describe the manufacturing system management, six process stream functions were introduced. Non-dimensional flows of these functions in time can be empirically defined during the manufacturing process. They are interpreted as non-dimensional expenses. Maximum values for these functions in properly-managed processes equal one. Also, a global management function was introduced, being...
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Physical Activity of Male and Female University Students as a Manifestation of Sustainable Development
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Cutaneous manifestations of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 – case report and literature review
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Luminescent properties of YAlO3:Mn single crystalline films
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New Services for iTVP Content Providers to Manage Live and On-Demand Content Streaming
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Framework for the use of odour wheels to manage odours throughout wastewater biosolids processing
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Treatment of Mandibular Hypomobility by Injections into the Temporomandibular Joints: A Systematic Review of the Substances Used
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Grafo-mania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Spłaszczanie grafów
PublicationW eseju poruszono problem rysowania grafów na płaszczyźnie.
Modeling an Industrial Revolution: How to Manage Large-Scale, Complex IoT Ecosystems?
PublicationAdvancements around the modern digital industry gave birth to a number of closely interrelated concepts: in the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), System of Systems (SoS), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Digital Twins and the fourth industrial revolution, everything revolves around the issue of designing well-understood, sound and secure complex systems while providing maximum flexibility, autonomy and dynamics. The aim of the...
Overview of Metamaterials-Integrated Antennas for Beam Manipulation Applications: The Two Decades of Progress
PublicationMetamaterials (MMs) are synthetic composite structures with superior properties not found in naturally occurring materials. MMs have gained massive attention over the last two decades because of their extraordinary properties, such as negative permittivity and permeability. These materials enable many applications in communication subsystems, especially in the field of antenna design, to enhance gain, bandwidth, and efficiency,...
Grafo-mania, czyli rzecz o grafach i algorytmach. Liczby Ramseya
PublicationZdefiniowano liczby Ramseya i wskazano na trudności obliczeniowe ich wyznaczania już przy niewielkich wartościach takich liczb.
Leadership guide as the tool for managers to improve the company’s efficiency - case study
PublicationThe article presents an introduction to the concept of agile leadership based on the available literature on the subject. The article describes comprehensive agile leadership competencies that can be used in project practice. The publication begins with an indication of leadership in the light of current literature on the subject, an explanation of the characteristics of leadership and agile management...
Evaluation of Professional Demands and Financial Reward Through the Perception of Police Managers
PublicationThe aim of the study was to examine the relationship between job demands and salary in the subjective perception of mid-level police managers. An occupational stress model in which effort spent on job demands are not balanced by the received reward, was adopted. The study comprised 51 police officers (4 women). The partial least squares method was used for the analysis, and the SmartPLS 2.0 program was applied. The income and...
PublicationDesign of an accurate and robust controller is a challenging topic in an underwater manipulator control. This is due to hydrodynamic disturbances in underwater environment. In this paper a sliding mode control (SMC) included a PID sliding surface and fuzzy tunable gain is designed. In this proposed controller robustness property of SMC and fast response of PID are incorporated with fuzzy rules to reduce error tracking. In the...
Mangiferin Has an Additive Effect on the Apoptotic Properties of Hesperidin in Cyclopia sp. Tea Extracts
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The modal control vibration surveillance of manipulators as a mean of improving operating parameters of industrial robots.
PublicationNowe zastosowania robotów, a przede wszystkim - operacje szybkiego montażu, technika kosmiczna oraz operacje manipulacyjne dużymi masami (niekiedy przekraczającymi masę własną manipulatora), stawiają przed robotami coraz to większe wymagania dotyczące dużej dokładności i powtarzalności pozycjonowania. Spełnienie powyższych wymagań, bez redukcji poziomu drgań występujących w układzie nośnym manipulatora, jest trudne do uzyskania....
Adaptive decision making at the managerial level in a joint venture company - case study
PublicationThe article presents an introduction to the concept of adaptive decision making in a joint venture company based on the available literature on the subject. The article describes comprehensive approach to adaptive way of thinking in the company targeted at adaptive decision making. The publication begins with an indication of managerial role in a joint venture company in the light of current literature...
Grid Implementation of a Parallel Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Allocation of Chlorination Stations in Drinking Water Distribution Systems: Chojnice Case Study
PublicationSolving multiobjective optimization problems requires suitable algorithms to find a satisfactory approximation of a globally optimal Pareto front. Furthermore, it is a computationally demanding task. In this paper, the grid implementation of a distributed multiobjective genetic algorithm is presented. The distributed version of the algorithm is based on the island algorithm with forgetting island elitism used instead of a genetic...
Glinian litu - nowy detektor dozymetryczny
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Rational portfolio manager - środowisko do wspomagania zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi
PublicationW rozdziale omówiono zastosowanie aplikacji Rational Portfolio Manager, oferowanej przez firmę IBM, do zarządzania grupą przedsięwzięć informatycznych. Rozdział obejmuje 5 głównych części: w pierwszej przedstawiono charakterystykę aplikacji a w następnej omówiono szkolenia, jakim poddany był autor. W kolejnych częściach przedstawiono zastosowanie RPM w zarządzaniu pięcioma rzeczywistymi projektami, ocenę jego przydatności do zarządzania...
Proportional-derivative and Model-based Controllers for Control of a Variable Mass Manipulator
PublicationW artykule prezentowano wyniki analiza numeryczna dynamiki manipulatora o zmiennej masie. W skład manipulatora wchodzą jedynie członu i przeguby obrotowe. Ładowność chwytaka jest traktowana jako jedyny element o zmiennej masie. Podobnie jak w przypadku innych manipulatorów wyposażonych w przeguby obrotowe, parametry jego dynamika zależą od aktualnego ustawienia. Gdy przemieszczenia obejmują większy zakres roboczy, w równaniach...
President and Manager of the court versus networking in justice system - "Extending of Delimitation"
PublicationCurrent knowledge and empirical studies concering the networks collaboration in public sector, the role of decision-making centre in the building of network structure, strategy formulation and evaluation is fragmentary.
Proportional-Derivative and Model-Based Controllers for Control of a Variable Mass Manipulator
PublicationIn the paper, numerical analysis of dynamics of a variable mass manipulator is presented. A revolute joints composed manipulator is considered. Payload of the gripper is considered as the only element characterized by unknown value of its mass (variable between subsequent operations). As in other cases of the revolute joints composed manipulators, its behaviour dependents significantly on the pose of the manipulator. When the manipulator...
Europe, between Mandatory and Voluntary Approach to CSR: Some New Evidence from the Polish Listed Companies
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Europe, between Mandatory and Voluntary Approach to CSR: Some New Evidence from the Polish Listed Companies
PublicationThis paper aims to explore the relationship between corporate governance rules and application of CSR practices into operations of the top 30 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Since in Poland, so far, there is no obligation to follow any specific CSR standards or to make disclosures of non-financial, social and environmental information, this is still a fully voluntary approach. At the moment, only some of the companies...
Soft Tissue Retraction Maneuver in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Prior to Crown-Lengthening Procedure—A Technical Note
PublicationBackground: An accurate determination of the biological width and the relationship of the cemento-enamel junction with the border of the alveolar bone is crucial during a clinical crown-lengthening (CCL) procedure. The aim of this study was to present a technical note about the retraction techniques in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) prior to CCL, highlighting the significant enhancement in procedural accuracy and predictability...
Medical care and manifestations of ageism in healthcare institutions: opinion of elderly people. The example of four countries
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Workaholism and Its Manifestations in Individuals Running Small Family Businesses – Selected Qualitative Research Results
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Towards Understanding of Mechanics of Hernia Managed by Synthetic Mesh in Laparoscopic Operation: A Single Case Study
PublicationIn this paper a research towards understanding of mechanics of ventral hernia operated with the use of Physiomesh Open image in new window implant and SecureStrap Open image in new window staples is described. Experimental and numerical studies are conducted for that purpose. Experimental works cover uni-axial tension tests of the implant samples and of the implant-staples-tissue system. Also experiments on implant-staples-tissue...
Coping styles and symptomatic manifestation of first-episode psychosis: Focus on cognitive performance
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Systemic oxidoreductive balance and vascular function in individuals without clinical manifestation of atherosclerosis
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Managing distributed architecture with Extendet WS-CDl
PublicationZaprezentowano problem wykorzystania języka WSCDL w warstwie zarzadzania usługami w architekturze systemu rozproszonego. Zaproponowano rozszerzenie modelu CDLExt uwzględniając istotne charakterystyki usług. Skoncentrowano się na zależności między usługami a innymi artyfaktami IT oraz określono atrybuty QoS wynikajace z tych zależności. Zaprezentowano implementację tego modelu oraz dalsze kierunki rozwoju CDLExt.
Managing Virtual Teams: The Three Dimensions Scope
PublicationDue to globalisation and economic reasons the number of people working as a team in a virtual environment is increasing. Although virtual team can outperform teams working in a traditional environment still many managers face difficulties in achieving this goal. This article describes the idea of a system that would support knowledge management in virtual teams focusing on three dimensions of virtual work: location, organisation,...
PublicationThis article presents one possibility to employ Moodle, the free e-Leaning platform, to organize learning understood as a process. Behavioral approach and application to massive courses are assumed. A case study is presented, where the introduction of Moodle resulted in better student performance in homework
Application of the semantic network to manage processes in the area of legal regulation of education at the Doctoral School
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How Small KIBS Companies Manage Their Intellectual Capital? Towards an Emergent KM Approach
PublicationThe growing interest in Intellectual Capital management and Knowledge Management is now reaching small companies, especially those in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) sector. This paper aims to explore this issue, starting from the assumption that a planned and systematic approach to KM, as is used in large companies, is rarely applicable in small organizations. It is more likely that small companies adopt an approach...
A Reputation Scheme to Discourage Selfish QoS Manipulation in Two-Hop Wireless Relay Networks
PublicationIn wireless networks, stations can improve their received quality of service (QoS) by handling packets of source flows with higher priority. Additionally, in cooperative relay networks, the relays can handle transit flows with lower priority. We use game theory to model a two-hop relay network where each of the two involved stations can commit such selfish QoS manipulation. We design and evaluate a reputation-based incentive scheme...