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Search results for: SPACE ENGINEERING
Ridging, strength, and stability in high-resolution sea ice models
Publication -
Higher‐Order Gravity Waves and Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances From the Polar Vortex Jet on 11–15 January 2016: Modeling With HIAMCM‐SAMI3 and Comparison With Observations in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere
PublicationIn Vadas et al. (2024,, we modeled the atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) during 11–14 January 2016 using the HIAMCM, and found that the polar vortex jet generates medium to large-scale, higher-order GWs in the thermosphere. In this paper, we model the traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) generated by these GWs using the HIAMCM-SAMI3 and compare with ionospheric observations from ground-based...
Large‐Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Over the European Sector During the Geomagnetic Storm on March 23–24, 2023: Energy Deposition in the Source Regions and the Propagation Characteristics
PublicationMultiple Large-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (LSTIDs) are observed in the European sector in both day-time and night-time during the magnetic storm on March 23–24, 2023. The Total Electron Content (TEC) observation from a network of GNSS receivers shows the propagation of LSTIDs with amplitudes between around 0.5 and 1 TECU originating from auroral and polar cusp regions down to southern Europe (35°N) with velocities...
Fast surrogate-assisted simulation-driven design of compact microwave hybrid couplers
PublicationThis work presents a robust methodology for expedited simulation-driven design optimization of compact microwave hybrid couplers. The technique relies on problem decomposition, and a bot-tom–up design strategy, starting from the level of basic building blocks of the coupler, and finishing with a tuning procedure that exploits a fast surrogate model of the entire structure. The latter is constructed by cascading local response surface...
Reduced-cost surrogate modelling of compact microwave components by two-level kriging interpolation
PublicationFull-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis is a versatile tool for evaluating the performance of high-frequency components. Its potential drawback is its high computational cost, inhibiting the execution of EM-driven tasks requiring massive simulations. The applicability of equivalent network models is limited owing to the topological complexity of compact microstrip components because of EM cross-coupling effects. Development of...
Safety at railway level crossings and Vision Zero
PublicationIn this work, safety analysis at the railway level crossings is presented using advanced mathematical modelling. Resistivity of track subgrade panels is taken into account. The analysis does not refer to the assessment of the current regulations. Specific cases of generalized dynamic system are considered by introducing operations S=Δ, S=P defined in space C(N) of real sequences. In this model, generalized discrete exponential...
Wave transmission across surface interfaces in lattice structures
PublicationWithin the lattice dynamics formulation, we present an exact solution for anti-plane surface waves in a square lattice strip with a surface row of material particles of two types separated by a linear interface. The considered problem is a discrete analog of an elastic half-space with surface stresses modelled through the simplified Gurtin–Murdoch model, where we have an interfacial line separating areas with different surface...
Surface finite viscoelasticity and surface anti-plane waves
PublicationWe introduce the surface viscoelasticity under finite deformations. The theory is straightforward generalization of the Gurtin–Murdoch model to materials with fading memory. Surface viscoelasticity may reflect some surface related creep/stress relaxation phenomena observed at small scales. Discussed model could also describe thin inelastic coatings or thin interfacial layers. The constitutive equations for surface stresses are...
Expedited antenna optimization with numerical derivatives and gradient change tracking
PublicationDesign automation has been playing an increasing role in the development of novel antenna structures for various applications. One of its aspects is electromagnetic (EM)-driven design closure, typically applied upon establishing the antenna topology, and aiming at adjustment of geometry parameters to boost the performance figures as much as possible. Parametric optimization is often realized using local methods given usually reasonable...
Multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures using sequential domain patching with automated patch size deter-mination
PublicationIn this paper, a simple yet efficient and reliable technique for fully automated multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures using sequential domain patching (SDP) is discussed. The optimization procedure according to SDP is a two-step process: (i) obtaining the initial set of Pareto-optimal designs representing the best possible trade-offs between considered conflicting objectives, and (ii) Pareto set refinement...
Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Cities. The City of Gdansk as an Example
PublicationThe article is aimed to answer the question how, depending on the historical heritage, the collective memory, the physical space of the city and their images were shaped, through the politics of memory. All known cultures and languages distinguish the ‘self’ and the ‘other’, ‘us’ and ‘them’. Neither do we know cities which wish to differ in some particular way, although they can have numerous identities. Their multitude and diversity...
The Urban Mentoring as a New Method of Participatory Urban Planning in Poland
PublicationTwenty-five years after the return of democracy and the beginning of basing the country's economy on neoliberal developmental paradigm, Poland adopted the regulations regarding management of urban policy, which had been wait for over a decade (accession to the EU). The National Urban Policy as well as the Act on revitalization have defined, in a modern manner, the field of cooperation between the local government, the administration...
Variable-fidelity shape optimization of dual-rotor wind turbines
PublicationPurpose Dual-rotor wind turbines (DRWTs) are a novel type of wind turbines that can capture more power than their single-rotor counterparts. Because their surrounding flow fields are complex, evaluating a DRWT design requires accurate predictive simulations, which incur high computational costs. Currently, there does not exist a design optimization framework for DRWTs. Since the design optimization of DRWTs requires numerous model...
Anti-plane surface waves in media with surface structure: Discrete vs. continuum model
PublicationWe present a comparison of the dispersion relations derived for anti-plane surface waves using the two distinct approaches of the surface elasticity vis-a-vis the lattice dynamics. We consider an elastic half-space with surface stresses described within the Gurtin–Murdoch model, and present a formulation of its discrete counterpart that is a square lattice half-plane with surface row of particles having mass and elastic bonds different...
Analysis of 2D Feature Spaces for Deep Learning-based Speech Recognition
Publicationconvolutional neural network (CNN) which is a class of deep, feed-forward artificial neural network. We decided to analyze audio signal feature maps, namely spectrograms, linear and Mel-scale cepstrograms, and chromagrams. The choice was made upon the fact that CNN performs well in 2D data-oriented processing contexts. Feature maps were employed in the Lithuanian word recognition task. The spectral analysis led to the highest word...
A pore-scale thermo–hydro-mechanical model for particulate systems
PublicationA pore scale numerical method dedicated to the simulation of heat transfer and associated thermo–hydro-mechanical couplings in granular media is described. The proposed thermo–hydro-mechanical approach builds on an existing hydromechanical model that employs the discrete element method for simulating the mechanical behavior of dense sphere packings and combines it with the finite volume method for simulating pore space fluid flow...
Rapid multi-objective optimization of antennas using nested kriging surrogates and single-fidelity EM simulation models
PublicationEver increasing performance requirements make the design of contemporary antenna systems a complex and multi-stage process. One of the challenges, pertinent to the emerging application areas but also some of the recent trends (miniaturization, demands for multi-functionality, etc.), is the necessity of handling several performance figures such as impedance matching, gain, or axial ratio, often over multiple frequency bands. The...
Student competitions as a socio-spatial tool for planning urban structures
PublicationThe aim of the article is to show the interdependencies between theory and practice based on the example of the student competitions at the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology. These competitions, on the one hand, broaden the spectrum of issues related to design and, on the other hand, contribute to the better recognition of problems related to tasks to be solved. Both the teaching and applicational aspects...
Modern Material Solutions Applied in Pediatric Facilities
PublicationNew tendencies in forming of the health services functional buildings’ systems shaped along with the emergence of caring for patient’s mental condition in medical sciences. The interior design harmonized with the medical function became an incredibly important feature. This opened up new opportunities for the architecture of health care facilities. A positive architecture’s impact on the user’s well-being is remarkably important...
The principles of for teaching sustainable urban design
PublicationThe article is an attempt to show how important it is in the contemporary education of architecture students to use an ordered repertoire of principles and concepts of a universal nature, at the same time, pointing to the new directions of solutions and answers to the problems of the 21st century. This task is implemented by the French Association L'Arturbain dans les Territoires. It is accompanied by an idea consisting in observing...
RANS-based design optimization of dual-rotor wind turbines
PublicationPurpose An improvement in the energy efficiency of wind turbines can be achieved using dual rotors. Because of complex flow physics, the design of dual-rotor wind turbines (DRWTs) requires repetitive evaluations of computationally expensive partial differential equation (PDE) simulation models. Approaches for solving design optimization of DRWTs constrained by PDE simulations are investigated. The purpose of this study is to determine...
A framework for accelerated optimization of antennas using design database and initial parameter set estimation
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to exploit a database of pre-existing designs to accelerate parametric optimization of antenna structures is investigated. Design/methodology/approach The usefulness of pre-existing designs for rapid design of antennas is investigated. The proposed approach exploits the database existing antenna base designs to determine a good starting point for structure optimization and its response sensitivities....
Integrating Art into Places in Transition - Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston as a Case Study
PublicationAmong the many projects realized in public spaces, some are truly unique – and these are the ones that build the identity of a place. The aim of this paper is to examine how integrating art and cultural strategies into public space can enhance and reinforce the sense of a place. Particular attention is devoted to urban spaces that we call “places in transition”, where public art improves the city’s imaginative capacity, enlivens...
Teaching infrastructure urbanism to aid participatory planning
PublicationThe teaching of urban planning at faculties of architecture entails constant tension, caused by issues related to the priorities among urban design (the form) and urban planning (the process). The authors note that knowledge of the relationship between urban design and infrastructure planning, particularly within the realm of public debate within the local community, is of key importance in educating young urban planners. Described...
Physical models in the education of architectural history
PublicationIn this article, the authors present the long tradition and common use of physical models in the process of teaching the history of architecture in higher education institutions. The research described in the article is focused on the use of physical models and mock-ups as stimulants during architectural history classes to support lectures and increase the learning capabilities of students. The authors also cover the general use...
Probabilistic assessment of SMRFs with infill masonry walls incorporating nonlinear soil-structure interaction
PublicationInfill Masonry Walls (IMWs) are used in the perimeter of a building to separate the inner and outer space. IMWs may affect the lateral behavior of buildings, while they are different from those partition walls that separate two inner spaces. This study focused on the seismic vulnerability assessment of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames (SMRFs) assuming different placement of IMWs incorporating nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI)....
Architectural education and digital tools: the challenges and opportunities
PublicationEnriching architectural education with digital tools is the subject of this article. Such tools can create, support and visualise architecture. The focus in this article is on an interdisciplinary approach to media architecture (allowing variable visual content of architectural objects) and interactivity (user-space communication), revealing new possibilities in terms of human perception. The results of a survey on media architecture...
Virtual reality technology in architectural education
PublicationContemporary virtual reality (VR) technology allows the recreation of non-existent architectural objects of which there may be no trace remaining. Virtual reality applications allow access to digital models, which visualise the lost architecture. The popularity of VR has resulted in it being applied not only to computer games, but also in visualising the past. Maps allow movement through historical trails and 3D models of architecture...
Thermal visualization of Ostwald-de Waele liquid in wavy trapezoidal cavity: Effect of undulation and amplitude
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the numerical simulations of Ostwald-de Waele fluid flow in a wavy trapezoidal cavity in the presence of a heated cylinder situated at the center of the cavity. The work consists in characterizing the mixed convection as a function of the intensity of heat flow. The flow behaviour and temperature distribution in a cavity are the main focus of this study. The lower wall of the cavity is fixed...
Teaching Architecture – contemporary challenges and threats in the complexity of built environment
PublicationThe complexity of the modern built environment is a problem n ot only of architectural and urban issues. This issue extends to many othe r disciplines as well as covering a wide range of social engagements. The idea of writing this pa per is generally initiated by the debate which took place in Gdańs k on 22.01.2016, and was prepar ed in order to meet representatives of the four circles of interest...
Transforming urban design education through international competitions: a 20-year perspective
PublicationOver the past two decades, international urban design competitions have transformed architectural education by fostering creativity and interdisciplinary learning. This article provides a 20-year perspective by focusing on five of the most prominent competitions: Europan, UIA Student Competitions, ULI Hines Student Competitions, and the Global Schindler Award. Through a comparative analysis of these competitions, the...
An isogeometric finite element formulation for geometrically exact Timoshenko beams with extensible directors
PublicationAn isogeometric finite element formulation for geometrically and materially nonlinear Timoshenko beams is presented, which incorporates in-plane deformation of the cross-section described by two extensible director vectors. Since those directors belong to the space R3, a configuration can be additively updated. The developed formulation allows direct application of nonlinear three-dimensional constitutive equations without zero...
Multifactor consciousness level assessment of participants with acquired brain injuries employing human–computer interfaces
PublicationBackground A lack of communication with people suffering from acquired brain injuries may lead to drawing erroneous conclusions regarding the diagnosis or therapy of patients. Information technology and neuroscience make it possible to enhance the diagnostic and rehabilitation process of patients with traumatic brain injury or post-hypoxia. In this paper, we present a new method for evaluation possibility of communication and the...
Virtual tour as an innovative tool for architectural education - from understanding heritage to creativity stimulation
PublicationThe article presents the potential of the virtual tour in architectural education as an innovative tool to better understand heritage and stimulate creativity. A methodology for creating a virtual tour based on a point cloud obtained from a survey based on 360° camera images is presented. Two different purposes for the use of point clouds are presented from reliable indicators of heritage documentation useful for digital twin modelling...
High Rise Building: The Mega Sculpture Made Of Steel, Concrete and Glass
PublicationHigh rise building has transformed from providing not only the expansion of floor space but functioning as mega sculpture in the city. The shift away from economic efficiency driven need is only expected to grow in the future. Based on literature studies; after analysing planning documents and case studies, it was examined whether the presumption that gaining the maximum amount of usable area is the only driving factor; or if the...
Holistic collision avoidance decision support system for watchkeeping deck officers
PublicationThe paper presents a 3-stage synthesis-based Decision Support System for watchkeeping deck officers. Its functional scope covers conflict detection, maneuver selection, and maneuver execution, all phases supplemented by collision alerts. First, a customized elliptic ship domain is used for checking if both OS and TS will have enough free space. A survey-based navigators’ declarative OS arena is then used to determine the time at...
Broken rotor bar impact on sensorless control of induction machine
PublicationThe aim of the research is analysis of the sensorless control system of induction machine with broken rotor for diagnostic purposes. Increasing popularity of sensorless controlled variable speed drives requires research in area of reliability, range of stable operation, fault symptoms and application of diagnosis methods. T transformation (Cunha et al.,2003) used for conversion of instantaneous rotor currents electrical circuit...
Multi-objective design optimization of antennas for reflection, size, and gain variability using kriging surrogates and generalized domain segmentation
PublicationCost-efficient multi-objective design optimization of antennas is presented. The framework exploits auxiliary data-driven surrogates, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for initial Pareto front identification, response correction techniques for design refinement, as well as generalized domain segmentation. The purpose of this last mechanism is to reduce the volume of the design space region that needs to be sampled in order...
Sobol’ sensitivity analysis of a 1D stochastic elasto-plastic seismic wave propagation
PublicationA novel numerical framework for the Sobol’ sensitivity analysis of 1D stochastic elasto-plastic wave propagation is proposed and evaluated. The forward propagation of uncertain input motions through uncertain elasto-plastic soils and structures is often conducted using the finite element method (FEM) together with the Monte Carlo simulation. However, it is computationally much more efficient to use the stochastic elasto-plastic FEM...
Performance‐driven modeling of compact couplers in restricted domains
PublicationFast surrogate models can play an important role in reducing the cost of EM-driven design closure of miniaturized microwave components. Unfortunately, construction of such models is challenging due to curse of dimensionality and wide range of geometry parameters that need to be included in order to make it practically useful. In this letter, a novel approach to design-oriented modeling of compact couplers is presented. Our method...
Detail, Facture, and Colour in the Architecture of Polish Single-Family Houses after 1989
PublicationThe article presents single-family houses architecture transformations since 1989, with particularly close attention paid to the significance of detail, facture, and colour. The article presents the architecture as an art of designing and building facilities with both use and aesthetic value, an art of shaping space and building forms. Architectural work should correspond to the intended function, technique, economic and aesthetic...
Accelerated multi-objective design of miniaturized microwave components by means of nested kriging surrogates
PublicationDesign of microwave components is an inherently multiobjective task. Often, the objectives are at least partially conflicting and the designer has to work out a suitable compromise. In practice, generating the best possible trade‐off designs requires multiobjective optimization, which is a computationally demanding task. If the structure of interest is evaluated through full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, the employment of...
Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning
PublicationContemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...
Research of leakage magnetic field in deenergized transformer
PublicationThe article deals with the issue of the numerical analysis of the magnetic field occurring around the transformer after it has been powered down. The main goal of this analysis was to examine if it is possible to identify the residual fluxes in the transformer legs based on this fields’ measurements. It was also intended to determine the type and the location of magnetic sensors. Numerical analysis of the magnetic field was performed....
Changes in Functional and Spatial Layouts of Polish Single-Family Houses
PublicationArticle presents the evolution of functional and spatial layouts of single-family houses in Poland, with particular emphasis on the functions of a contemporary house. Singlefamily housing constitutes a significant part of the construction market in Poland. The way of forming functions in single-family buildings in the historical cycle has characteristic features resulting from the culture of the society in a given period. The functional...
Architectural Symbols of a City – Case Study
PublicationThe identity of a city is understood as a collection of individual features, which give the city its individual character and distinguish it from other places; it undoubtedly constitutes a cultural value, which should be cherished. In the case of Sopot – a spa located on the Bay of Gdansk, the mosaic of its geographical location, landscape values, urban layout and historic architecture has created a unique image of a seaside resort....
Inverse heat transfer problem solution of sounding rocket using moving window optimization
PublicationAn Inverse Heat Transfer Problem is solved for a sounding rocket module given its geometry and measured temperature profile. The solution is obtained via moving window optimization, a technique for solving inverse dynamics. An analysis is performed to modify the method to avoid oscillatory behavior of the resulting heat flux profile. The method parameters are tuned in relation to characteristic phases of the flight. Results are...
Combined environmental testing device for picosatellites
PublicationAs access to space conditions becomes more available, both technically and economically, scientists’ interest in launching finer and more sophisticated experiments grows. To be qualified for launch, such experiments need to be carefully tested prior to the event. The tests should represent actual launch conditions as closely and in a detailed manner. Typical tests for payload include: vibration tests, thermal and vacuum tests,...
Creating Polish space language dictionary - lessons learned
PublicationPolish space industry suffers from lack of space vocabulary. Since joining European Space Agency in 2012, the sector has expanded rapidly now employing over 1000 specialists focusing mainly on space sustainability, space debris detection and tracking, robotics and propulsion systems. The Polish Space Agency together with The Polish Committee for Standardization have committed to creating the first lexicon of space language, along...
Investigating lubricants behaviour in microgravity for vibration damping purposes
PublicationVibration is one of the harshest environments an object is exposed to during and after launch into space on a launch vehicle. Such vibrations should be damped to avoid destruction of the spacecraft or its elements. Currently, active and material damping is used. A possibility of using lubrication as the damping factor is suggested by some research. MoS2 is a typical solid lubricant used in space applications. Its properties vary...