Search results for: CIRCUIT SIMULATION
Rapid dimension scaling of compact microwave couplers with power split correction
PublicationIn this paper, a technique for rapid re-design ofcompact microwave couplers with respect to operating frequency is discussed. Our methodology involves an inverse surrogate model setup using several reference designs optimized (at the level of equivalent circuit representation of the coupler) for a set of operating frequencies within a range of interest. The surrogate establishes the relationship between the operating frequency...
Globalized Parametric Optimization of Microwave Passive Components Using Simplex-Based Surrogates
PublicationOptimization-based parameter adjustment involving full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models is a crucial stage of present-day microwave design process. In fact, rigorous optimization is the only reliable mean permitting to simultaneously handle multiple geometry/material parameters, objectives, and constraints. Unfortunately, EM-driven design is a computationally intensive endeavor. While local tuning is usually manageable,...
An Extended Control of the Input Angle for Matrix Converters Connected with the Non-Unity Power Factor Loads.
PublicationThis paper proposes a novel PWM modulation algorithm for Multiphase Conventional Matrix Converters (MCMC), with 3 inputs and k outputs, using the transfer function of the load angle. The proposed approach extends the range of power angle control at the input during the operation with a maximum voltage transfer ratio. The proposed concept is based on the Direct Analytic Voltage PWM (DAV--PWM) modulation with an elliptical trajectory...
Broadband Modeling of Motor Cable Impact on Common Mode Currents in VFD
PublicationExamination of conducted EMI generation and propagation in AC motor drives fed by frequency converter requires to consider parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. AC motor winding voltage transients and related common mode currents are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in converter's load circuits. Intensity levels of these phenomena depend...
Motor Cable Influence on the Conducted EMI Emission of the Converter Fed AC Motor Drive. - Vol. 1
PublicationInvestigation of conducted electromagnetic interference in AC motor drives fed by pulse width modulated voltage converters requires considering parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related conducted electromagnetic emission are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. The levels of intensity of these phenomena...
Design and Implementation of a Dual-band Filtering Wil-kinson Power Divider Using Coupled T-shaped Dual-band Resonators
PublicationThe paper introduces a novel structure of a dual-band filtering Wilkinson power divider (WPD). Its essential component is a dual-band bandpass filter (BPF), implemented using coupling lines and two T-shaped resonators. The BPF is incorporated into the divider structure to suppress the unwanted harmonics within the circuit. The latter is achieved owing to a wide stopband of the filter. The deigned dual-band WPD can suppress third...
Simplified saturation modelling in three-leg power transformer for the system stability analisys
PublicationThe paper presents a simplified method for modelling non-linearity of the magnetic circuit of the power transformer. The saturation effect is implemented by describing the self and mutual inductances as a function of the magnetic flux. The most important element of this function is the saturation coefficient which is calculated based on transient state during the unloaded transformer switch on. The transformer model is described...
Voltage Harmonic Distortion Measurement Issue in Smart-Grid Distribution System
PublicationThis paper presents the investigation results ofvoltage harmonic transfer accuracy problems through voltagetransformers which are widely used in power quality monitoringsystems in medium and high voltage grids. A simplified lumpedparameters circuit model of the voltage transformer is presentedand verified by simulation and experimental investigations. Anumber voltage transformers typically used in medium voltagegrid has been tested...
PublicationThe paper presents the effect of phase shifters as FACTS devices on the possibility of improving the angle stability. Presented results obtained by the dynamic simulation performed on the mathematical model of the three machine system cooperating with the 400 kV network. The generative blocks models include turbine models with their controllers and models of synchronous generators with their excitation systems and voltage regulation....
Low-cost EM-Simulation-based Multi-objective Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microwave Structures
PublicationIn this work, a simple yet reliable technique for fast multi-objective design optimization of miniaturized microwave structures is discussed. The proposed methodology is based on point-by-point identification of a Pareto-optimal set of designs representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives such as electrical performance parameters as well as the size of the structure of interest. For the sake of computational...
Tolerance-Aware Optimization of Microwave Circuits by Means of Principal Directions and Domain-Restricted Metamodels
PublicationPractical microwave design is most often carried out in the nominal sense. Yet, in some cases, performance degradation due to uncertainties may lead to the system failing to meet the prescribed specifications. Reliable uncertainty quantification (UQ) is therefore important yet intricate from numerical standpoint, especially when the circuit at hand is to be evaluated using electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. Tolerance-aware...
Voltage Transients Transfer over Medium Voltage Instrument Transformers
PublicationThis paper presents voltage harmonic transfer accuracy problems through voltage transformers which are used in power quality monitoring systems in medium and high voltage grids. A simplified lumped parameters circuit model of the voltage transformer is proposed and verified by simulation and experimental investigations. A number voltage transformers typically used in medium voltage grid has been tested in the conducted disturbances...
Voltage Harmonics Transfer through Medium Voltage Instrument Transformers
PublicationVoltage transformers are widely used in power quality monitoring systems in medium and high voltage grids. This paper presents accuracy problems related to voltage harmonics transfer through instrument transformers. A simplified lumped-parameters wideband circuit model of the voltage transformer is proposed and verified by simulation and experimental investigations. A number of voltage transformers have been tested in the frequency...
Multi-objective optimization of microwave couplers using corrected domain patching
PublicationPractical design of microwave components and circuits is a compromise between various, often conflicting objectives. In case of compact structures, the trade-offs are typically concerned with the circuit size and its electrical performance. Comprehensive information about the best possible trade-offs can be obtained by means of multi-objective optimization. In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient technique for identifying...
Concept of Wireless Low-Voltage DC Socket for the Residential House Application
PublicationThe proposed research is devoted to the comprehensive theoretical and experimental study of the concept of the wireless low power dc socket for residential applications. The main goal of this work is to provide safe dc source for residential customers at power level which is enough in order to supply all typical appliances without power factor correctors. Such types of devices can be already connected to the dc grid and decoupled...
Fast geometry scaling of miniaturized microwave couplers with power split correction
PublicationRedesigning a microwave circuit for various operating conditions is a practically important yet challenging problem. The purpose of this article is development and presentation of a technique for fast geometry scaling of miniaturized microwave couplers with respect to operating frequency. Our approach exploits an inverse surrogate model constructed using several reference designs that are optimized for a set of operating frequencies...
Voltage and frequency regulation of a standalone induction generator by reduced-rating power electronic compensators - comparative evaluation
PublicationIn this paper are considered two fundamental topologies of power electronic compensators for voltage and frequency control of a standalone self-excited induction generator (IG) system. These are voltage and current source inverter based shunt compensators with energy storage. The aim of this study is to assess main features of both topologies in dynamic and steady-state IG operation. The whole system is modelled with the aid of...
Accurate Computation of IGBT Junction Temperature in PLECS
PublicationIn the article, a new method to improve the accuracy of the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) junction temperature computations in the piecewise linear electrical circuit simulation (PLECS) software is proposed and described in detail. This method allows computing the IGBT junction temperature using a nonlinear compact thermal model of this device in PLECS. In the method, a nonlinear compact thermal model of the IGBT is...
The loop impedance measurement
Open Research DataThe loop impedance measurement
Technique to improve CMRR at high frequencies in CMOS OTA-C filters
PublicationIn this paper a technique to improve the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) at high frequencies in the OTA-C filters is proposed. The technique is applicable to most OTA-C filters using CMOS operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA) based on differential pairs. The presented analysis shows that a significant broadening of CMRR bandwidth can be achieved by using a differential pair with the bodies of transistors connected to...
Identification and non-integer order modelling of synchronous machines operating as generator
PublicationThis paper presents an original mathematical model of a synchronous generator using derivatives of fractional order. In contrast to classical models composed of a large number of R-L ladders, it comprises half-order impedances, which enable the accurate description of the electromagnetic induction phenomena in a wide frequency range, while minimizing the order and number of model parameters. The proposed model takes into account...
Feasibility Study GaN Transistors Application in the Novel Split-Coils Inductive Power Transfer System with T-Type Inverter
PublicationA promising solution for inductive power transfer and wireless charging is presented on the basis of a single-phase three-level T-type Neutral Point Clamped GaN-based inverter with two coupled transmitting coils. The article focuses on the feasibility study of GaN transistor application in the wireless power transfer system based on the T-type inverter on the primary side. An analysis of power losses in the main components of the...
On Alternative Approaches to Design of Corporate Feeds for Low-Sidelobe Microstrip Linear Arrays
PublicationTwo design approaches, illustrated by simulations and measurements, aiming at a systematic computer-aided design of printed circuit feeds for low-sidelobe microstrip antenna arrays are described. The novelty of these approaches resides in identification of the optimal feed architectures with subsequent simulation-based optimization of the feed and array aperture dimensions. In this work, we consider microstrip corporate feeds realizing...
Nonlinear secondary arc model use for evaluation of single pole auto-reclosing effectiveness
PublicationPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss two evaluation methods of single pole autoreclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a nonlinear secondary arc implementation is presented. Design/methodology/approach – A computer simulation studies were...
Gate Driver with Overcurrent Protection Circuit for GaN Transistors
PublicationThe improvement of the gate driver for GaN transistor is presented in this paper. The proposed topology contains the overcurrent protectionwith the two-stage turning off and independent control of turn on and off time of the GaN transistor. The operation of driver and its application in thehalf-bridge converter are described using both simulation and prototype measurements. The overcurrent protection was tested in Double Pulse...
Nested Space Mapping Technique for Design and Optimization of Complex Microwave Structures with Enhanced Functionality
PublicationIn this work, we discuss a robust simulation-driven methodology for rapid and reliable design of complex microwave/RF circuits with enhanced functionality. Our approach exploits nested space mapping (NSM) technology, which is dedicated to expedite simulation-driven design optimization of computationally demanding microwave structures with complex topologies. The enhanced func-tionality of the developed circuits is achieved by means...
Introductory CDIO Project 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of this course is to make the students familiar with the team work to design, build and test simple electronic circuit. Also, how to write technical and engineering documentation taking in consideration electrical engineering, electronics, CAD and PCB design and computer simulation problems.
Introductory CDIO Project [Energy Technologies][2020/21]
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of this course is to make the students familiar with the team work to design, build and test simple electronic circuit. Also, how to write technical and engineering documentation taking in consideration electrical engineering, electronics, CAD and PCB design and computer simulation problems.
Introductory CDIO Project 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of this course is to make the students familiar with the team work to design, build and test simple electronic circuit. Also, how to write technical and engineering documentation taking in consideration electrical engineering, electronics, CAD and PCB design and computer simulation problems.
Introductory CDIO Project 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of this course is to make the students familiar with the team work to design, build and test simple electronic circuit. Also, how to write technical and engineering documentation taking in consideration electrical engineering, electronics, CAD and PCB design and computer simulation problems.
Inverse surrogate models for fast geometry scaling of miniaturized dual-band couplers
PublicationRe-design of microwave structures for various sets of performance specifications is a challenging task, particularly for compact components where considerable electromagnetic (EM) cross-couplings make the relationships between geometry parameters and the structure responses complex. Here, we address geometry scaling of miniaturized dual-band couplers by means of inverse surrogate modeling. Our approach allows for fast estimation...
Multi-objective optimization of compact UWB impedance matching transformers using Pareto front exploration and adjoint sensitivities
PublicationIn this paper, a technique for fast multi-objective optimization of impedance matching transformers has been presented. In our approach, a set of alternative designs that represent the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives (here, the maximum reflection level within a frequency band of interest and the circuit size) is identified by directly exploring the Pareto front. More specifically, the subsequent Pareto-optimal...
Highly-Compact Dual-Band Bandpass Waveguide Filter Based on Cross-Shaped Frequency-Dependent Coupling
PublicationThis work reports the design of an original class of highly-compact dual-band bandpass filter based on dual-mode waveguide resonators inter-coupled through a novel type of frequency-dependent coupling (FDC). The devised FDC consists of a cross-shaped metallic structure placed in the broad wall of a rectangular waveguide. This FDC produces two additional poles and three extra transmission zeros (TZs). Specifically, each pole is...
A Direct Modulation for Matrix Converters based on the Onecycle Atomic operation developed in Verilog HDL.
PublicationThis paper presents a fast direct Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) algorithm for the Conventional Matrix Converters (CMC) developed in Verilog Hardware Description language (HDL). All PWM duty cycle calculations are performed in one cycle by an atomic operation designed as a digital module using FPGA basic blocks. The algorithm can be extended to any number of output phase. The improved version of the discontinuous Direct Analytic...
Rapid optimization of compact microwave passives using kriging surrogates and iterative correction
PublicationDesign of contemporary microwave components is—in a large part—based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. The primary reasons for this include reliability and versatility of EM analysis. In fact, for many microwave structures, notably compact components, EM-driven parameter tuning is virtually imperative because traditional models (analytical or network equivalents) are unable to account for the cross-coupling effects,...
Predykcyjne sterowanie równoległym filtrem aktywnym ze sprzężeniem od prądu zasilającego
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia nowatorską strategię predykcyjnego sterowania równoległym energetycznym filtrem aktywnym (EFA). Proponowane sterowanie zawiera sprzężenie zwrotne od prądu zasilającego i wiąże zalety sterowania w układzie otwartym oraz zamkniętym – szybkość reakcji na zmianę prądu odbioru i bardzo wysoką skuteczność kompensacji. Wysoka jakość prądu kompensacyjnego wynika również z zastosowania w sterowaniu algorytmów predykcyjnych,...
Cost-Efficient Globalized Parameter Optimization of Microwave Components through Response-Feature Surrogates and Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics
PublicationDesign of contemporary microwave devices predominantly utilizes computational models, including both circuit simulators, and full-wave electromagnetic (EM) evaluation. The latter constitutes the sole generic way of rendering accurate assessment of the system outputs that considers phenomena such as cross-coupling or radiation and dielectric losses. Consequently, for reliability reasons, the final tuning of microwave device parameters...
Comparison of state feedback and PID control of pressurizer water level in nuclear power plant
PublicationThe pressurizer water level control system in nuclear power plant with pressurized water reactor (PWR) is responsible for coolant mass balance. The main control goal is to stabilize the water level at a reference value and to suppress the effect of time-varying disturbances (e.g. coolant leakage in primary circuit pipeline system). In the process of PWR power plant operation incorrect water level may disturb pressure control or...
Design of Compact and Wideband Groove Gap Waveguide-Based Directional Couplers
PublicationThis paper proposes a compact cross-shaped groove gap waveguide structure for creating wideband and compact directional couplers with different coupling levels. Groove gap waveguide technology is applied to overcome fabrication challenges of printed and hollow waveguide structures in high frequency bands. The validity of the novel concept is demonstrated through the design and evaluation of several compact broadband directional...
Implicit Space Mapping for Variable-Fidelity EM-Driven Design of Compact Circuits
PublicationSpace mapping (SM) belongs to the most successful surrogate-based optimization (SBO) methods in microwave engineering. Among available SM variations, implicit SM (ISM) is particularly attractive due to its simplicity and separation of extractable surrogate model parameters and design variables of the circuit/system at hand. Unlike other SM approaches, ISM exploits a set of preassigned parameters to align the surrogate with the...
Microfluidic SIW-Based Tunable Self-Diplexing Antenna for Sub-6 GHz Band Applications
PublicationThis work introduces a novel frequency tunable self-diplexing antenna (SDA) design based on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. A modified A-shaped slot is employed on the cavity’s top plane, which is excited by two independent 50 Ω microstrip feed lines to operate at each resonant frequency. The frequency flexibility of the proposed antenna allows for fine-tuning at each resonance frequency. The frequency flexibility...
Fast Machine-Learning-Enabled Size Reduction of Microwave Components Using Response Features
PublicationAchieving compact size has emerged as a key consideration in modern microwave design. While structural miniaturization can be accomplished through judicious circuit architecture selection, precise parameter tuning is equally vital to minimize physical dimensions while meeting stringent performance requirements for electrical characteristics. Due to the intricate nature of compact structures, global optimization is recommended,...
Design of novel highly sensitive sensors for crack detection in metal surfaces: theoretical foundation and experimental validation
PublicationThe application of different types of microwave resonators for sensing cracks in metallic structures has been subject of many studies. While most studies have been focused on improving the sensitivity of planar crack sensors, the theoretical foundation of the topic has not been treated in much detail. The major objective of this study is to perform an exhaustive study of the principles and theoretical foundations for crack sensing...
IP Core of Coprocessor for Multiple-Precision-Arithmetic Computations
PublicationIn this paper, we present an IP core of coprocessor supporting computations requiring integer multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA). Whilst standard 32/64-bit arithmetic is sufficient to solve many computing problems, there are still applications that require higher numerical precision. Hence, the purpose of the developed coprocessor is to support and offload central processing unit (CPU) in such computations. The developed digital...
Koncepcja i modelowanie silnika o wirującym tworniku oraz magneśnicy do zastosowania w napędzie miejskiego samochodu elektrycznego
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano koncepcję, model oraz prototyp silnika z wirującym twornikiem oraz magneśnicą. Opisano historię powstania i zastosowania tego typu silników w motoryzacji. Przedstawiono nowoczesne rozwiązania konstrukcyjne i zastosowania we współczesnych samochodach elektrycznych i hybrydowych. Opracowano model silnika z wirującym twornikiem i magneśnicą oraz przedstawiono wybrane wyniki symulacji przeprowadzone w programie...
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych i symulacyjnych wpływu indukcji remanencji w rdzeniu transformatora jednofazowego na jego stan przejściowy przy jego pracy jałowej. Badany obiekt jest układem transformatorowym o dwóch uzwojeniach nawiniętych na zwijanym z blachy anizotropowej rdzeniu w kształcie toroidu. Doświadczenia eksperymentalne polegały na rozładowywaniu kondensatora przez uzwojenie strony pierwotnej...
Half-Order Modeling of Saturated Synchronous Machine
PublicationNoninteger order systems are used to model diffusion in conductive parts of electrical machines as they lead to more compact and knowledge models but also to improve their precision. In this paper a linear half-order impedance model of a ferromagnetic sheet deduced from the diffusion of magnetic field is briefly introduced. Then, from physical considerations and finite elements simulation, the nonlinear half-order impedance model...
Computationally Efficient Design Optimization of Compact Microwave and Antenna Structures
PublicationMiniaturization is one of the important concerns of contemporary wireless communication systems, especially regarding their passive microwave components, such as filters, couplers, power dividers, etc., as well as antennas. It is also very challenging, because adequate performance evaluation of such components requires full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation, which is computationally expensive. Although high-fidelity EM analysis...
Nonlinear Control of a Doubly Fed Generator Supplied by a Current Source Inverter
PublicationNowadays, wind turbines based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) are a commonly used solution in the wind industry. The standard converter topology used in these systems is the voltage source inverter (VSI). The use of reverse-blocking insulated gate bipolar transistor (RB-IGBT) in the current source inverter topology (CSI), which is an alternative topology, opens new possibilities of control methods. This paper presents...
Knowledge-Based Expedited Parameter Tuning of Microwave Passives by Means of Design Requirement Management and Variable-Resolution EM Simulations
PublicationThe importance of numerical optimization techniques has been continually growing in the design of microwave components over the recent years. Although reasonable initial designs can be obtained using circuit theory tools, precise parameter tuning is still necessary to account for effects such as electromagnetic (EM) cross coupling or radiation losses. EM-driven design closure is most often realized using gradient-based procedures,...