dr inż. Artur Poliński
wszystkich: 63
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
A Novel Device and System for Fall Detection Under the Shower
PublikacjaIn this paper, device construction and preliminary results for shower safety assistance are presented. The device allows monitoring of shower-taking persons without violating privacy and intimacy, while it has the ability to detect a persons entering and leaving the shower and detecting fall conditions. It allows better supervision of elders living independently at their locations.
Pulse Transit Time - Fiducial Points Accuracy Determination as Examined by Means of Synthetic Signals
PublikacjaThere are many approaches to non-invasively deter-mine blood pressure. Among them there are methods based on utilizing pulse transit time measured by means of photoplethys-mography. The variability of the blood pressure drop between two measurement sensors placed along the artery and its dependence on the selected parameters describing the cardiovascular system is presented in the paper. This pressure drop modifies the pressure...
Rok 2023
Continuous blood pressure monitoring by photoplethysmography - signal preprocessing requirements based on blood flow modelling
PublikacjaObjective. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of the signal sampling frequency and low-pass filtering on the accuracy of the localisation of the fiducial points of the photoplethysmographic signal (PPG), and thus on the estimation of the blood pressure (i.e. the accuracy of the estimation). Approach. Statistical analysis was performed on 3,799 data samples taken from a publicly available database. Four PPGfiducial...
Rok 2022
QRS Morphology-Based EDR Signal—Factors Determining its Properties
PublikacjaRespiration-induced signals contain a clinically significant information. It could be obtained utilizing both direct and indirect methods. ECG-Derived Respiration (EDR) method is the latter one. However, in this case, two approaches could be distinguished. First one is based on determining changes in the morphology of QRS complexes while the second one is based on the Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) mechanism. The former approach...
Rok 2021
Influence of preprocessing techniques on pulse pressure velocity determination
PublikacjaPulse Wave Velocity (PWV) is measured and utilized in many clinical applications. Recently, a wide research has been led to develop a cuff-less and continuous blood pressure method basing on PWV. However, in this application a decision on choosing an appropriate fiducial point of pulse wave (PW) waveform is necessary and substantial. It would allow to measure time parameters necessary to determine PWV. An influence of sampling...
Rok 2020
Blood Pressure - Pulse Transit Time Relationships: Comparative Studies
PublikacjaA non-invasive and continuous blood pressure estimation could allow a better diagnosis and an earlier detection of various diseases. It could be performed using a photoplethysmography. However, it requires that a relation between blood pressure and pulse transit time is known. Eleven theoretical formulas were used in obtaining the simulated and noise free synthetic data. Then, they were utilized in validation of three, commonly...
Neural network based algorithm for hand gesture detection in a low-cost microprocessor applications
PublikacjaIn this paper the simple architecture of neural network for hand gesture classification was presented. The network classifies the previously calculated parameters of EMG signals. The main goal of this project was to develop simple solution that is not computationally complex and can be implemented on microprocessors in low-cost 3D printed prosthetic arms. As the part of conducted research the data set EMG signals corresponding...
Numerical solutions for blood flow in elastic vessels
PublikacjaWe consider the differential–algebraic system for the blood flow and pressure in the systemic arteries. By the operator splitting method, we transform the system into the hyperbolic one, introduce the bicharacteristics, and perform the time–space nonuniform discretization, obtaining the innovative difference scheme. Our results are illustrated with numerical experiments.
Rok 2019
A Wearable System Developed to Monitor People Suffering from Vasovagal Syncope
PublikacjaA wearable system for monitoring non-invasively signals invaluable when examining person suffering from vasovagal syncope is presented in the paper. Following signals are continuously recorded: electrocardiogram, photopletysmogram, impedance cardiogram and electrodermal resistance.
Analiza sprzężenia czynnościowego pomiędzy podatnością dużych tętnic i rytmem serca
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wstępną analizę sprzężenia czynnościowego pomiędzy podatnością dużych tętnic i rytmem serca
Can we rely on the pulse transit time - pressure relationship - models comparison
PublikacjaAn unobtrusive, noninvasive and continuous pressure measurement is invaluable however, still being under research and development. There are many attempts proposing an appropriate relationship between pulse pressure velocity and pressure. Fifteen different formulas, both theoretical and experimental, describing relation between blood pressure and crosssectional area of the vessel were examined. Using these formulas the relation...
Cross-talk Between the Heart and Arteries in Older 65+ Adults
PublikacjaRegulatory synchronization between the heart and the arterial walls is essential for optimal blood delivery to tissues. We investigated functional coherence between heart rhythm and aortic wall compliance in 30 volunteers aged 65 – 74. ECG and carotid and iliac pulse-wave were recorded and digitized at 2 kHz. Carotid-femoral pulse-wave transit time (cfTT) which reflex aortic compliance was assessed using the intersecting tangent...
Optimal ECG lead for deriving respiratory signal
PublikacjaEDR is an interesting measuring technique that allows an indirect assessment of respiratory activity. This is an alternative solution to direct methods that are based on the measurement of air flow, which require a specialized sensor or even a system. However, due to inter-personal anatomical differences, the optimal ECG lead (placement of the electrodes) ensuring the best EDR signal quality is not fixed. An influence of ECG lead...
Sensors integration in the smart home environment - a proposal to solve the problem with user identification
PublikacjaIn this preliminary study we, investigate the possibility of user recognition techniques suitable on smart home devices like chairs, beds, aiming for low–power, high accuracy and quick response time. We propose the two well know technique: voice speaker recognition and accelerometer signal from device mounted on the chair, and the third one optical system basing on IR LED transmitter/receiver circuit. The preliminary results proved...
Systemy automatycznej detekcji bezdechu sennego
PublikacjaZgodnie z przyjętą klasyfikacją międzynarodową identyfikowanych jest ponad 60 różnych zaburzeń snu [58] z podziałem na 7 kategorii. Bezdech senny, zarówno centralny jak i obturacyjny zaliczany jest do kategorii drugiej. Systemy pomiarowe wykorzystywane w monitorowaniu i diagnozie snu, w tym wykorzystywane do detekcji bezdechu sennego, można sklasyfikować ze względu na wiele kryteriów, np. ze względu na to czy badania wykonywane...
Using Eye-tracking to get information on the skills acquisition by the radiology residents
PublikacjaThis paper describes the possibility of monitoring the progress of knowledge and skills acquisition by the students of radiology. It is achieved by an analysis of a visual attention distribution patterns during image-based tasks solving. The concept is to use the eye-tracking data to recognize the way how the radiographic images are read by recognized experts, radiography residents involved in the training program, and untrained...
Rok 2018
A Meta-Analysis of Pulse Arrival Time Based Blood Pressure Estimation
PublikacjaThe paper presents a preliminary meta-analysis of the sample correlation between pulse arrival time (PAT) and blood pressure (BP). The aim of the study was to verify sample correlation coefficient between PAT and BP using an affine model BP = a · P AT + b for systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The databases included in the search were the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Springer Link and Google Scholar. Only papers from 2005 to...
Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Blood Flow, ECG and Respiratory Signals Using Recurrent Neural Networks
PublikacjaThe estimation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure using artificial neural network is considered in the paper. The blood pressure values are estimated using pulse arrival time, and additionally RR intervals of ECG signal together with respiration signal. A single layer recurrent neural network with hyperbolic tangent activation function was used. The average blood pressure estimation error for the data obtained from 21 subjects...
Electrical Propterties of Solution Mixtures for Bath Supervision in Ambient Assisted Living
PublikacjaImpedance properties of bath solution are compared. Any ingredient such as soap, shampoo or bathing salt changes bath-solution’s electrical properties eg. impedance. We have measured and analysed influence of typical bathing ingredients on electrical properties of the solution. We investigate impedance changes over frequency range from 100Hz tu 100kHz as it is most applicable for person detection. Electrical properties of bath...
Smart Weighing Scale with Feet-Sampled ECG
PublikacjaIn a smart home, health and well-being monitoring systems could be embedded in everyday devices providing a pervasive care. A home bathroom scale is an example of such a device, typically used to measure body weight and very often its composition (e.g. body water/fat percentage). In this paper, we analyzed a potential use of the bathroom scale to measure electrocardiogram (ECG) from electrodes located on the scale's tile. In particular...
Using Wearable Electronics to Estimate Usefulness of Heart Rate Variability for Bathing Person Identif Cation
PublikacjaIn this paper the possibility of person identification based on biosignal is investigated. The work focus on the analysis of the changes in intervals between successive R-waves of electrocardiogram (ECG) recorded by wearable electronics in form of a necklaces. The main idea behind this project is to find efficient tool which may prevent sudden consciousness loss episodes or even sudden death episodes related to rapid temperature...
Rok 2017
A body position influence on ECG derived respiration
PublikacjaAn influence of a human body position on ECG derived respiration (EDR) signal is presented in the paper. Examinations were performed during deep, suspended and normal breathing for eight people in four different body positions. EDR and thoracic impedance signals were compared using correlation and standard deviation coefficients. Obtained results have shown that it is possible to monitor breath activity of people being in different...
Extending touch-less interaction with smart glasses by implementing EMG module
PublikacjaIn this paper we propose to use temporal muscle contraction to perform certain actions. Method: The set of muscle contractions corresponding to one of three actions including “single-click”, “double-click” “click-n-hold” and “non-action” were recorded. After recording certain amount of signals, the set of five parameters was calculated. These parameters served as an input matrix for the neural network. Two-layer feedforward neural...
The role of EMG module in hybrid interface of prosthetic arm
PublikacjaNearly 10% of all upper limb amputations concern the whole arm. It affects the mobility and reduces the productivity of such a person. These two factors can be restored by using prosthetics. However, the complexity of human arm makes restoring its basic functions quite difficult. When the osseointegration and/or targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) are not possible, different modalities can be used to control the prosthesis. In...
Using wearable device for biomedical signal acquisition and processing
PublikacjaIn this paper we present the research conducted on synchronous measurements of biosignals. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the possibility of estimating vital signs based on eye tracking. Method: The eGlasses platform was used for acquisition of ECG, respiration rate, eye and pupil movement and blood pressure. Data were acquired in three 5 min. intervals during which a subject was performing certain tasks. The signals...
Rok 2016
A novel concept for tissue-metal detection and differentiation using an inductive proximity sensor
PublikacjaIn this paper a novel application of inductive proximity sensors for detection of living tissue by means of measurements of the coil impedance changes at different frequencies is described. The mathematical analyses utilizing Bessel function estimation include detected object size and its distance from a sensor. The main aim of this study is to prove the possibility of distinguishing between metal objects and living tissues. The...
Balance recognition on the basis of EEG measurement.
PublikacjaAlthough electroencephalography (EEG) is not typically used for verifying the sense of balance, it can be used for analysing cortical signals responsible for this phenomenon. Simple balance tasks can be proposed as a good indicator of whether the sense of balance is acting more or less actively. This article presents preliminary results for the potential of using EEG to balance sensing....
EMG and gaze based interaction with graphic interface of smart glasses application
PublikacjaIn this paper we investigate the effectiveness of the interaction using eye tracking and electromyography. Smart glasses requires reliable interfaces for controlling the graphic content displayed directly in front of the user's eye. Presented research is related with the eGlasses project, which is focused on the development of an open platform in the form of multisensory electronic glasses and related interaction methods. One of...
Estimation of blood pressure parameters using ex-Gaussian model
PublikacjaThe paper presents an example of model-based estimation of blood pressure parameters (onset, systolic and diastolic pressure) from continuous measurements. First, the signal was low pass filtered and its quality was estimated. Good quality periods were divided into beats using an electrocardiogram. Next, the beginning of each beat of the blood pressure signal was approximated basing on the function created from the sum of two independent...
Estimation of the amplitude of the signal for the active optical gesture sensor with sparse detectors
PublikacjaIn this paper we deal with the problem of precise gesture recognition for the active optical proximity sensor with sparse 8 photodiodes. We particularly focus on developing the method of estimating the real, usually not observable, maximum signal value representing maximum intensity of light reflected from an obstacle present in the front of the sensor. Different configurations of the fingers were used as an obstacle. The Monte Carlo...
Inteligentne otoczenie w aplikacjach prozdrowotnych - przykłady rozwiązań
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję inteligentnego otoczenia jako wyposażenia tzw inteligentnego budynku ukieunkowanego na wspomaganie diagnostyki medycznej osób zagrożonych określonymi chorobami. Przedstawiono bliżej dwa rozwiązania – układ inteligentnej wagi i krzesła kardiologicznego.
Inteligentne otoczenie w aplikacjach prozdrowotnych - przykłady rozwiązań
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję inteligentnego otoczenia jako wyposażenia tzw inteligentnego budynku ukieunkowanego na wspomaganie diagnostyki medycznej osób zagrożonych określonymi chorobami. Przedstawiono bliżej dwa rozwiązania – układ inteligentnej wagi i krzesła kardiologicznego.
Rok 2015
A telemedical and an outpatient thoracic impedance measurements - a validation algorithm of the electrodes placement
PublikacjaThis paper presents the algorithm for validation of electrodes locations for the thoracic impedance measurements. In particular the presented algorithm was designed to perform the telemetric sleep apnea monitoring. One of the problems, during the clinical tests of a developed device, was to preserve the repeatability of measurements. It strongly depended on the appropriate electrodes placement on the examined person’s thorax. It...
Thermal ablation modeling via the bioheat equation and its numerical treatment
PublikacjaThe phenomenon of thermal ablation is described by Pennes’ bioheat equation. This model is based on Newton’s law of cooling. Many approximate methods have been considered because of the importance of this issue. We propose an implicit numerical scheme which has better stability properties than other approaches.
Rok 2014
PublikacjaIn the paper dierent approaches of predicting blood pressure values are presented. Basically, two methods and theirs modifications are considered. In total, seven algorithms have been examined. Tests have been conducted using both synthetic and clinical data. From our study it follows that none of the examined methods is superior to other.
Sleep Apnea Detection by Means of Analyzing Electrocardiographic Signal
PublikacjaObstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition of cyclic, periodic ob-struction (stenosis) of the upper respiratory tract. OSA could be associated with serious cardiovascular problems, such as hypertension, arrhythmias, hearth failure or peripheral vascular disease. Understanding the way of connection between OSA and cardiovascular diseases is important to choose proper treatment strategy. In this paper, we present a method for integrated...
Rok 2013
Analiza widmowa sygnału zmian impedancji klatki piersiowej
PublikacjaW diagnostyce wielu chorób serca ważna jest ocena nie tylko jego pracy elektrycznej (na podstawie sygnału elektrokardiograficznego) lecz również pracy mechanicznej oraz sprzężenia elektromechanicznego w sercu. Zastosowanie metod pomiarowych pozwalających na badanie zarówno parametrów elektrycznych jak i mechanicznych serca jest szczególnie istotne w przypadku podejrzenia dyssynchronii. Do określenia synchroniczności mechanicznego...
Determination of time delay between ventricles contraction using impedance measurements
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel approach to assessment of ventricular dyssynchrony basing on multichannel electrical impedance measurements. Using a proper placement of electrodes, the sensitivity approach allows estimating time difference between chambers contraction from over determined nonlinear system of equations. The theoretical considerations which include Finite Element Method simulations were verified using measurements on...
Optimal configuration of an electrode array for measuring ventricles' contraction
PublikacjaAn influence of an electrode-array configuration on an impedance signal composition for a fixed spatial distribution of its sources is examined in the paper. The Finite Element Method and Geselowitz relationship were used for examining three different electrode-arrays. A sensitivity approach was used to evaluate each configuration assuming that localization of the signal source is known. A conductivity change, thus the source of...
Thermal ablation modeling via bioheat equation
PublikacjaWe consider Pennes’ bioheat equation and discuss an implicit numerical scheme which has better stability properties than other approaches. Our discussion concerns Carthesian geometry problems, however it carries over to spherical geometry models and more complicated shapes.
Wpływ konfiguracji elektrod pomiarowych oraz parametrów pomiaru na EDR
PublikacjaW pracy przebadano wplyw wybranych konfiguracji elektrod na jakość uzyskiwanego sygnału EDR. Analizie poddane zostały również częstotliwość próbkowania sygnału EKG i rozdzielczość przetwornika AC/DC. Optymalną konfiguracją elektrod jest odprowadzenie kończynowe pierwsze. Minimalne parametry układu pomiarowego do uzyskania wysokiej jakości sygnału EDR, to częstotliwość probkowania 2,5kHz oraz 14-bitowy przetwornik AC-DC.
Rok 2012
Assessment of cardiovascular risk in assisted living
PublikacjaWady i choroby układu krążenia są jedną z podstawowych przyczyn problemów zdrowotnych oraz przyczyn śmierci. Wczesne ich wykrycie jest szczególnie cenne jako, że może zapobiec przez poważnymi incydentami (np. zawał, udar, itp.). W artykule przedstawiono nasobny system pomiarowy integrujący wiele pomiarów przydatnych do oceny problemów kardiologicznych.Disorders of the heart and blood vessels are the leading cause of health problems...
Multimodal Platform for Continuous Monitoring of the Elderly and Disabled
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono badania dotyczące wpływu pracy profesjonalnego monitora ciśnienia krwi CNAP 500 Monitor na krąŜenie w badanej dłoni. Zmierzono czas od zespołu QRS sygnału EKG do momentu pojawienia się minimum i maksimum sygnału fali tętna na nadgarstku oraz palcu pomierzonych z zastosowaniem czujników optycznych. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono oszacowanie teoretyczne moŜliwych zmian oraz analizę impedancyjną...
Rok 2011
Analysis of correlation between heart rate and blood pressure
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono analizę korelacji pomiędzy częstością akcji serca (HR) i ciśnieniem krwi (BP). Wykorzystano rzeczywiste pomiary ciśnienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego krwi zmierzonego metodą inwazyjną w tętnicy promieniowej. Ze względu na możliwe zaszumienie sygnału przeanalizowano także dane po filtracji filttrem uśredniającycm oraz wykonano analizę trendów sygnałów. Wyniki analizy zarówno danych pomiarowych jak i filtrowanych...
Rok 2010
Color transformation methods for dichromats
PublikacjaColor blindness is a serious perception problem. Suffering individuals cannot understand messages, which are carrying by many images, especially those, distributed by WWW. In this paper we are proposing three image processing methods to enhance image recognition and understanding by persons with dichromacy. Color difference image is introduced to represent color perception dissimilarity. Two color transformation methods are presented....
Evaluation of physiological and physical activity by means of a wireless multi-sensor
Publikacjamonitorowanie osób starszych, upośledzonych ruchowo i/lub rekonwalescentów w warunkach domowych jest dynamicznie rozwijającą się dyscypliną nauki i techniki. szczególnego znaczenia nabierają systemy przeznaczone dla osób starszych żyjących samotnie. w pracy przedstawiono zintegrowany system umożliwiający monitorowanie wybranych parametrów fizjologicznych (ekg, ikg, resp) oraz aktywności fizycznej za pomocą akcelerometru. działanie...
Image simulation and annotation for color blinded
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metody symulacji obrazów widzianych przez osoby ze ślepota barw. Ukazano również metody tworzenia obrazów ukazujących różnicę w percepcji kolorów pomiędzy normalnym obserwatorem a osobą ze ślepotą barw. W artykule opisano również metodę interaktywnego opisu koloru wskazywanego piksela obrazu. W rezultacie użytkownik ze ślepota barw może uzyskać informacje opisowe o występujących w obrazie kolorach.
Image simulation and annotation for color blinded
PublikacjaIn this paper methods for image simulation as seen by a color blinded and a method for constructing images of perceived color difference are presented. The work is also focused on the interactive color description of an image contents. As a result, the individuals having problems with color discrimination can identify colors in an image.W artykule prezentowane są metody symulacji kolorów w obrazach postrzeganych przez osoby ze...
Pointing device for elders with low cost and mixed manual-gaze control interface
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono projekt interfejsu pozwalającego na zastąpienie standardowej myszki komputerowej sterowaniem wzrokowym, z nieznacznym manualnym wspomaganiem. Manualne wspomaganie ma na celu korekcję współrzędnych kursora.
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