total: 63
Search results for: TURBINE BLADE
Pressure Pulsations in Turbine Blade Seal
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type. The performed experimental research proved that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of the nozzle trailing edge thickness as well as the influence of the rotor blades are observed. The exemplary results...
Pressure pulsations in turbine blade seal clearance
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type, while the numerical results were obtained by means of CFD Fluent Code. The performed experimental research and numerical calculations prove that in a shroud clearance the pressure pulsates and the effects of...
Suitableness of SLM Manufactured Turbine Blade for Aerodynamical Tests
PublicationsettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Suitableness of SLM Manufactured Turbine Blade for Aerodynamical Tests by Janusz Telega 1,*ORCID,Piotr Kaczynski 1ORCID,Małgorzata A. Śmiałek 2ORCID,Piotr Pawlowski 3ORCID andRyszard Szwaba 1ORCID 1 Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN), Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdansk, Poland 2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, Institute of Naval...
Flows in turbine blade seals: CFD calculations versus experiment
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy przepływu w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Rezultaty obliczeń porównano z danymi doświadczalnymi. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono na modelowej turbinie powietrznej przy różnych częstościach obrotów wału i różnym obciążeniu turbiny.
The Method of Reduction of Aerodynamic Forces Generated in Turbine Blade Seals
PublicationOpisano metodę zmniejszania sił wymuszających drgania aerodynamiczne poprzez zastosowanie nowego uszczelnienia nadbandażowego typu komorowego. Efektywność stosowania uszczelnienia komorowego potwierdzono obliczeniami numerycznymi i badaniami eksperymentalnymi.
The Method of reduction of aerodynamic forces generated in turbine blade seals
PublicationThe distibution of pressure in the seal gaps does not only affect the so called '' leakage losses'' and the turbine stage overall efficiency but also plays an important role in the generation of aerodynamic forces which may cause self-excited rotor vibrations. The paper describes a chamber seal applied for the reduction of the aerodynamic forces created in shroud seals. This kind of turbine seal was patented and tested.
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part I: Research methods
PublicationOpisano numeryczną i doświadczalną metodę badania przepływu w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Badania numeryczne przeprowadzono programem Fluent, a badania doświadczalne wykonano na powietrznej turbinie modelowej. Zamieszczono przykładowe wyniki.
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part II: Numerical analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań numerycznych programem Fluent przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Badania wykonano przy zastosowaniu różnych typów siatek obliczeniowych, różnych rodzajów "zszywek" oraz różnych metod obliczeniowych (Mixing Plane, Sliding Mesh, Multiple ReferenceFrame).
Application of Rapid Prototyping technology in the manufacturing of turbine blade with small diameter holes
PublicationThe article presents the possibilities of using Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology in the manufacturing of turbine blades with small diameter holes. The object under investigation was gas turbine blade with small diameter cooling holes and holes for generating longitudinal vortices. A turbine blade model was produced by means of Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology and subsequently validated in terms of detection and accuracy...
Assessment of damage causes of a 17 m long wind turbine blade model
PublicationThe subject matter is to verify the stiffness of the steel supporting structure and assess the causes of cracks in the 17 m long wind turbine blade model
Stiffness assessment of the laminate recovered from end-of-life wind turbine blade
PublicationIn the paper the stiffness parameters of the laminate recovered from an aerodynamic shell of a decommissioned wind turbine blade are evaluated. The aim of the work is to assess selected methods for identifying material data, as well as to estimate the level of stiffness degradation during turbine operation. Several practical identification methods are presented and compared. Two concepts of a single laminate layer are considered,...
Application of spatial neural simulators of turbine blade rows to fluid flow diagnostics
PublicationThis chapter presents the results of neural modelling of fluid flow in steam turbine row. In modelling working conditions of the flow channel varied, thus the aim of the work was to reconstruct the reference state - distributions of velocity, pressure, and losses in flow channel - with high accuracy for fluid flow diagnostics.
Analysis of Modal Parameters Using a Statistical Approach for Condition Monitoring of the Wind Turbine Blade
PublicationThe primary objective of the presented paper is the numerical and experimental investigation related to developing a useful diagnostic method, which can be used for determining the site and size of damage in laminated shells of wind turbine blades. The described detection technique is based on the analysis of low frequencies bending vibrations mode shapes of rotor blades. The authors used the commonly applied statistics methods...
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part III: Numerical calculations versus experiment
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego, przeprowadzonych na powietrznej turbinie modelowej. Rezultaty te porównano z wynikami badań numerycznych z zastosowaniem programu Fluent.
Damage Detection in the Wind Turbine Blade Using Root Mean Square and Experimental Modal Parameters
PublicationThe paper presents results of an experimental study related to a non-destructive diagnostic technique used for preliminary determination the location and size of delamination in composite coatings of wind turbine blades. The proposed method of damage detection is based on the analysis of the ten first mode shapes of bending vibrations, which correspond to displacements of rotor blades perpendicular to the rotor plane. Modal parameters...
Application scanning laser measurements and wavlet transform for dmagae detection in composite wind turbine blade
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów postaci drgań własnych kompozytowej łopaty turbiny wiatrowej. Przedstawiono wyniki detekcji uszkodzeń oparte o analize falkową zmierzonych form drgań.
Updating Finite Element Model of a Wind Turbine Blade Section Using Experimental Modal Analysis Results
PublicationThis paper presents selected results and aspects of themultidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research oriented for the experimental and numerical study of the structural dynamics of a bend-twist coupled full scale section of awind turbine blade structure.Themain goal of the conducted research is to validate finite elementmodel of themodified wind turbine blade section mounted in the flexible support structure accordingly to the...
Report on investigation of turbine blade from main engine turbocharger 420.34 from M/V "Nordstraum"
PublicationWykonano badania pęknięcia na łopatce turbiny turbodoładowania silnika głównego. Ustalono, ze przyczyną pęknięcia była korozja międzykrystaliczna.
Uncertainty quantification of modal parameter estimates obtained from subspace identification: An experimental validation on a laboratory test of a large-scale wind turbine blade
PublicationThe uncertainty afflicting modal parameter estimates stems from e.g., the finite data length, unknown, or partly measured inputs and the choice of the identification algorithm. Quantification of the related errors with the statistical Delta method is a recent tool, useful in many modern modal analysis applications e.g., damage diagnosis, reliability analysis, model calibration. In this paper, the Delta method-based uncertainty...
Rotor Blade Geometry Optimisation in Kaplan Turbine
PublicationThe paper presents the description of method and results of rotor blade shape optimisation. The rotor blading constitutes a part ofturbine flow path. Optimisation consists in selection of the shape that minimises ratio of polytrophic loss. Shape of the blade isdefined by the mean camber line and thickness of the airfoil. Thickness is distributed around the camber line based on the ratio ofdistribution. Global optimisation was done...
A Method for Optimising the Blade Profile in Kaplan Turbine
PublicationThis paper introduces a method of blade profile optimisation for Kaplan-type turbines, based on modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Rotor and stator blade geometry is described mathematically by means of a midline curve and thickness distribution. Genetic algorithms are then used to find a global optimum that minimises the loss coefficient. This allows for variety of possible blade shapes and configurations....
Computer-aided Measurements of Turbine Blades
PublicationPrzedstawiono skomputeryzowane pomiary profili łopatek turbinowych po szlifowaniu. W pracy wykorzystano program komputerowy, który może być zastosowany bezpośrednio przez operatora obrabiarki, opracowany na bazie Microsoft Excel.
The Application of Fluidic Sealing in Shrouded Gas Turbine Blades
PublicationThis paper presents a study conducted on a new gas turbine designed to limit leakage in the labyrinth seal. The slots in the fin are used to generate a bypass flow, which obstructs the flow in the gap above the fin. The method was tested numerically and experimentally beforehand using a simplified model without rotation or blade passages. In this paper, the validation of the method using a model of a turbine stage is shown. Reynolds-averaged...
Shape Optimisation of Kaplan Turbine Blades Using Genetic Algorithms
PublicationThis monograph is a comprehensive guide to a method of blade profile optimisation for Kaplan-type turbines. This method is based on modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Additionally, the shape of the draft tube is investigated. The influence of the periodic boundary condition vs. full geometry is also discussed. Evolutionary algorithms (EA) are used as an optimisation method together with artificial neural...
Active Diagnostic Experimentation on Wind Turbine Blades with Vibration Measurements and Analysis
PublicationPaper deals with the key operational problems of wind turbosets, especially offshore, where vibrations are generated by rotor blades, as a consequence of erosive wear or icing. The primary causes of the imbalance of wind turbine rotors have been characterised, the observable symptoms of which include various forms of vibrations, transmitted from the turbine wheel to the bearing nodes of the power train components. Their identification...
Stabilization of the titanium vibration damping wires in the steam turbine blades system
PublicationPrzedstawiono metody stabilizacji drutów tłumiących w systemie łopatkowym turbin parowych. Na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych mikrostruktury i własności mechanicznych wykazano przydatność metody stabilizacji na gorąco drutów tłumiących wykonywanych ze stopu tytanu WT3-1.
Revalorisation of the Szewalski’s concept of the law of varying the last-stage blade retraction in a gas-steam turbine
PublicationThe article presents the implementations of the free vortex law to the blade of the last stage of a gas-steam turbine. First, a thermodynamic analysis was carried out, determining the parameters at the inlet, then the number of stages of the high and low-pressure part of the turbine was constructed, together with the kinematics and velocity vectors for subsequent stages of the axial turbine. The last step of article was to take...
Spectral Finite Element Method for Propagation of Elastic Waves in Wind Turbine Blades for SHM
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono model łopaty turbiny wiatrowej zbudowany z wykorzystaniem spektralnych elementów skończonych. Omówiono wyniki symulacji propagacji fal sprężystych i ich interakcji z uszkodzeniami w formie pęknięcia i delaminacji.
Detection of Delamination in Laminate Wind Turbine Blades Using One-Dimensional Wavelet Analysis of Modal Responses
PublicationThis paper demonstrates the effectiveness of a nondestructive diagnostic technique used to determine the location and size of delamination in laminated coatings of wind turbine blades. This is realized based on results of numerical and experimental investigations obtained by the use of the finite element method (FEM) and laser scanning vibrometry (LSV). The proposed method is based on the one-dimensional continuous wavelet transform...
A Novel Method for High Temperature Fatigue Testing of Nickel Superalloy Turbine Blades with Additional NDT Diagnostics
Publication -
Application of neural networks for identification of forcedness having effect on magnitude of turbine rotor vibration using pressure distribution in blade tip clearance.
PublicationW pracy sprawdzono, czy zastosowanie sieci neuronowych umożliwia identyfikację wymuszeń powstających w wyniku funkcjonowania maszyny jak i zależnych od jej stanu mechanicznego przy zastosowaniu rozkładu ciśnienia w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym. Przeprowadzono pomiary rozkładu ciśnienia dla różnych warunków pracy, uwzględniając zmianę mimośrodu oraz zmianę skośnego ustawienia osi wirnika względem osi korpusu. Dokonano analiz przy...
Enhancing Internal Cooling Channel Design in Inconel 718 Turbine Blades via Laser Powder Bed Fusion: A Comprehensive Review of Surface Topography Enhancements
PublicationInconel 718, a widely utilized Ni-based superalloy in the aerospace industry, is renowned for its exceptional mechanical properties, high-temperature corrosion resistance, and thermal stability, making it an ideal material for turbine blades operating under extreme conditions of up to 2200 °C and high-pressure. Traditional single crystal casting, the prevalent manufacturing method for turbine blades, poses inflexibility challenges....
Complex multidisciplinary optimization of turbine blading systems
PublicationThe paper describes the methods and results of direct optimization of turbine blading systems using a software package Opti_turb. The final shape of the blading is obtained from minimizing the objective function, which is the total energy loss of the stage, including the leaving energy. The current values of the objective function are found from 3D RANS computations (from a code FlowER) of geometries changed during the process...
Explanation of Reduction of Pressure Forces in Turbine Chamber Seals
PublicationThe paper describes a chamber seal reducing the aerodynamic forces created in shroud seals. Asymmetrical pressure distribution (due to rotor-stator eccentricity) in the blade tip clearance leads to the creation of pressure forces acting on the blade shroud. By increasing the volume above the shroud, the pressure distribution becomes more uniform on the whole shroud circumference and the effect of rotor eccentricity is reduced....
Explanation of Reduction of Pressure Forces in Turbine Chamber Seals
PublicationThe paper describes a chamber seal reducing the aerodynamic forces created in shroud seals. Asymmetrical pressure distribution (due to rotor-stator eccentricity) in the blade tip clearance leads to the creation of pressure forces acting on the blade shroud. By increasing the volume above the shroud, the pressure distribution becomes more uniform on the whole shroud circumference and the effect of rotor eccentricity is reduced....
Thermal failure of a second rotor stage in heavy duty gas turbine
PublicationThe impulse mode of operation and the supply of various types of fuels causes frequent failures even in the heavy duty gas turbines. The paper presents the ravages of second rotor stage failure in a gas turbine. The excessive thermal elongation rise caused by fuel change was indicated as the main cause. We applied nonlinear numerical analysis, preceded by thermodynamic calculations of the turbine and visual inspection of the effects...
Damage detection in turbine wind blades by vibration based methods
PublicationThe paper describes results of numerical simulation for damage localization in the composite coat of a wind turbine blade usingmodal parameters and a modern damage detection method (wavelet transform).
AeroSense Measurements: Aventa AV-7 Taggenberg Winter 2022-2023 Campaign
Open Research DataData from field tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on Avneta AV-7 wind turbine, located in Taggenberg (ZH), Switzerland. Dataset contains intermittent 10 minute long measurement sessions from 40 barometers, and IMU system installed on the wind turbine blade at r/R = 0.740625. The measurement campaign was performed between 01.DEC.2022 and...
Improving Savonius rotor performance by shaping its blade edges
PublicationThe article presents the results of the numerical analysis of the flow inside the Savonius rotor. Particular at-tention has been paid to the vicinity of the blade gap in order to recognise the mechanisms controlling the flow in this area. The conclusions resulting from the analysis made the basis for an attempt to improve Savonius turbine performance via shaping rotor blade edges. The paper presents selected characteristic flow...
Design and investigations of a micro-turbine flow part
Publication-generative micro-power plant with the HFE7100 as a working medium was designed and built for experimental investigations. The heat output of the plant was assumed equal to 20 kW, while the electric output amounted to about 3kW.In the paper a multi-stage micro-turbine with partial admission of all the stages is described in detail and the results of the particular experimental investigations and numerical calculations are shown,...
PublicationIn this work a heat balance was made for the nominal conditions of a block working with 18K370 turbine. For the parameters obtained, the thermal-flow calculations of the steam turbine were performed, maintaining the actual geometry of its flow system. Based on the nominal values obtained, iterative thermal and flow calculations were made for both the heat cycle of the power plant block and the steam turbine itself, seeking to obtain...
On a Method of Efficiency Increasing in Kaplan Turbine
PublicationThis paper presents a method of increasing efficiency in Kaplan-type turbine. The method is based on blade profile optimisation together with modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Loss coefficient was chosen as the optimisation criterion, which is related directly to efficiency. Global optimum was found by means of Genetic Algorithms, and Artificial Neural Networks were utilised for approximations to reduce...
Design and computational fluid dynamics analysis of the last stage of innovative gas-steam turbine
PublicationResearch regarding blade design and analysis of flow has been attracting interest for over a century. Meanwhile new concepts and design approaches were created and improved. Advancements in information technologies allowed to introduce computational fluid dynamics and computational flow mechanics. Currently a combination of mentioned methods is used for the design of turbine blades. These methods enabled us to improve flow efficiency...
PublicationThe design of a floating, innovative device for river water aeration and conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy required the analysis of a number of geometrical and dynamic features. Such an analysis may be carried out on the basis of existing methods of numerical fluid mechanics. Models of pressures, forces and torques characteristic for the conversion of watercourse energy were developed for two basic concepts of...
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono proces projektowania oraz analizy aerodynamicznej łopat turbiny wiatrowej z wykorzystaniem metody BEMT (ang. Blade Element Momentum Theory). Dokonano doboru profili aerodynamicznych oraz opisano procedurę wyznaczania optymalnego rozkładu kątów zwichrowania i długości cięciw profili w funkcji długości łopaty dla założonych parametrów wejściowych. Dokonano obliczenia działających sił oraz generowanej mocy...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostic examination of naval gas turbine engines. Part II. Unsteady processes
PublicationThe second part of the article presents the results of operating diagnostic tests of a two- and three-shaft engine with a separate power turbine during the start-up and acceleration of the rotor units. Attention was paid to key importance of the correctness of operation of the automatic engine load control system, the input for which, among other signals, is the rate of increase of the exhaust gas flow temperature. The article...
Kinetic analysis of the stage for a high speed steam turbine
PublicationThis article analyzes possibilites of resonances within a control stage for a high speed steam turbine. This stage hase been based on assembling of a single blade to a rotating disk and increasing of rigidity of the system by using of a bandage. In the analysis will be nd a possiblity of resonance frequency, and mistuning by showing safety working ranges. The calculations have bean used the3D modal and harmonic analysis by the...
Modeling by finite element methods of impact of erosion on frequency of normal modes of L-0 blade
PublicationAfter some time of exploitation steam turbine rotors blades in energetic industry they are being eroded and also their frequency of normal modes is changed. Those changes can cause to unwanted shift of blades normal mode frequencies. It is necessary to find quick method of rating changes of frequency in connection of mass loss due erosion. The evaluation of this dependence was made by finite element modeling method using HyperWorks...
On design and analysis of flow characteristics of the last stage of gas-steam turbine
PublicationResearch regarding blade design and analysis of flow have been conducted for over a century. Meanwhile new concepts and design approaches were created and improved. Advancements in information technologies allowed to introduce computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational flow mechanics (CFM). Currently a combination of mentioned methods is used for design of turbine blades. These methods enabled us to improve flow efficiency...
A hybrid approach to optimization of radial inflow turbine with principal component analysis
PublicationEnergy conversion efficiency is one of the most important features of power systems as it greatly influences the economic balance. The efficiency can be increased in many ways. One of them is to optimize individual components of the power plant. In most Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems the power is created in the turbine and these systems can benefit from effective turbine optimization. The paper presents the use of two kinds...