Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: video data
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance
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Postprodukcja nagrania wideo z dzwiekiem dookolnym
PublikacjaOne of the aims of this paper is to present issues related to audio-video correlation. This is presented on the basis of a short film realization employing surround microphone techniques. First, some related works in the domain of sound and vision correlation are presented. Then assumptions concerning scene creation related to both audio and video are shortly described. Another objective is to discuss results of subjective tests...
Bimodal deep learning model for subjectively enhanced emotion classification in films
PublikacjaThis research delves into the concept of color grading in film, focusing on how color influences the emotional response of the audience. The study commenced by recalling state-of-the-art works that process audio-video signals and associated emotions by machine learning. Then, assumptions of subjective tests for refining and validating an emotion model for assigning specific emotional labels to selected film excerpts were presented....
Distributed Framework for Visual Event Detection in Parking Lot Area
PublikacjaThe paper presents the framework for automatic detection of various events occurring in a parking lot basing on multiple camera video analysis. The framework is massively distributed, both in the logical and physical sense. It consists of several entities called node stations that use XMPP protocol for internal communication and SRTP protocol with Jingle extension for video streaming. Recognized events include detecting parking...
Information Systems &Technologies /SPIE Conference on Digital Video Compression Algorithms & Techniques
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SkinDepth - synthetic 3D skin lesion database
Dane BadawczeSkinDepth is the first synthetic 3D skin lesion database. The release of SkinDepth dataset intends to contribute to the development of algorithms for:
Rozproszone przechowywanie zapasowych kopii danych
PublikacjaPokazano metodę wykorzystania systemu przetwarzania rozproszonego do zabezpieczenia instytucji przed skutkami ataku hakerskiego połączonego ze zniszczeniem bazy danych tej instytucji. Metoda ta polega na wplataniu pakietów danych do materiałów audio-video ściąganych przez internautów korzystających z serwisów filmowych Video-on-Demand i przechowywaniu danych w rozproszeniu na setki lub nawet tysiące komputerów.
Model of emotions for game players
PublikacjaAffect-aware video games can respond to a game player's emotions. Such games seem to be more attractive for users. Therefore for that kind of games it is necessary to create a model of the player's emotions to know to which emotions the application should react. The paper describes different models of emotions. The questionnaire and experiment for video game players is presented. Some results of the tests are shown. Then the model...
Material for Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Speech Recorded in Various Conditions
PublikacjaAutomatic speech recognition (ASR) is under constant development, especially in cases when speech is casually produced or it is acquired in various environment conditions, or in the presence of background noise. Phonetic transcription is an important step in the process of full speech recognition and is discussed in the presented work as the main focus in this process. ASR is widely implemented in mobile devices technology, but...
New Tool for Examining QoS in the VToIP Service
PublikacjaThis paper is dedicated to the subject of measuring QoS in the Video Telephony over IP (VToIP) service. QoS measurement models in general and then models designed specifically for measuring QoS in the VToIP service are presented. A new numerical tool for examining the quality of VToIP video streams VToIP is described. The tool’s functionality is then put to the test in a number of analysis scenarios. The results and insights gained...
Endoscopic Videos Deinterlacing and On-Screen Text and Light Flashes Removal and Its Influence on Image Analysis Algorithms' Efficiency
PublikacjaIn this article, deinterlacing and removing on- screen text and light flashes methods on endoscopic video images are discussed. The research is intended to improve disease recognition algorithms' performance. In the article, four configurations of deinterlacing methods and another four configurations of text and flashes removal methods are described and examined. The efficiency of endoscopic video analysis algorithms is measured...
PublikacjaFor the purpose of video surveillance software quality assessment in this work the ISO/IEC-9126 norm was used with a particular focus on maintainability of the software system. The paper presents a study on the connection between software metrics derived from the static analysis of the source code and changeability of the video surveillance software system. It is shown that meeting requirements of software quality metrics may result...
Performance Evaluation of Selected Parallel Object Detection and Tracking Algorithms on an Embedded GPU Platform
PublikacjaPerformance evaluation of selected complex video processing algorithms, implemented on a parallel, embedded GPU platform Tegra X1, is presented. Three algorithms were chosen for evaluation: a GMM-based object detection algorithm, a particle filter tracking algorithm and an optical flow based algorithm devoted to people counting in a crowd flow. The choice of these algorithms was based on their computational complexity and parallel...
Moving object detection and tracking for the purpose of multimodal surveillance system in urban areas
PublikacjaBackground subtraction method based on mixture of Gaussians was employed to detect all regions in a video frame denoting moving objects. Kalman filters were used for establishing relations between the regions and real moving objects in a scene and for tracking them continuously. The objects were represented by rectangles. The objects coupling with adequate regions including the relation of many-to-many was studied experimentally...
Building Knowledge for the Purpose of Lip Speech Identification
PublikacjaConsecutive stages of building knowledge for automatic lip speech identification are shown in this study. The main objective is to prepare audio-visual material for phonetic analysis and transcription. First, approximately 260 sentences of natural English were prepared taking into account the frequencies of occurrence of all English phonemes. Five native speakers from different countries read the selected sentences in front of...
Marcin Niedopytalski Ekspert ds. Ochrony Osób, Strzelectwa i Prawa Konstytucyjnego
OsobyMarcin Niedopytalski to uznany ekspert z 25-letnim doświadczeniem w dziedzinie ochrony i bezpieczeństwa, autor wielu specjalistycznych książek, naukowiec, a także badacz i obserwator w szeroko rozumianej sferze ochrony. Jego rozległe kompetencje obejmują wiele kluczowych obszarów, takich jak zarządzanie kryzysowe, ochrona VIP-ów, samoobrona, strzelectwo, a także ratownictwo medyczne. Marcin rozpoczął swoją karierę w ochronie bardzo...
Eulerian motion magnification applied to structural health monitoring of wind turbines
PublikacjaSeveral types of defects may occur in wind turbines, as physical damage of blades or gearbox malfunction. A wind farm monitoring and damage prediction system is built to observe abnormal vibrations of elements of wind turbine: blades, nacelle, and tower. Contactless methods are developed which do not require turbine stopping. In this work, structural health monitoring of a wind turbine is evaluated using a conversion from the captured...
Architecture Design of a Networked Music Performance Platform for a Chamber Choir
PublikacjaThis paper describes an architecture design process for Networked Music Performance (NMP) platform for medium-sized conducted music ensembles, based on remote rehearsals of Academic Choir of Gdańsk University of Technology. The issues of real-time remote communication, in-person music performance, and NMP are described. Three iterative steps defining and extending the architecture of the NMP platform with additional features to...
Commercial systems for automatic detection of events. Features, limitations and potential solutions
PublikacjaVideo Content Analysis (VCA). Motion detection. Example of complex VCA system. Commercial VCA systems and their applications. Limitations and problems. Possible solutions.
Simple gait parameterization and 3D animation for anonymous visual monitoring based on augmented reality
PublikacjaThe article presents a method for video anonymization and replacing real human silhouettes with virtual 3D figures rendered on a screen. Video stream is processed to detect and to track objects, whereas anonymization stage employs animating avatars accordingly to behavior of detected persons. Location, movement speed, direction, and person height are taken into account during animation and rendering phases. This approach requires...
The concept of aida applied to online interactive advertisement: an youtube case study
PublikacjaThis paper presents an approach of application of the AIDA framework to interactive advertisements presented on social media channels. The first section introduces the definitions of social media and its categorization. It is given an overview of the online video service YouTube.com. The second section describes social media marketing. The third section presents a theoretical introduction of traditional and interactive advertisement....
Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (Network and OS Support for Digital A/V)
Konferencje -
Performance evaluation of the parallel object tracking algorithm employing the particle filter
PublikacjaAn algorithm based on particle filters is employed to track moving objects in video streams from fixed and non-fixed cameras. Particle weighting is based on color histograms computed in the iHLS color space. Particle computations are parallelized with CUDA framework. The algorithm was tested on various GPU devices: a desktop GPU card, a mobile chipset and two embedded GPU platforms. The processing speed depending on the number...
The Innovative Faculty for Innovative Technologies
PublikacjaA leaflet describing Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology. Multimedia Systems Department described laboratories and prototypes of: Auditory-visual attention stimulator, Automatic video event detection, Object re-identification application for multi-camera surveillance systems, Object Tracking and Automatic Master-Slave PTZ Camera Positioning System, Passive Acoustic Radar,...
Augmented Reality for Privacy-Sensitive Visual Monitoring
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method for video anonymization and replacing real human silhouettes with virtual 3D figures rendered on the screen. Video stream is processed to detect and to track objects, whereas anonymization stage employs fast blurring method. Substitute 3D figures are animated accordingly to behavior of detected persons. Their location, movement speed, direction, and person height are taken into account during the animation...
Monitoring the Uniformity of Fish Feeding Based on Image Feature Analysis
PublikacjaThe main purpose of the conducted research is the development and experimental verification of the methods for detection of fish feeding as well as checking its uniformity in the recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) using machine vision. A particular emphasis has been set on the methods useful for rainbow trout farming. Obtained results, based on the analysis of individual video...
Examining Quality of Hand Segmentation Based on Gaussian Mixture Models
PublikacjaResults of examination of various implementations of Gaussian mix-ture models are presented in the paper. Two of the implementations belonged to the Intel’s OpenCV 2.4.3 library and utilized Background Subtractor MOG and Background Subtractor MOG2 classes. The third implementation presented in the paper was created by the authors and extended Background Subtractor MOG2 with the possibility of operating on the scaled version of...
Objects classification based on their physical sizes for detection of events in camera images
PublikacjaIn the paper, a method of estimation of the physical sizes of the objects tracked in the video surveillance system, and a simple module for object classification based on the estimated physical sizes, are presented. The results of object classification are then used for automatic detection of various types of events in the camera image.
Camera Orientation-Independent Parking Events Detection
PublikacjaThe paper describes the method for detecting precise position and time of vehicles parking in a parking lot. This task is trivial in case of favorable camera orientation but gets much more complex when an angle between the camera viewing axis and the ground is small. The method utilizes background subtraction and object tracking algorithms for detecting moving objects in a video stream. Objects are classified into vehicles and...
Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Recognition Systems
PublikacjaComputer perception of real-life situations is performed using a variety of recognition techniques, including video-based computer vision, biometric systems, RFID devices and others. The proliferation of recognition modules enables development of complex systems by integration of existing components, analogously to the Service Oriented Architecture technology. In the paper, we propose a method that enables integration of information...
Eye Blink Based Detection of Liveness in Biometric Authentication Systems Using Conditional Random Fields
PublikacjaThe goal of this paper was to verify whether the conditional random fields are suitable and enough efficient for eye blink detection in user authentication systems based on face recognition with a standard web camera. To evaluate this approach several experiments were carried on using a specially developed test application and video database.
Influence of Additional Loads on Chosen Gait Parameters and Muscles Activity
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to human motion analysis and comparison of chosen kinematics parameters during normal gait with and without additional load in a form of backpack. A stability in both cases were compared in both frontal and sagittal planes, by applying a video tracking system. Experimental tests performed on treadmill, passive markers, placed on volunteers bare skin were used. Additionally, an infra-red camera was employed...
Methodology and technology for the polymodal allophonic speech transcription
PublikacjaA method for automatic audiovisual transcription of speech employing: acoustic and visual speech representations is developed. It adopts a combining of audio and visual modalities, which provide a synergy effect in terms of speech recognition accuracy. To establish a robust solution, basic research concerning the relation between the allophonic variation of speech, i.e. the changes in the articulatory setting of speech organs for...
Methodology and technology for the polymodal allophonic speech transcription
PublikacjaA method for automatic audiovisual transcription of speech employing: acoustic, electromagnetical articulography and visual speech representations is developed. It adopts a combining of audio and visual modalities, which provide a synergy effect in terms of speech recognition accuracy. To establish a robust solution, basic research concerning the relation between the allophonic variation of speech, i.e., the changes in the articulatory...
Potential and Use of the Googlenet Ann for the Purposes of Inland Water Ships Classification
PublikacjaThis article presents an analysis of the possibilities of using the pre-degraded GoogLeNet artificial neural network to classify inland vessels. Inland water authorities monitor the intensity of the vessels via CCTV. Such classification seems to be an improvement in their statutory tasks. The automatic classification of the inland vessels from video recording is a one of the main objectives of the Automatic Ship Recognition and...
On Facial Expressions and Emotions RGB-D Database
PublikacjaThe goal of this paper is to present the idea of creating reference database of RGB-D video recordings for recognition of facial expressions and emotions. Two different formats of the recordings used for creation of two versions of the database are described and compared using different criteria. Examples of first applications using databases are also presented to evaluate their usefulness.
A Visual Feedback for Water-Flow Monitoring in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
PublikacjaThe optimal water flow in fish breeding tanks is one of the crucial elements necessary for the well-being and proper growth of fish, such as salmon or trout. Considering the round tanks and the uneven distribution of water-flow velocity, ensuring a nearly optimal flow is an important task that may be performed using various sensors installed to monitor the water flow. Nevertheless, observing the rapid development of video analysis...
Measurements of OF QoS/QoE parameters for media streaming in a PMIPv6 TESTBED WITH 802.11 b/g/n WLANs
PublikacjaA growing number of mobile devices and the increasing popularity of multimedia services result in a new challenge of providing mobility in access networks. The paper describes experimental research on media (audio and video) streaming in a mobile IEEE 802.11 b/g/n environment realizing network-based mobility. It is an approach to mobility that requires little or no modification of the mobile terminal. Assessment of relevant parameters...
Camera sabotage detection for surveillance systems
PublikacjaCamera dysfunction detection algorithms and their utilization in realtime video surveillance systems are described. The purpose of using the proposed analysis is explained. Regarding image tampering three algorithms for focus loss, scene obstruction and camera displacement detection are implemented and presented. Features of each module are described and certain scenarios for best performance are depicted. Implemented solutions...
Immunizing the Hillcast Method against the Known-Plaintext Attack using Periodic Key Exchange
PublikacjaThis paper considers a Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption method, called Hillcast, for the copyright protection and traitor tracing in case of Video on Demand services. Because the method is based on the Hill cipher, it is vulnerable to a known-plaintext attack. The goal of this paper is to present an efficient periodic key exchange mechanism to make this method secure without compromising its scalability, imperceptibility or...
Mobile Networks' Analysis in Terms of QoS Performance Assessment
PublikacjaQuality of service (QoS) assessment is one of the basic processes carried out by mobile network operators (MNOs) and regulators of the telecommunications market. Usually, professional companies carry out measurements for various country areas and use cases (scenarios). In this paper, we show exemplary measurement results carried out in drive tests in the vicinity of the Polish capital by a professional company. The measurement...
Intelligent multimedia solutions supporting special education needs.
PublikacjaThe role of computers in school education is briefly discussed. Multimodal interfaces development history is shortly reviewed. Examples of applications of multimodal interfaces for learners with special educational needs are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with facial expression and speech stretching audio interface representing audio modality....
Open standards-based communication system for distributed intelligent surveillance solution
PublikacjaThe paper presents an open standards-based communication system being a part of a distributed surveillance solution. The paradigm of “intelligent” surveillance approach is introduced, and employed video processing is discussed briefly. Requirements analysis toward the design of communication subsystem architecture is presented. Special attention is paid to the multimedia streaming functionality of presented solution, which is based...
Selection of an artificial pre-training neural network for the classification of inland vessels based on their images
PublikacjaArtificial neural networks (ANN) are the most commonly used algorithms for image classification problems. An image classifier takes an image or video as input and classifies it into one of the possible categories that it was trained to identify. They are applied in various areas such as security, defense, healthcare, biology, forensics, communication, etc. There is no need to create one’s own ANN because there are several pre-trained...
Estimation of object size in the calibrated camera image = Estymacja rozmiaru obiektów w obrazach ze skalibrowanej kamery
PublikacjaIn the paper, a method of estimation of the physical sizes of the objects tracked by the camera is presented. First, the camera is calibrated, then the proposed algorithm is used to estimate the real width and height of the tracked moving objects. The results of size estimation are then used for classification of the moving objects. Two methods of camera calibration are compared, test results are presented and discussed. The proposed...
Moving object tracking algorithm evaluation in autonomous surveillance system
PublikacjaResults of evaluation of video object tracking algorithm being a part of an autonomous surveillance system are presented. The algorithm was investigated employing a set of benchmarks recorded locally. The precision of object detection, evaluated with such metrics as fragmentation, object area recall and object precision, is in focus. The experiments aimed at examining the detection quality using various object detection algorithm...
Emotion recognition and its application in software engineering
PublikacjaIn this paper a novel application of multimodal emotion recognition algorithms in software engineering is described. Several application scenarios are proposed concerning program usability testing and software process improvement. Also a set of emotional states relevant in that application area is identified. The multimodal emotion recognition method that integrates video and depth channels, physiological signals and input devices...
Developing competences for cooperation in international teams - tools and methods
PublikacjaThe article presents the training methods that can be used to develop intercultural competences which are extremely important while working in intercultural teams. The mentioned methods like: case-studies, collaborating, role-play simulations, team working, video presentations and others are presented on the basis of authors’ experiences while teaching the international groups of students at Faculty of Management and Economics...
Gesture-controlled Sound Mixing System With a Sonified Interface
PublikacjaIn this paper the Authors present a novel approach to sound mixing. It is materialized in a system that enables to mix sound with hand gestures recognized in a video stream. The system has been developed in such a way that mixing operations can be performed both with or without visual support. To check the hypothesis that the mixing process needs only an auditory display, the influence of audio information visualization on sound...
Guitar String Sound Retrieved from Moving Pixels
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to develop a method of visual recording and analyzing the vibrations of guitar strings using high-speed cameras and dedicated video processing algorithms. The recording of a plucked string reveals the way in which the deformations propagate, composing the standing and travelling wave. The paper compares the results for a few selected models of classical and acoustic guitars, and it involves processing...