Wyznaczenie obciążeń na poszycie okrętu wywołanych uderzeniem fal i uderzeniem w lód i ich wpływ na bezpieczeństwo okrętu
PublicationThe main problem is the vessels rather accurate determination of the hydrodynamic loads so-called hydroelasticity outside . This can be done by theoretical analysis , computer simulation or by experiment. This gives the hydrodynamic pressure distribution on the walls of the ship's hull and also on the walls of marine vessels .The most dangerous are the impact of extreme storm waves , the impact of the wharf and the impact zone...
The hydrodynamic pressure field of the ship Zodiak, measurements and calculations
PublicationThe article presents the results of measurements of the slowly changing hydrodynamic pressure field HPF generated by the movement of the ship, Zodiak, in the Bay of Gdansk. The measurement results have been obtained in the framework of the program of the work in Siramis, under the auspices of the European Defence Administration of the EU, by the research team of the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The measurement results were compared with...
Hydrodynamic Pressure Field of a Ship on Shallow Water
PublicationResults of calculations of the hydrodynamic pressure field around the ship were obtained by application of the boundary element method. Hydrodynamic field was calculated for a Polish Navy’s tugboat and transport ship using a program called SHiPP and compared with measurements of the field taken on river near Swinoujscie for two identical tugs H-4 and H-10. Next, a series of HPF calculations was carried out on planes situated at...
Weather Hazard Avoidance in Modeling Safety of Motor-Driven Ship for Multicriteria Weather Routing
PublicationWeather routing methods find the most suitable ocean?s route for a vessel, taking into account changeable weather conditions and navigational constraints. In the multicriteria approach based on the evolutionary SPEA algorithm one is able to consider a few constrained criteria simultaneously. The approach applied for a ship with hybrid propulsions has already been presented by one of the authors on previous TransNav?2009. This time...
PublicationOperating in crowded waterways pose a risk of accidents and disasters due to maneuvering limitations of the ship. In order to predict ship’s maneuvering characteristics at the design stage, model tests are often executed as the most accurate prediction tool. Two approaches can be distinguished here: free running model tests and numerical simulations based on planar motion model with the use of hydrodynamic derivatives obtained...
Review of ship safety domains: Models and applications
PublicationShip safety domain is a term which is widely used in research on collision avoidance and traffic engineering among others. Classic ship domains have been compared in multiple reports. However, up till now there has been no work summing up contemporary research in this field. The paper offers a systematic and critical review of the newer ship domain models and related research. It discusses multiple differences in approach to ship...
Numerical Estimation of Hull Hydrodynamic Derivatives in Ship Maneuvering Prediction
PublicationPrediction of the maneuvering characteristics of the ship at the design stage can be done by means of model tests, computational simulations or a combination of both. The model tests can be realized as direct simulation of the standard maneuvers with the free running model, which gives the most accurate results, but is also the least affordable as it requires very large tank or natural lake, as well as complex equipment of the...
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the load-carrying capacity of a historic hydrodynamic water-lubricated radial bearing of an unconventional segment design installed in the Braniewo Hydroelectric Power Plant. The aim of the calculations was to determine whether the bearing operates in the conditions of hydrodynamic or mixed lubrication, as well as to establish the optimal geometry of the axial grooves allowing for the highest load-carrying...
Numerical Simulations of Hydrodynamic Open-Water Characteristics of a Ship Propeller
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical simulations of ship propeller operation bearing the name of Propeller Open Water (POW) Tests. The object of tests was a sample ship propeller (PPTC1), the geometrical and kinematic data of which are available, along with the results of model tests, on the official page of the research centre involved in the measurements. The research aimed at verifying the correctness of results of numerical...
Methods of determination of C coefficient for period of rolling vessel in calm water for example of pax cargo ship
PublicationThis article presents a different approach to calculate the C coefficient needed to determine the period of own rolling vessel in calm water. The C coefficient is usually adopted as the approximate value from the available literature, usually depending on the type of vessel, and less dependent on the loading condition. In experimental studies of marine properties (seakeeping) often have a problem with the selection of the correct...
Simplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to bow slamming load
PublicationSimplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to the bow slamming load, resulting in a transient vibratory response, typically called a 'whip-ping', is presented. The accurate numerical modelling is very complex and involves cou-pling of the hydrodynamic and structural solution at every time step, leading to huge com-putational and workload cost. Thus, the one-way coupling methodology is adopted,...
Simulation of ship turning circle test for ballast and full load conditions
Open Research DataThe data show the results of the turning circle spiral test for the simplified ship model, taking into account two states of loading: ballast and full load. During the circulation test, the manoeuvrability of the vessel is tested.
PublicationThe paper refers to the possibilities of making operational decisions that would enable to ensure safety to a ship in the event of application of the statistical decision theory with consideration of an expected value of consequences as a criterion for making such a decision. General description includes conditions for carrying out transportation tasks by ships and it has been shown that following this description it is possible...
Simulation of ship spiral test for ballast and full load conditions
Open Research DataThe data show the results of the spiral test for the simplified ship model, taking into account two states of loading: ballast and full load. The data set contains the results of time simulation for sea state 10 on the Beaufort scale: changes in rudder angle delta_tab[deg]; angular velocity r_tab[deg/s]; surge velocity u_tab (m/s); sway velocity v_tab...
PublicationPower and propulsion systems of offshore units must be of a very high level of reliability. The loss of ability to perform functions of their components causes generally to very high economic losses, which may be increased by unused the weather window resulting to postponing the planned offshore operations. To ensure carrying out so expensive offshore operations in the most reliable way, various types of redundancies are built-in...
On hydrodynamic forces acting on the ship in large motions.
PublicationPraca zapoznaje czytelnika ze współczesnym stanem dynamiki statku w nieliniowym ujęciu, ukierunkowanym na unikanie zbyt daleko idących komplikacji w rozwiązaniu. Nieliniowość dotyczy przede wszystkim sił Fronda-Kryłowa oraz sił tłumienia po wejściu pokładu do wody, czy też oporu stępek przechyłowych. Do pozostałych sił towarzyszących i dyfrakcyjnych stosuje się ekstrapolację podejścia liniowego.
Four Degree-of-Freedom Hydrodynamic Maneuvering Model of a Small Azipod-Actuated Ship With Application to Onboard Decision Support Systems
PublicationThe main contribution of this paper is a numerical ship motion model of NTNU’s research vessel Gunnerus, capturing the surge, sway, roll, and yaw dynamics when sailing in uniform and steady currents. The model utilizes a crossflow drag formulation for the transverse viscous loads, and it includes a nonlinear formulation for the propulsion and steering loads provided by two azipod thrusters. A wide range of experimental data obtained...
Inverse Analysis as a Key Element of Safety Assessment under the Snow Load For The Large Suspension Roofs Structure
PublicationThe paper presents a concept and realization of monitoring system for the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow. The idea of the system lies in fusion of structure monitoring with a calibrated numerical FEM model [1]. The inverse problem is solved. On the base of measured selected displacements, the numerical FEM model of the structure combined with iterative method, develops the current snow load distribution. Knowing the load, we can calculate...
System-theoretic approach to safety of remotely-controlled merchant vessel
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PublicationThis paper presents a proposal of simultaneous consideration of load and wear associated with it , of tribological systems of ship main engines (intended for ship propulsion) . Based on results of investigations it was assumed that both the load Q (i.e. a cause of wear ) and the wear Z (i.e. an effect of load occurrence) considered in a given time t(0 ≤ t ≤ t) are random variables Qt and Zt, respectively. There was characterized...
Problems of ship system design for safety.
PublicationSystem bezpieczny to taki, który nie stwarza ryzyka większego niż przyjęte w odpowiednich kryteriach. Kryteria te mogą być wyrażone jakościowo oraz ilościowo. Bezpieczeństwo jako atrybut systemu może być przedmiotem projektowania. Rozróżniono tutaj dwa przypadki: A - dotyczące systemu dla którego właściwe są kryteria jakościowe i B - dotyczące systemu dla którego zastosowano kryteria ilościowe. W uwagach końcowych przedyskutowano...
Human Reliability at Ship Safety Consideration
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Przemysław Krata dr hab. inż.
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Description of the hydrodynamic pressure field function around the ship hull
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę aproksymacji pola hydrodynamicznego okrętu, wykorzystując pole obliczone metodą elementów skończonych. Punkty kontrolne umieszczono w środku paneli rozmieszczonych na kadłubie statku, na powierzchni dna morskiego oraz na powierzchni swobodnej; w p-ktach tych znajdują się osobliwości w postaci źródeł, upustów i/lub dipoli. Przedstawione wyniki obliczeń zostały uzyskane przy użyciu tych pierwszych...
Determination of probabilities defining safety of a sea-going ship during performance of a transportation task in stormy weather conditions
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of applying the theory of semi-Markov processes to determine the limiting distribution for the process of changes of technical states being reliability states of the systems of sea-going ships significantly affecting safety of such ships, which include main engine, propeller and steering gear. The distribution concerns the probabilities of occurrence of the said states defined for a long time...
Environmental safety of a seagoing ship power plant.
PublicationPrzedstawiono probabilistyczne podejście do oceny bezpieczeństwa środowiskowego siłowni statku. Zaproponowano kryterium oceny bezpieczeństwa środowiskowego siłowni statku.
Sailing Vessel Routing Considering Safety Zone and Penalty Time for Altering Course
PublicationIn this paper we introduce new model for simulation sea vessel routing. Besides a vessel types (polar diagram) and weather forecast, travel security and the number of maneuvers are considered. Based on these data both the minimal travelling costs and the minimal processing time are found for different vessels and different routes. To test our model the applications SailingAssistance wad improved. The obtained results shows that...
Safety Qualification Process for an Autonomous Ship Prototype – a Goal-based Safety Case Approach
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A probabilistic model of envirinmental safety of ship power plant.
PublicationPrzedstawiono probabilistyczne podejście do oceny bezpieczeństwa środowiskowego siłowni statku. Wyznaczono miarę ryzyka oraz kryterium ryzyka środowiskowego siłowni statku.
PublicationOne of the fundamental states of the sea surface is its heave. Despite of years of the intense scientific inquiry, no clear understanding of the influence of this aspect on the dynamics of the sea environment has emerged. The separation of two nearby fluid elements which one may observed for example as a free floating of small objects on the sea surface (rescuers on the rough sea or small research vessels) is caused by the interaction...
A risk-based method for ship safety assessment at the preliminary designstage
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki badań dotyczących opracowania metody do analizy bezpieczeństwa statku w warunkach krytycznych. Metoda oparta jest na podejściu systemowym do oceny bezpieczeństwa, formalnej ocenie bezpieczeństwa FSA i hydromechanice okrętu. Podano przykłady oceny ryzyka utraty statku w warunkach krytycznych.
Selected developments within ship safety equipment for saving lives
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono aktualny rozwój nowych metod i urządzeń do bezpiecznej ewakuacji ludzi ze statków, zwłaszcza z dużych pasażerskich, zabierających na pokład łącznie do 5 tysięcy osób.
Improving Ship Maneuvering Safety with Augmented Virtuality Navigation Information Displays
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PublicationThe paper is focused on adaptation of an isochrone method necessary for application to a weather routing system with evolutionary approach. Authors propose an adaptation of the isochrone method with area partitioning assuring that the route found by the adopted method would not cross land. In result, when applied to a weather routing system with evolutionary approach, this proposal facilitates creation of initial population, resulting...
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Different aspects of hydrodynamic optimisation of ship propellers. Vershiedene Aspekte der hydrodynamischen Optimierung von Schiffspropellern.
PublicationArtykuł opisuje ogólną strategię optymalizacji hydrodynamicznej pędników okrętowych. Celem optymalizacji jest wysoka sprawność, dostateczna wytrzymałość, niski poziom wymuszeń niestacjonarnych i niska masa. Pokrótce przedstawiono dostępne analityczne narzędzia optymalizacyjne. Przedyskutowano trzy przykłady ręcznej optymalizacji, wspomaganej komputerowo. Przedstawiono również przykład pełnej, automatycznej optymalizacji opartej...
Problem of optimal load distribution between generators minimizing risk of enegretic ship system overload.
PublicationOmówiono system rozdziału mocy czynnych pomiędzy generatorami w systemie energetycznym statku. Minimalizuje się ryzyko przeciążeń systemu przy jednoczesnej minimalizacji kosztów wytwarzania energii w systemie.
On a risk-based method for safety assessment of a ship in critical conditions at the preliminary design stage.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wybrane rezultaty badań na temat metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w warunkach krytycznych, na etapie projektu wstępnego. Podano główne założenia nowoczesnego podejścia do oceny bezpieczeństwa statków. Przedstawiono opis metody do projektowania statków dla bezpieczeństwa, w warunkach krytycznych. Opisano główne elementy modelu obliczeniowego. Podano wybrane wyniki obliczeń. Opisano propozycje dalszych badań.
Weather Hazard Avoidance in Modeling Safety of Motor-driven Ship for Multicriteria Weather Routing
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A Method of Risk and Safety Assessment During the Ship Salvage Using the Hazard, Release and Consequence Analysis
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The Development of a Combined Method to Quickly Assess Ship Speed and Fuel Consumption at Different Powertrain Load and Sea Conditions
PublicationDecision support systems (DSS) recently have been increasingly in use during ships operation. They require realistic input data regarding different aspects of navigation. To address the optimal weather routing of a ship, which is one of the most promising field of DSS application, it is necessary to accurately predict an actually attainable speed of a ship and corresponding fuel consumption at given loading conditions and predicted...
Influence of pitting corrosion on fatigue and corrosion fatigue of ship and offshore structures. Part II: Load - pit crack interaction
PublicationIn the paper has been discussed influence of stresses on general corrosion rate and corrosion pit nucleation and growth rate, whose presence has been questioned by some authors but accepted by most of them. Influence of pit walls roughness on fatigue life of a plate suffering pit corrosion and presence of so called "non damaging" pits which never lead to initiation of fatigue crack, has been presented. Possibility of prediction...
Jakub Montewka prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJakub Montewka is an associate professor at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland and visiting processor at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland and Wuhan University of Technology in China. Jakub is researching in the field of maritime traffic risk and safety. His primary interests lie in the risk assessment of maritime transportation, quantification of safety of maritime navigation, route optimization for ships in ice-covered...
Assessment of safety of ships after the collision and during the ship salvage using the matrix type risk model and uncertainties
PublicationW pracy omówiono metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym w warunkach operacyjnych. Przedstawiono proponowana metodę oceny bezpieczeństwa statku w stanie uszkodzonym opartą na ocenie zachowania się statku i ocenie ryzyka. Opisano całościowy, macierzowy model ryzyka wypadku. Podano informacje na temat zastosowania proponowanej metody do oceny bezpieczeństwa uszkodzonego statku w czasie katastrofy na morzu.
Safety assessment of ships in damaged conditions by the risk-based method. Assessment of damaged ship performance using the CFD modeling
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono aktualny stan badań w zakresie oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym. Przedstawiono wybrane elementy metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym opartej na analizie ryzyka. Przedstawiono istotę oceny zachowania się statku w stanie uszkodzonym i oceny ryzyka w proponowanej metodzie. Przedstawiono elementy modelowania zachowania się statku w stanie uszkodzonym przy użyciu metody numerycznej...
PublicationIn marine vessel operations, fuel costs are major operating costs which affect the overall profitability of the maritime transport industry. The effective enhancement of using ship fuel will increase ship operation efficiency. Since ship fuel consumption depends on different factors, such as weather, cruising condition, cargo load, and engine condition, it is difficult to assess the fuel consumption pattern for various types...
Combined thrust radial bearing of a submarine main shaft – Design and analysis of failure
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of the combined thrust radial bearing of a submarine propulsion shaft. The lubrication system of the bearing is based on a fixed ring. The efficiency of the lubrication system depends on the shaft speed and temperature, which affects oil viscosity. In turn, the thrust bearing load also depends on the rotational speed of the shaft, because as the speed increases, the drag of the ship increases simultaneously,...
Structural Reliability Assessment Of Corroded Tanker Ship Based On Experimentally Estimated Ultimate Strength
PublicationThis work deals with the reliability assessment of a tanker ship hull structure subjected to a vertical bending moment and corrosion degradation. The progressive collapse and ultimate load carrying capacity are estimated based on experimentally tested scaled box-shaped-specimens. The translation of the strength estimate of the scaled specimen to the real tanker ship hull structure is performed based on the dimensional theory developing...
A multiparameter simulation-driven analysis of ship response when turning concerning a required number of irregular wave realizations
PublicationThe growing implementation of Decision Support Systems on modern ships, digital-twin technology, and the introduction of autonomous vessels cause the marine industry to seek accurate modeling of vessel response. Despite the contemporary 6DOF models can be used to predict ship motions in irregular waves, the impact of their stochastic realization is usually neglected and remains under-investigated. Especially in the case of turning, differences...
Application of advanced CFD simulations in seakeeping analysis of ships (case study)
PublicationThe novel design process of many types of ships needs estimation of seakeeping properties. Especially ships like Offshore Supply Vessels, Wind Farm Support Vessels, Research Vessels, ferries, military vessels, rescue vessels require extended analysis of ship behavior on rough sea. The main reason for improving ships operability in different sea conditions is need of rising efficiency of propulsion system, reducing hull added resistance,...