prof. dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Redlarski
wszystkich: 107
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2024
An improvement of body surface area formulas using the 3D scanning technique
PublikacjaObjectives: Body surface area (BSA) is one of the major parameters used in several medical fields. However, there are concerns raised about its usefulness, mostly due to the ambiguity of its estimation. Material and Methods: Authors have conducted a voluntary study to investigate BSA distribution and estimation in a group of 179 adult people of various sex, age, and physique. Here, there is provided an extended analysis of the...
The Assessment of the Influence of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Originated from the Power Infrastructure on Humans’ Health
PublikacjaThe objective of this study is to assess the impact of low-frequency electromagnetic fields (LF EMFs) generated by power infrastructure on the nearby environment. Measurements of electric (E) and magnetic (H) field intensities were conducted around high-voltage power lines, transformer stations and facilities related to them. Numerical simulations were also performed to model the distribution of the field values around real buildings...
Rok 2023
Application of Wavelet Transform and Fractal Analysis for Esophageal pH-Metry to Determine a New Method to Diagnose Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
PublikacjaIn this paper, a new method for analysing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is shown. This novel method uses wavelet transform (WT) and wavelet-based fractal analysis (WBFA) on esophageal pH-metry measurements. The esophageal pH-metry is an important diagnostic tool supporting the physician’s work in diagnosing some forms of reflux diseases. Interpreting the results of 24-h pH-metry monitoring is time-consuming, and the conclusions...
Leakage Current Measurements of Surge Arresters
PublikacjaThe paper presents the methods of assessing the technical condition of varistor surge arresters used in laboratory tests and in operation—performed without disconnecting the arresters from the network. The analysis of the diagnostic methods was supplemented with the results of the measurements of the leakage current of arresters coming directly from their production and used in the power industry. Among the available methods of...
Peer assessment as a method for measuring harmful internet use
PublikacjaHarmful Internet use (HIU) describes unintended use of the Internet. It could be both self-harm and harming others. Our research goal is to develop a more accurate method for measuring HIU by this novel peer assessment. As such, it may become, with our call for more research, a paradigm shift supplementing every rating scale or other type of Internet use assessment. In addition to classic statistical analysis, structural equations...
Rok 2021
Electrostatic Zipping Actuators—Analysis of the Pull-In Effect Depending on the Geometry Parameters
PublikacjaContinuous work on a new generation of actuators, referred to as artificial muscles, resulted in the initiation of work on electrostatic zipping actuators, the concept of which is derived from micro electro-mechanical devices. Despite partial knowledge of their basic operating parameters, a question remains whether electrostatic zipping actuators are able to meet the expectations in the context of generated forces and control possibilities....
The non-invasive evaluation of heart function in patients with an acute myocardial infarction: The role of impedance cardiography
PublikacjaBackground: The purpose of this study was to analyze hemodynamic changes in patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) at an early stage of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and at one-month follow-up. Methods: Patients with AMI (n = 27) who underwent PCI were analyzed using impedance cardiography (ICG). ICG data were collected continuously (beat by beat) during the whole PCI procedure and thereafter at every...
Rok 2020
Selection of C-Type Filters for Reactive Power Compensation and Filtration of Higher Harmonics Injected into the Transmission System by Arc Furnaces
PublikacjaThis article presents a method for selecting the elements of a C-type filter working with a conventional LC-type filter for compensating reactive power and filtering out higher harmonics generated by arc furnaces and ladle furnaces. The study was conducted in a steel mill supplied by a 110 kV transmission system, where higher harmonic currents and nonlinear loads were measured. A series of computer simulations were performed under...
Upper Limb Bionic Orthoses: General Overview and Forecasting Changes
PublikacjaUsing robotics in modern medicine is slowly becoming a common practice. However, there are still important life science fields which are currently devoid of such advanced technology. A noteworthy example of a life sciences field which would benefit from process automation and advanced robotic technology is rehabilitation of the upper limb with the use of an orthosis. Here, we present the state-of-the-art and prospects for development...
Wavelet Transform Analysis of Heart Rate to Assess Recovery Time for Long Distance Runners
PublikacjaThe diagnostics of the condition of athletes has become a field of special scientific interest and activity. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of a long (100 km) run on a group of runners, as well as to assess the recovery time that is required for them to return to the pre-run state. The heart rate (HR) data presented were collected the day before the extreme physical effort, on the same day as, but after, the physical...
Rok 2019
A three-dimensional periodic beam for vibroacoustic isolation purposes
PublikacjaThis paper presents results of investigations on a three-dimensional (3-D) isotropic periodic beam. The beam can represent a vibroacoustic isolator of optimised dynamic characteristics in the case of its longitudinal, flexural and torsional behaviour. The optimisation process concerned both the widths as well as the positions of particular frequency band gaps that are present in the frequency spectrum of the beam. Since the dynamic...
Artificial-Hand Technology—Current State of Knowledge in Designing and Forecasting Changes
PublikacjaThe subject of human-hand versatility has been intensively investigated for many years. Emerging robotic constructions change continuously in order to mimic natural mechanisms as accurately as possible. Such an attitude is motivated by the demand for humanoid robots with sophisticated end effectors and highly biomimic prostheses. This paper provides wide analysis of more than 80 devices that have been created over the last 40 years....
Selected Aspects of Biofuels Market and the Electromobility Development in Poland: Current Trends and Forecasting Changes
PublikacjaThis work presents basic information associated with markets of selected alternative fuels used in transport, such as methyl esters, conventional bioethanol and lignocellulosic bioethanol, and the market of electrical vehicles. Legal conditions, which stimulate development and regulate the mode of functioning of the liquid biofuel market until 2020 are discussed, based on provisions of EU directives. Data on biofuel production...
Rok 2018
Basic evaluation of limb exercises based on electromyography and classification methods
PublikacjaSymptoms caused by cerebral palsy or stroke deprive a person partially or even completely of his ability to move. Nowadays we can observe more technologically advanced rehabilitation devices which incorporate biofeedback into the process of rehabilitation of such people. However, there is still a lack of devices that would analyse, assess, and control (independently or with limited support) specialised movement exercises. Here...
Computing methods for fast and precise body surface area estimation of selected body parts
PublikacjaCurrently used body surface area (BSA) formulas give satisfactory results only for individuals with typical physique, while for elderly, obese or anorectic people accurate results cannot be expected. Particularly noteworthy are the results for individuals with severe obesity (body-mass index greater than 35 kg/m2), for which BSA estimation errors reached 80%. The main goal of our study is the development of precise BSA models for...
Supporting Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Diagnostics by Using Wavelet Analysis in Esophageal pH-Metry
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new approach to computer supported esophageal pH-metry measurement analysis performed in order to diagnose gastroesophageal reflux disease. In this approach wavelet analysis was used to analyse the esophageal pH-metry course. The research was performed on three groups of pH-metry courses: whole 24-hour pH-metry course, sleep only pH-metry course and 20 minutes after the end of a meal pH-metry course. After...
Rok 2017
Analiza dokładności formuł do wyznaczania powierzchni ciała człowieka
PublikacjaPowierzchnia ciała człowieka (body surface area, BSA) jest wskaźnikiem o szerokim spektrum zastosowań w lecznictwie medycznym (m.in. w chemioterapii, transplantologii oraz toksykologii). Każdy z istniejących wzorów do wyznaczania wartości BSA charakteryzuje się pewnym (lepszym bądź gorszym) współczynnikiem zgodności pomiędzy wartością obliczoną, a wartością dokładną – uzyskaną na podstawie pomiaru skanerem 3D. Współczynnik ten...
Application of 3D Whole Body Scanning in Research on Human Body Surface Area
PublikacjaHuman body surface area (BSA) is one of the major parameters used in several medical fields. Its heterogeneity caused by individual human characteristics sustains a many-decades-long research on the matter. Today’s technology allows to create exact body models in mere seconds. However, an extensive research that includes scanning people with major disfigurements or people suffering from diseases, which often prevent their mobility,...
Evaluation of Body Surface Area Formulae Based on 3D Body Scans
PublikacjaHuman body surface area (BSA) is an established parameter for the calculation of chemotherapy drugs dosage, treatment of chronic hepatitis B, treatment of burns or for establishing a dosing regimen for antimicrobials. Although being a critical parameter, usage of modern 3D scanners, which would measure the exact BSA value, is often impossible in time-sensitive operations or for patients unable to withstand the scanning process....
Generating optimal paths in dynamic environments using RiverFormation Dynamics algorithm
PublikacjaThe paper presents a comparison of four optimisation algorithms implemented for the purpose of finding the shortest path in static and dynamic environments with obstacles. Two classical graph algorithms –the Dijkstra complete algorithm and A* heuristic algorithm – were compared with metaheuristic River Formation Dynamics swarm algorithm and its newly introduced modified version. Moreover, another swarm algorithm has been compared...
Komputerowo wspomagana klasyfikacja wybranych sygnałów elektromiografii powierzchniowej
PublikacjaWykorzystywanie sygnałów elektromiografii powierzchniowej (ang. Surface Electromyography, SEMG) w procesach sterowania systemami rehabilitacyjnymi stanowi obecnie standardową procedurę. Popularność SEMG wynika z nieinwazyjności metody oraz możliwości szybkiej i precyzyjnej identyfikacji funkcji mięśniowej. W przypadku osób małoletnich proces klasyfikacji sygnałów jest utrudniony ze względu na mniejsze rozmiary i wyższą dynamikę...
Modelling of high frequency dynamic responses of engineering structures
PublikacjaModelling of high frequency dynamic responses of engineering structures, especially those related to wave propagation, is a real numerical challenge. Nowadays most of numerical models, used for that purpose, are based on the application of various finite element techniques. However, finite element discrete models may also be considered as possessing certain periodic structures, which may manifest themselves in particular scenarios....
Nowa metoda wyznaczenia pola powierzchni skóry przedramienia i dłoni wykorzystująca sztuczną sieć neuronową
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono rozbieżności pomiędzy wartościami pola powierzchni skóry obliczonymi za pomocą znanych metod a ich rzeczywistymi wartościami. Wykorzystując skaner 3D o wysokiej dokładności, zmierzono pole powierzchni skóry przedramienia i dłoni. Zaobserwowano, że błędy obliczeń są w wysokim stopniu skorelowane z wartościami BMI badanych osób. W grupie osób o BMI poniżej 20 stwierdzono maksymalny błąd względny wynoszący...
Swarm-Assisted Investment Planning of a Bioethanol Plant
PublikacjaBioethanol is a liquid fuel for which a significant increase in the share of energy sources has been observed in the economies of many countries. The most significant factor in popularizing bioethanol is the profitability of investments in construction of facilities producing this energy source, as well as the profitability of its supply chain. With the market filled with a large amount of equipment used in the bioethanol production...
Rok 2016
A Conception of Pairwise Comparisons Model for Selection of Appropriate Body Surface Area Calculation Formula
PublikacjaBody surface area (BSA) may be computed using a variety of formulas, but the computed BSA differs from real BSA values for particular subjects. This is presented in the paper by computing BSA values for selected subject and comparing them to the real BSA value obtained with the use of a 3D body scanner. The results show inequalities in the relevant BSA computing formulas. Hence, there is a need to determine a method that will allow...
Basic Hand Gestures Classification Based on Surface Electromyography
PublikacjaThis paper presents an innovative classification system for hand gestures using 2-channel surface electromyography analysis. The system developed uses the Support Vector Machine classifier, for which the kernel function and parameter optimisation are conducted additionally by the Cuckoo Search swarm algorithm. The system developed is compared with standard Support Vector Machine classifiers with various kernel functions. The average...
Body surface area formulae: an alarming ambiguity
PublikacjaBody surface area (BSA) plays a key role in several medical fields, including cancer chemotherapy, transplantology, burn treatment and toxicology. BSA is often a major factor in the determination of the course of treatment and drug dosage. A series of formulae to simplify the process have been developed. Because easy-to-identify, yet general, body coefficient results of those formulae vary considerably, the question arises as to...
Important Facts and Observations about Pairwise Comparisons (the special issue edition)
PublikacjaThis study has been inspired by numerous requests for clarification from researchers who often confuse Saaty’s Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the pairwise comparisons (PC) method, taking AHP as the only representation of PC. This study should be regarded as an interpretation and clarification of past investigations of PC. In addition, this article is a reflection on general PC research at a higher level of abstraction: the...
Rok 2015
Arm EMG Wavelet-Based Denoising System
PublikacjaThese paper presents research results of muscle EMG signal denoising. In the same time two muscles were examined - an adductor muscle (biceps brachii) and an abductor muscle (tricpeps brachii). The EMG signal was filtered using the wavelet transform technique, having selected the crucial parameters as: wavelet basis function (Daubechies 4), 10 th decomposition level, threshold selection algorithm (Heurestic) and a sln rescaling...
Platform Supporting the Esophageal Impedance Analysis
PublikacjaThe esophageal pH-impedance examination is one of the most popular diagnostic methods for identifying the upper gastrointestinal tract’s diseases. Inconclusive test evaluation criteria makes it difficult to state the definite diagnosis. In this paper, the computer platform supporting the research and teaching process in the area of pH-impedance analysis is presented. Users, having a variety of mathematical and statistical methods...
Rational Use of Primary Energy in Single-Family Residential Houses
PublikacjaThis work presents results of the primary energy use for heating residential single-family house. Analysis includes domestic hot water system (DHW) and heating, ventilation and air condition system (HVAC). During researches the conventional and alternative energy sources (natural gas, biomass, fuel oil, bituminous coal, lignite or electric energy obtained from electric power system – EPS) were used in DHW and HVAC systems. Furthermore...
The influence of electromagnetic pollution on living organisms – historical trends and forecasting changes
PublikacjaCurrent technologies have become a source of omnipresent electromagnetic pollution from generated electromagnetic fields and resulting electromagnetic radiation. In many cases this pollution is much stronger than any natural sources of electromagnetic fields or radiation. Wireless and radio communication, electric power transmission or devices in daily use such as smartphones, tablets and portable computers every day expose people...
Rok 2014
A compartment model of alveolar–capillary oxygen diffusion with ventilation–perfusion gradient and dynamics of air transport through the respiratory tract
PublikacjaThis paper presents a model of alveolar–capillary oxygen diffusion with dynamics of air transport through the respiratory tract. For this purpose electrical model representing the respiratory tract mechanics and differentia equations representing oxygen membrane diffusion are combined. Relevant thermodynamic relations describing the mass of oxygen transported into the human body are proposed as the connection between these models,...
A System for Heart Sounds Classification
PublikacjaThe future of quick and efficient disease diagnosis lays in the development of reliable non-invasive methods. As for the cardiac diseases – one of the major causes of death around the globe – a concept of an electronic stethoscope equipped with an automatic heart tone identification system appears to be the best solution. Thanks to the advancement in technology, the quality of phonocardiography signals is no longer an issue. However,...
Adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji sygnału fonokardiograficznego wykorzystujący sztuczną sieć neuronową
PublikacjaPodstawowym problemem podczas projektowania systemu autodiagnostyki chorób serca, bazującego na analizie sygnału fonokardiograficznego (PCG), jest konieczność zapewnienia, niezależnie od warunków zewnętrznych, sygnału o wysokiej jakości. W artykule, bazując na zdolności Sztucznej Sieci Neuronowej (SSN) do predykcji sygnałów periodycznych oraz quasi-periodycznych, został opracowany adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji dźwięków serca....
An Application Supporting Gastroesophageal Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance-pH Analysis
PublikacjaDue to a significant rise in the number of patients diagnosed with diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract and the high cost of treatment, there is a need to further research on one of the most popular diagnostic tests used in this case – esophageal Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance and pH measurement. This may lead to finding new diagnostically relevant information, used to quicken and improve the diagnostic procedure....
Identyfikacja dźwięków serca za pomocą algorytmu LPC oraz sztucznej sieci neuronowej.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono algorytm klasyfikacji sygnału fonokardiograficznego, który umożliwia skuteczną identyfikację 12 różnych stanów. Poprzez połączenie ze sobą algorytmu kodowania liniowego (LPC) wraz ze sztuczną siecią neuronową uzyskano skuteczność klasyfikacji sięgającą 82% oraz pełną skuteczność w rozróżnieniu pomiędzy stanami: braku lub występowania schorzenia. Najlepsze rezultaty uzyskano dla jednokierunkowych, dwuwarstwowych...
Influence of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields on the circadian system – current stage of knowledge
PublikacjaOne of the side effects of each electrical device work is the electromagnetic field generated near its workplace. All organisms, including humans, are exposed daily to the influence of different types of this field, characterized by various physical parameters. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine the effects of an electromagnetic field on the physiological and pathological processes occurring in cells, tissues and...
Use of Modified Cuckoo Search algorithm in the design process of integrated power systems for modern and energy self-sufficient farms
PublikacjaIn the face of increasingly stringent pollutant emission regulations, designing an agricultural holding becomes a difficult challenge of connecting a large number of coefficients that describe an energy system of a farm in regard to its ecological and economic efficiency. One way to cope with this issue is to design an energy self-sufficient farm that integrates various technologies, including renewable energy. However, the selection...
Wavelet-based denoising method for real phonocardiography signal recorded by mobile devices in noisy environment
PublikacjaThe main obstacle in development of intelligent autodiagnosis medical systems based on the analysis of phonocardiography (PCG) signals is noise. The noise can be caused by digestive and respiration sounds, movements or even signals from the surrounding environment and it is characterized by wide frequency and intensity spectrum. This spectrum overlaps the heart tones spectrum, which makes the problem of PCG signal filtrating complex....
Wpływ redukcji emisji CO2 na funkcjonowanie sektorów biopaliw transportowych w Polsce ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sektora bioetanolu
PublikacjaW artykule omówione zostały zagadnienia dotyczące produkcji bioetanolu w Polsce, w aspekcie wymogów unijnych. Artykuł prezentuje ponadto modele badawczo-decyzyjne, na podstawie których zostały zrealizowane badania wśród przedsiębiorstw produkujących bioetanol oraz model zalecany na przyszłość. Do zaprezentowanych przykładów przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych bioetanol 1. generacji należy odnieść się w kontekście zmian techniczno-technologicznych...
Rok 2013
A new approach to modeling of selected human respiratory system diseases, directed to computer simulations
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new versatile approach to model severe human respiratory diseases via computer simulation. The proposed approach enables one to predict the time histories of various diseases via information accessible in medical publications. This knowledge is useful to bioengineers involved in the design and construction of medical devices that are employed for monitoring of respiratory condition. The approach provides the...
An application supporting the educational process of the respiratory system obstructive diseases detection
PublikacjaThe paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer...
Analiza biomasy jako nośnika energii na tle wybranych konwencjonalnych źródeł energii
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki analiz zastosowania odnawialnych źródeł energii (głównie biomasy) na tle wybranych konwencjonalnych źródeł energii (oleju opałowego, gazu ziemnego oraz węgla kamiennego). Materiał uzasadnia wyniki analizy ekonomicznej oraz analizy ekologicznej ww. nośników energii dla potrzeb ogrzewania oraz wentylacji obiektu referencyjnego zlokalizowanego w różnych strefach klimatycznych na terytorium Polski (strefa...
Analiza konwencjonalnych nośników energii z biomasą do celów grzewczych. Cz. 1. Charakterystyka problemu oraz metodyka badań
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono istotę problemu zastosowania konwencjonalnych źródeł energii (węgla kamiennego, gazu ziemnego, oleju opałowego oraz energii elektrycznej pozyskiwanej z krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego – KSE) w odniesieniu do odnawialnego źródła energii – OZE (jakie stanowi biomasa). Przedstawiona w artykule metodyka stanowi podstawę ilościowej realizacji analizy ekonomicznej i ekologicznej ww. nośników energii,...
Analiza konwencjonalnych nośników energii z biomasą do celów grzewczych. Cz. 2. Studium przypadku
PublikacjaMateriał stanowi kontynuację podjętego przez Autorów problemu. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy ekonomicznej oraz ekologicznej biomasy (pellety), w porównaniu z innymi, powszechnie stosowanymi nośnikami energii (węglem kamiennym, gazem ziemnym, olejem opałowym oraz energią elektryczną wytwarzaną w krajowym systemie elektroenergetycznym – KSE). Powyższą analizę wykonano na przykładzie budynku mieszkalnego, stanowiącego domek...
Aplikacja komputerowa wspomagająca proces diagnostyki chorób górnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego na podstawie analizy przebiegu pH-metrii
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono propozycję pierwszego modułu opracowanej i wykonanej aplikacji komputerowej wspomagającej proces diagnostyki GERD i LPR poprzez automatyzacje procesu wyznaczania całkowitej liczby DeMeestera oraz liczby Ryana. Efektem działania aplikacji jest propozycja diagnozy (bazująca na autorskim algorytmie analizy przebiegu pH) metodą DeMeestera lub Rayana. Dodatkowym atutem aplikacji jest możliwość zapoznania użytkownika...
Aplikacja komputerowa wspomagająca proces diagnostyki chorób górnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego na podstawie analizy przebiegu pH-metrii
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono propozycję pierwszego modułu opracowanej i wykonanej aplikacji komputerowej wspomagającej proces diagnostyki choroby refluksowej przełyku (GERD) lub refluksu gardłowo-krtaniowego (LPR) poprzez automatyzacje procesu wyznaczania całkowitej liczby DeMeestera oraz liczby Ryana. Efektem działania aplikacji jest propozycja diagnozy (bazująca na autorskim algorytmie analizy przebiegu pH) metodą DeMeestera lub...
Behavior Based Complete Coverage Task of Unknown Area by an Autonomous Mobile Robot SCORPION with Static Obstacles in Environment
PublikacjaIn the paper the behavior based control system of an autonomous mobile robot SCORPION is presented to execute the one of the most difficult navigation task, which is the complete coverage task of unknown area with static obstacles in the environment. The main principle assumed to design control system was that the robot should cover all area only once, if it possible, to optimize the length of path and energy consumption. All commercial...
Computer Supported Analysis of the Human Body Surface Area
PublikacjaRecent scientific studies show the growing importance of the coefficients: BSA and TBSA, as an alternative to the widely used BMI. The relevant indicators are widely used in medicine, including such areas as: the treatment of burns, chemotherapy, dermatology and toxicology; as benchmarks when calculating doses of drugs and fluids. The particular problems concerning this subject are: the change of the reference parameter value which...
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