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Search results for: ART
Arte and Arche. On Art and Architecture
PublicationArchitekci poszukują inspiracji i wzorców dla form architektonicznych wśród innych dziedzin sztuki. Zapożyczenia, cytaty i reinterpretacje malarstwa, rzeźby, muzyki, a nawet tańca mogą przynieść oryginalne koncepcje i rozwiązania formalne, przy okazji wiążąc architekturę z szerszym kontekstem historycznym, duchowym i kulturowym. Współczesne formy architektoniczne nieraz powstają jako przestrzenna interpretacja kompozycji malarskich...
Optymalizacja: sztuka czy rzemiosło?
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przyczyny niewielkiego zainteresowania zastosowaniem optymalizacji w praktyce inżynierskiej oraz przykłady jej skutecznego zastosowania. Wyciągnięto wniosek, że najskuteczniejszym sposobem spopularyzowania tego narzędzia jest tworzenie specjalistycznego oprogramowania wykorzystującego inżynierską wiedzę ekspercką.
Art of Space – Art in Space / The Role of Sound Art in Public
PublicationThe article presents a discussion of the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of space revitalisation and improving its quality in the context of multisensory dimension of public spaces. The unique manifestation of art and creativity in public space could be detected and stimulated using participatory architecture, for instance interactive installations, projects related...
Personal branding of artists and art-designers: necessity or desire?
PublicationPurpose Personal branding becomes a new in-demand skill for all professionals today. To be well-known helps to achieve success in the networked business environment. Personal relationships and a good reputation in the reality of network economy help young artists and art designers move up the career ladder. This paper aims to discuss a problem of artists who often find it difficult to define their artistic and self-distinction...
Symbiosis of Art and Technology – From Renaissance to Interactive Art,
PublicationThe article presents the mutual relations between art and technology from the Renaissance to the interactive art of today. It indicates important factors influencing the possibilities of imaging and interpreting reality by artists, ranging from the development of oil painting techniques, linear perspective, the invention of printing and photography, to achievements related to the development of information technologies (computers,...
Health by Art: the Remedial Role of Artistic Installations in Public Space
PublicationDesigning public spaces has become one of the most relevant issues in contemporary cities thanks to their integrating and inclusionary character. Public spaces are playing a far more important role in promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging us to do different activities. Therefore, contemporary public spaces should enhance creativity, stimulate physical activity and influence mental health. The methodology used in the research...
Art and Healthcare - Healing Potential of Artistic Interventions in Medical Settings
PublicationThe stereotype of a machine for healing seems to be well rooted in common thinking and social perception of hospital buildings. The technological aspect of healthcare architecture has been influenced for several years by three major factors. The first is linked to the necessity of providing safety and security in the environment of elevated epidemiological risk. The second concerns the need for incorporating advanced technology...
Street Art and Architecture
PublicationThe paper explores both the areas of conflict as well as agreement between architecture and Street Art. The conflict arises from the fact that urban environment has always been a background for street art, which unavoidably jeopardizes the conceptual integrity of the building understood as a work of architecture. However, there are strong interrelations between these two domains of human creativity. Both street art and architecture...
PublicationThe paper aims to explore the potential role of contemporary art as a catalyst for social transformation and civic engagement. The research focuses on the visual arts and their power to change social attitudes in contemporary society. On the basis of theoretical, transdisciplinary approaches and analysis of artwork the paper investigates emerging forms of art and how they address pressing social issues and concerns that would otherwise...
State of the Art of Automated Buses
PublicationUrban transportation in the next few decades will shift worldwide towards electrification and automation, with the final aim of increasing energy efficiency and safety for passengers. Such a big change requires strong collaboration and efforts among public administration, research and stakeholders in developing, testing and promoting these technologies in the public transportation. Working in this direction, this work provides...
Komentarz do art. 25
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Komentarz do art. 23
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Komentarz do art. 299
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Komentarz do art. 21
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Komentarz do art. 280
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Komentarz do art. 22
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Komentarz do art. 297
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Komentarz do art. 296
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Komentarz do art. 15
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Komentarz do art. 20
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Elektrownia Masovia Centre for Contemporary Art
PublicationText on Elektrownia Masovia Centre for Contemporary Art in Radom.
Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease: State of the art
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Poroelastic Road Surfaces - State of The Art
PublicationPoroelastic Road Surfaces (PERS) constitute a specific group of pavements containing a great amount of crumbled rubber. In most cases rubber aggregate constitutes about 20% of the mixture (by weight) and a polyurethane resin is used as a binder. As a result, PERS is characterized by a much higher elasticity than asphalt and a high porosity typical for drainage pavements. Due to this, tire/road noise is greatly reduced and on top...
State of the art report on fabric formwork
PublicationPrzedstawiono technologię wytwarzania i kształtowania elementów betonowych wylewanych w wiotkich formach. Omówiono szerokie zastosowanie takich elementów umożliwiające swobodne kształtowanie przestrzeni. Wskazano na możliwości wykorzystania omawianej technoloii betonowania w nietypowych warunkach, np. w pracach podwodnych. Zwrócono uwage a oszczędności w zastąpieniu drewnianych lub stalowych form, a także polepszenie własności...
Borders of Digital Art in the Context of the Information Society
PublicationThe article shows the relationship between the development of information technologies, the characteristics of the information society and digital art. The broad possibilities of the digital world related to recording, storing and processing data (cyber text, big data, smart services) and the creation of virtual worlds are pointed out. The influence of the development of information technologies on the character of the works of...
The steel-glass art of railway stations in Japan
PublicationThe steel-glass art of railway stations in Japan
Architecture in the field of art on the example of author’s realizations
PublicationThe aim of the article was to show the place of architecture in the space of art on the example of original projects. In the author's opinion, architecture, using an artistic object as a means of expression, influences the process of living by showing the recipient, who is an inhabitant, important values from the point of view of creating a house that ensures a good quality of life and strengthening the understanding of both various...
Monumental Art -sztuka humanizująca wielką płytę
PublicationW powszechnej ocenie osiedla z wielkiej płyty to szarość i anonimowość schedy po socjalizmie. Zaspa jednak zdaje się z wielu powodów być osiedlem szczególnym. Jednym z nich jest festiwal Monumental Art. Fenomen tego wydarzenia polega na tym, że to sztuka postanowiła się upomnieć o swoje miejsce w architekturze, nadając jej nie tylko nowy estetyczny wymiar, ale uzupełniając ją o bieżacy, zaangażowany komantarz rzeczywistości społecznej.
PublicationThe book "Bodyguard Profession: A Guide to the Art of Personal Protection" is a comprehensive guide that introduces readers to the intricacies of professional personal protection. The author thoroughly discusses both the physical and psychological aspects of a bodyguard's work, covering elements such as stress management, self-defense techniques, and the use of modern technology in VIP protection. The guide presents...
Dendrimers against fungi – A state of the art review
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State-of-the-art bolometers - principles, devices, applications
PublicationW artykule omówiono zasady działania bolometrów wykorzystywanych w detekcji fal elektromagnetycznych, w zakresie od mikrofal, poprzez pormieniowanie terahercowe, do promieniowania X. Przedstawiono materiały stosowane w wytwarzaniu bolometrów, oraz reprezentatywne konstrukcje nowoczesnych bolometrów, w tym bolometrów nadprzewodzących i wykorzystujących efekty kwantowe. Zaprezentowano wybrane zastosowania tych detektorów w technice,...
Komentarz do art. 20 ust. 4
PublicationCommentary to provision concerning implementation of Regulation 1/2003 in Poland
Public art in the era of urban transformations. A case study of Eduardo Paolozzi’s artistic output in Edinburgh and in London
PublicationUrban space dedicated to cultural life, entertainment or business is currently exposed to dynamic urbanistic transformations. Monumental works of art within the boundaries of cities, for years embedded in the urban landscape and awareness of viewers, are moved to other places or even destroyed. Decisions about a change of their location and context, which are fundamental aspects for the impression made by a given work of art, cause...
Sound Art and Architecture: New Horizons for Architecture and Urbanism
PublicationThe article discusses the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of involving art into architecture and multisensory dimensions of space. The analysis is based on examples of innovative experimental activities for architecture: educational projects such as workshops, seminars and courses, combining art and architecture, with special emphasis on sound art, and the consequences...
Redifining the Space – The Impact of Art Instalation in the Public Space
PublicationThe article presents the outcomes of the ‘Art and design’ - interdisciplinary programme WIRE 2013, and the work of studio regarding the impact of art instalation in the public Space . The subject of the workshop was an ‘Architectural Installation’. The relationship between art and architecture remains a challenging issue today, first and foremost in the domain of architecture, and particularly in art and design schools. To address...
Research and applications of active bearings: A state-of-the-art review
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Airport Runoff Water: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives
PublicationThe increase in the quantity and variety of contaminants generated during routine airport infrastructure maintenance operations leads to a wider range of pollutants entering soil and surface waters through runoff, causing soil erosion and groundwater pollution. A significant developmental challenge is ensuring that airport infrastructure meets high-quality environmental management standards. It is crucial to have effective tools...
Solid phase microextraction: state of the art, opportunities and applications
PublicationSolid phase microextraction is one of the most popular green techniques used for sample preparations in analytical chemistry. It is a simple, rapid, sensitive, and solvent-free technique. Since SPME was first introduced in the early 1990s, there has been an intensification of research in order to elaborate new methodical solutions in many research facilities around the world, which could increase the use of this technique. More...
State of the art electronic nose technology and future trends
PublicationThis chapter briefly reviews the progress in field of artificial olfaction and demonstrates future trends in electronic nose technology. The discussion about e-nose concern also a big challenge for the pattern recognition (PARC) systems due to several particular problems they involve. Finally, the application of e-nose in different areas of life is given.
Green Chromatography: State-of-the-art, Opportunities and Future Perspectives
PublicationIt is well known that chromatographic procedures could have a significant impact on the environment if laboratory practice is not in line with the principles of green analytical chemistry (GAC). However, chromatographic techniques have the potential to be greener in all steps of the analysis. The approaches used to make chromatographic separations greener differ depending on the type of chromatographic method. This chapter considers...
Research and applications of active bearings: A state-of-the-art review
PublicationControllable/active bearings are mainly associated with active magnetic bearings (AMBs), whereas active bearing control is also found in many types of bearings, e.g. fluid, gas and hybrid bearings. The article presents a review of the literature describing the structure and results of studies of active bearings. Active control brings a number of benefits resulting in the fact that their use as a support for rotors becomes increasingly...
Patostreaming – istota projektowanego art. 255b kodeksu karnego. Patostreaming – the essence of the proposed Article 255b of the Penal Code.
Publication"Artykuł porusza problematykę dotyczącą próby kryminalizacji patostreamingu w polskim porządku prawnym. Autor analizuje zarówno samą istotę tego wysoce szkodliwego (zwłaszcza dla dzieci i młodzieży) zjawiska, jak i próby podejmowane w Sejmie RP IX kadencji w zakresie procedowania poselskiego projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks karny, który to dotyczył przeciwdziałaniu promowaniu agresji i redukcji zachowań patologicznych...
PublicationThe aim of a paper is to examine the role of creative placemaking in shaping urban environment. Art and artists have a long history of contributing and changing cities. Nowadays art and cultural activities become the revitalization tools, helping to start and sustain the process of change in the areas in crisis. The process of creative placemaking brings art to people and people to art, enhancing creativity in lives to transform...
Street Art and Urban Regeneration. Case Study Gdansk and Rome.
PublicationStreet art plays an important role in urban planning as a transforming engine to regenerate the public spaces and in the processes of participation. The article analyzes two main topics. The first one focuses on the urban serving as a support for spatial and cultural strategies in urban redevelopment projects. The second one is related to the potential of micro urban interventions as a strategy for a wider involvement of inhabitants...
Tradition and modernity in the structural art of steel-glass structures in Japan
PublicationTradition and modernity in the structural art of steel-glass structures in Japan
The Impact of Ergonomic Guiding Principles on the Formation of Modern Monumental Art
PublicationCommemoration of historic events is now a commonplace phenomenon both in culture and in academic research. The phenomenon is linked to an increase in the representation of the visualisation of the past in public sphere, which in turn leads to reformulation of monumental art. Modern monuments are often spatial forms consisting both of sculpture installation and bigger constructions. In case of these realisations, the designers,...
Security of Cryptocurrencies: A View on the State-of-the-Art Research and Current Developments
Publication[Context] The goal of security is to protect digital assets, devices, and services from being disrupted, exploited or stolen by unauthorized users. It is also about having reliable information available at the right time. [Motivation] Since the inception in 2009 of the first cryptocurrency, few studies have been undertaken to analyze and review the state-of-the-art research and current developments with respect to the security...
Disposable pipette tips extraction: Fundamentals, applications and state of the art
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Constitutive models for technical woven fabric state of the art and futuretrends.
PublicationPrzedstawiono główne kierunki rozwoju nieliniowych praw konstytutywnych służących do opisu zachowania tkaniny technicznej z uwzględnieniem niesprężystych właściwości wątku i osnowy. Praca zawiera krótki rys historyczny rozwoju praw oraz omówienie typowych prób laboratoryjnych służących do identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych.
Minikin’s equation mistake — a mystic art of systems of measuring units
PublicationThis paper deals with one of the most controversial equations in coastal engineering — the so-called Minikin’s equation, describing the impact pressure due to wave breaking on a vertical-wall caisson of a composite breakwater. This equation has been used worldwide for many years, although it has been reported many times to overestimate real values of the impact pressure measured in nature and in the laboratory. Units of measurement,...