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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SYSTEM INFORMACJI MIEJSKIEJ

  • Adaptive Multiplex Resource Allocation Method for DAB+ Broadcast System


    - Rok 2017

    In this paper an adaptive multiplex resource allocation method for the DAB+ broadcast system is presented. An analysis of content transmitted over different radio programs with respect to their profile is discussed. Simulation results of an adaptive multiplexer, as well as the technological demonstrator, fully compatible with the DAB+ standard, are described. The concept is verified by a subjective quality assessment study of real-time...

  • System monitorowania wybranych parametrów środowiska z wykorzystaniem sieci GSM

    W artykule przedstawiony zostanie prototyp systemu monitorowania wybranych parametrów środowiska z wykorzystaniem sieci GSM. Aktualnie opracowany system jest w stanie monitorować temperaturę, ciśnienie, wilgotność względną, natomiast w docelowym systemie dodatkowo - prędkość i kierunek wiatru, wielkość opadów, nasłonecznienie oraz wysokość wód w zbiornikach wodnych. Akwizycja danych z rozproszonych stacji meteorologicznych odbywa...

  • Deep Learning-Based Intrusion System for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


    - CMC-Computers Materials & Continua - Rok 2020

    The increasing use of the Internet with vehicles has made travel more convenient. However, hackers can attack intelligent vehicles through various technical loopholes, resulting in a range of security issues. Due to these security issues, the safety protection technology of the in-vehicle system has become a focus of research. Using the advanced autoencoder network and recurrent neural network in deep learning, we investigated...

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  • Experimental investigations of concrete dowels in composite floor system


    - Rok 2008

    Opisano nowy system stropow zespolonych umozliwiajacych montaz instalacji klimatyzacyjnych, wentylacyjnych i grzewczych w przestrzeni pomiedzy dwoma plytami betonowymi konstrukcji stropu: gorna i dolna. Obie plyty polaczone sa wzajemnie srodnikami stalowymi z wycieciami u gory i na dole w ksztalcie 'puzzle', ktore we wspolpracy z plyta betonowa tworza tzw. dyble betonowe. Wykonano badania laboratoryjne typu 'Push-out' tych polaczen...

  • Agent System for Managing Distributed Mobile Interactive Documents

    The MIND architecture of distributed mobile interactive document is a new processing model defined for facilitate informed decision-making in non-algorithmic decision-making processes carried out by knowledge-based organizations. The aim of this architecture is to change the static document to mobile agents, which are designed to implement the structure of the organization through autonomous migration between knowledge workers...

  • Transmission Losses Spatial Analysis of the Supply System of Electrified Urban Transport Network


    - Rok 2017

    The paper presents mathematical model TOPSIS which was applied for MCDA benchmark of trolleybus supply system. Moreover, paper presents the novel method of transmission losses analysis in electrified urban transport system. Research work was based on measurements realized in Gdynia trolleybus network.

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  • Distributed reputation system for multihop mobile ad hoc networks


    - Rok 2008

    Zaproponowano system reputacyjny dla bezprzewodowej sieci rozległej ad hoc, pozwalający stacjm sieci zachować tzw. anonimowość pakietową oraz odróżniać zachowania niekoperacyjne od efektów przeciążenia sieci. Zastosowano generację miar reputacyjnych przy wykorzystaniu mechanizmu lokalnego nasłuchiwania (watchdog). Przeprowadzono symulacyjne badania odporności tego systemu na obecność stacji niewspółpracujących.

  • Problems of Connecting Wind Farms to the Power System with HV Cables


    This paper presents problems caused by connecting wind farms to a power system with high voltage cables. The author highlights possible problems with reactive power compensation, depending on the arrangement of the shunt reactor connection and settings of control systems for reactive power and voltage of the wind farm. The paper also discusses issues of increasing active power losses caused by a shunt reactor installation.

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  • Developing a Metropolitan Transport System—Exemplified by the Gdansk–Gdynia–Sopot Metropolitan Area


    As regional centres with metropolitan functions, metropolises grow and develop depending on how well they can meet the area’s transport needs internally and externally, a result of their socio-economic relations. The transport system of a metropolitan area must ensure that people and goods can move efficiently, effectively and environmentally friendly. Over the last ten years, the transport system of the Gdańsk–Gdynia–Sopot Metropolitan...


    W referacie przedstawiono system wizyjny, umożliwiający pomiar i wizualizację położenia ostrosłupa na scenie. System wykorzystuje stanowisko laboratoryjne Katedry Metrologii i Systemów Informacyjnych na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Stanowisko pomiarowe składa się z następujących elementów: kamery cyfrowej wraz z obiektywem, wyposażonej w interfejs FireWire, zestawu oświetlaczy i komputera osobistego...

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  • Situational Awareness Network for the Electric Power System: the Architecture and Testing Metrics

    The contemporary electric power system is highly dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to new types of threats, such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) or Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. The most exposed components are Industrial Control Systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the cyber security of...

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  • Smart Innovation Engineering System - A Tool for Facilitating Product Innovation Process

    For the survival and prosperity of the manufacturing unit, entrepreneurs need to find out new ideas that can be implemented in the products leading to innovation. The current study employs a systematic approach for product innovation. In this approach past experiences based on innovation decisions are stored and recalled during the innovation problem solving process. Implementing this system in the process of product innovation...

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  • The project IDENT: Multimodal biometric system for bank client identity verification

    Biometric identity verification methods are implemented inside a real banking environment comprising: dynamic handwritten signature verification, face recognition, bank cli-ent voice recognition and hand vein distribution verification. A secure communication system based on an intra-bank client-server architecture was designed for this purpose. Hitherto achieved progress within the project is reported in this paper with a focus...

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    - Rok 2020

    The aim of this thesis is to solve a disturbing problem, which is illegal sewage discharge, without any previous treatment in a village Kamień, Szemud commune, Poland, by developing a multivariate sewerage system concept. The introduction submits the theory concerning the division of sewer systems as well as the wastewater treatment’s level. Moreover, there is also the problem of rural sanitation presented and main locality –...

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  • Automatic Breath Analysis System Using Convolutional Neural Networks


    Diseases related to the human respiratory system have always been a burden for the entire society. The situation has become particularly difficult now after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, however, it is common for people to consult their doctor too late, after the disease has developed. To protect patients from severe disease, it is recommended that any symptoms disturbing the respiratory system be detected as...

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  • Automatic Breath Analysis System Using Convolutional Neural Networks


    Diseases related to the human respiratory system have always been a burden for the entire society. The situation has become particularly difficult now after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, however, it is not uncommon for people to consult their doctor too late, after the disease has developed. To protect patients from severe disease, it is recommended that any symptoms disturbing the respiratory system be detected...

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  • Evaluation of Street Lighting Efficiency Using a Mobile Measurement System


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    The issue concerns the initial stage of work on a method for performing a rapid assessment of the energy efficiency and illuminance of a street lighting installation. The proposed method is based on simultaneous measurement of illuminance from three lux meters placed on the roof of the vehicle. The data are acquired in road traffic, while the vehicle is driving. The proposed solution will allow in the future to quickly and reproducibly...

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  • the assessment of the noise-induced harmful effects based on the properties of human hearing system


    - Rok 2008

    A new way of assessment of noise-induced harmful effects on human hearing system is presented in the paper. The method takes into consideration properties of the human hearing system. The pro-posed method determines the cumulative impact on hearing system produced by the excessive noise. Based on the predicted effects of the noise exposure, the new types of noise indicators were developed. The evaluation of these indicators was...

  • The noise-induced harmful effect assessment based on the properties of the human hearing system


    A new way of assessment of noise-induced harmful effects on human hearing system is presented in the paper. The method takes into consideration properties of the human hearing system. The pro-posed method determines the cumulative impact on hearing system produced by the excessive noise. Based on the predicted effects of the noise exposure, the new types of noise indicators were developed. The evaluation of these indicators was...

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  • Video content analysis in the urban area telemonitoring system


    The task of constant monitoring of video streams from a large number of cameras and reviewing the recordings in order to find a specified event requires a considerable amount of time and effort from the system operators and it is prone to errors. A solution to this problem is an automatic system for constant analysis of camera images being able to raise an alarm if a predefined event is detected. The chapter presents various aspects...

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