Search results for: SPRAY CONE ANGLE
Investigation on polypropylene friction stir joint: effects of tool tilt angle on heat flux, material flow and defect formation
PublicationTool tilt angle (TTA) is a critical factor that can control material flow in polymeric materials' friction stir joining (FSJ). This study selected a TTA range between 0° to 4° for FSJ of polypropylene (PP) polymer sheet. A modified computational fluid dynamic (CFD) technique was implemented to gain a deep understanding of the effects of TTA during FSJ of PP. The PP joint's internal flow, defect formation, heat generation, and tensile...
Total electrical conductivity data of (Cr,Fe,Mn,Co,Ni)3O4 High-entropy spinel oxide thin films deposited on amorphous SiO2 substrate by spray pyrolysis techniqe
Open Research DataThis dataset includes electrical conductivity measurements results measured by van der pauw technique up to 900oC.
The diagnostic accuracy of cone beam computed tomography in detecting temporomandibular joint bony disorders: a systematic review
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Effect of the Concentration of Hop Cone Extract on the Antibacterial, Physico-Chemical and Functional Properties of Adhesive Toilet Cleaners
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Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Segmentation of a Falx Cerebri Calcification on Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: A Case Report
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Effect of Sieve Unit Inclination Angle in a Rotary Cleaning Device for Barley Grain
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Evaluation of fouling potential of nanofiltration membranes based on the dynamic contact angle measurements
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A study of electron impact excitation of molecular oxygen at a scattering angle of 180 st.
PublicationZbadano wzbudzenie tlenu cząsteczkowego w zderzeniu z elektronem dla rozproszenia do tyłu, pod kątem 180 st. Do pomiarów wykorzystano nowe źródło lokalnego pola magnetycznego o geometrii stożkowej.
Measurement of distance, velocity and angle of arrival using FMCW-CW combined waveform
PublicationA procedure of tacking small flying object based on a general principle of FMCW and Doppler radar is presented. In order to increase measurement range, this technique uses active signal source on the moving object. For simultaneous measurements of distance, radial velocity and direction (AoA) as well as simplified synchronization a combined FMCW-CW waveform is proposed. The presented measurement system was realized and verified...
Use of hop cone extract obtained under supercritical CO2 conditions for producing antibacterial all-purpose cleaners
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Analyses of the effect of tooth rake angle and friction conditions upon the shear angle in the cutting zone during wood sawing. - [Chapter III]W : Wood machining and processing - product and tooling quality development
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizy wpływu wartości kąta natarcia piły i warunków tarcia na zmiany kata ścinania w strefie skrawania podczas przecinania drewna. W obliczeniach numerycznych kąta ścinania wykorzystywano podejście oparte o współczesną mechanikę pękania. Obliczenia prowadzono dla próbek z drewna dębu, jesionu po modyfikacji termicznej jak również dla drewna niemodyfikowanego. Dla drewna jesionowego modyfikowanego termicznie...
Diplopia Following Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor Surgery With Intraoperative Neuromonitoring: A Case-Control Study
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The effect of boiling in a thermosyphon on surface tension and contact angle of silica and graphene oxide nanofluids
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Radar time budget optimization subject to angle accuracy constraint via cognitive approach
PublicationThe problem of minimizing dwell time in multifunction phased array radar is considered. Target of interest is assumed to fluctuate according to a generalization of Swerling family and the parameters of fluctuation model are assumed to be known. The a'priori position of the target is uncertain. Optimization, whose variables include pulse count and array transmit beampattern, is carried out subject to achieving a desired accuracy...
coincidence investigation of inelastic electron-atom collisions with magnetic selection of scattering angle - feasibility study
PublicationOpisana została nowa aparatura do badania zderzeń elektronów z atomami metodą koincydencji z wykorzystaniem techniki lokalnego pola magnetycznego. Połączenie obu metod umożliwia wyznaczenie parametrów koincydencji w pełnym kącie rozproszenia. W pracy zaprezentowano pierwsze widma energii straconej oraz widma koincydencji.
Effect of Sieve Drum Inclination Angle on Wheat Grain Cleaning in a Novel Rotary Cleaning Device
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Analysis of the Sieve Unit Inclination Angle in the Cleaning Process of Oat Grain in a Rotary Cleaning Device
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Assessment of value of protraction angle and functional disorders of motion segments of cervical spine in bus drivers
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Assessment of value of protraction angle and functional disorders of motion segments of cervical spine in bus drivers
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The influence of the fuel spray nozzle geometry on the exhaust gas composition from the marine 4-stroke diesel engine
PublicationThe paper presents experimental research on a 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, turbocharged AL25/30 Diesel engine. Research consisted in investigating the effect of the geometry of the fuel injectors on the exhaust gas composition from the engine. During measurements, the engine was operated with a regulator characteristic of a load range from 40 kW to 280 kW, made by electric water resistance. The engine was mechanically coupled to the electric...
Artificial intelligence versus semi-automatic segmentation of the inferior alveolar canal on cone-beam computed tomography scans: A pilot study
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Modelling the Kerf Angle, Roughness and Waviness of the Surface of Inconel 718 in an Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Process
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Influence of the angle of collapse of the shaft axle, rotational speed and dynamic imbalance on transverse shifts of the homokinetic joint
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The Influence of Slice Thickness, Sharpness, and Contrast Adjustments on Inferior Alveolar Canal Segmentation on Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Scans: A Retrospective Study
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New Simple and Robust Method for Determination of Polarity of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) by Means of Contact Angle Measurement
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Spray-Drying Impact the Physicochemical Properties and Formation of Maillard Reaction Products Contributing to Antioxidant Activity of Camelina Press Cake Extract
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Oxide layers fabricated by spray pyrolysis on metallic surfaces = Warstwy tlenkowe wytworzone metoda pirolizy aerozolowej na podłożach metalicznych
PublicationW pracy przebadane zostały możliwości zastosowania metody pirolizy aerozolowej do wytwarzania warstw z tlenku cyrkonu stabilizowanego itrem na podłożu ze stali nierdzewnej 316L.
Discussion of “Axisymmetric Simulations of Cone Penetration in Saturated Clay” by Diane M. Moug, Ross W. Boulanger, Jason T. DeJong, and Robert A. Jaeger
The Influence of Limiters UEL and OEL (The power angle, stator's current and excitation current) ot the possibility of voltage collapse development
PublicationVoltage stability has been a major concern for power system utilities because of event of voltage collapses in the recent past. Sometimes, power system events have shown the need for generators to operate in the overexcited and underexcited region to support stable operation. Modern excitation systems include devices for controlling or limiting machine terminal voltage (overvoltage limiters), volts per hertz ratio (V/Hz limiters),...
Could spray-dried microbeads with chitosan glutamate be considered as promising vaginal microbicide carriers? The effect of process variables on the in vitro functional and physicochemical characteristics
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Ethylcellulose in Organic Solution or Aqueous Dispersion Form in Designing Taste-Masked Microparticles by the Spray Drying Technique with a Model Bitter Drug: Rupatadine Fumarate
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High-Performance Face Milling of 42CrMo4 Steel: Influence of Entering Angle on the Measured Surface Roughness, Cutting Force and Vibration Amplitude
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Erosion under turbulent slurry flow: An experimental determination of particle impact angle, impact direction, and distribution thereof by image processing
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A study of the structure of mixed micellar solutions based on heptaethylene glycol monotetradecyl ether and sodium (lithium) dodecyl sulfate by the small-angle neutron scattering method
PublicationZbadano micelizację w układach mieszanych bazujących na nowym surfaktancie niejonowym, heptaoksyetylenowanym alkoholu tetradecylowym (C14E7) i surfaktantach anionowych, dodecylosiarczanie sodu, decylosiarcznie sodu oraz dodecylosiarcznie litu za pomocą metody niskokątowego rozproszenia neutronów.Przedstawione zostały wstępne wyniki zachowania wodnych roztworów C14E7 (o dwóch stężeniach 0,17 i 0,50%) przy niewielkim udziale trzech...
CONE Cities of nature: nature-based-solutions in urban living labs
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology
Peculiarities associated with testing polyetheretherketone (PEEK) in a model rolling contact
PublicationPolyetheretherketone (PEEK) was investigated using a modified version of the four-ball tester in which the upper forth ball was replaced by a cone in such a way that kinematics of the four-ball configuration were fully preserved. Rotation of the cone enforced orbiting and rolling of the ceramic balls around the polymer cup. The results produced some unexpected peculiarities in the wear of ceramic balls which, in principle, should...
Discussion of “CPT Evaluation of Yield Stress Profiles in Soils” by Shehab S. Agaiby and Paul W. Mayne
PublicationVeryfication of the procedure to estimate overconsolidation ratio in sands using the results of mini-cone penetration tests in centrifuge.
Strength parameters of deltaic soils determined with CPTU, DMT and FVT
PublicationThis paper presents the results of soil investigation in soft, normally consolidated organic soil in the estuary of Vistula river. The analysis concerns clayey mud and peat layers interbedded with loose to medium-dense sands. Several Cone Penetration Tests with pore water measurement (CPTU), Dilatometer Tests (DMT) and Field Vane Tests (FVT) were performed on the testing site. The cone factor Nkt was estimated using the results...
Anion recognition by phosphonium calix[4]arens: synthesis and physico-chemical studies
Publicationp-tert-butylcalix[4]arenes in the cone conformation, di-and tetra substituted at the narrow rim with charged phosphonium groups have been synthesies and characterised.
Compact High Efficiency and Zero-Emission Gas-Fired Power Plant with Oxy-Combustion and Carbon Capture
PublicationReduction of greenhouse gases emissions is a key challenge for the power generation industry, requiring the implementation of new designs and methods of electricity generation. This article presents a design solution for a novel thermodynamic cycle with two new devices—namely, a wet combustion chamber and a spray-ejector condenser. In the proposed cycle, high temperature occurs in the combustion chamber because of fuel combustion...
Impact of spraying commercial Bentonite Nanoclay on fortification of the mortar as Nano Sprying Technique (NST) in heritages and historical buildings
PublicationSpraying Bentonite NanoClay as an innovative idea satisfied an urgent need for conservation of historical brick constructions. This research explores the application of Nanotechnology as a Nano-Geotechnics (NaG) and Nano Ground Improvement (NGI) techniques for fortifying the mortar between bricks in historical buildings against some environmental erosive factors. Bentonite Nanoparticles were selected because of their compatibility...
Rozmyty system wnioskowania do oszacowania maksymalnego naprężenia kontaktowego na powierzchni panewki endoprotezy stawu biodrowego w zależności od kąta Wiberga i masy ciała pacjenta = Fuzzy reasoning system for maximal contact stress estimation on acetabular surface in hip endoprosthesis based on Wiberg angle and weight of patient
PublicationPrzedstawiono możliwość wykorzystania systemu rozmytego, który wykorzystując rozumowanie przybliżone określa maksymalne naprężenie kontaktowe na powierzchni przenoszenia obciążeń panewki endoprotezy stawu biodrowego, biorąc pod uwagę kąt Wiberga oraz masę ciała pacjenta.
Low temperature deposition of dense MnCo 2 O 4 protective coatings for steel interconnects of solid oxide cells
PublicationIn this work manganese cobalt spinel (MnCo2O4) coatings were deposited on steel substrates by spray pyrolysis at 390 °C. This is at much lower temperatures than previously reported (typically in excess of 900 °C). It was possible to produce coatings with well controlled thickness (2-5-10 μm). The as-deposited coatings were evaluated for their microstructural changes and electrical conductivity up to 800 °C. Results confirm the...
Shrinkage deformation data of cementitous material with biochar and recycled fines
Open Research DataShrinkage deformation data of cementitous material with biochar and recycled fines using Schleibinger Shrinkage Cone.
A conceptual design and numerical analysis of the mixerless urea-SCR system
PublicationIn the present study, an innovative design of the urea-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system without conventional mixing elements was developed. The aim was to obtain a high degree of urea decomposition, and uniform ammonia distribution at the inlet to the catalyst, while minimising the liquid film deposition and keeping the compact design. The concept of the design was based on creating high turbulences and elongating...
A study of a compact high-efficiency zero-emission power plant with oxy-fuel combustion
PublicationThis paper discusses the application of global trends in gas cycles technology using oxy-fuel combustion. This is followed by a demonstration of a design solution for a new cycle with two enhanced energy-converting devices, namely a wet combustion chamber and a spray-ejector condenser. The proposed gas and steam cycle unit is contained within a single turbine, whose benefits combine those offered by gas turbines (high inlet temperatures)...
Jumping Wave 2D Profiles
Open Research DataThe file contains 2D profiles obtained from a jumping wave study in front of the tool during burnishing of 1.0562 steel by the toroidal-cone tool. Burnishing speed 30.5 m/min, feed of burnishing 0.2mm/rev Force 550 and 800 N.
Mesh dependence study for numerical assessment of hydrodynamic characteristics of windsurfing fin
PublicationThe presented research aims to assess the drag coefficient and lift coefficient versus angle of attack curves for windsurfing fin. Special attention in the research was being paid to the evaluation of the stall angle value. The angle of incidence for which the stall occurs was searched, and the sensitivity of the solution for the mesh resolution was studied. The mesh resolution sensitivity analysis was done by systematically decreasing...
Vibro piles performance prediction using result of CPT
PublicationVibro piles belong to the group of full displacement piles with an expanded base, characterised by a very high load capacity, especially in non-cohesive soils. The problem is to adopt a reliable method for the determination of full load–settlement (Q–s) curve. A frequent difficulty is the determination of the load capacity limit based on the static load test because the course of the load–settlement curve is of a linear nature....
Fatigue Bending of V-Notched Cold-Sprayed FeCoCrNiMn Coatings
PublicationCold-spray coatings were produced by FeCoCrNiMn high-entropy alloy powders deposited on carbon steel substrate. The coatings were realized at intermediate temperature and high pressure (at 1100 °C and 7 MPa). The coating microstructure was characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, revealing a very dense deposition and high flattening ratio of the splatted particles. This had a large influence on the...