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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ACOUSTIC
Acoustic radiation force and streaming caused by non periodic acousticsource.
PublikacjaTeoria i obliczenia numeryczne przepływu rotacyjnego (''streamingu'') towarzyszącemu fali akustycznej w przepływach lepkich nieliniowych. Fala wywołująca może być nieokresowa: impulsowa lub paczka falowa itd. Przykład pojedynczego pulsu rozpatrywany. Ilustracje delikatnej struktury czasowej powstania fal rotacyjnych przedstawione na rysunkach.
Interaction between acoustic and non-acoustic mode in bubbly liquid
PublikacjaThe nonlinear interaction of acoustic and entropy modes in a bubbly liquid is the subject of investigation. Thedynamic equation governing an excess density of the entropy mode is derived. Nonlinearity and dispersion are the reasons forexcitation of the entropy mode. The nonlinear interaction of modes as a reason for bubble to grow due to sound, is discovered.Some numerical examples of the modes interactions are made.
Interaction of Acoustic and Thermal Modes in the Vibrationally Relaxing Gases. Acoustic Cooling
PublikacjaThe dynamic equation which governs an excess temperature associated with the thermal mode in vibrationally relaxing gas is derived. The nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy to the energy of the thermal mode in a relaxing gas causes slow variation of temperature with time. The nal dynamic equation is instantaneous. All types of sound, including aperiodic, may be considered as an acoustic source of corresponding heating or cooling....
Acoustic streaming caused by some types of aperiodic sound. Buildup of acoustic streaming
PublikacjaThe analysis of streaming caused by aperiodic sound of different types (switched on at transducer sound or sound determined by initial conditions) is undertaken. The analysis bases on analytical governing equation for streaming Eulerian velocity, which is a result of decomposition of the hydrodynamic equations into acoustic and non-acoustic parts. Its driving force (of acoustic nature) represents a sum of two terms; one is the...
Detection and localization of selected acoustic events in acoustic field for smart surveillance applications
PublikacjaA method for automatic determination of position of chosen sound events such as speech signals and impulse sounds in 3-dimensional space is presented. The evens are localized in the presence of sound reflections employing acoustic vector sensors. Human voice and impulsive sounds are detected using adaptive detectors based on modified peak-valley difference (PVD) parameter and sound pressure level. Localization based on signals...
Interaction of Acoustic and Thermal Modes in the Gas with Nonequilibrium Chemical Reactions: Possibilities of Acoustic Cooling
PublikacjaNonlinear generation of thermal mode during propagation of dominative sound in a chemically reacting gas is considered. The dynamic equation of excess temperature associated with the thermal mode is derived. It is instantaneous and includes quadratic nonlinear acoustic source reflecting the nonlinear character of interaction between acoustic and non-acoustic types of gas motion. Both periodic and aperiodic sound may be considered...
Detection and localization of selected acoustic events in 3D acoustic field for smart surveillance applications
PublikacjaA method for automatic determination of position of chosen sound events such as speech signals and impulse sounds in 3-dimensional space is presented. The events are localized in the presence of sound reflections employing acoustic vector sensors. Human voice and impulsive sounds are detected using adaptive detectors based on modified peak-valley difference (PVD) parameter and sound pressure level. Localization based on signals...
Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of P91 Steel by Means of Magneto-acoustic Emission and Acoustic Birefringence
PublikacjaThe paper describes an application of nondestructive volumetric magnetic and ultrasonic techniques for evaluation of the selected mechanical parameter variations of P91 steel having direct influence on its suitability for further use in critical components used in power plants. Two different types of deformation processes were carried out. First, a series of the P91 steel specimens was subjected to creep and second, one to plastic...
Underwater Acoustic Imaging of the Sea
PublikacjaAcoustic waves are a carrier of information mainly in environments where the use of other types of waves, for example electromagnetic waves, is limited. The term acoustical imaging is widely used in the ultrasonic engineering to imaging areas in which the acoustic waves propagate. In particular, ultrasound is widely used in the visualization of human organs - ultrasonography (Nowicki, 2010). Expanding the concept, acoustical imaging...
Smart acoustic band structures
PublikacjaSmart acoustic band structures exhibit very interesting and non-standard physical properties due to the periodic nature of their certain characteristic on different scale levels. They manifest mostly in their frequency spectra as socalled frequency band-gaps or stop-bands, what has a great impact on the behaviour of these structures in relation to the propagation of vibro-acoustic signals that can be transmitted through the structures...
Acoustic Processor of the MCM Sonar
PublikacjaThis paper presents the concept of an acoustic processor of the mine countermeasure sonar. Developed at the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, the acoustic processor is an element of the MG-89, a modernised underwater acoustic station. The focus of the article is on the modules of the processor. They are responsible for sampling analogue signals and implementing the algorithms controlling...
Formation of acoustic field in rooms
PublikacjaPaper describes known form literature method of sound diffusity index assesment, which utilizes impulse response of the room. Process of froming diffused sound field using this method was investigated.Increase of sound diffusity index in time was noted in rooms differing in shape,volume and reverberation time. Exponential growth of sound diffusion index was noted which correlates with other acoustical rooms measures.
Detection, classification and localization of acoustic events in the presence of background noise for acoustic surveillance of hazardous situations
PublikacjaEvaluation of sound event detection, classification and localization of hazardous acoustic events in the presence of background noise of different types and changing intensities is presented. The methods for discerning between the events being in focus and the acoustic background are introduced. The classifier, based on a Support Vector Machine algorithm, is described. The set of features and samples used for the training of the...
Long-term comparative evaluation of an acoustic climate in selected schools before and after the acoustic treatment
PublikacjaThe results of long-term continuous noise measurements in two selected schools are presented in the paper. Noise characteristics were measured continuously there for approximately 16 months. Measurements started eight months prior to the acoustic treatment of the school corridors of both schools. An evaluation of the acoustic climates in both schools, before and after the acoustic treatment, was performed based on comparison of...
Gaze-tracking and acoustic vector sensors technologies for PTZ camera steering and acoustic event detection
On the theory and numerical simulation of acoustic and heat modes interaction in a liquid with bubbles: acoustic quasi-solitons
PublikacjaTeoria rzutowania zaburzenia ogólnego na mody. Zastosowanie metody do badań układu równań typu Korteweg`a-de Vries`a. Rozwiązania analityczne i simulacje numeryczne.
Acoustic heating produced in the boundary layer
Publikacja: Instantaneous acoustic heating of a viscous fluid flow in a boundary layer is the subject of investigation. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of a special linear combination of conservation equations in the differential form, which reduces all acoustic terms in the linear part of the final equation but preserves terms belonging to the thermal mode. The procedure of decomposition is valid in a weakly...
Efficiency of acoustic heating in the Maxwell fluid
PublikacjaThe nonlinear effects of sound in a fluid describing by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor is the subject of investigation. Among other, viscoelastic biological media belong to this non-newtonian type of fluids. Generation of heating of the medium caused by nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy, is discussed in details. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination...
Efficiency of acoustic heating in the Maxwell fluid
PublikacjaThe nonlinear effects of sound in a fluid describing by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor is the subject of investigation. Among other, viscoelastic biological media belong to this non-newtonian type of fluids. Generation of heating of the medium caused by nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy, is discussed in details. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination...
Acoustic Processor of the Mine Countermeasure Sonar
PublikacjaThis paper presents the concept of an acoustic processor of the mine countermeasure sonar. Developed at the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, the acoustic processor is an element of the MG-89, an underwater acoustic station. The focus of the article is on the modules of the processor. They are responsible for sampling analogue signals and implementing the algorithms controlling the measurement...
Propagation of Acoustic Disturbances in Shallow Sea
PublikacjaPropagation of acoustic waves in shallow sea differs fundamentally from the same phenomenon occurring in deep sea in view of non-negligible distance from the sea bottom in the first case, where presence of two regions limiting the water layer results in the acoustic pressure distribution induced by a harmonic source has an interferential nature as a result of multi-path propagation of the acoustic signal. These interferential properties...
The study of acoustic climate of the Southern Baltic
PublikacjaThis paper presents the statistical characteristics of seawater properties, which are necessary for predicting the propagation of acoustic waves in selected areas of the Baltic Sea. The statistics were elaborated based on long-term measurements of vertical distributions of sound speed, temperature, and salinity, and the nonlinearity parameter B/A. Nonlinear properties of the environment are considered, in connection...
On the acoustic backscattering by Baltic herring and sprat
PublikacjaAccurate abundance estimate of Baltic clupeids, herring and sprat, is required for theirsustainable exploitation. The understanding the sound backscattering of individual fish isimportant for employing the acoustical techniques, which are widely used in the estimation.The previous studies demonstrated that the improvement of the understanding is critical forthe Baltic herring and sprat. It was the main...
Acoustic aspects of synthetic jet – review
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A review of acoustic aspect in synthetic jet
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Diver Observations by Means of Acoustic Methods
PublikacjaSearching for objects, especially small ones, moving under water near its the free surface, is always not an easy task. Designing tools for the detection of such targets is a real challenge when the possibility of a terrorist attack is a real threat. This paper presents some aspects of diver detection by means of acoustics methods, both active (side scan sonar) and passive ones (linear receiving antenna). This approach is quite...
Selected acoustic images of the Gdansk Bay
PublikacjaThe main goal of the paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gdansk Bay seabed by using a parametric sub-bottom profiler, multibeam echosounder and side scan sonar. Quality of dsata obtained during trials depends interalia on a proper location of antenna to reduce influence of pitch, roll and heave motions as well as ship noise.
The reflected wave caused by acoustic pulses.
PublikacjaPowstanie fali przeciwnego kierunku w odnoszeniu do dominującej fali akustycznej w przepływach lepkich nieliniowych przeanalizowane. Równania kierujące powstaniem fali odbicia i odpowiednie wykresy przedstawione.
Acoustic journal bearing - A search for adequate configuration
PublikacjaClassical non-contact bearings are already used in a number of specialist applications but there are somespecialist areas where they cannot be used for variety of reasons and acoustic sliding bearings could be an alternative. The paper presents the quest for a configuration of an acoustic journal bearing and shows that the overall shape of the bearing and its geometry are of a vital importance for the load capacity oft he bearing....
Signatures and acoustic images of objects moving in water
PublikacjaObservation of underwater space is part of a generaltrend, which primary purpose is to protect and increasesafety in the selected area. The basic aim of the paper ispresentation of designated acoustic characteristics typicalfor objects moving on the water surface and under water,which represent some knowledge about detection of theseobjects. Create a catalog of acoustic signature and not onlyacoustic, as well as acoustic images...
Modelling of acoustic backscattering by southern Baltic herring
PublikacjaAssessment of Baltic herring abundance can be carried out using acoustic techniques. Analysis of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength, TS, and the total fish length, L, important for the acoustic assessment, showed the relationship to be dependent on the location of the study area. This finding motivated a detailed analysis of the relationship for the herring occurring in the southern Baltic...
Measurements of transmission properties of Acoustic Communication Channels
PublikacjaTough transmission properties of shallow water acoustic channels (SWAC) highly limit the use of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems. An adaptive matching of modulation and signaling schemes to instantaneous channel conditions is needed for reliabledata communications. This creates, however, unique challenges for designers when compared to radio transmission systems. When communication system elements are in move, the...
Active Suppression of Nonstationary Narrowband Acoustic Disturbances
PublikacjaIn this chapter, a new approach to active narrowband noise control is presented. Narrowband acoustic noise may be generated, among others, by rotating parts of electro-mechanical devices, such as motors, turbines, compressors, or fans. Active noise control involves the generation of “antinoise”, i.e., the generation of a sound that has the same amplitude, but the opposite phase, as the unwanted noise, which causes them to interfere...
Online urban acoustic noise monitoring system
PublikacjaConcepts and implementation of the Online Urban Noise Monitoring System are presented. Principles of proposed solution used for dynamic acoustical maps creating are discussed. The architecture of the system and the data acquisition scheme are described. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source model and propagation simulations, was developed and employed in the system. Dynamic estimation of noise source parameters utilized...
Creating Acoustic Maps Employing Supercomputing Cluster
PublikacjaThe implemented online urban noise pollution monitoring system is presented with regard to its conceptual assumptions and technical realization. A concept of the noise source parameters dynamic assessment is introduced. The idea of noise modeling, based on noise emission characteristics and emission simulations, was developer and practically utilized in the system. Furthermore, the working system architecture and the data acquisition...
Time-domine Dipole Fields in acoustic and Elektromagnetics
PublikacjaThe ultrawideband (UWB) radio technique presents a challenge not just for technology. The UWB carrier-free pulses act at a close distance, their electromagnetic fields being very different from classic monochromatic plane wave. The author proposes to adapt a time-domian approach to analysis of broadband spherical fields, both acoustic and electromagnetic, in fundamental cases of quasi-point physical sources.
Separation of Simultaneous Speakers with Acoustic Vector Sensor
PublikacjaThis paper presents a method of sound source separation in live audio signals, based on sound intensity analysis. Sound pressure signals recorded with an acoustic vector sensor are analyzed, and the spectral distribution of sound intensity in two dimensions is calculated. Spectral components of the analyzed signal are selected based on the calculated source direction, which leads to a spatial filtration of the sound. The experiments...
Acoustic radar employing particle velocity sensors
PublikacjaA concept, practical realization and applications of a passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking of sound sources were presented in the paper. The device consist of the new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. Contrary to active radars, it does not emit the scanning beam but after receiving surroundings sounds it provide information about the...
Seafloor Characterisation Using Underwater Acoustic Devices
PublikacjaThe problem of seafloor characterisation is important in the context of management as well as investigation and protection of the marine environment. In the first part of the paper, a review of underwater acoustic technology and methodology used in seafloor characterisation is presented. It consists of the techniques based on the use of singlebeam echosounders and seismic sources, along with those developed for the use of sidescan...
Photo-acoustic response of active biological systems
PublikacjaZbadano dwie próbki organiczne gatunku Trunculariopsis trunculus,jedną wilgotną, drugą - suchą. W obu przypadkach zaobserwowanointensywne szerokie pasma absorpcyjne w zakresie widzialnym (żółtymi poniżej 330 nm). Widma foto-akustyczne zawierają wszystkie pasma uznane za związane z aktywnością biologiczną.
On statistical linear inverse problems in fishery acoustic
Development of the urban rail vehicle acoustic model
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Vowel recognition based on acoustic and visual features
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano metodę, która może ułatwić naukę mowy dla osób z wadami słuchu. Opracowany system rozpoznawania samogłosek wykorzystuje łączną analizę parametrów akustycznych i wizualnych sygnału mowy. Parametry akustyczne bazują na współczynnikach mel-cepstralnych. Do wyznaczenia parametrów wizualnych z kształtu i ruchu ust zastosowano Active Shape Models. Jako klasyfikator użyto sztuczną sieć neuronową. Działanie systemu...
Acoustic analysis of selected sacred buildings in Szczecin
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Fish size distribution from acoustic data
Acoustic verification on onomatopoeic sets in contrastive approach
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Acoustic verification on onomatopoeic sets in contrastive approach
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Pressure Dependence of Acoustic Modes in AgGaSe 2
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An application of acoustic sensors for the monitoring of road traffic
PublikacjaAssessment of road traffic parameters for the developed intelligent speed limit setting decision system constitutes the subject addressed in the paper. Current traffic conditions providing vital data source for the calculation of the locally fitted speed limits are assessed employing an economical embedded platform placed at the roadside. The use of the developed platform employing a low-powered processing unit with a set of microphones,...
Acoustic heating in a weakly dispersive fluid flow
PublikacjaZbadano specyficzną rolę dyspersyjnych własności płynu w generacji ogrzewania przez straty energii fali akustycznej. Przedstawiono ilustracje zaistniałego ogrzewania powstającego na skutek przejścia dwoch typów fal - impulsowej i stacjonarnej.