Search results for: GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES - Bridge of Knowledge




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  • Sustainability objectives and collaboration lifecycle in cluster organizations


    - Quality and Quantity - Year 2023

    In our paper, we combine two issues, collaboration in cluster organizations and sustainability, aiming to answer the question: Does complex governance structure of cluster organizations support members in formulating and reaching sustainability objectives? Based on four case studies of cluster organizations and a still novel abductive approach, we present the ways in which sustainability was executed in their functioning. Our study...

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  • Tworzenie wartości dla akcjonariuszy w świetle nadzoru korporacyjnego


    Duży odsetek spółek publicznych w Polsce nie tworzy wartości dla akcjonariuszy. Zaprezento-wano wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu struktur własności na efektywność działania spółek pu-blicznych. Badania te nie były w stanie wyjaśnić w wystarczającym stopniu zjawiska destrukcji warto-ści. Starano się wykazać, że jedną z przyczyn tego zjawiska jest transfer wartości. Zalicza się go do głównych problemów nadzoru korporacyjnego. Szczególna...

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  • Developing a Framework for the Implementation of Landscape and Greenspace Indicators in Sustainable Urban Planning. Waterfront Landscape Management: Case Studies in Gdańsk, Poznań and Bristol


    - Sustainability - Year 2019

    Urban landscape (UL) management and urban greenspace (UG) delivery require effective planning tools. The aim of the study is to develop a conceptual framework for the implementation of ecological, structural and visual landscape and greenspace indicators (LGI) in spatial development of urban areas. The UL and UG management provisions in Poland are identified at various levels of urban planning (local, municipal and regional). Furthermore,...

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  • Is Digitalization Improving Governance Quality? Correlating Analog and Digital Benchmarks


    The digitalization of public governance and the resulting concept of electronic governance is a characteristic feature of contemporary information society. Both can be defined as the process and outcome of digital transformation: transformation of the “analog” version of governance into “digital” governance. Measuring both versions of governance against typical performance measures of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, openness...

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  • The role of governance to support smart community development: a systematic literature review


    - Year 2024

    This paper studies the interaction between the smart community and smart governance concepts to elaborate on the role of governance to support local governments in developing smart communities’ strategies and solutions. We perform a systematic literature review to analyse how the concept of smart community has advanced in terms of its definitions, context, benefits, challenges, and enablers and propose a unified term with a focus...

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  • Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning

    Contemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...

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  • Towards Synthetic and Balanced Digital Government Benchmarking


    Reliable benchmarking is essential for effective management of the government digitalization efforts. Existing benchmarking instruments generally fail to support this target. One problem is the diversity of instruments, resulting in a split image of digital progress and adding ambiguity to policy decisions. Another problem is disconnect in assessing progress between digital and traditional “analog” governance, lending support to...

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  • Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance in the Global Economy


    - Year 2020

    The book places ownership at the centre of all relevant choices that the company makes. In particular, it addresses the issue of governance from the perspective of ownership, and in a broader and more articulated sense than most Anglo-Saxon studies do. The authors analyse the relationship between ownership, governance, and corporate strategy, with a dual objective. On the one hand, the aim is to identify the consistency relationships...

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  • Principles of Corporate Governance


    - Year 2019

    The book places ownership at the centre of all relevant choices that the conpany makes: in particular it adresses the problem of governance from the perspective of owenership. The second part of the book analyzes in a number of coutries economic systens, caputakism models, dfferent economic cultures, and their role in defining the type of corporate governance that has emerged

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  • Informal practices in urban planning and governance. Examples from Polish cities


    - Planning Practice and Research - Year 2023

    Planning has a formal, legally defined component and an informal component developed in response to deficiencies in the planning system. Informal practices can contribute to the development of tools that would improve urban governance, especially in areas related to space. This article presents an overview of informal practices that have taken place in Polish cities and towns in recent years and offers an assessment of their impact...

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  • Assessing and Mitigating Ice-Jam Flood Hazards and Risks: A European Perspective

    • K. Lindenschmidt
    • K. Alfredsen
    • D. Carstensen
    • A. Choryński
    • D. Gustafsson
    • M. Halicki
    • B. Hentschel
    • N. Karjalainen
    • M. Kögel
    • T. Kolerski... and 22 others

    - Water - Year 2023

    The assessment and mapping of riverine flood hazards and risks is recognized by many countries as an important tool for characterizing floods and developing flood management plans. Often, however, these management plans give attention primarily to open-water floods, with ice-jam floods being mostly an afterthought once these plans have been drafted. In some Nordic regions, ice-jam floods can be more severe than open-water floods,...

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  • Data governance: Organizing data for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

    • M. Janssen
    • P. Brous
    • E. Estevez
    • L. S. Barbosa
    • T. Janowski


    The rise of Big, Open and Linked Data (BOLD) enables Big Data Algorithmic Systems (BDAS) which are often based on machine learning, neural networks and other forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As such systems are increasingly requested to make decisions that are consequential to individuals, communities and society at large, their failures cannot be tolerated, and they are subject to stringent regulatory and ethical requirements....

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  • The role of clusters as collective actors in the energy transformation: the case of Mazovia Cluster ICT


    - Competitiveness Review - Year 2023

    Purpose – In our paper we aim to show the possibilities of implementing the idea of sustainability in the context of energy transformation using the concept of an industrial cluster. The implementation of the idea of sustainability is of particular importance from the perspective of the functioning of the meta-organisations involved in the implementation and promotion of decarbonisation processes. Industrial clusters, as collective...

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  • Multi-level governance w procesie ustanowienia Wymiaru Północnego Unii Europejskiej

    Artykuł ukazuje proces podejmowania decyzji w celu ustalenia Wymiaru Północnego w kontekście multi-level governance. Analiza koncentruje się na instytucjonalnych i proceduralnych aspektach wertykalnego przekazania władzy. Jej wyniki wykazały właściwości wielopoziomowego sprawowania rządów w fazie powołania zewnętrznej inicjatywy makroregionalnej Unii Europejskiej. Pozwoliły one także na włączenie się do debaty na temat możliwości...

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  • Exploring governance among social co-operatives: three models from Poland

    There has been overly interest regarding social enterprise and social entrepreneurship in theory and practice. In this paper the author introduces the workings of governance of small social enterprises i.e. social co-operatives, acting in most cases for the purpose of work and social integration of the marginalized, at the bottom of the pyramid of socio-economic system. The aim of this paper is to provide insights into under researched...

  • Is Digital Government Advancing Sustainable Governance? A Study of OECD/EU Countries


    International bodies and numerous authors advocate a key role for Digital Government (DG) in improving public governance and achieving other policy outcomes. Today, a particularly relevant outcome is advancing Sustainable Governance (SG), i.e., the capacity to steer and coordinate public action towards sustainable development. This article performs an empirical study of the relationship between DG and SG using data about 41 OECD/EU...

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  • Towards a Smart Sustainable City Roadmap

    • G. V. Pereira
    • E. Estevez
    • R. Krimmer
    • M. Janssen
    • T. Janowski

    - Year 2019

    This workshop of the CAP4CITY (Erasmus+ Strengthening Governance Capacity for Smart Sustainable Cities) project is to promote and stimulate the discussion and networking in the area of Digital Government. Smart Sustainable Cities and related concepts of Digital, Intelligent and Smart Cities represent a progression of how cities around the world apply digital technology to serve their populations, pursue sustainable socio-economic...

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  • Urban regeneration in urban functional areas in Poland as an instrument of implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy

    This study examines the role of urban regeneration policies in planning and governance within urban functional areas (UFAs) in Poland, in the context of the EU Cohesion Policy (CP). The empirical part of this study is based on comparing the approaches adopted in two Polish regions: Pomerania and Silesia. We describe the first successes but also the bottlenecks of the process, from negotiations and programming up to the implementation...

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  • Appunti di corporate governance


    - Year 2021

    Il libro pone la proprietà al centro di tutte le scelte rilevanti che l’impresa compie: in particolare affronta il «problema» del governo il tema della corporate governance dalla prospettiva della proprietà e in un’accezione più ampia e articolata rispetto agli studi di matrice anglosassone. In questo contesto, si analizza il tema delle relazioni tra proprietà, governo corporate governance e strategia corporate delle imprese, con...

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  • Side Effects of National Immunization Program: E-Governance Support Toward Elders' Digital Inclusion


    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union (EU) governments develop policies to regulate exclusive health protection actions that consider societal needs with the emphasis on elders. Given that the EU vaccination strategy uses a centralized ICT-based approach, there is little guidance on how seniors are included in national immunization programs (NIP). In this paper, we addressed a knowledge gap of the side effects...

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  • Instrumenty prawne ochrony interesów akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych w polskich spółkach publicznych.


    - Year 2002

    We wstępie wskazano na znaczenie ochrony interesów akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych w świetle corporate governance. Następnie omówiono instrumenty ochrony akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych przed transferem zysków i w wezwaniach na sprzedaż akcji. Rozważania oparto na licznych przykładach.

  • Mapping negative unintended consequences of disruptive technologies use in smart cities


    - Year 2021

    Smart cities governance (SCG) consists of both to foster technology-enabled innovation, and to utilize disruptive technologies (DT) outcomes and impacts to increase public value of urban services. Despite widespread discussion of DT benefits, scientific literature identifies multiple determinants of unintended negative consequences (UC) of DT deployment in smart city initiatives. By considering UC as the negative aspects resulting...

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  • Cele nadzoru korporacyjnego w polskich spółkch giełdowych


    - Year 2006

    Opracowanie składa sie z dwóch części. W pierwszej części rozwazań zaprezentowano dwa ujęcia corporate governance - z perspektywy akcjonariuszy i perspektywy interesariuszy. W drugiej części przedstawiono przyklady naruszania interesów akcjonariuszy mniejszościowych w spółkach giełdowych w Polsce.

  • Platform governance for sustainable development: Reshaping citizen-administration relationships in the digital age



    Changing governance paradigms has been shaping and reshaping the landscape of citizen-administration relationships, from impartial application of rules and regulations by administration to exercise its authority over citizens (bureaucratic paradigm), through provision of public services by administration to fulfil the needs of citizens (consumerist paradigm), to responsibility-sharing between administration and citizens for policy...

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  • Digital government evolution: From transformation to contextualization


    The Digital Government landscape is continuously changing to reflect how governments are trying to find innovative digital solutions to social, economic, political and other pressures, and how they transform themselves in the process. Understanding and predicting such changes is important for policymakers, government executives, researchers and all those who prepare, make, implement or evaluate Digital Government decisions. This...

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  • UAV measurements and AI-driven algorithms fusion for real estate good governance principles support

    The paper introduces an original method for effective spatial data processing, particularly important for land administration and real estate governance. This approach integrates Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data acquisition and processing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Geometric Transformation algorithms. The results reveal that: (1) while the separate applications of YOLO and Hough Transform algorithms achieve building detection...

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  • Data and knowledge supporting decision-making for the urban Food-Water-Energy nexus


    - Year 2022

    Cities are hubs of innovation and wealth creation, and magnets for an increasing urban population. Cities also face unprecedented challenges in terms of food, water and energy scarcity, and governance and management. Urban environmental issues are no longer problems for experts to address but have become issues of public debate, in which knowledge from multiple sectors is needed to support inclusive governance approaches. Consequently,...

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  • Innovative Regionen - kreative Metropolen


    - Year 2007

    Innowacyjne regiony sa ''lokomotywami'' rozwoju. Koncentruja wiedze, nauke, innowacje. Szczegolna koncentracja form innowacyjnych wystepuje w przestrzeni metropolii w powiazaniach kapitalu wiedzy, spolecznego, ludzkiego, instytucjonalnego. Definicja potrojnej helisy (Triple Helix) dotyczy powiazan wiedzy i badan, gospodarki i zarzadzania regionem (governance). Kreatywne metropolie wyznaczaja 3xT: talent, technologie, tolerancja.

  • When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis


    - Information Technology and Tourism - Year 2017

    Despite the importance of governance processes for destination management and the impact of digital technology on such processes, surprisingly little academic research has explored the use of digital technology to transform public governance in the tourism sector. This conceptual paper fills this gap by conducting a digital government stakeholder analysis for the tourism sector using the digital government evolution model as its...

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  • Europe, between Mandatory and Voluntary Approach to CSR: Some New Evidence from the Polish Listed Companies


    This paper aims to explore the relationship between corporate governance rules and application of CSR practices into operations of the top 30 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Since in Poland, so far, there is no obligation to follow any specific CSR standards or to make disclosures of non-financial, social and environmental information, this is still a fully voluntary approach. At the moment, only some of the companies...

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  • Research on entrepreneurship – the forms of entrepreneurship

    The aim of this article is to present suggestions for future directions of research on entrepreneurship, with particular emphasis on different forms of entrepreneurship. The suggestions are preceded by a brief review of research on entrepreneurship. The article is theoretical in nature and does not present any own research, although its content is based on multiple years of experience in studying this phenomenon. The forms of entrepreneurship...

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  • The Chernobyl effect


    - Year 2022

    The 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe was not only a human and ecological disaster, but also a political-ideological one, severely discrediting Soviet governance and galvanizing dissidents in the Eastern Bloc. In the case of Poland, what began as isolated protests against the Soviet nuclear site grew to encompass domestic nuclear projects in general, and in the process spread across the country and attracted new segments of society. This...

  • Między wspólnotą a biznesem - system rządzenia w przedsiębiorstwie społecznym – studia przypadku


    Teoria na temat ładu korporacyjnego zdążyła się już intensywnie rozwinąć w wielu dyscyplinach, lecz w przypadku przedsiębiorstw społecznych istnieje duża luka badawcza. Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie istotnych elementów systemu rządzenia governance w przedsiębiorstwach społecznych na przykładzie spółdzielni socjalnych oraz identyfikacja wewnętrznych charakterystyk tego systemu. W oparciu o opisową i eksploracyjną analizę przypadku...

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  • Exploring application relationships within enterprise system by matching messages in enterprise log


    - Year 2020

    With data becoming their key asset, large enterprises require data governance processes to maintain its quality. Because a large portion of business value in enterprise systems is usually delivered by legacy applications without proper documentation, there is a need for a better understanding of these applications and the data produced by them. In this paper, we present an approach to collecting insights into the data managed by...

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  • The role of urban movements in the process of local spatial planning and the development of participation mechanism

    In civil societies, urban movements are one of the tools in the process of spatial governance. In Poland, urban activism is beginning to develop together with a budding participation in public life. Therefore, there is a need to assess the scope and effects of the urban movements’ actions. The aim of the study was to determine and evaluate their impact on the spatial development in three Polish cities - Poznań, Gdańsk and Gdynia, especially...

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  • Theological Intersections: Newman’s ‘Primacy of God’ in Modern Church Discourse


    - Religions - Year 2024

    This article critically examines the Catholic–Anglican theological dialogue, centering on John Henry Newman’s ‘Primacy of God’, Catholic synodality, and Anglican comprehensiveness. It illuminates the interconnectedness of these elements, revealing their potential to enhance ecumenical conversations. Newman’s concept of communal faith and divine primacy resonates across both traditions, advocating a transformative,...

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  • The potential of Web-GIS and geovisual analytics in the context of marine cadastre


    - SURVEY REVIEW - Year 2017

    The importance of the marine environment to human existence makes it imperative that information models represent the multidimensional nature of reality as closely as possible in order to facilitate good governance. Information regarding jurisdiction, as well as the effects of formal law and community interests on the marine environment (e.g. nature and spatial extents as well as rights, responsibilities, restrictions etc.) would...

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  • E-Estonia as a role model? Some general considerations and applicability in France


    - Year 2020

    Estonia has recently been widely recognised – in the policy circles, academia, as well as the media space – as one of the more advanced nation states when it comes to digital government (and governance) transformation (e.g. Margetts and Naumann, 2017; Heller, 2017). Ever greater attention Estonia attracted with the two most recent digital government initiatives, namely the e-Residency and the virtual data embassy, both first of...

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  • Application of Artificial Intelligence by Poland’s Public Administration


    - Year 2024

    This chapter presents an overview and analysis of artificial intelligence-driven solutions created and implemented by or with the support of Poland’s central public administration (PA). After discussing governance of AI-related issues, we analyze a set of examples of AI innovation to map the actors and their relations within the ecosystem, describe the field where innovation in AI for PA occurs, and highlight the potentialities...

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  • Digital Government and Administrative Burden Reduction


    - Year 2016

    Administrative burden represents the costs to businesses, citizens and the administration itself of complying with government regulations and procedures. The burden tends to increase with new forms of public governance that rely less on direct decisions and actions undertaken by traditional government bureaucracies, and more on government creating and regulating the environment for other, non-state actors to jointly address public...

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  • Chain Action - How Do Countries Add Value Through Digital Government?


    This study examineshow countries develop and benefit from Digital Government(DG).The literature proposes various conceptualizations of the value-adding logic of DG, but the benchmarking practice is not respondingto such proposals.For instance, the United Nations’E-Government Surveycombines the readiness and uptake indicatorsand failsto cover any impactindicators;thus,its diagnostic valueis limited. To overcome...

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  • Is DAO Governance Fostering Democracy? Reviewing Decision-Making in Decentraland


    - Year 2025

    This study analyzes voting dynamics and proposal outcomes within Decentraland, a prominent Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), by examining its voting behaviors and decision outcomes. We offer insights into how a DAO is employed to facilitate decision-making and discern the nature of the issues about which decisions are made. DAOs promise horizontal and democratic decision-making. However, our research reveals...

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  • ESG investing during the Covid-19 crisis. Evidence from Central European Stock Exchanges


    - Year 2023

    As COVID-19 turned into a global pandemic, world markets gradually began to recover after initial dynamic declines. Restrictions, and their subsequent loosening, were, and are, not without significance for the financial markets. These particular circumstances provide a unique opportunity to contribute to the literature by focusing on the potential resilience of ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing in an era of crisis....

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  • The role of sport in the Smart City concept

    Sport brings to cities innovative solutions that influence urban life, yet considerations about sport still rarely contribute to the development of the very popular smart city concept. This raises the question: what is the perception of sport in the city from the perspective of the smart city concept? One of the challenges of future urban policy is to provide initiatives that ensure the wellbeing and promote the model of a healthy...

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  • Аналіз положень статутів польських та українських ЗВО: дослідження особливостей статутів закладів вищої освіти у контексті університетської автономії та чинного законодавства у сфері вищої освіти в Польщі та Україні


    - Year 2021

    дослідження, реалізоване власними силами аналітично-експертною організацією Фундація польських ректорів – Інститут суспільства знань у 2016–2018 рр., було присвячено аналізу сфери врядування/governance у вищій освіті в Україні та Польщі. Метою дослідження було дослідити думку ректорів закладів вищої освіти Спілки та KRASP щодо деяких аспектів функціонування сфери врядування у вищій освіті в обох країнах. Анкетне дослідження охоплювало...

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  • The Origins of the Concept of Ideology

    The concept of "ideology" as, firstly, a term that points at non-epistemological conditioning of cognitive processes, and, secondly, as a term which aimed at disclosing the ancillary role of given ideas in regard to specific political interests of certain groups, has long history. Since Francis Bacon's theory of idols modern philosophy endavoured to create a comprehensive classification of systematic cognitive errors which divert...

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  • Smart sustainable cities : Reconnaissance Study


    - Year 2016

    The global urban population is expected to grow by 63 percent between 2014 and 2050 – compared to an overall global population growth of 32 percent during the same period. Megacities with over 20-million inhabitants will see the fastest increase in population – and at least 13 new megacities are expected by 2030, in addition to the 28 existing today. The fastest growing urban centres contain around one-million inhabitants, and...

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  • Relevance of the EU Structural Funds’ Allocation to the Needs of Combating Air Pollution in Poland. Analysis of the Operational Programmes of Regions Threatened With Critical Air Pollution from Distributed Energy Sources


    Recent years, the European Environmental Agency, has been reporting air quality parameters in Poland, as the poorest among all the EU countries. Despite of adoption of the EU legislation on energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings, existing legal solutions occur insufficient in reducing air pollution in Polish regions. Lack of an effective schemes supporting complex thermal renovation of buildings, exchange of inefficient...

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  • The impact of institutions on innovation networks: empirical evidence from Poland


    - Technological and Economic Development of Economy - Year 2022

    Innovation networks may accelerate and improve the innovation process, while institutional pathologies may hamper it. This study employs the Kruskal-Wallis H test and regression analysis to determine if the relationship between institutions and innovation networks does exist among the investigated variables. The purpose of the study was to find out whether cooperation with special local institutions influences the innovative behaviour...

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  • State of the Art in Open Platforms for Collaborative Urban Design and Sharing of Resources in Districts and Cities


    - Sustainability - Year 2021

    This work discusses recent developments in sharing economy concepts and collaborative co-design technology platforms applied in districts and cities. These developments are being driven both by new technological advances and by increased environmental awareness. The paper begins by outlining the state of the art in smart technology platforms for collaborative urban design, highlighting a number of recent examples. The case of peer-to-peer...

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