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Search results for: lapd
A new factor LapD is required for the regulation of LpxC amounts and lipopolysaccharide trafficking
PublicationLipopolysaccharide (LPS) constitutes the major component of the outer membrane and is essential for bacteria, such as Escherichia coli. Recent work has revealed the essential roles of LapB and LapC proteins in regulating LPS amounts; although, if any additional partners are involved is unknown. Examination of proteins co-purifying with LapB identified LapD as a new partner. The purification of LapD reveals that it forms a complex...
Land of New Towns
PublicationReflexions on new towns throught the history.
Monitoring Trends of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Rajang River Basin
PublicationIn this study, the spatiotemporal changes in land use and land cover (LULC) were evaluated from 1992 to 2015 for the Rajang River Basin (RRB) located in the Sarawak State of Malaysia. The changes in water bodies cropped lands, and forests were assessed based on the available remotely sensed satellite data. Supervised classification with the Maximum-Likelihood-Algorithm technique was adopted for monitoring the LULC changes using...
Problem of soil science based classification of land in the context of updating land and building records
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Magnetic signatures of land vehicles
PublicationThe results of numerical simulations of the magnetic field surrounding of land vehicles' models have been presented in this paper. Vehicle containing of ferromagnetic elements distorts the Earth's magnetic field. This distortion can be measured by magnetometers. It is possible to detect and identify an object on the basis of its magnetic signature.
State Interventionism in Agricultural Land Turnover in Poland
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Improved RAPD Method for Candida parapsilosis Fingerprinting
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Suppressors of lapC mutation identify new regulators of LpxC, which mediates the first committed step in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis
PublicationGram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, are characterized by an asymmetric outer membrane (OM) with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) located in the outer leaflet and phospholipids facing the inner leaflet. E. coli recruits LPS assembly proteins LapB, LapC and LapD in concert with FtsH protease to ensure a balanced biosynthesis of LPS and phospholipids. We recently reported that bacteria either lacking the periplasmic domain of...
Regulation of the First Committed Step in Lipopolysaccharide Biosynthesis Catalyzed by LpxC Requires the Essential Protein LapC (YejM) and HslVU Protease
PublicationWe previously showed that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) assembly requires the essential LapB protein to regulate FtsH-mediated proteolysis of LpxC protein that catalyzes the first committed step in the LPS synthesis. To further understand the essential function of LapB and its role in LpxC turnover, multicopy suppressors of ΔlapB revealed that overproduction of HslV protease subunit prevents its lethality by proteolytic degradation...
Changes in the Use of Agricultural Land in Poland and Czech Republic
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Landscape as the tool of coherence in the land management of rural communes
PublicationEconomic and social transformation of rural areas in Poland after 1990 reveals itself through disintegration of previous spatial order. Building a new pattern requires a vision, which would counteract complex causes of disintegration. The latter belong to institutional domain of planning strategies and the area of common practices. Therefore, agreement on aims and means between spatial policy strategies and tactics of space users...
Land use structure determinants for the Gdańsk Shipyard Area.
PublicationArtykuł zawiera omówienie uwarunkowań ogólnomiejskich rozwoju terenów postoczniowych w Gdańsku - obszaru tzw. Młodego Miasta. W szczególności ujęte w nim zostały kwestie odnoszące się do lokalizacji obszaru, jego potencjału rozwojowego, a także analiza szans rozwojowych nowego programu miejskiego w obszarze Aglomeracji Gdańskiej.
Influence of cabbage juices on oxidative changes of rapeseed oil and lard
PublicationCelem badań było określenie wpływu soków wyizolowanych z kapusty surowej i kiszonej na przemiany oksydatywne i termooksydatywne tłuszczów roślinnych (na przykładzie oleju rzepakowego podwójnie ulepszonego) i zwierzęcych (na przykładzie smalcu). Tłuszcze te ogrzewano w temperaturze 100 0C z sokami z kapusty w układzie modelowym przez 6 godzin, pobierając co 1,5 godz. próbki do badań.Po procesie ogrzewania tłuszczów w obecnosci soków...
Selected Aspects of Revitalisation in the Land Development of the City Moat in Jeziorany
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Soil and groundwater contamination as a result of sewage sludge land application
PublicationThe leaching of chemical compounds (N-NO3, N-NH4, Norg, P-PO4, Ptot) and trace elements (Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn, and Pb) from sewage sludge and their migration through the soil profile was the subject of the study. The column experiments were carried out under atmospheric conditions corresponding to naturally occurring storm events - sewage sludge amended soil was irrigated with high rates of water. The column filter media used in...
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Soil and groundwater fecal contamination as a result of sewage sludge land application.
PublicationThe release of sludge-born bacteria and their further transport in subsurface was studied. The migration of bacteria was investigated in column experiments which were carried out under the conditions corresponding to naturally occurring extreme rainfall. Coal fly ash as well as coarse and medium grained sand, which properties are similar to the soils present in degraded areas, were used as column beds. Sewage sludge was applied...
Normalized Method for Land Surface Temperature Monitoring on Coastal Reclaimed Areas
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PublicationThe Vistula Delta is unique region of water domination. In this part of Europe, historic rural assumptions have been developing since the 12th century. Practically, it can be said that most of the systems were related to the coexistence of the human and the water element. Relations of water and land, developed specific types of villages such as a water-based village. Water landscape; polders, canals, dikes and rivers, hydro-technical...
Typing of Scopulariopsis and Microascus fungi by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
PublicationOBJECTIVES Scopulariopsis species and their teleomorphs of the genus Microascus are commonly isolated from soil, decaying plant material and indoor environments. Moreover, certain Scopulariopsis and Microascus species are recognised as opportunistic human pathogens. Although most species can be identified by detailed morphological study, phenotypic characters appear to overlap in several cases and morphology seems to be insufficient...
Management of seaport critical infrastructures of integrated sea-land transport chains
PublicationW morsko-lądowych łańcuchach transportowych logistyczne procesy integracyjne przebiegają pomiędzy trzema podstawowymi ogniwami: żeglugą morską, portami morskimi i transportem zaplecza. W tym ujęciu morsko-lądowe łańcuchy transportowe, które stanowią przestrzenno-czasową kombinację lądowych i morskich ogniw transportowych, stają się także najwyższą formą integracji portów i żeglugi z innymi gałęziami transportu, wymagającą stałego...
Regulation of LPS assembly via controlled proteolysis and sensing of LPS stress in Escherichia coli
PublicationLipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a complex glycolipid, essential for the bacterial viability and along with phospholipids, it constitutes the major amphiphilic component of outer membrane (OM) in most of the Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli. LPS molecules confer an effective permeability barrier to the OM and play a crucial role in bacteria-environment and -host interactions. The synthesis and accumulation of this...
Lamb wave propagation in a single lap adhesive joint
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Monitoring of single-side lap grinding with electroplated tools
PublicationThe results presented in the paper show that utilising microphones as audible sound sensors is a suitable approach for monitoring a single-side lap grinding process due to the low levels of noise generated by the drives of a machine tool. The results confirm that sound signal analysis is a feasible and relatively simple method to monitor a lap grinding process with the use of an audible sound sensor. Proposed method can be used...
Lamb wave propagation in a single lap adhesive joint
PublicationThe aim of the paper is the analysis of Lamb wave propagation in adhesive joints. The research was performed on a single lap adhesive joint of two steel plates. Two types of joints, namely an intact and with defect were considered. In experimental investigations the condition assessment of the joint was performed with the use of antisymmetric Lamb waves excited by a plate piezo actuators and measured by a laser vibrometer. Numeri-cal...
Influence on micrograins size on the distance between the workpiece and the lap.
PublicationNa kształtowanie powierzchni docieranej główny wpływ ma błąd kształtu zastosowanego narzędzia. Intensywność docierania zależy od wielkości zastosowanych ziaren ściernych, które również wpływają na błędy kształtu przedmiotu. W referacie przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń odległości przedmiotu od powierzchni narzędzia w funkcji wielkości ziaren ściernych.
The impact of land use and season on the riverine transport of mercury into the marine coastal zone
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Coastal erosion—a “new” land-based source of labile mercury to the marine environment
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Geomorphological and Hydrological Effects of Subsidence and Land use Change in Industrial and Urban Areas
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Accuracy of marine gravimetric measurements in terms of geodetic coordinates of land reference benchmark
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Effects of beach wrack on the fate of mercury at the land-sea interface – A preliminary study
PublicationSince the 1970s, the amount of aquatic plants and algae debris, called beach wrack (BW), has increased along the shores of industrialised regions. The strong ability of primary producers to accumulate pollutants can potentially result in their deposition on the beach along with the BW. Despite that, the fate and impact of such pollutants on sandy beach ecosystems have not been investigated so far. This study examines the fate...
Effects of beach wrack on the fate of mercury at the land-sea interface – A preliminary study
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Assembly of Lipopolysaccharide in Escherichia coli Requires the Essential LapB Heat Shock Protein
PublicationHere, we describe two new heat shock proteins involved in the assembly of LPS in Escherichia coli, LapA and LapB (lipopolysaccharide assembly protein A and B). lapB mutants were identified based on an increased envelope stress response. Envelope stress responsive pathways control key steps in LPS biogenesis and respond to defects in the LPS assembly. Accordingly, the LPS content in ΔlapB or Δ(lapA lapB) mutants was elevated, with...
PublicationLand surface temperature (LST) plays an important role in many land-surface processes on regional as well on global scales. It is also a good indicator of energy flux phenomena and is used as a parameter in various Earth observation related studies. However, LST estimation based on processing and utilisation of satellite derived data constitutes several problems in terms of time limitations, accessibility, atmospheric influence...
Monitoring of Ship Operations in Seaport Areas in the Sustainable Development of Ocean–Land Connections
PublicationThe paper is devoted to underlining the important role of monitoring systems in the sustainable development of seaport areas—sensitive ocean–land connections exposed to the harmful effects of multimodal transport. The study concerns the existing monitoring possibilities of the environmental factors and ship traffic near port infrastructure. The main aim of the study is presenting the example of solutions, supporting the sustainable...
Accuracy of marine gravimetric measurements in terms of geodetic coordinates of land reference benchmark
PublicationThe article presents how the values of (3D) coordinates of land reference points affect the results of gravimetric measurements made from the ship in sea areas. These measurements are the basis for 3D maritime inertial navigation, improving ships' operational safety. The campaign verifying the network absolute point coordinates used as a reference point for relative marine gravity measurements was described. The obtained values...
Hydrological responses to large-scale changes in land cover of river watershed: Review
PublicationDespite many studies on the hydrological responses to forest cover changes in micro and mesoscale watersheds, the hydrological responses to forest cover alterations and associated mechanisms through the large spatial scale of the river watershed have not been comprehensively perceived. This paper thus reviews a wide range of available scientific evidence concerning the impacts exerted by the forest removal on precipitation, water...
Diagnostics of bolted lap joint using guided wave propagation
PublicationThe paper presents numerical and experimental analyses of elastic waves propagation in a bolted lap joint. In experimental investigations condition assessment of the joint was performed with the use of symmetric waves excited by a piezoactuator. Numerical calculations were conducted in commercial finite element method software Abaqus. The influence of number of bolts and the value of the initial stress on recorded signals was examined....
Damage detection in a bolted lap joint using guided waves
PublicationThe paper presents the experimental investigation of guided waves application to the condition assessment of prestressed bolted connections and a concept of new quantitative indicator. The main goal of the research was the analysis of the influence of the contact conditions changes to the characteristics of a propagating disturbance. The experimental tests were carried out for a single bolted lap joint. The excitation and acquisition...
Mercury in suspended matter of the Gulf of Gdańsk: Origin, distribution and transport at the land–sea interface
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Changes in Land Plot Morphology Resulting from the Construction of a Bypass: The Example of a Polish City
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Land development and forms of heavy metals occurrence (zn, cd, pb) in polish rivers
PublicationEkosystemy rzeczne podlegają intensywnej antropopresji. Metale ciężkie występujące w glebie i osadach dennych w różnych formach specjacyjnych mają istotny wpływ na wtórne zanieczyszczenie wody ze względu na takie procesy jak migracja, akumulacja i biowzbogacanie.Przedmiotem badań były próbki gleby, osadów dennych oraz wody pobrane z różnych rzek z południowej części województwa świętokrzyskiego. W trakcie badań próbek wykorzystano...
Molecular typing of Staphylococcus aureus based on PCR-RFLP of coa gene and RAPD analysis
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Life Cycle Analysis of Ecological Impacts of an Offshore and a Land-Based Wind Power Plant
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Comparison Analysis of Blade Life Cycles of Land-Based and Offshore Wind Power Plants
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Linking the diversity of native flora to land cover heterogeneity and plant invasions in a river valley
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Land cover transitions and changing climate conditions in the Polish Carpathians: Assessment and management implications
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Mercury in suspended matter of the Gulf of Gdańsk: Origin, distribution and transport at the land–sea interface
PublicationThe coastal regions of inland seas are particularly vulnerable to Hg pollution. An important carrier of toxic Hg in the marine environment is suspended matter originating from multiple sources. The present study was conducted in the Gulf...
Cadastral Land Value Modelling Based on Zoning by Prestige: A Case Study of a Resort Town