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Search results for: Facture
Future Skills and Education in a Computerized World
PublicationAs computerization of Western economies has advanced, the supply of the demand for routine cognitive tasks and routine manual tasks has fallen. Computerization has increased labour input of nonroutine cognitive tasks which has favourized high educated workers. Similarly, there is clear evidence of an increase in demand for high skilled workforce which originates from poor machine performance of nonroutine...
City disstribution logistics as an environmental factor
PublicationPrzedstawiono związki pomiędzy systemami logistyki miejskiej i środowiskiem. Omówiono zadania administracji lokalnej w usprawnieniu dostaw oraz usuwaniu odpadów. Przeprowadzono wariantową analizę działań podejmowanych przez administratora obszaru miejskiego w celu poprawy jakości środowiska.
Lightweight structures in architecture: scenarios for the future
PublicationLightweight structures - structures with a reduced weight, which otherwise retain the qualities necessary for the building performance, ensuring a proper durability and strength, safety, indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency; stuctures which strive for the optimization of structural systems - are in tune with current trends and socio-economic, environmental and technological factors. The growing interest in the lightweight...
Education as a Stimulating Factor for Entrepreneurship Development
PublicationThe main purpose of the paper is to present the role of entrepreneurial education for entrepreneurship development. The paper is theoretical and includes both a literature review and world reports (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and WEF Global Education Initiative) on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education.
An Overview of Sport and the Future Smart Cities
PublicationOne of the main challenges for future cities is to strengthen the role of people and their activities. Therefore, sport provides an opportunity to engage in physical activity, connecting citizens to the city. The question of how sport influences the development of cities and the concept of future smart cities arises. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between sport and the concept of smart cities by identifying...
Future Directions in Quantum Materials Synthesis
PublicationThe following sections are included: Introduction The Current State of the Art The Frontiers Exploring the Frontiers Conclusion
The Sustainable Link - the Haze of the Past in the Future
PublicationThe aim of the topic is to explore the site by focusing on historical elements and life cycle thinking. The history and sustainability will thereby be the core approach and method during the ongoing design process. These themes will encourage the interdisciplinary and iterative design process.
Smart skills and education in a future economy
PublicationWhether the role of education is to prepare people for employment or to have meaningful lives in general, it will identify and develop skills and competencies, as well as vocational and personal attributes. Skills, such as critical thinking, novel ideation, and complex cognitive and social skills, are areas where humans continue to outperform smart machines. The purpose of this article is to review the skills and competencies that...
Bankruptcy Prediction - History, Present and Future.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono krótką wzmiankę dotyczącą dotychczasowych badań w obszarze zagrożenia przedsiębiorstw upadłością, techniki wykorzystywane do budowy modeli prognozowania upadłości przedsiębiorstw oraz metody stosowane w analizie porównawczej tego typu modeli.
Green Chemistry - current and future issues
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono 12 zasad Zielonej Chemii oraz wybrane przykłady stosowania zasad w życiu codziennym, przemyśle, laboratoriach i edukacji. Pokrótce opisano historię Zielonej Chemii oraz przyszłe wyzwania. ZCH dotyczy nowego podejścia do zagadnienia syntezy, przeróbki i wykorzystania związków chemicznych, związanego ze zmniejszeniem zagrożenia dla zdrowia i środowiska. Istnieje wiele publikacji opisujących metodyki analityczne...
Modeling two phase flow in large scale fractured porous media with an extended multiple interacting continua method
PublicationWe present a two phase flow conceptual model, the corresponding simulator (2pMINC) and a workflow for large-scale fractured reservoirs, based on a continuum fracture approach which uses the multiple interacting continua (MINC) method complemented with an improved upscaling technique. The complex transient behavior of the flow processes in fractured porous media is captured by subgridding the coarse blocks in nested volume elements...
Enterprise of the Future
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Jerzy Balicki dr hab. inż.
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Modelling of concrete facture at aggregate level using DEM based on x-ray mu CT images of internal structure
PublicationW artykule pokazano wyniki dyskretne DEM dla pękania betonu poddanego zginaniu. Beton został symulowany jako ośrodek 4-fazowy. Mikrostrukturę betonu określono na podstawie zdjęć uzyskanych mikro-tomografem. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zjawiska mikrostrukturalne podczas zarysowania na poziomie kruszywa.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C - a potent risk factor in children diagnosed with stadium 4 neuroblastoma.
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Vascular endothelial growth factor C—a potent risk factor in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: an immunocytochemical approach
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Enhancing Business Process Management Through Nature Assessment: Development and Deployment of the Business Process Nature Assessment Tool
PublicationIn contemporary business landscapes, the diverse nature of processes necessitates a thor-ough assessment before implementing Business Process Management (BPM). However, conducting such assessments can be arduous, particularly for small and medium-sized en-terprises. This study aims to address this challenge by developing and showcasing the utility of an online tool based on the Business Process Nature Assessment Framework (BPNAF)....
Predictions of cutting power while sawing of birch and beech with the use of modern fracture mechanics
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki badań eksperymentalnych procesu przecinania drewna brzozy i buka piłami o rzazie 2 mm na pilarce ramowej PRW15M. Na podstawie teoretycznego modelu Atkinsa, wyznaczono z danych eksperymentalnych stałe materiałowe (wiązkość i naprężenia tnące w strefie ścinania) i opracowano model do prognozowania mocy skrawania podczas przecinania drewna piłami na pilarce ramowej dla innych wartości rzazu w funkcji posuwu na...
Beam on elastic foundation with anticlastic curvature: Application to analysis of mode I fracture tests
PublicationA first order correction is proposed taking into account both interface elasticity and transverse anticlastic curvature of flexible substrate(s) in the DCB (and related tests). Adherends are represented by Kirchhoff-Love plates, and the interface by Winkler-type elastic foundation. Two functions are introduced, representing evolution of beam deflection along the sample midline and anticlastic curvature along the plate. A method...
Estimation of fracture toughness and shear yield stress of orthotropic materials in cutting with rotating tools
PublicationThe cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Forecasting of the shear plane angle in cutting broaden possibilities for modelling of the cutting process even for thin uncut chips. Such mathematical model has been developed here for description of the orthotropic materials’ cutting on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation...
Fracture simulations in concrete beam under bending using a mesoscopic model with cohesive elements
PublicationThe main aim of this paper was to investigate a complex fracture process in a concrete beam subjected to 3-point bending test by means of the 2D meso-scale FEM with 4-node cohesive elements embedded in the initial mesh of 3-node solid elements. The material heterogeneity was taken into account by considering 3 different phases (aggregate, cement matrix, ITZs) on the basis of randomly generated internal structure of concrete and...
The effect of aggregate characteristics on the fracture behaviour of fine-grained concrete under tensile loading
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia analizę wpływu kruszywa na zjawisko pękania drobnoziarnistego betonu podczas quasi-statycznego trzypunktowego zginania. Beton został opisany jako stochastyczny i niejednorodny materiał trzyfazowy. Dwuwymiarowe obliczenia numeryczne dla betonowych belek z nacięciem wykonano metodą elementów skończonych stosując izotropowy materiałowy model z degradacją sztywności rozszerzony o długość charakterystyczną mikrostruktury...
Influence of wood steam drying process on fracture toughness and shear yield strength determination
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wiązkości (energii właściwej na tworzenie nowej powierzchni) oraz naprężeń ścinających w strefie skrawania drewna dębowego i sosnowego na podstawie mocy skrawania przy przecinaniu piłami. Badane drewno było wcześniej suszone w specjalnej eksperymentalnej suszarni w otoczeniu pary. Zaobserwowano, że tego typu suszenie powoduje znaczne skrócenie czasu suszenia, jednakże, wspomniane właściwości mechaniczne...
Effect of the Drying Method of Pine and Beech Wood on Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Stress
PublicationThe modern wood converting processes consists of several stages and material drying belongs to the most influencing future performances of products. The procedure of drying wood is usually realized between subsequent sawing operations, affecting significantly cutting conditions and general properties of material. An alternative methodology for determination of mechanical properties (fracture toughness and shear yield stress) based...
Fracture surface topography investigation and fatigue life assessment of notched austenitic steel specimens
PublicationThe objectives of this study were to investigate the fracture surface topography of X8CrNiS18-9 austenitic stainless-steel specimens for different loadings and notch radii and to supplement the knowledge about the fracture mechanisms for fatigue performance. Cases with three different values of the notch radius ρ and the stress amplitude σa were analysed. The fracture topographies were quantified by the areas over their entire...
Theoretical examination of the fracture behavior of BC3 polycrystalline nanosheets: Effect of crack size and temperature
Publication2D carbon graphene nanostructures are elements of advanced materials and systems. This theoretical survey provides explanation to the mechanical and fracture behavior of mono- and polycrystalline BC3 nanosheets (denoted as MC- and PCBC3NS, respectively) as a function of temperature and the type of crack defects. The mechanical performance of PCBC3NS at elevated temperatures was monitored varying the number of grain boundaries (the...
Fracture surface formation of notched 2017A-T4 aluminium alloy under bending fatigue
PublicationThe effect of cyclic loading on facture surface topology in notched components made by aluminium alloys is not completely clear. Fractogra-phy and fracture mechanics can help to understand this interdependency. This paper aims to study the distribution of the fracture surface roughness of notched 2017A-T4 aluminium alloy after bending fatigue using an optical focus-variation surface measurement technique by applying the fracture...
Effect of bending-torsion on fracture and fatigue life for 18Ni300 steel specimens produced by SLM
PublicationIn this study, different fracture surfaces caused by fatigue failure were generated from 18Ni300 steel produced by selective laser melting (SLM). Hollow round bars with a transverse hole were tested under bending-torsion to investigate the crack initiation mechanisms and fatigue life. Next, the post-failure fracture surfaces were examined by optical profilometer and scanning electron microscope. The focus is placed on the relationship...
Coda wave interferometry in monitoring the fracture process of concrete beams under bending test
PublicationEarly detection of damage is necessary for the safe and reliable use of civil engineering structures made of concrete. Recently, the identification of micro-cracks in concrete has become an area of growing interest, especially using wave-based techniques. In this paper, a non-destructive testing approach for the characterization of the fracture process was presented. Experimental tests were made on concrete beams subjected to mechanical...
Dynamic fracture of brittle shells in a space-time adaptive isogeometric phase field framework
PublicationPhase field models for fracture prediction gained popularity as the formulation does not require the specification of ad-hoc criteria and no discontinuities are inserted in the body. This work focuses on dynamic crack evolution of brittle shell structures considering large deformations. The energy contributions from in-plane and out-of-plane deformations are separately split into tensile and compressive components and the resulting...
Simulation of fracture process in concrete elements with steel fibres using discrete lattice model
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki modelowania procesu zarysowania w elementach betonowych zawierające stalowe włókna przy zastosowaniu dyskretnego modelu kratownicowego. Beton był modelowany na poziomie mezoskali z uwzględnieniem 5 faz: kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego, włókien i obu stref kontaktu. Obliczenia wykonano dla jednoosiowego ściskania, jednoosiowego rozciągania i zginania prostego.
Experimental investigations of fracture process in concrete by means of x-ray micro-computed tomography
PublicationW artykule pokazano doświadczalne wyniki badań procesu pękania w betonie stosując mikro-tomografię. Doświadczenia wykonano dla zginanych belek betonowych. Wyniki doświadczalne modelowano stosując MES na bazie modelu z degradacją sztywności sprężystej z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Beton symulowano jako materiał 4-fazowy. Uzyskano dobra zgodność wyników MES z doświadczeniami.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience
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Future Science OA
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Nature Climate Change
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Nature Conservation-Bulgaria
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Future Medicinal Chemistry
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Future Business Journal
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Nature Reviews Materials
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Nature Conservation Research
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Nature and Science of Sleep
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Nature Human Behaviour
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Capitalism, Nature, Socialism
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Nature Biomedical Engineering
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Nature Ecology & Evolution
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Nature Reviews Chemistry
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Malayan Nature Journal
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Nature Reviews Nephrology
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Nature Reviews Rheumatology