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Sustainable chemically modified poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/thermoplastic starch/poly(ε-caprolactone)/cellulose biocomposites: looking at the bulk through the surface
PublicationSustainable polymer composites (or biocomposites) based on renewable and green polymers are progressively under development in a technological paradigm shift from “just use more and more” to “convert into value-added products”. Therefore, significant efforts should focus not only on their reduced environmental impact but also on maximizing their performance and broadening their application range. Herein, the bio-based blends based...
PublicationThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale results of fracture in notched concrete beams under bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones and air voids. Within continuum mechanics, the simulations were carried out with the finite element method based on a isotropic damage constitutive model enhanced by a characteristic...
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part II: Experimental
PublicationThis paper describes an experimental arrangement to evaluate stress/strain fields in the process zone of asymmetric adhesively bonded joints. A transparent polycarbonate flexible beam was bonded to an aluminium alloy rigid block with an epoxy adhesive in a Single Cantilever Beam (SCB) configuration. The flexible adherend was loaded in the direction parallel to the initial crack front at constant rate. To monitor strains induced...
Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance of an asphalt pavement layer
PublicationThe purpose of the proposed numerical model is to analyze the cracking of the wearing course in a pavement overlay, assuming a pre-existing crack that passes through the binding layer and base. The computations employed the author's simulation-based Monte Carlo material model, which describes the failure process of a Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) specimen during standard laboratory testing of asphalt concrete. A key feature of this...
The experimental and numerical investigation of fracture behaviour in PMMA notched specimens under biaxial loading conditions – Tension with torsion
PublicationThis paper presents the results of experimental fracture test of flat PMMA specimens under biaxial loading condition tension with torsion (proportional). The specimens were made in two thicknesses: 5 and 15 mm and were weakened with V-type edge notches with different root radii: 0.5; 2 and 10 mm. Thanks to the ARAMIS 3D 4 M non-contact vision system, measurement of the elongation and twist angle were recorded. During experimental...
Comparison of the fracture toughness of pine wood determined on the basis of orthogonal linear cutting and frame sawing
PublicationIn this paper, the values of the fracture toughness of Scots pine determined by cutting tests are presented. The cutting tests were carried out using the samples of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from Pomeranian Region, Poland. These experiments were carried out on two research stands: orthogonal linear cutting tests were conducted using the microtome instrument and the frame saw PRW-15M was used for sawing tests. The values...
Coda wave interferometry in monitoring the fracture process of concrete beams under bending test
PublicationEarly detection of damage is necessary for the safe and reliable use of civil engineering structures made of concrete. Recently, the identification of micro-cracks in concrete has become an area of growing interest, especially using wave-based techniques. In this paper, a non-destructive testing approach for the characterization of the fracture process was presented. Experimental tests were made on concrete beams subjected to mechanical...
Applying molecular dynamics simulation to take the fracture fingerprint of polycrystalline SiC nanosheets
PublicationGraphene-like nanosheets are the key elements of advanced materials and systems. The mechanical behavior of the structurally perfect 2D nanostructures is well documented, but that of polycrystalline ones is less understood. Herein, we applied molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) to take the fracture fingerprint of polycrystalline SiC nanosheets (PSiCNS), where monocrystalline SiC nanosheets (MSiCNS) was the reference nanosheet....
Application of discrete models to describe the fracture process in brittle materials
PublicationPraca doktorska ''Zastosowanie modeli dyskretnych do opisu propagacji rys w materiałwch kruchych'' została podjęta z uwagi na fakt, że bardzo istotne jest poznanie mechanizmu powstawania lokalizacji odkształceń w materiałach kruchych takich jak beton (rysty i strefy ścianania) na poziomie mikroskopowym. Poznanie to daje mozliwość bardziej realistycznego wymiarowania elementów konstrukcji betonowych i żelbetowych oraz przewidywania...
Assessment of cervical range of motion in patients after axis fracture
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Environmental fracture of polypropylene membranes used in membrane distillation process
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Simulations of fracture in concrete elements using continuous and discontinuous models
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyniki symulacji MES w elementach betonowych przy zastosowaniu modeli ciągłych i nieciągłych. Stosując modele ciągłe symulowano proces lokalizacji odkształceń. Stosując modele nieciągłe symulowano proces zarysowania. Obliczenia wykonano dla różnych typów obciążeń.
Ductile fracture prediction in thin metallic plates subjected to explosions
PublicationPraca dotyczy modelowania zniszczenia ciągłego. Zaprezentowano wyniki eksperymentów przeprowadzonych na płytach metalowych poddanych eksplozjom oraz wyniki jednoosiowych prób laboratoryjnych. Opisano przyjęty model prawa konstytutywnego oraz kryteriów zniszczenia. Przedstawiono identyfikację parametrów materiałowych dla przyjętego modelu. Zaprezentowano model numeryczny oraz wyniki symulacji które następnie porównano z wynikami...
Modelling of fracture process in brittle materials using a lattice model
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń propagacji rys w elementach betonowych przy zastosowaniu modelu dyskretnego opartego na ruszcie belkowym. Obliczenia wykonano dla różnych problemów brzegowych. Dla redukcji kruchości w obszarze pokrytycznym przyjęto model nielokalny obliczenia odkształceń.
Modelling of fracture process in concrete using a novel lattice model.
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki modelowania procesu zarysowania w elementach betonowych przy zastosowaniu dyskretnego modelu kratownicowego. Beton był modelowany na poziomie mezoskali z uwzględnieniem 3 faz: kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego i stref kontaktu. Obliczenia wykonano dla rozciągania i ścinania połączonego z rozciąganiem.
A 3D lattice model to describe fracture process in fibrous concrete
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki modelowania procesu zarysowania w elementach betonowych zawierające stalowe włókna przy zastosowaniu dyskretnego modelu kratownicowego. Beton był modelowany na poziomie mezoskali z uwzględnieniem 5 faz: kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego, włókien i obu stref kontaktu. Obliczenia trójwymiarowe wykonano dla jednoosiowego rozciągania.
Study of fracture process in concrete using a discrete lattice model.
PublicationW artykule omówiono wyniki numeryczne z zastosowaniem dyskretnego modelu rusztowego złożonego z belek do symulacji procesu zarysowania w elementach betonowych. Obliczenia wykonano dla różnych procesów obciążeniowych. Wyniki porównano jakościowo z wynikami doświadczeń.
Non-uniqueness of fracture parameter choice in simulations of concrete cracking at mesoscale level
PublicationIn the paper a non-uniqueness of fracture parameter choice in simulations of cracking process in plain concrete specimens at mesoscale level under monotonic static loading is analysed. The Finite Element Method is used, where cracks are defined in a discrete way using interface cohesive elements with nonlinear material law including softening. The concrete mesostructure (such as: cement matrix, air voids, aggregates, and Interfacial...
Theoretical examination of the fracture behavior of BC3 polycrystalline nanosheets: Effect of crack size and temperature
Publication2D carbon graphene nanostructures are elements of advanced materials and systems. This theoretical survey provides explanation to the mechanical and fracture behavior of mono- and polycrystalline BC3 nanosheets (denoted as MC- and PCBC3NS, respectively) as a function of temperature and the type of crack defects. The mechanical performance of PCBC3NS at elevated temperatures was monitored varying the number of grain boundaries (the...
Fracture prediction in flat PMMA notched specimens under tension - effectiveness of the equivalent material concept and fictitious material concept
PublicationThe fracture of notched elements under mode I loading (tension) remains an inexhaustible research topic, especially when it comes to the fracture of thermoplastic materials such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), which experience considerable plastic strains under tension. The paper points out that traditional brittle fracture criteria such as mean stress (MS) or maximum tangential stress (MTS) criteria used to predict this phenomenon do...
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Another way is to forecast cutting power consumption on...
Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Strength Determination for Two Selected Species of Central European Provenance
PublicationWhen offcut of wood is formed by shearing, Atkins’s analyses of sawing processes can be applied. Using this modern approach, it is possible to determine the fracture toughness and shear yield strength of wood. This model is only applicable for the axial-perpendicular cutting direction because both of these parameters are suitable for the given direction of cutting edge movement and cannot be considered material constants. Alternatively,...
Revisiting The Determination Of Cutting Power While Sawing Of Wood With Circular Saw Blades By Means Of Fracture Mechanics
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Cutting forces may be employed to determine not only toughness...
Characterization of fracture process in polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete using ultrasonic waves and digital image correlation
PublicationThis study explores the monitoring of the fracture process in concrete beams and aims to characterize the evolution of damage in polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams by utilizing the integrated application of two measurement techniques, digital image correlation and ultrasonic testing. The interpretation of registered wave time histories data was provided by the calculation of the magnitude-phase-composite metrics. An efficient...
Two-dimensional simulations of concrete fracture at aggregate level with cohesive elements based on X-ray lCT images
PublicationThe paper presents results of two-dimensional meso-scale simulations of fracture in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending test. Concrete was assumed as a 4-phase material composed of aggregate grains placed in the cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and macro-voids. The particle distribution was taken from real concrete beams on the basis of X-ray lCT images. Comprehensive numerical analyses were carried...
Fracture of aluminium joints bonded with epoxy adhesive reinforced by mmt nanoparticles
PublicationCrack propagation behavior was studied for aluminium/aluminum adhesive joints bonded with two epoxy adhesives: pure and reinforced with clay nanoparticles. The focus was also on the novel use of the constant displacement rate test to study adhesion/adhesives efficiency. The epoxy systems studied were: Epidian E6 produced from bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin, (''Organika -Sarzyna'' Poland); pure or strengthened with montmorillonit...
Investigations of size effect in tensile fracture of concrete using a lattice model
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia symulacje efektu skali w betonie podczas rozciągania przy zastosowaniu nowego modelu siatkowego. Zbadano wpływ rozkładu i wielkości kruszywa oraz wpływ strefy kontaktu na efekt skali.
Investigations on strength and fracture in RC beams scaled along height or length
PublicationThe objective of the present paper is to identify experimentally and theoretically differing failure mechanisms in reinforced concrete beams subjected to four-point bending for a separate variation of the depth and length at the constant thickness. Experiments were performed on reinforced concrete beams under four-point bending. Different failure mechanisms included steel yielding, diagonal tension or shear- compression depending...
PublicationIn this paper values of the fracture toughness and of shear yield stress in the shear zone of Scots pine are presented. Tests of cutting were carried on samples of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood of five provenances from Poland. These experimentally cutting tests were carried on the sash gang saw PRW-15M and the values of cutting power were obtained. The values of fracture toughness and shear yield stress based on Atkins’s...
Effect of underwater friction stir welding parameters on AA5754 alloy joints: experimental studies
PublicationThe water as a welding environment may generate serious technological and metallurgical problems but in certain cases, the physicochemical properties of water can be used effectively, e.g., to impart the specific properties of welded materials. The purpose of the work was verification of effectiveness of the water cooling of aluminium alloy AA5754 for various sets of technological parameters of underwater friction stir welding...
Comparative DEM calculations of fracture process in concrete considering real angular and artificial spherical aggregates
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki obliczeń numerycznych pękania dla betonu stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy i był poddany zginaniu. Zbadano wpływ kształtu kruszywa na proces pekania i na zalezność obciązenia od ugięcia. Wyniki dwuwymiarowe i trzywymiarowe porównano bezpośrednio z doświadczeniami. Wyniki pokazały duzy wpływ kształtu kruszywa na wyniki numeryczne.
PublicationThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale numerical results of fracture in notched concrete beams under quasi-static three-point bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and air voids. As a numerical approach, the discrete element method (DEM) was used. The concrete micro-structure in calculations was directly...
Investigations on fracture in reinforced concrete beams in 3-point bending using continuous micro-CT scanning
PublicationThis study explores a fracture process in rectangular reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to quasi-static three-point bending. RC beams were short and long with included longitudinal reinforcement in the form of a steel or basalt bar. The ratio of the shear span to the effective depth was 1.5 and 0.75. The focus was on the load–deflection diagram and crack formation. Three-dimensional (3D) analyses of the size and distribution...
Accuracy of CAD/CAM and 3D printing in the treatment of feline femoral neck fracture
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Numerical Analyses of Fracture Mechanism of the Pelvic Ring during Side-Impact Load
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Discrete modeling of micro-structure evolution during concrete fracture using DEM
PublicationW artykule pokazano wyniki dyskretne DEM dla betonu poddanego ściskaniu i rozciąganiu jednoosiowemu. Wyniki siła-przemieszczenie i zarysowania porównano z doświadczeniami. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zjawiska mikrostrukturalne podczas zarysowania na poziomie kruszywa.
Effect of aggregate structure on fracture process in concrete using 2D lattice model
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia symulacje rys w betonie przy zastosowaniu nowego modelu siatkowego. Zbadano wpływ rozkładu i wielkości kruszywa oraz wpływ strefy kontaktu na nośność i propagacje rys. Obliczenia były dwuwymiarowe.
DEM modelling of concrete fracture based on its structure micro-CT images
PublicationW rozdziale książki zawarto numeryczne wyniki mezoskopowe dotyczące postępującego pękania betonu na poziomie kruszywa. Do badania procesu pękania belki betonowej z karbem w trzech (3D) i dwóch (2D) wymiarach zastosowano metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Niejednorodność betonu uwzględniono stosując czterofazowy opis: kruszywo, zaprawa, makropustki i międzyfazowe strefy przejściowe. W obliczeniach DEM na podstawie zdjęć rentgenowskich...
Discrete element method simulations of fracture in concrete under uniaxial compression based on its real internal structure
PublicationThe paper describes experimental and numerical results of concrete fracture under quasi-static uniaxial compression. Experimental uniaxial compression tests were performed on concrete cubic specimens. Fracture in concrete was detected at the aggregate level by means of three non-destructive methods: three-dimensional X-ray microcomputed tomography, two-dimensional scanning electron microscope and manual two-dimensional digital...
Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance degradation of asphalt concrete subjected to environmental factors
PublicationThe paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary...
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Carboxylated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber/Epoxy/XNBR-grafted Halloysite Nanotubes Nanocomposites
PublicationThe effect of various amounts of carboxylated nitrile butadiene rubber (XNBR) functionalized halloysite nanotubes (XHNTs) on the cure characteristics, mechanical and swelling behavior of XNBR/epoxy compounds was experimentally and theoretically investigated. The morphology of the prepared XNBR/epoxy/XHNTs nanocomposites was imaged using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effects of various XNBR-grafted nanotubes on the damping...
Comparative study on fracture evolution in steel fibre and bar reinforced concrete beams using acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques
PublicationIn recent decades, the demand for sustainable construction practices has increased, but raw materials such as reinforcing steel remain scarce. Therefore, steel fibres have emerged as a popular and sustainable choice in the construction industry, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional steel bar reinforcement for both flatwork and elevated structures. The purpose of this study is therefore to compare the performance...
Fracture mechanics model of cutting power versus widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades
PublicationA comparison of the theoretical cutting power consumption results forecasted with the model (FM_CM model) which include work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and two widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades has been described. in and cutting power consumption forecasted. In computations of the cutting power consumption during rip sawing of Scots pine wood...
Microcrack monitoring and fracture evolution of polyolefin and steel fibre concrete beams using integrated acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques
PublicationThe use of polymer and steel fibres in plain concrete appears to be an excellent solution for limiting crack propagation and improving the post-ductility performance of concrete structures. Based on this premise, this study investigated the fracture evolution of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete (PFRC) and steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) specimens through the integrated application of two diagnostic techniques, acoustic...
Acid-aided epoxy-amine curing reaction as reflected in epoxy/Fe3O4 nanocomposites: Chemistry, mechanism, and fracture behavior
PublicationThis work seeks to answer the question whether or not the presence of acid functional groups accelerate epoxyamine curing reaction. Epoxy/Fe3O4 nanocomposite was considered as a case, where discussions are based on chemistry, mechanism behind curing reactions and fracture behavior influenced by acid assistance to crosslinking. Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with nanosilica decorative layer (B-MNP) were synthesized and subsequently...
Predictions of cutting power while sawing of birch and beech with the use of modern fracture mechanics
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki badań eksperymentalnych procesu przecinania drewna brzozy i buka piłami o rzazie 2 mm na pilarce ramowej PRW15M. Na podstawie teoretycznego modelu Atkinsa, wyznaczono z danych eksperymentalnych stałe materiałowe (wiązkość i naprężenia tnące w strefie ścinania) i opracowano model do prognozowania mocy skrawania podczas przecinania drewna piłami na pilarce ramowej dla innych wartości rzazu w funkcji posuwu na...
The effect of aggregate characteristics on the fracture behaviour of fine-grained concrete under tensile loading
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia analizę wpływu kruszywa na zjawisko pękania drobnoziarnistego betonu podczas quasi-statycznego trzypunktowego zginania. Beton został opisany jako stochastyczny i niejednorodny materiał trzyfazowy. Dwuwymiarowe obliczenia numeryczne dla betonowych belek z nacięciem wykonano metodą elementów skończonych stosując izotropowy materiałowy model z degradacją sztywności rozszerzony o długość charakterystyczną mikrostruktury...
Influence of wood steam drying process on fracture toughness and shear yield strength determination
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wiązkości (energii właściwej na tworzenie nowej powierzchni) oraz naprężeń ścinających w strefie skrawania drewna dębowego i sosnowego na podstawie mocy skrawania przy przecinaniu piłami. Badane drewno było wcześniej suszone w specjalnej eksperymentalnej suszarni w otoczeniu pary. Zaobserwowano, że tego typu suszenie powoduje znaczne skrócenie czasu suszenia, jednakże, wspomniane właściwości mechaniczne...
Simulation of fracture process in concrete elements with steel fibres using discrete lattice model
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki modelowania procesu zarysowania w elementach betonowych zawierające stalowe włókna przy zastosowaniu dyskretnego modelu kratownicowego. Beton był modelowany na poziomie mezoskali z uwzględnieniem 5 faz: kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego, włókien i obu stref kontaktu. Obliczenia wykonano dla jednoosiowego ściskania, jednoosiowego rozciągania i zginania prostego.
Experimental investigations of fracture process in concrete by means of x-ray micro-computed tomography
PublicationW artykule pokazano doświadczalne wyniki badań procesu pękania w betonie stosując mikro-tomografię. Doświadczenia wykonano dla zginanych belek betonowych. Wyniki doświadczalne modelowano stosując MES na bazie modelu z degradacją sztywności sprężystej z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Beton symulowano jako materiał 4-fazowy. Uzyskano dobra zgodność wyników MES z doświadczeniami.