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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: road safety audit
Automatic road traffic safety management system in urban areas
PublikacjaTraffic incidents and accidents contribute to decreasing levels of transport system reliability and safety. Traffic management and emergency systems on the road, using, among others, automatic detection, video surveillance, communication technologies and institutional solutions improve the organization of the work of various departments involved in traffic and safety management. Automation of incident management helps to reduce...
Preparation and implementation of the National Road Safety Programme GAMBIT 2005
PublikacjaKrajowy Program BRD GAMBIT 2005 jest spójny z najwazniejszymi dokumentami dotyczącymi rozwoju systemu transportu w Polsce (Polityka Transportowa, Strategia Rozwoju Transportu). Jest też spójny z III Planem BRD Unii Europejskiej. Program ten daje możliwość zintensyfikowania działań prewencyjnych, prowadzonych w celu ochrony zycia i zdrowia uczestników ruchu drogowego. Efektem tego programu będzie uratowanie życia kilkunastu tysiącom...
Road safety analysis in Poland using time-series modelling techniques
PublikacjaA number of international studies argue that there is a correlation between the number of traffic fatalities and the degree of public activity. The studies use the unemployment rate to support that argument. As unemployment grows miles travelled fall, a factor known to affect road safety. This relationship seems to be true for Poland, as well. The model presented in the paper is intended to prove it. It is a structural time-series local...
Foreign visitors from Visegrad countries with regard to road safety in Poland
PublikacjaIn the paper the authors present road safety situation in the Polish regions mostly visited by Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian tourists. These regions include Mazowieckie, Dolnoslaskie, Slaskie and Malopolskie voivodeships. After description of the regions and main touristic destinations for foreigners from Visegrad countries, a detailed road safety analysis performed for the period 2007-2012 is given. The paper ends with conclusions in...
Development of tools for road infrastructure safety management for the provinces (voivodeships) in Poland
PublikacjaThe development of modern tools for road infrastructure safety management will help to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries as one of the main objectives adopted in 2013 in the National Road Safety Programme 2014-2020 and the new Road Safety Programme 2011-2020 in the EU. Risk Management in Highway Engineering can be applied in developing tools essential in the process of safety management. Risk Management in Highway...
Spatial differentiation of road safety in Europe based on NUTS-2 regions
PublikacjaRoad safety varies significantly across the regions in Europe. To understand the factors behind this differentiation and the effects they have, data covering 263 NUTS-2 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) regions across Europe (European Union and Norway) have been analysed. The assessment was made using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). As a dependent variable the Road Fatality Rate (RFR – number of fatalities...
Novel proposal for V2X systems and WBAN cooperation to improve road safety
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel proposal of the automotive Vehicle-to-Everything system solution is presented. In this proposal, there are included the Machine to Machine type communication system and the sensor system based on a short-range the Wireless Body Area Network communication. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the model for communication, especially its architecture and signals structure for the proposed solution. The use...
GAMBIT's position within the European Union's III Road Safety Plan
PublikacjaOtwarcie Seminarium GAMBIT 2006, poświęcone wnioskom z dotychczasowych działań oraz planom na przyszłość, zawartym w najnowszym Krajowym Programie GAMBIT 2005. Prace nad nim rozpoczęto w sierpniu 2004, czyli tuż po wejściu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. W kwietniu 2005 Rada Ministrów przyjęła GAMBIT 2005 jako program dla Polski na lata 2005-2013, skonstruowany zgodnie z metodyką opracowaną dla tych krajów UE-25, których poziom zagrożenia...
Times Series Analysis Of Road Safety Trends At The Regional Level In Poland
PublikacjaThe paper presents possibility of applying a structural times series modeling with explanatory and intervention variables as a tool capable for explaining the changes in the monthly number of fatalities and seriously injured in traffic accidents. The analysis covers regional level and takes into consideration traffic accidents data of two regions: Pomorskie and Warmia-Mazury. In addition short-term forecasts for the two regions...
Numerical analysis of lumbar spine injury during road safety barrier collision
PublikacjaPurpose: Enhancing road safety is a critical goal worldwide, necessitating the development of clear standards for road safety systems. This study focuses on lumbar spine (L-spine) compression injuries during collisions with concrete road safety barriers (RSBs). It aims to analyze internal forces during impact to understand L-spine injury biomechanics in such accidents. Methods: The research included a literature review, analyzing...
Safety Assessment of the Regional Warmia and Mazury Road Network Using Time-Series Analysis
PublikacjaWarmia and Mazury still belongs to the areas with the smallest transport accessibility in Europe. Unsatisfactory state of road infrastructure is a major barrier to the development of the regional economy, impacting negatively on the life conditions of the population. Also in terms of road safety Warmia and Mazury is one of the most endangered regions in Poland. The Police statistics show that beside a high pedestrian risk observed...
PublikacjaAnalyses of road safety at national level have been run for many years and large number of publications concerning them appeared so far. How interdisciplinary the issue is, has been shown by literature studies done by the author of the paper. It appears that economists, mathematicians, doctors as well as engineers have studied the issue. It is not an easy one, as results of many analyses lead to conflicting conclusions and...
Methodology of research on the impact of ramp metering on the safety and efficiency of road traffic using transport models
PublikacjaThe methods currently used to assess the impact of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) services on traffic safety and efficiency are mainly based on expert assessments, statistical studies or traffic models that need further development. There is no structured, uniform evaluation method to compare the impact of different ITS services and their different configurations. The impact of ITS deployment on the road network adjacent to...
Time-series analysis of road safety trends aggregated at national level in Europe for 2000-2010
PublikacjaThe reader will find in this study road safety modelling theory and time-series analysis techniques, applications to long period data of injury accidents and casualities, aggregared at national level
Methodology of research on the impact of ITS services on the safety and efficiency of road traffic using transport models
PublikacjaThe current assessment of the impact of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) services on the level of traffic safety and efficiency is based mainly on expert assessments, statistical surveys or several traffic safety models requiring development. There is no structured, uniform assessment method that would give the opportunity to compare the impact of ITS services and their different configurations. The paper presents the methodology...
Fuel price, income and road safety as determinants of the level of the population’s economic well-being in Poland
PublikacjaThe opportunity to travel is one of the most favorite human activities, given that on a trip a person gets new knowledge, impressions and positive emotions. Recreational trips occupy a prominent place in the concept of the economics of happiness, and the study of factors that influence decision-making regarding travel is important for forecasting the number of tourists, infrastructure development, income and expenses of businesses...
Speed, Alcohol and Safety Belts as Important Factors Influencing the Number of Fatalities in Road Accidents in the Voivodships
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Road safety performance indicators and their explanatory value: A critical view based on the experience of Central European countries
PublikacjaCounts of road crashes and their victims represent essential information for road safety practitioners allowing them to analyse their spatial and temporal aspects. However, they cannot provide details on the factors causing road crashes. As a result, various road safety performance indicators (RSPIs) were introduced, making it possible to gather information on the effectiveness of interventions on road safety in given areas. However,...
Abstract class method use on common characteristics of UE regions for better road safety management in these regions.
PublikacjaRoad Safety is the significant problem requiring still a lot of attention. Despite lots of actions for road fatalities reduction, in many countries or regions situation doesn't improve as good as in the other cases. Even if these actions are very similar. It is so difficult issue, that the answer why is that happens hasn't been found yet. In this paper authors focused on the road network of European regions, classified as NUTS...
Assessment of the Speed Management Impact on Road Traffic Safety on the Sections of Motorways and Expressways Using Simulation Methods
PublikacjaMethods used to evaluate the impact of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) services on road safety are usually based on expert assessments or statistical studies. However, commonly used methods are challenging to apply in the planning process of ITS services. This paper presents the methodology of research using surrogate safety measures calculated and calibrated with the use of simulation techniques and a driving simulator. This...
Automated Parameter Determination for Horizontal Curves for the Purposes of Road Safety Models with the Use of the Global Positioning System
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of research conducted to develop an automated system capable of determining parameters for horizontal curves. The system presented in this article could calculate the actual course of a road by means of a two-stage positioning of recorded points along the road. In the first stage, measurements were taken with a Real-Time Network (RTN) receiver installed in a research vehicle. In the second stage,...
Analysis of the impact of socio-economic development on road safety based on the example of Baltic Sea Region countries
PublikacjaBaltic Sea Region (BSR) is a specific region of Europe, bringing together countries with different levels of socio-economic development. The main common point is territorial access to the Baltic Sea and the importance of maritime transport in the transportation of goods. The region consists of 9 countries, including Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Russia (more specifically, Kaliningrad...
Road Safety Trends at National Level in Europe: A Review of Time-series Analysis Performed during the Period 2000–12
PublikacjaThis paper presents a review of time-series analysis of road safety trends, aggregatedat a national level, which has been performed in the period 2000 – 12 and applied to Europeannational data sets covering long time periods. It provides a guideline and set of best practices inthe area of time-series modelling and identifies the latest methods and applications of nationalroad safety trend analysis...
A decade of Poland`s integrated Road Safety Programme - economic develop-ment vs. road unsafety. W: [CD-ROM]. Conference proceedings. SORIC´02. 2nd Safety on Road Internationaload International Conference. Kingdom of Bah- rain, 21-23 October 2002. Bahrain: CTRS Univ. Bahrain**2002 [8 s. 5 rys. bibliogr. 5 poz. 10 lat Krajowego Programu Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego w Polsce - rozwój ekonomiczny a niebezpieczeństwo ruchu.
PublikacjaReferat zawiera analizę doświadczeń z dziesięciu lat pracy oraz wdrożeń Kra-jowego Programu Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego GAMBIT. Przedstawia również analizę przyczyn gwałtownego spadku liczby- śmiertelnych ofiar wypadków dro-gowych w Polsce w roku 2001.
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Road infrastructure safety inspection (Students course) - Erasmus + European Road Safety Partnership EuroS@P
Kursy Online -
Road infrastructure safety inspection (Specialists course) - Erasmus + European Road Safety Partnership EuroS@P
Kursy Online -
Certification program in Road Infrastructure Safety Management - Erasmus + European Road Safety Partnership EuroS@P
Kursy Online -
Forecasting Poland`s road deaths. W: [CD-ROM]. Zbornik referatov. V. Medna- rodna Konferenca Globalna Varnost. V. International Conference Global Safe- ty. Portoroz, od 6. do 9 oktobra 2002, Slovenija. [B.m.]: ZVD, Slovene Road Safety Council**2002 [7 s. 5 rys. bibliogr. 8 poz.] Prognozowanie liczby zabitych w ruchu drogowym w Polsce.
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono sytuację w zakresie bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowegow Polsce oraz metodykę tworzenia długoterminowych prognoz rozwoju ryzyka w ruchu drogowym na przykładzie prognozy dla potrzeb Krajowego Programu Bez-pieczeństwa Ruchu drogowego GAMBIT 2000.
INFRO@D Safety management of unprotected road users
Kursy Online -
Pedestrian crossing safety management - Erasmus + European Road Safety Partnership EuroS@P
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Safety management of vulnerable road users - Erasmus+ European Digital Education in Road Infrastructure Management INFRO@D
Kursy Online -
Roadside safety management - Erasmus+ European Digital Education in Road Infrastructure Management INFRO@D
Kursy Online -
PublikacjaThe night time, based on many world studies, generates an increased risk of serious accidents (with fatalities and serious injuries). This is especially true for accidents with pedestrians. Pedestrian crossings are very sensitive to the influence of the time of day in terms of pedestrian safety, elements of road infrastructure. This is visible on the example of Poland, where numerous accidents at crosswalks are recorded, characterized...
Wojciech Kustra dr inż.
OsobyI am a Faculty member (Assistant Professor, Highway and Transportation Engineering Department) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland). My main research interests include: road safety, accident analysis, traffic modeling, transportation planning, traffic engineering, transport management, gis analysis.
Assessing Tram Infrastructure Safety Using the Example of the City of Gdańsk
PublikacjaAnalysis of Gdańsk’s tram network statistics shows that incidents are quite frequent (about 650 within 5 years) and mostly involve collisions and crashes. As well as reducing the tram systems’ efficiency and reliability, incidents have a nega-tive effect on road safety. As Polish cities extend their tram networks, they must also ensure that their existing networks are safe. This is to be achieved by conducting safety assessments....
Marcin Budzyński dr inż.
OsobyJestem pracownikiem naukowo - dydaktycznym (adiunkt, Katedra Inżynierii Drogowej i Transportowej) na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska, Politechnika Gdańska, Polska. Moje główne zainteresowania badawcze obejmują: badania w zakresie bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego, w tym budowa i wdrażanie narzedzi zarządzania bezpieczeństwem, modelowanie miar bezpieczeństwa. Dodatkowo zajmuję się projektowaniem infrastruktury drogowej oraz...
Joanna Żukowska dr hab. inż.
OsobyJoanna Żukowska (ur. w Kwidzynie) – specjalista w dziedzinie transportu, inżynierii drogowej i bezpieczeństwa. Prowadzi badania w zakresie polityk transportowych, aktywnego transportu, zarządzania bezpieczeństwem, a także zdrowia publicznego. Głównymi obszarami jej zainteresowań naukowych są: modelowanie ryzyka w ruchu drogowym, prognozowanie trendów bezpieczeństwa oraz programowanie i wdrażanie systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem...
Alina Guzik mgr
OsobyPhD candidate at Gdańsk University of Technology Doctoral School. EdTech, digital education and innovative didactics expert, senior product manager, product designer, certified e-learning designer. Conducts scientific research in educational technology, digital education, e-learning, modern teaching methods, innovation and new product development. An author of more than a dozen award-winning EdTech products implemented in international...
LIDAR data from the measurement of a bridge structure along a S7 road in the vicinity of Ostróda.
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data was acquired during research aimed at utilizing LiDAR observations to assess the condition of bridge structures. The provided information originates from measurements of a road bridge located along a modernized national road near the town of Ostróda. The obtained point cloud constitutes a comprehensive set of information regarding...
Urban and road engineering
Kursy OnlineLectures on Road Engineering cover a wide range of important issues related to the subject, starting from a discussion of the historical circumstances of the creation, development and domination of the contemporary conventional model, through identifying new approaches and standards, emphasizing the importance of universal design, discussing important issues regarding safety and the sense of security, to ways management of greenery,...
Aleksandra Romanowska dr inż.
OsobyPracownik Katedry Inżynierii Drogowej i Transportowej na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. Realizuje prace badawcze z zakresu modelowania ruchu drogowego, bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego, funkcjonowania dużych generatorów ruchu w strukturze miast, zachowań i preferencji transportowych społeczności akademickich, planowania zrównoważonej mobilności miejskiej. W 2019 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk...
Ryszard Woźniak dr inż.
OsobyJest absolwentem Wydziału Mechanicznego i Organizacji Politechniki Lubelskiej, gdzie w 1984 uzyskał tytuł magistra inżyniera mechanika w zakresie Mechaniki specjalności Samochody i Ciągniki. W 2002 roku w Politechnice Gdańskiej obronił pracę doktorską na temat: "Hałas opon w warunkach występowania znacznych sił stycznych w strefie styku opony z jezdnią" i uzyskał stopień naukowy doktora nauk technicznych w zakresie budowy i eksploatacji...
LIDAR data from the measurement of a WD113 bridge structure
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data was obtained during research related to the utilization of LiDAR observations to assess the condition of bridge structures. The provided data comes from measurements of viaduct WD113 located along a newly built national road near the town of Koszalin. The acquired point cloud constitutes an integral set of information regarding...
Urban and Road Engineering - Smolnicki
Kursy OnlineLectures about "Urban and Road Engineering", dedicated to sixth semester of the English-speaking group, will be conducted in a way that activates students. Lectures on Road Engineering cover a wide range of important issues related to the subject, starting from a discussion of the historical circumstances of the creation, development and domination of the contemporary conventional model, through identifying new approaches and...
Innowacyjne narzędzia zarządzania bezpieczeństwem transportu drogowego na poziomie regionalnym
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono założenia i cele Obserwatorium Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego funkcjonującego w regionie Warmii i Mazur. Obserwatorium jest pierwszą taką jednostką w Polsce – zarówno na poziomie regionalnym, jak centralnym. Zostało powołane zgodnie z metodyką zaproponowaną w europejskim projekcie SafetyNet i wspólnie z Krajowym Obserwatorium Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego, realizowanym przez Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, wejdzie...
Zagrożenia uczestników ruchu drogowego na drogach regionalnych
PublikacjaReferat zawiera analizę bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego na sieci dróg wojewódzkich. Przedstawiono poziom bezpieczeństwa na tle całej sieci drogowej oraz charakterystykę poszczególnych województw. Przedstawiono ranking województw ze względu na liczby wypadków i ich ofiar oraz wybrane wskaźniki. Zaprezentowano, jakie są najczęściej występujące rodzaje wypadków na drogach wojewódzkich oraz przedstawiono lokalizację wypadków pod kątem...
PublikacjaKażdego roku w wypadkach drogowych na świecie życie traci prawie 1,3 mln osób, co oznacza prawie niemal 3 tys. ofiar dziennie,. Tyle samo zabitych w ruchu drogowym odnotowujemy rocznie w Polsce. Ekonomiczne straty w wyniku tych wypadków wynoszą ok. 2% światowego PKB. W roku 2010 Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych (ONZ) przyjęła rezolucję pt. „Dekada działań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego na lata 2011 – 2020” rozpoczynającą...
Problemy zagrażające bezpieczeństwu dzieci i ich rodziców w ruchu drogowym podczas podróży do szkoły na przykładzie Przymorza Małego w Gdańsku
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje problemy wpływające negatywnie na bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego na obszarze Przymorza Małego, a także przedstawia pomysły, których realizacja powinna poprawić bezpieczeństwo pieszych, rowerzystów oraz kierowców pojazdów samochodowych poruszających się po tym obszarze. W pierwszej części przedstawiono informacje dotyczące stanu aktualnego analizowanego terenu, opisano zlokalizowane tutaj placówki oświatowe, a także...
Modelowanie liczby i wielkości uszkodzeń drogowych barier ochronnych na odcinkach dróg
PublikacjaW ramach rozprawy doktorskiej podjęto problem funkcjonowania barier ochronnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem częstości występowania oraz wielkości uszkodzeń barier na odcinkach dróg krajowych w Polsce. Rozpoznanie tematyki funkcjonowania barier ochronnych przy drogach, oraz identyfikacja nierozwiązanych problemów, pozwoliły na sformułowanie głównego celu pracy i celów szczegółowych. Cele te obejmują opracowanie i wdrożenie do...