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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: on-line ramsey number
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=5.5, b=0.37) and (C=4.4, b=0.42) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for a directional control valve and a pressure relief valve arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> DCV -> ambient atmosphere,...
Towards a classification of networks with asymmetric inputs
PublikacjaCoupled cell systems associated with a coupled cell network are determined by (smooth) vector fields that are consistent with the network structure. Here, we follow the formalisms of Stewart et al (2003 SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 2, 609–646), Golubitsky et al (2005 SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 4, 78–100) and Field (2004 Dyn. Syst. 19, 217–243). It is known that two non-isomorphic n-cell coupled networks can determine the same sets of...
Paweł Burdziakowski dr inż.
Osobydr inż. Paweł Burdziakowski jest specjalista w zakresie fotogrametrii i teledetekcji lotniczej niskiego pułapu, nawigacji morskiej i lotniczej. Jest również licencjonowanym instruktorem lotniczym oraz programistą. Głównymi obszarami zainteresowania jest fotogrametria cyfrowa, nawigacja platform bezzałogowych oraz systemy bezzałogowe, w tym lotnicze, nawodne, podwodne. Prowadzi badania w zakresie algorytmów i metod poprawiających...
Mechanical properties of cement pastes containing pristine and silica-coated bismuth oxide Bi2O3+Gd2O3 structures
Dane BadawczeExcel (*.xlsx) and Csv (*.csv) files containing raw mechanical (compressive strength) data of cement pastes after 1, 2, 7 and 28 days of curing
Silence/noise detection for speech and music signals
PublikacjaThis paper introduces a novel off-line algorithm for silence/noise detection in noisy signals. The main concept of the proposed algorithm is to provide noise patterns for further signals processing i.e. noise reduction for speech enhancement. The algorithm is based on frequency domain characteristics of signals. The examples of different types of noisy signals are presented.
Super Dominating Sets in Graphs
PublikacjaIn this paper some results on the super domination number are obtained. We prove that if T is a tree with at least three vertices, then n2≤γsp(T)≤n−s, where s is the number of support vertices in T and we characterize the extremal trees.
Transcriptomic Effects of Estrogen Starvation and Induction in the MCF7 Cells. The Meta-analysis of Microarray Results
PublikacjaEstrogen is one of the most important signaling molecules which targets a number of genes. Estrogen levels regulate cell proliferation and a plethora of metabolic processes, which may interfere with a range of medical conditions and drug metabolism. The MCF7 breast cancer cell line, expressing the estrogen receptor α, is a well-studied model of cellular answer to estrogen. The aim of this study was to characterize transcriptomic...
Fast Low-fidelity Wing Aerodynamics Model for Surrogate-Based Shape Optimization
PublikacjaVariable-fidelity optimization (VFO) can be efficient in terms of the computational cost when compared with traditional approaches, such as gradient-based methods with adjoint sensitivity information. In variable-fidelity methods, the directoptimization of the expensive high-fidelity model is replaced by iterative re-optimization of a physics-based surrogate model, which is constructed from a corrected low-fidelity model. The success...
Influence of Different Nanometals Implemented in PMMA Bone Cement on Biological and Mechanical Properties
PublikacjaCemented arthroplasty is a common process to fix prostheses when a patient becomes older and his/her bone quality deteriorates. The applied cements are biocompatible, can transfer loads, and dampen vibrations, but do not provide antibacterial protection. The present work is aimed at the development of cement with antibacterial effectivity achieved with the implementation of nanoparticles of different metals. The powders of Ag,...
Analysis of energy efficiency of suburban railway transport network
PublikacjaRising numbers of agglomeration residents cause increased need for people movement on daily basis. Because of congestion of local roads, air pollution and limited parking space, providing mass transit based on electric traction is reasonable. While the electric rail vehicles are considered highly efficient in themselves, they need to be analyzed as a part of a transport network, because energy consumption depends on operating conditions...
Analysis of the possibilities in railways shape assessing using GNSS mobile measurements
PublikacjaIn recent years, a dynamic development of satellite positioning techniques using both static and mobile GNSS coordinates register mode can be observed. In addition, still developing Real-time GNSS Networks, post-processing algorithms and another measurement signal analysis algorithms, make the satellite measurements increasingly used in railway industry sector. In the article the possibilities which follows from the mobile satellite...
The fertility rate (TFR) in Poland in the period 1955-2017
Dane BadawczeThe fertility rate has dropped 2.5 times over the last 60 years. Immediately after the baby boom in the first half of the 1980s, many generations of women born in the second half of the 1970s, an increase in the number of births from the mid-1990s, were expected as a result of entering the age of the highest fertility age in Poland. which lasted until...
Development of a tropical disease diagnosis system using artificial neural network and GIS
PublikacjaExpert systems for diagnosis of tropical diseases have been developed and implemented for over a decade with varying degrees of success. While the recent introduction of artificial neural networks has helped to improve the diagnosis accuracy of such systems, this aspect is still negatively affected by the number of supported diseases. A large number of supported diseases usually corresponds to a high number of overlapping symptoms,...
Theoretical analysis of a new approach to order determination for a modified Prony method in swath mapping application
PublikacjaThis article presents a new approach to determine the model order (number of principal components) in the modified Prony method applied to swath acoustic mapping. Determination of the number of principal components is a crucial step in the modified Prony method. In the proposed approach the model order is chosen based on the underlying physical model of the underwater acoustic environment, and utilised signal processing operations....
Assessment of crack resistance of S355J2+N steel according to SEP 1390 standard
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to evaluate the weldability of S355J2+N steel by bending test according to SEP 1390. In the specimen from S355J2+N steel 3 external cracks were found, 1 of which were stopped in the fusion line and 2 in heat affected zone. Results of bending test for investigated grade of steel are positive.
XPS analysis of strontium titanate ceramics
Dane BadawczeThe chemical composition of the strontium titanite doped with yttrium and iron ceramic samples was investigated. Samples of Y0.07Sr0.93Ti0.8Fe0.2 were prepared by solid phase reaction and sintered for 24 and 48 hours. Chemical composition was measured by UHV OmicronNanotechnology XPS system. The analysis confirmed the chemical composition of the ceramics...
PublikacjaThe phenomenon of public participation is not so new to both planning theory and practice. In fact, involving local community in the decision-making process regarding local urban development directions is widely discussed and a number of various forms of these are being introduced. This paper deals with a number of
PublikacjaThe main aim of this work is to provide insight into a bibliometric analysis of Data Journals and Data Papers in terms of research areas, disciplines, publication year and country. In particular, we calculated many bibliometric indicators, especially: the number of publications and citations. Furthermore, this work also investigated the top 20 journals in which scientists published the largest number of Data Papers. It was found...
Types of Markov Fields and Tilings
PublikacjaThe method of types is one of the most popular techniques in information theory and combinatorics. However, thus far the method has been mostly applied to one-dimensional Markov processes, and it has not been thoroughly studied for general Markov fields. Markov fields over a finite alphabet of size m ≥ 2 can be viewed as models for multi-dimensional systems with local interactions. The locality of these interactions is represented...
Denitrification Process Enhancement and Diversity of the Denitrifying Community in the Full Scale Activated Sludge System after Adaptation to Fusel Oil
PublikacjaImplementation of anaerobic digestion of primary sludge in modern wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) limits the availability of organic carbon for denitrification in conventional nitrification-denitrification (N/DN) systems. In order to ensure efficient denitrification, dosage of the external carbon source is commonly undertaken. However, application of commercial products, such us ethanol or acetate, greatly increases operational...
Józef Woźniak prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyProf. dr hab. inż. Józef Woźniak prof. zw. Politechniki Gdańskiej ukończył studia na Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej w 1971 r. W 1976 r. uzyskał stopień doktora nauk technicznych, a w 1991 r. stopień doktora habilitowanego w dyscyplinie telekomunikacja i specjalności teleinformatyka. W styczniu roku 2002 otrzymał tytuł profesora nauk technicznych. W 1994 r. został mianowany na stanowisko profesora nadzwyczajnego w Politechnice...
EUG Konsultacje, lato 2022/23
Kursy OnlineKurs przeznaczony jest na prowadzenie konsultacji on-line, w tym konsultacji dyplomowych na wszystkich rodzajach studiów: stacjonarnych i niestacjonarnych, I i II stopnia.
EUG Konsultacje, lato 2021/22
Kursy OnlineKurs przeznaczony jest na prowadzenie konsultacji on-line, w tym konsultacji dyplomowych na wszystkich rodzajach studiów: stacjonarnych i niestacjonarnych, I i II stopnia.
Remote Sensing in Vessel Detection and Navigation
PublikacjaThe Special Issue (SI) “Remote Sensing in Vessel Detection and Navigation” highlighted a variety of topics related to remote sensing with navigational sensors. The sequence of articles included in this Special Issue is in line with the latest scientific trends. The latest developments in science, including artificial intelligence, were used. The 15 papers (from 23 submitted) were published.
Tomasz Maria Boiński dr inż.
OsobyZ uczelnią jestem związany już od 2000r kiedy to rozpocząłem studia na kierunku Informatyka wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki. Po ich ukończeniu z wyróżnieniem, w 2005 roku rozpocząłem studia doktoranckie. W trakcie studiów i bezpośrednio po ich zakończeniu zaangażowany byłem, we współpracy z firmą Hogart z Warszawy, we wdrażanie rozwiązań biznesowych w gdyńskiej firmie Elektronia S.A. (Infor FMS SunSystems) oraz...
Performance Analysis and Quantification of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3)
PublikacjaPositioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) information play a vital role in everyday life of common persons. People greatly rely on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-enabled applications for navigation to reach their desired destination. However, GNSS navigation performance is highly degraded in urban environments due to the high probability of signal interruption, multipath (MP), and/or non-line-of-sight (NLOS) signal...
The power spectral density of audible noise and electric disturbances in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
Impact of Temperature and Nanoparticle Concentration on Turbulent Forced Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
PublikacjaTheoretical analysis of the influence of nanoparticles and temperature on the average Nusselt (Nu) number and the average heat transfer coefficient (HTC) during the turbulent flow of nanofluid in a horizontal, round tube was carried out. The Nu number is a function of the Reynolds (Re) number and the Prandtl (Pr) number, which in turn are functions of the thermophysical properties of the liquid and the flow conditions. On the other...
Emission of 1.3–10 nm airborne particles from brake materials
PublikacjaOperation of transport vehicle brakes makes a significant contribution to airborne particulate matter in urban areas, which is subject of numerous studies due to the environmental concerns. We investigated the presence and number fractions of 1.3–10 nm airborne particles emitted from a low-metallic car brake material (LM), a non-asbestos organic car brake material (NAO) and a train brake cast iron against a cast iron. Particles...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=5.5, b=0.37) and (C=5.7, b=0.32) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.8, b=0.25) and (C=2.1, b=0.14) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.4, b=0.26) and (C=5.5, b=0.37) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.0, b=0.11) and (C=5.7, b=0.32) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.1, b=0.14) and (C=5.5, b=0.37) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.4, b=0.26) and (C=2.1, b=0.14) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.0, b=0.11) and (C=5.5, b=0.37) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.4, b=0.26) and (C=2.8, b=0.25) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.8, b=0.25) and (C=5.5, b=0.37) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.4, b=0.26) and (C=2.0, b=0.11) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.8, b=0.25) and (C=2.0, b=0.11) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.4, b=0.26) and (C=5.7, b=0.32) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.8, b=0.25) and (C=5.7, b=0.32) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.1, b=0.14) and (C=5.7, b=0.32) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=2.0, b=0.11) and (C=2.1, b=0.14) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two directional control valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first DCV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=6.40, b=0.45) and (C=7.30, b=0.49) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two pressure relief valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=6.20, b=0.38) and (C=7.30, b=0.49) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two pressure relief valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=3.30, b=0.40) and (C=7.30, b=0.49) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two pressure relief valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=6.40, b=0.45) and (C=6.20, b=0.38) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two pressure relief valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=3.30, b=0.40) and (C=6.40, b=0.45) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two pressure relief valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...
Determination of flow properties of a serial connection of two pneumatic elements with (C=3.30, b=0.40) and (C=6.20, b=0.38) from changes in air pressure in a tank being emptied
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the study was to determine the flow properties of serial connection of pneumatic components.The experiments were to measure the pressure changes in a being emptied tank for two pressure relief valves arranged in-line. Four test configurations were used: (1) being emptied tank -> the first PRV -> ambient atmosphere, (2) being emptied...