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Search results for: damage development
Evaluation of the fatigue damage development using ESPI method
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Experiments on damage development in metallic plates subjected to explosions
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania eksperymentalne rozwoju zniszczenia płyt metalowych pod wpływem eksplozji. Zaprezentowano opis badan statycznych i dynamicznych na płytach oraz opis badan jednoosiowych. Dla założonego modelu równania konstytutywnego przedstawiono sposób identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych.
Damage Development on the Surface of Nickel Coating in the Initial Period of Erosion
PublicationThe common occurrence of the phenomenon of cavitation in many industries and the multitude of factors affecting the resistance to cavitation erosion of used materials contribute to the search for methods and appropriate parameters of coating application that are able to minimize the effects of erosion. To determine the validity of the developed application parameters and the method used, cavitation studies and microscopic observations...
Effect of printing direction on fatigue response and damage development in additive manufactured Haynes 282 nickel superalloy
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Fatigue Damage Development in 14MoV6-3 Steel for Power Plant Pipes Monitored by Digital Image Correlation
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Effect of high temperature exposure on the fatigue damage development of X10CrMoVNb9-1 steel for power plant pipes
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Suitability of DIC and ESPI optical methods for monitoring fatigue damage development in X10CrMoVNb9-1 power engineering steel
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Fatigue damage development in 10CrMo9-10 steel for power plant pipes in as-received state and after 280,000 h of exploitation
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Monitoring of fatigue damage development in as-received and exploited 10CrMo9-10 power engineering steel supported by Digital Image Correlation
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Oxidative DNA damage in cancer patients: a cause or a consequence of the disease development?
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Machine Learning Methods in Damage Prediction of Masonry Development Exposed to the Industrial Environment of Mines
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Microscopic impact of creep damage incipience and development on the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic Cr-Mo steel
PublicationPokazano wyniki badań emisji magneto-akustycznej (EMA0 oraz magnetostrykcji dla stali P22 w stanie dostawy i po ekploatacji. Wyniki te pokazują, że maksimum EMA jest skorelowane z maksimum pochodnej magnetostrykcji. Badania morfologii wydzieleń w granicach ziarn i w ich wnętrzu potwierdzają tezę, iż te pierwsze są główną przyczyną zmniejszania natężenia EMA. Zaproponowano prosty model tłumaczący ilościowo funkcję zmian natężenia...
Measuring moisture damage of asphalt mixtures: The development of a new modified boiling test based on color image processing
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Viral infection-oxidative stress/DNA damage-aberrant DNA methylation: separate or interrelated events responsible for genetic instability and childhood ALL development?
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Development of fragility curves in adjacent steel moment-resisting frames considering pounding effects through improved wavelet-based refined damage-sensitive feature
PublicationFragility curves present useful information related to earthquake-induced probability assessment of steel moment-resisting frames (MRFs) and determine the probability of the damage exceedance at different floor levels of MRFs. The review of the literature shows that most of the previous studies dealing with the fragility curves were based on conventional measures, such as spectral acceleration at the first mode period, peak...
Quantitative risk assessment of new ship designs in damage conditions
PublicationThe paper is devoted to safety of ships in damage conditions. The novel contribution of the paper is connected with a new Multi-Task ship (MT-ship) design at the preliminary stage of design. There are a few problems at the preliminary stage that should be considered. One problem is connected with if the quantitative risk-based method is a reliable and formal method for safety assessment of such the new design (MT-ship) in damage...
Evaluating experimental molecular physics studies of radiation damage in DNA*
PublicationThe field of Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP) is a mature field exploring the spectroscopy, excitation, ionisation of atoms and molecules in all three phases. Understanding of the spectroscopy and collisional dynamics of AMP has been fundamental to the development and application of quantum mechanics and is applied across a broad range of disparate disciplines including atmospheric sciences, astrochemistry, combustion and environmental...
Teloxantron inhibits the processivity of telomerase with preferential DNA damage on telomeres
PublicationTelomerase reactivation is one of the hallmarks of cancer, which plays an important role in cellular immortalization and the development and progression of the tumor. Chemical telomerase inhibitors have been shown to trigger replicative senescence and apoptotic cell death both in vitro and in vivo. Due to its upregulation in various cancers, telomerase is considered a potential target in cancer therapy. In this study, we identified...
Novel Nonlinear High Order Technologies for Damage Diagnosis of Complex Assets
PublicationFor the first time worldwide, innovative techniques, generic non-linear higher-order unnormalized cross-correlations of spectral moduli, for the diagnosis of complex assets, are proposed. The normalization of the proposed techniques is based on the absolute central moments, that have been proposed and widely investigated in mathematical works. The existing higher-order, crosscovariances of complex spectral components are not sufficiently...
Influence of geotechnical conditions on damage states of Gdansk Bay Coast cliff formations
PublicationA geotechnical aspect of destruction processes of seashores was identified based on the case of erosion of Gdansk Bay Coast cliff formations. Causative factors of landslide were described in the context of natural phenomena, land development and its anthropogenic transformations. Possible directions of theoretical analysis of changes in groundwater relations were indicated.
Longitudinal study of vitamins A, E and lipid oxidative damage in human milk throughout lactation
PublicationCelem pracy było zbadanie zmian wartości całkowitego potencjału antyoksydacyjnego (TAS), stężeń witamin antyoksydacyjnych i izoprostanów (markery stresu oksydacyjnego) w siarze i mleku dojrzałym. Badaniami objęto 49 kobiet po pełno terminowej ciąży i naturalnym porodzie. Kryteria wyłączenia to czynne i bierne palenie tytoniu, ostre i przewlekłe schorzeniach oraz farmakoterapia inna niż suplementacja witamin. Próbki siary pobierano...
Fatigue Damage Evolution in SS316L Produced by Powder Bed Fusion in Different Orientations with Reused Powder Feedstock
PublicationBackground Metal Laser Powder Bed Fusion Melting (LPBF-M) is considered economically viable and environmentally sustainable because of the possibility of reusing the residual powder feedstock leftover in the build chamber after a part build is completed. There is however limited information on the fatigue damage development of LPBF-M samples made from reused feedstock. Objective In this paper, the stainless steel 316 L (SS316L)...
The method of analysis of damage reinforced concrete beams using terrestial laser scanning
PublicationThe authors present an analysis of the possibility to assess deformations and mechanisms of destructing bent reinforced concrete beams using the terrestrial laser scanning. As part of the experiments carried out at the Regional Laboratory of Construction of the Concrete Structures Division of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty at Gdansk University of Technology, the reinforced concrete beams were subjected to destruction...
PublicationThe authors present an analysis of the possibility to assess deformations and mode of failure of R-C beams using terrestrial laser scanning. As part of experiments carried out at the Regional Laboratory of Construction (at Gdansk University of Technology), reinforced concrete beams were subjected to destruction by bending and by shear. The process of press impact on the reinforced concrete beam was recorded using terrestrial laser...
Modeling of event trees for the rapid scenario development
PublicationThe paper concerns the safety of ships in abnormal/damage conditions. Some conclusions following from the research associated with development of a method for safety assessment of ships in abnormal/damage conditions is presented in the paper. The method called SSAMADC (Ship Safety Assessment Method in Abnormal/Damage Conditions) is a risk-based method and is connected with application of the quantitative risk assessment QRA approach....
H2O˙+ and OH+ reactivity versus furan: experimental low energy absolute cross sections for modeling radiation damage
PublicationRadiotherapy is one of the most widespread and efficient strategies to fight malignant tumors. Despite its broad application, the mechanisms of radiation-DNA interaction are still under investigation. Theoretical models to predict the effects of a particular delivered dose are still in their infancy due to the difficulty of simulating a real cell environment, as well as the inclusion of a large variety of secondary processes. This...
Damage Control in Warships
PublicationAs a result of dynamic quantitative and qualitative developments in the maritime industry its participants face harder and harder challenges pertaining to safety of ships and navigation. Practice has shown that even very well organised fleets are harassed by emergencies and accidents that can be neither predicted nor absolutely avoided. In order to counter the occuring emergencies and accidents, and to minimize their effects damage...
Mateusz Kopec Dr hab. inż.
PeopleHead of the Materials and Structural Testing Laboratory in Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS and Academic visitor in Imperial College London. Lecturer and Master/PhD students supervisor in Doctoral School of IPPT PAN and TIB PAN, and Imperial College London. Member of Polish Materials Science Society, Member of the Board of Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and Council Member of the European...
Efficacy of modal curvature damage detection in various pre-damage data assumptions and modal identification techniques
PublicationThe efficacy of modal curvature approach for damage localization is discussed in the paper in the context of input data. Three modal identification methods, i.e., Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), Natural Excitation Technique with ERA (NExT-ERA) and Covariance Driven Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI-Cov), and four methods of determining baseline data, i.e., real measurement of the undamaged state, analytical function,...
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to examine how damage indicators are sensitive to changing number of frequencies and mode shapes and also to number and location of measurement points. The influence of measurement errors was also analyzed for all cases. For the analysis, those damage indicators are chosen which use changes in such modal parameters as natural frequencies and mode shapes and also differences between the curvatures of the damaged...
Damage identification by wavelet analysis
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Subdivision and damage stability of ships.
PublicationPierwszy kompleksowy podręcznik na świecie na poziomie akademickim dotyczący niezatapialności statku w ujęciu probabilistycznym, w którym za miarę bezpieczeństwa statku przyjmuje się prawdopodobieństwo przetrwania kolizji przez statek, zwane wskaźnikiem niezatapialności, względnie wskaźnikiem podziału grodziowego statku. Obejmuje zarówno zagadnienia teoretyczne jak i praktyczne, dając projektantom wykładnię stosowania obowiązujących...
Damage identification by wavelet analysis
PublicationW pracy omówiono metodę identyfikacji rodzaju nieciagłości w 1 wymiarowych elementach konstrukcji wykorzystującą pomiar propagacji fali sprężystej i jej analizę metodą transformacji falkowej.
Ultrasound monitoring for evaluation of damage in reinforced concrete
PublicationThe paper deals with automated monitoring of damage evolution in concrete elements subjected to three-point bending tests. The monitoring is based on the nonlinear interactions of traveling ultrasonic waves with micro-crack zones inside the concrete specimens and surface-breaking cracks. The developed procedure assumes semi-continuous ultrasonic testing during the element full loading cycle and generation of the power spectral...
Hypertension, Brain Damage and Cognitive Decline
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Probing Radiation Damage at the Molecular Level
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Isotropic damage in viscoplastic flow conditions
PublicationMechanika zniszczenia jest obecnie jedną z ważniejszych gałęzi mechaniki ciał stałych. Jest cały czas rozwijającą się dziedziną nauki, która znalazła swoje zastosowania w problemach inżynierskich. W artykule zaprezentowano podstawowe informacje na temat lepkoplastyczności i jej zastosowania, koncepcję mechanicznej reprezentacji zniszczenia przez zmienną D, koncepcję naprężeń efektywnych, równania opisujące zniszczenie oraz lepkoplastyczny...
Simulation and identification of damage in bar structures.
PublicationPraca zawiera opis i testy 3 procedur badawczych dotyczących lokalizacjizniszczeń w konstrukcjach. Procedury bazują na danych modalnych jakie obiektgeneruje podczas swoich drgań tzn. częstościach własnych i postaciach drgań Badane są zmiany podatności układu, zmiany krzywizn postaci drgań i wrażli-wość częstości na założone zniszczenia. Odpowiednie procedury wiążące się ztymi trzema metodami są przestestowane na przykładzie wspornika...
Damage repair of the double shell tank
PublicationPłaszcz wewnętrzny stalowego zbiornika dwupłaszczowego o pojemności 10000 m3 został zdeformowany w wyniku błędu popełnionego podczas próby wodnej przy odbiorze zbiornika. W referacie omówiono technologię naprawy silnie zdeformowanego płaszcza zbiornika. Stosowano roztłaczanie hydrauliczne, prostowanie mechaniczne i termiczne oraz wymianę najbardziej uszkodzonych blach.
Optimal Sensor Placement for Damage Detection
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono dwie konfiguracje czujników PZT do detekcji uszkodzeń w płytach. Omówion zalety i wady obu konfiguracji.
Early models of DNA damage formation
PublicationPrzeanalizowano jedne z pierwszych modeli opisujących uszkodzenia nici DNA. Przeanalizowano uszkodzenia powstające w pojedynczych i podwójnych niciach, pod wpływem czynników fizycznych i chemicznych.
Seismic damage diagnosis in adjacent steel and RC MRFs considering pounding effects through improved wavelet-based damage-sensitive feature
PublicationThis paper aims to propose complex Morlet (cmorfb-fc) wavelet-based refined damage-sensitive feature (rDSF) as a new and more precise damage indicator to diagnose seismic damages in adjacent steel and Reinforced Concrete (RC) Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) assuming pounding conditions using acceleration responses. The considered structures include 6- and 9-story steel and 4- and 8-story RC benchmark MRFs that are assumed to have...
Application of RMS for damage detection by guided elastic waves
PublicationThis paper presents certain results of an experimental study related with a damage detection in structural elements based on deviations in guided elastic wave propagation patterns.
Seismic damage diagnosis in adjacent steel and RC MRFs considering pounding effects through improved wavelet-based damage-sensitive feature
PublicationThis paper aims to propose complex Morlet (cmorfb-fc) wavelet-based refined damage-sensitive feature (rDSF) as a new and more precise damage indicator to diagnose seismic damages in adjacent steel and Reinforced Concrete (RC) Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) assuming pounding conditions using acceleration responses. The considered structures include 6- and 9-story steel and 4- and 8-story RC benchmark...
On implementation of fibrous connective tissues’ damage in Abaqus software
PublicationConnective fibrous tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, in humans and animals exhibit hyperelastic behaviour. The constitution of the material of these tissues is anisotropic due to the presence of the collagen fibres, where one family of fibres is the typical case. Traumatic events and/or aging may sometimes lead to the damage of the tissue. The study of motion of affected joints or limbs is usually not permitted in vivo. This...
Building damage due to structural pounding during earthquakes
PublicationEarthquake-induced pounding between adjacent buildings has been identified as one of the reasons for substantial damage or even total collapse of colliding structures. A major reason leading to interactions in buildings results from the differences in their dynamic parameters and also from insufficient distance between the structures. Although the research on structural pounding has been much advanced, the studies have mainly been...
Wavelet analysis for damage identification in composite structures
Publicationw pracy zaproponowano metodę analizy sygnalu opartą o transformatę falkową, pozwalajacą na identyfikcaje pęknięcia zmęczeniowego w jednowymiarowych elementach konstrukcyjnych wykonanych z materialow kompozytowych
Application of wavelet analysis in damage detection and localization
PublicationWykrywanie i lokalizacja uszkodzeń w konstrukcjach inżynierskich są przedmiotem intensyw-nych badań z powodu ich praktycznego znaczenia. Niezwykle istotne jest wczesne wykrycie uszko-dzeń w konstrukcjach inżynierskich o szczególnym znaczeniu, ponieważ ich propagacja może do-prowadzić do katastrofy budowlanej. Stosunkowo nową dziedziną badań w wykrywaniu zniszczeń jest zastosowanie analizy falkowej. Metoda ta bazuje na postaciach...
Damage Detection of Steel-Concrete Composite Beam
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Mechanism for Damage to DNA by Low-Energy Electrons