Search results for: expert system
Expert system for automatic classification and quality assessment of singing voices
Expert system for automatic classification and quality assessment of singing voices
Expert systems in quality control of manufacturing processes
PublicationThe paper deals with quality control in conditions of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). It shows that quality of material stream items have to be analyzed on every stage of manufacturing process. Collecting and analyzing quantity of data with usage of expert systems make it possible to create a system for coordination of cell's work. The system contains error recovery algorithm and adaptive control subsystem based on fuzzy...
Hybrid Expert System for Computer-Aided Design of Ship Thruster Subsystems
PublicationThe article presents an expert system supporting the design of ship's power subsystems, in particular the thruster subsystem. The proposed hybrid expert system uses the results of simulation tests as the additional source of knowledge. The results of system operation are collated in a report which can be used as part of ship design description. The work oriented on developing the expert system is the continuation of the research...
Expert System as a classification method for optimal Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease treatment
PublicationZaproponowano utworzenie systemu eksperckiego jako metody klasyfikacji w prognozowaniu dowolnej formy leczenia dzieci z chorobą Legg-Calve-Perthesa. Obecnie nie ma jednego optymalnego sposobu leczenia choroby Perhtes'a i proponowana metoda jest próbą utworzenia wymiernego i uniwersalnego narzędzia, które będzie stanowiło podstawę przy podejmowaniu decyzji o najlepszym sposobie leczenia chorego stawu biodrowego. System ekspercki,...
Moral Knowledge Expert System : On the Borderline Between Business Ethics and New Technologies
PublicationAutorzy przedstawiają wstępną koncepcję zbudowania Internetowego Systemu Ekspertowego w dziedzinie wiedzy moralnej. Idea sprowadza się do zaaplikowania możliwości ogólnoświatowej sieci internetowej oraz koncepcji rozwijanych w ramach zarządzania wiedzą w odniesieniu do problemów moralnych występujących w życiu gospodarczym. System ten obejmuje: wiedzę ekspercką, akwizycję wiedzy o faktycznie dokonanych wyborach moralnych i ich...
Application of case based reasoning to hybrid expert system for electronic filter design
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję i przykład praktycznej realizacji obiektowo zorientowanego hybrydowego systemu ekspertowego wykorzystującego rozumowanie sytuacyjne. System wykorzystuje algorytmy najbliższego sąsiada i sztuczne sieci neuronowe. System został przetestowany jako klasyfikator decyzyjny w projektowaniu filtrów elektronicznych. W budowie systemu został wykorzystany obiektowy system CLIPS, rozszerzony o wiele dodatkowych funkcji...
CBR methodology application in an expert system for aided design ship's engine room automation
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metody obliczania podobieństwa na podstawie przypadków, zastosowane w opracowanym systemie ekspertowym do wspomagania projektowania siłowni okrętowej. Do realizacji metody na przykładzie automatyki napędu głównego zastosowano oprogramowanie bazy danych i system ekspertowy. Uzyskane wyniki wyszukiwania w bazie danych statków podobnych zostały porównane i przeanalizowane. Do weryfikacji zastosowanych w bazie...
On thermal and Flow Expert Systems Based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
PublicationZaprezentowano możliwość realizacji jednego z zadań systemów eksperckich, polegającego na określaniu rozmiaru eksploatacyjnej degradacji parametrów geometrycznych układów łopatkowych turbin. Dyskusję przeprowadzono w oparciu o zastosowanie wybranego typu sztucznej sieci neuronowej (SSN). Badano jakość i dokładność polegającą na dobrej identyfikacji rozmiaru degradacji przez tę wybraną SSN wykrywającą rozmiar degradacji geometrycznej....
Expert System and Decision Support System for Electrocardiogram Interpretation and Diagnosis: Review, Challenges and Research Directions
PublicationElectrocardiography (ECG) is one of the most widely used recordings in clinical medicine. ECG deals with the recording of electrical activity that is generated by the heart through the surface of the body. The electrical activity generated by the heart is measured using electrodes that are attached to the body surface. The use of ECG in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been in existence for over...
The application of an expert system for simulation investigations in yhe aided design of ship power systems automation.
PublicationPrzedstawiono strukturę i funkcje systemu wspomagającego projektowanie automatyki systemów enegretycznych statków. Dane opisujące projektowany podsystem energetyczny są wprowadzane w trybie interaktywnym do systemu ekspertowego. Reguły określaja poprawność formalną i merytoryczną wprowadzonych danych. W przypadku braku błędów system automatycznie tworzy model symulacyjny projektowanego podsystemu enegretycznego i wywołuje program...
Expert systems in assessing the construction process safety taking account of the risk of disturbances
PublicationThe objective of the paper is to present the issue of safety manage-ment during the construction process. Threats in the form of disturb-ances may occur in the preparatory phase, during the execution of the construction project and also during its operational use. The arti-cle presents the concept of applying the methodology based, among others, on Learning Bayesian Networks, Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine,...
On Application of Selected Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Expert Systems for Thermal and Flow Diagnostics
PublicationPrzedyskutowano problem wspomagania przez systemy ekspertowe decyzji eksploatacyjnych służb nadzoru obiegów turbin parowych. Uwagę skupiono na realizacji jednego z zadań tych systemów, polegającemu na określenie rozmiaru eksploatacyjnej degradacji parametrów geometrycznych układów łopatkowych turbin. Dyskusję przeprowadzono na przykładzie jednego z komponentów metod sztucznej inteligencji: wybranego typu sztucznej sieci neuronowej...
Expert system against machine learning approaches as a virtual sensor for ventricular arrhythmia risk level estimation
PublicationRecent advancements in machine learning have opened new avenues for preventing fatal ventricular arrhythmia by accurately measuring and analyzing QT intervals. This paper presents virtual sensor based on an expert system designed to prevent the risk of fatal ventricular arrhythmias associated with QT-prolonging treatments. The expert system categorizes patients into three risk levels based on their electrocardiogram-derived QT...
Algorithm for searching out similar ships within expert system of computer aided preliminary design of ship power plant
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano algorytm wyszukiwania statków podobnych zaimplementowany w hybrydowym systemie wspomagania projektowania wstępnego siłowni okrętowej na podstawie nowych funkcji podobieństwa oraz zaadaptowanych z literatury. Do wyszukiwania statków podobnych została zastosowana metoda optymalizacji wielokryterialnej ważonych zysków.
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Expert Systems with Applications: X
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Legal information system as a source of knowledge about law. The concept of the architecture of an expert legal information system
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Gaussian mixture decomposition in the analysis of MALDI-TOF spectra
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An automated learning model for twitter sentiment analysis using Ranger AdaBelief optimizer based Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory
PublicationSentiment analysis is an automated approach which is utilized in process of analysing textual data to describe public opinion. The sentiment analysis has major role in creating impact in the day-to-day life of individuals. However, a precise interpretation of text still relies as a major concern in classifying sentiment. So, this research introduced Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory with Ranger AdaBelief Optimizer (Bi-LSTM RAO)...
SDF classifier revisited
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy problemów związanych z konstruowaniem klasyfikatorów wykorzystujących tzw. dyskryminacyjną funkcję samopodobieństwa (ang. Similarity Discriminant Function - SDF), w których tradycyjna, wektorowa reprezentacja obrazu została zastąpiona przez dane o strukturze macierzowej. Zaprezentowano możliwości modyfikowania macierzowych struktur danych i zaproponowano nowe warianty kryterium SDF. Przedstawione algorytmy zostały...
Automated Reasoning Based User Interface
PublicationMotivation: The ability to directly trace how requirements are implemented in a software system is crucial in domains that require a high level of trust (e.g. medicine, law, crisis management). This paper describes an approach that allows a high level of traceability to be achieved with model-driven engineering supported by automated reasoning. The paper gives an introduction to the novel, automated user interface synthesis in...
Quantifying inconsistencies in the Hamburg Sign Language Notation System
PublicationThe advent of machine learning (ML) has significantly advanced the recognition and translation of sign languages, bridging communication gaps for hearing-impaired communities. At the heart of these technologies is data labeling, crucial for training ML algorithms on a huge amount of consistently labeled data to achieve models that generalize well. The adoption of language-agnostic annotations is essential to connect different sign...
A decision-making module for aiding ship system automation design; A knowledge-based approach
PublicationZastosowanie elementów sztucznej inteligencji, w tym systemów z bazą wiedzy staje się coraz bardziej powszechne przy komputerowo wspomaganym projektowaniu. Proces projektowy związany jest z wieloma problemami decyzyjnymi, jak: wybór struktury podsystemu, podzespołów czy też elementów składowych. Z tego względu zdecydowano się opracować system z bazą wiedzy z modułem wspirającym proces podejmowania decyzji.W artykule przedstawiono...
World Congress on Expert Systems
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Turbine stage design aided by artificial intelligence methods
PublicationZaproponowano ogólny, wydajny system wspomagania projektowania palisad , stopni i grupy stopni turbinowych. Zastosowane algorytmy wykorzystują algorytmy genetyczne, sieci neuronowe i obliczenia równoległe. Uzyskane rozwiązania projektowe są wysoko zoptymalizowane pod względem sprawności, a czas ich uzyskania jest o kilka rzędów wielkości mniejszy, niż przy zastosowaniu obliczeń CFD.
Exploring the landscape of automatic cerebral microbleed detection: A comprehensive review of algorithms, current trends, and future challenges
PublicationThis paper provides the first review to date which gathers, describes, and assesses, to the best of our knowledge, all available publications on automating cerebral microbleed (CMB) detection. It provides insights into the current state of the art and highlights the challenges and opportunities in this topic. By incorporating the best practices identified in this review, we established guidelines for the development of CMB detection...
Exploring the landscape of automatic cerebral microbleed detection: A comprehensive review of algorithms, current trends, and future challenges
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Enhanced encoder–decoder architecture for visual perception multitasking of autonomous driving
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Identification of category associations using a multilabel classifier
PublicationDescription of the data using categories allows one to describe it on a higher abstraction level. In this way, we can operate on aggregated groups of the information, allowing one to see relationships that do not appear explicit when we analyze the individual objects separately. In this paper we present automatic identification of the associations between categories used for organization of the textual data. As experimental data...
Optimization-based stacked machine-learning method for seismic probability and risk assessment of reinforced concrete shear walls
PublicationEfficient seismic risk assessment aids decision-makers in formulating citywide risk mitigation plans, providing insights into building performance and retrofitting costs. The complexity of modeling, analysis, and post-processing of the results makes it hard to fast-track the seismic probabilities, and there is a need to optimize the computational time. This research addresses seismic probability and risk assessment of reinforced...
Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems
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Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert systems
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International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
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International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
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Expert media approach to hearing aids fitting
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano problematykę dopasowania protez słuchu. Przedstawiono system ekspercki, który pozwala na znalezienie charakterystyk aparatu słuchowego adekwatnego do uszkodzenia słuchu. System został oparty o metodę zbiorów przybliżonych i logikę rozmytą.
International Expert Consensus Statement
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BPMN Update Proposal for Non-expert Users
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Hybrid System for Ship-Aided Design Automation
PublicationA hybrid support system for ship design based on the methodology of CBR with some artificial intelligence tools such as expert system Exsys Developer along with fuzzy logic, relational Access database and artificial neural network with backward propagation of errors.
The Conception of Decision-Making Support System for ComplexEnergetic System on Example of Ship Propulsion System
PublicationIn paper, the conception of decision-making support system for complex energetic system on example of ship propulsion system has been presented. Diversity of conditions, information overload and very often contradiction of decision-making criteria and time constraints result in difficulties in making right (rational) decision without using more or less expanded information processing systems (eg. database systems, expert systems,...
Expert assessment of arguments: a method and its experimental evaluation
PublicationArgument structures are commonly used to develop and present cases for safety, security and other properties. Such argument structures tend to grow excessively. To deal with this problem, appropriate methods of their assessment are required. Two objectives are of particular interest: (1) systematic and explicit assessment of the compelling power of an argument, and (2) communication of the result of such an assessment to relevant...
The functions of securities law: An expert survey of legislative intent in Poland
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An application of multi-agent system for ship’s power systems design
PublicationDesign process of transport ship power system consists of structure (topology) and component elements selection. Compliance with the requirements for static components does not guarantee optimal dynamic characteristics of entire power system. Design steps are difficult to formalize and as a consequence to this reason expert and multi-agent systems are used for solving selected design issues. In the paper distributed multi-agent...
Mathematical Models in Design Process of Ship Bow Thrusters
PublicationThe paper describes an application of simulation models for computer-aided design of ship bow thrusters. Generation of simulation models of ship bow thruster requires development and verifying of mathematical models of system component elements. Using the results of simulation the expert system is able to determine, that the rules of classification societies are met. Design procedures and mathematical models are part of an expert...
Interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management based on multi-agent system
PublicationThis article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and the support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet. The approach integrates meteorological data and forecasts, air quality and emission monitoring, dynamic 3D simulation modelling and forecasting,...
Expert consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of patient with hyperuricemia and high cardiovascular risk
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Centralized and Distributed Structures of Intelligent Systems for Aided Design of Ship Automation
PublicationA design process and accepted solutions made during this process, often base on non-formalized knowledge, obtained from designer (expert) intuition and practice. There are no formalized rules assuring the correctness of design solutions. The analysis of design process of ship automation, including ship power system, shows that this process can be supported by application of the artificial intelligence elements. The article presents...
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The study on the appearance of deformation defects in the yacht lamination process using an AI algorithm and expert knowledge
PublicationThis article describes the application of the A-priori algorithm for defining the rule-based relationships between individual defects caused during the lamination process, affecting the deformation defect of the yacht shell. The data from 542 yachts were collected and evaluated. For the proper development of the algorithm, a technological process of the yacht lamination supported by expert decisions was described. The laminating...