Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: City Development
Energy roadmaps for the city of Gdańsk
PublikacjaThe paper presents energy roadmaps for Gdansk in three time perspectives: short-term (the year 2012), medium-term (2020) and long-term (2050). The paper is a result of the research carried out under the PATH-TO-RES project, supported by European Commission programme SAVE Altener Intelligent Energy Europe.
New trends in a development of the contemporary lighting forms within the urban environment
PublikacjaThis paper presents selected issues on the design of urban lighting forms including street luminaires within the urban environment. The purpose of this paper is to show the evolution of urban lighting forms, in terms of their performance, character, and in the context of the progression of new lighting technologies. The authors discuss chosen aspects related to the development of lighting forms and the changing role of lighting...
Small city and a bridge. Landscape perspective
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to present the problems connected with the location of big infrastructure objects; like bridges; in close neighbourhood to the small cities located in valuable environment and landscape; and the ways to minimize the potential threats. The case study of the small town Wyszogrod in central Poland will be presented to illustrate the values of the environment and landscape; which could have been easily destroyed...
Jacek Krenz : City in my eyes
PublikacjaSketch City: Tips and Inspiration for Drawing on Location is the companion for any creative traveler, urban explorer, or budding artist. 50 artists scattered around the globe have been brought together to share tips about their favorite urban settings, including locations in South America, Europe, Canada, Asia, and beyond. Citified sketchers are guiding through techniques for capturing frenetic street scenes as well as the rare...
Od garden city do ecocity
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wybrane wątki ewolucji aspektów środowiskowych miasta w okresie od Garden City do czasów obecnych, omawiając narodziny, rozwój i ideę współczesnego miasta. Rozważania obejmują kolejno genezę i istotę miasta-ogrodu, jednostki sąsiedzkiej, modernizmu, postmodernizmu, nowego urbanizmu, oraz analizę współczesnych idei naprawy miast, zawartych w rozmaitych dokumentach, systemach certyfikacji, pozycjach literaturowych,...
Functional and spatial structure analysis – Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district case study, study proposal no 1, February 2021
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies of the conditions of the district in the context of the city, Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district, study proposal no 1, from February 2021. The goal of the research process was to present the functional and spatial structure analysis of the area located in Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district in the...
Functional and spatial structure analysis – Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district case study, study proposal no 2, February 2021
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies of the conditions of the district in the context of the city, Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district, study proposal no 2, from February 2021. The goal of the research process was to present the functional and spatial structure analysis of the area located in Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district in the...
Functional and spatial structure analysis – Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district case study, study proposal no 3, February 2021
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies of the conditions of the district in the context of the city, Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district, study proposal no 3, from February 2021. The goal of the research process was to present the functional and spatial structure analysis of the area located in Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district in the...
Functional and spatial structure analysis – Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district case study, study proposal no 4, February 2021
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies of the conditions of the district in the context of the city, Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district, study proposal no 4, from February 2021. The goal of the research process was to present the functional and spatial structure analysis of the area located in Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district in the...
Functional and spatial structure analysis – Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district case study, study proposal no 5, February 2021
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies of the conditions of the district in the context of the city, Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district, study proposal no 5, from February 2021. The goal of the research process was to present the functional and spatial structure analysis of the area located in Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district in the...
Functional and spatial structure analysis – Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district case study, study proposal no 6, February 2021
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies of the conditions of the district in the context of the city, Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district, study proposal no 6, from February 2021. The goal of the research process was to present the functional and spatial structure analysis of the area located in Lower Sopot (Dolny Sopot) district in the...
UG students’ perception of city’s corporation activities aimed at encouraging young educated to study and settle in Gdansk in Poland.
Dane BadawczeNowadays, the urban areas very often attract the poor and the unemployed, leading to the creation of neighbourhoods of poverty (slums) and other economic and social problems. All over the World cities include sustainable goals in their development strategies but the question is, whether the city development strategies foresee activities devoted also...
Building the Learning Environment for Sustainable Development: a Co-creation approach
PublikacjaEducation for sustainable development supports the improvement of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors related to global challenges such as climate change, global warming and environmental degradation, among others. It is increasingly taking place through projects based on information and communication technologies. The effectiveness of the actions taken depends not only on the quality of the project activities or the...
SafeCity – a GIS-based tool profiled for supporting decision making in urban development and infrastructure protection
PublikacjaThis paper presents a system for analysis of municipal Critical Infrastructures, which offers integrated tools for target analysis, hazard scenario simulations and spatial analysis within a remotely accessible Web-based Geographic Information System. The system has been applied to research conducted in the city of Gdansk with the aid of blast attack, chemical leakage and flood hazard scenarios, as well as a spatial density algorithm,...
Yacht harbour as a part of city public space
PublikacjaTransformation of harbors opens opportunities to introduce new functions into city centers. Very often abandoned ports’ infrastructure is adopted into a yacht harbor. The article elaborates typology of yacht harbors and theirs’ potential which can be used in creation of city center. Thesis are illustrated by examples of Port Vell, Barcelona, Spain and Sundby Harbour, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Shaping the new face of the Imperial Shipyard in Gdańsk
PublikacjaThe main purpose of the article is to present the transformation process of the urban complex known as the Imperial Shipyard in Gdańsk. Its rich history and interesting location on the waterfront of the city as well as its proximity to the very centre makes this area a much sought-after location for the new urban development project, which is part of the wider new district in the city centre of Gdańsk – the Young City. The article...
The image of the City on social media: A comparative study using “Big Data” and “Small Data” methods in the Tri-City Region in Poland
Publikacja“The Image of the City” by Kevin Lynch is a landmark planning theory of lasting influence; its scientific rigor and relevance in the digital age were in dispute. The rise of social media and other digital technologies offers new opportunities to study the perception of urban environments. Questions remain as to whether social media analytics can provide a reliable measure of perceived city images? If yes, what implication does...
Sopot - is it possible to retain the unique image of the city?
PublikacjaSopot is the best-known seaside resort in Poland. The city is unique with regard not only to its location and natural values, but also its interesting architecture, which dates back to the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The relic of that era is the largest in the country number of buildings characteristic for the Northern European seaside resorts. The architecture of historic Sopot is dominated by eclectic...
City brand equity, a marketing perspective
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City disstribution logistics as an environmental factor
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono związki pomiędzy systemami logistyki miejskiej i środowiskiem. Omówiono zadania administracji lokalnej w usprawnieniu dostaw oraz usuwaniu odpadów. Przeprowadzono wariantową analizę działań podejmowanych przez administratora obszaru miejskiego w celu poprawy jakości środowiska.
The market and the fair as a traditional activity of the city
PublikacjaThe modern commercial center with its impersonal form still on the squares and streets appear traditional markets and its annual versions – fairs, which similarly to the historical commerce - gather different activities of the inhabitants.
Gdynia - a New City of the Twenties and Thirties
PublikacjaArtykuł jest pierwszym przedstawieniem w zagranicznym, anglojęzycznym czasopiśmiennictwie dziejów budowy nowego miasta lat dwudziestych i trzydziestych XX w, jakim był Gdynia. Przedstawiona została geneza decyzji o budowie portu i miasta, pierwsze plany urbanistyczne w kontekście projektów portu, a także rozwój architektoniczny Gdyni. W szczególności zaś przedstawiono przemiany stylowe gdyńskiej architektury modernistycznej tego...
A city and a wind farm. Landscape perspective
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to present the problems of the location of the wind farms in close neighbourhood to the historical cities, and the ways to minimize the potential landscape threats. The production of clean energy is obligatory in EU. In spite of how positive to the environment the wind energy production is, it may cause negative effects. The results of landscape studies of two towns in Poland prove that the location of such...
PublikacjaOver the last years, the City of Gdańsk suffers twice from flash floods. Both events were caused by intense storms which produced significant surface runoff and caused inundation private and cities properties. The first case of July 2001 flood [3], [9] was the turning point for the city authorities, who decide to look close on the flood management in small urban catchments. The aim of research projects was to establish technical...
PublikacjaThe location of project is a site of over 1,2 ha, situated on the southern fringes of Gdynia formerly used as an area to host a Circus. Here artists were performing for the public, newcomers were meeting the locals, the temporality of the event was enhancing the experience of exchange. Circus used to be the place where people live, work and create art. Currently the site stays empty but surely not for long. Its potential, attractive...
An Overview of Sport and the Future Smart Cities
PublikacjaOne of the main challenges for future cities is to strengthen the role of people and their activities. Therefore, sport provides an opportunity to engage in physical activity, connecting citizens to the city. The question of how sport influences the development of cities and the concept of future smart cities arises. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between sport and the concept of smart cities by identifying...
Social media and efficient computer infrastructure in smart city
PublikacjaSocial media require an efficient infrastructures of computer and communication systems to support a smart city. In a big city, there are several crucial dilemmas with a home and public space planning, a growing population, a global warming, carbon emissions, a lack of key resources like water and energy, and a traffic congestion. In a smart city, we expect an efficient and sustainable transportation, efficient management of resources...
Market Regeneration in Line with Sustainable Urban Development
PublikacjaThis article presents the study of the optimal design solutions for regeneration of marketplaces. It examines the design variants for the revitalisation of the marketplace, in particular, investment in their modernisation in order to find the most optimal model for transforming these public spaces to have a significant impact on the city’s development. The research is a comparative analysis of the implementation of regeneration...
Urban space recovery. Landscape-beneficial solutions in new estates built in post-industrial and post-military areas in Bristol, Poznań and Gdańsk
PublikacjaThe limitation of territorial expansion and the implementation of the idea of a compact city are generally accepted paradigms of spatial development of contemporary cities. In consequence, actions are taken to improve the quality of city landscape and revitalise vacant areas. This study approaches the process of city regeneration as transformation and supplementation of the existing urban structure as well as creation of multifunctional, structurally,...
Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Cities. The City of Gdansk as an Example
PublikacjaThe article is aimed to answer the question how, depending on the historical heritage, the collective memory, the physical space of the city and their images were shaped, through the politics of memory. All known cultures and languages distinguish the ‘self’ and the ‘other’, ‘us’ and ‘them’. Neither do we know cities which wish to differ in some particular way, although they can have numerous identities. Their multitude and diversity...
Enviromental factors az the elements determingthe development of floating homes
PublikacjaThe popularity of Floating Homes in Western Europe and North America is noticeable. The interest in thesefacilities in Poland is also constantly growing. The popularity of Floating Homes is due to climate change, risingland prices and population density in city centers. However, environmental factors play a significant role in theirdevelopment. The publication presents the results of research on the impact of environmental factors...
Od City Beautiful Movement do Nowego Urbanizmu
PublikacjaPraca obejmuje omówienie zjawiska znanego pod nazwą "urbanistyki klasycyzującej" oraz jej historycznych źródęł XIX-wiecznych. Omówiono m.in. City Beautifull Movement oraz jego konsekwencje dla kształtowania współczesnej szkoły "nowego urbanizmu"
Planning for the redevelopment of the Imperial Shipyard - a key eleemnt of Gdańsk waterfront
PublikacjaThis article deals with the planning and implementation of the new urban concept for the young city development structure in Gdańsk
The Use of Geodata in the Process of the Ventilation of the City of Krakow
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Gangs in the Global City: Alternatives to Traditional Criminology
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The Impact of Migrations on the Spatial Characteristics of the City of Gdańsk
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New master plan for the Young City in Gdańsk.
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera omówienie nowego dokumentu planistycznego dla obszaru Młodego Miasta w Gdańsku, obejmującego całość terenów postoczniowych i przylegających poprzemysłowych. Zawarto w nim zarówno wytyczne dotyczące kompozycji urbanistycznej Młodego Miasta jak i jego przyszłego funkcjonowania.
Reconstructing the Historic Stratum of the City - the Polish Experience
PublikacjaW pracy zawarto omówienie polskich doświadczeń związanych z odbudową zniszczonych w trakcie ostatniej wojny obszarów śródmiejskich oraz związanym z tym zagadnieniem problemem odnowy krajobrazu historycznego oraz jego rekonstrukcji.
Trolleybuses in the city of Gdynia. A historical and geographical study
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono historię, stan obecny oraz plany rozwoju gdyńskiej sieci trolejbusowej
Participation - engaging the citizens in city renewal processes
Media architecture for post-modern society - new forms of participation
PublikacjaThe article shows the relationship between the characteristics of the post-modern society, and the development of media architecture with the function of interactivity. In this context, the duality of the features of post-modern society was emphasized: taking into account its location between creativity and consumerism, as well as on the border between the real and virtual word. The development of media architecture has been linked...
The Transformation Revealed Concept of Smart City Application in Urban Planning
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to present the findings of research conducted to reveal a smart city application concept in urban planning. The method is discussed in the context of case studies of smart city concepts in Malaysian states namely Johor, Penang and Selangor, with the efficient and effective state for implementation and application in urban planning being selected. The case study method was utilised to demonstrate the...
Possible directions for development of C-ITS services in cities on the example of the TRISTAR System
PublikacjaDuring the previous EU financial perspective (2007 - 2013), we observed an intensification of the evelopment of transport management systems using ITS services in Polish cities. One of the biggest territorially and functionally system is Tri-city TRISTAR system, the implementation of which was completed in 2015. The concept of the TRISTAR system and its architecture was developed in the years 2002-2007. Currently, we can observe...
Bio-inspired Urban Design: Smart Growth and Sustainable Development Frameworks for a New Urban Unit in Cracow
PublikacjaIn March 2012, architects João Diniz (Brazil) and Dorota Wiśniewska (Poland) answered a call to competition from the City of Cracow, submitting an entry for the redesign of 5600 ha of the Nowa Huta district in eastern Cracow, focusing on economic revitalization within a framework of smart growth and sustainable development. The scenario included an ArcerolMittal Steelworks and incorporated a strong ecological analysis for the easternmost...
High-Level Model for the Design of KPIs for Smart Cities Systems
PublikacjaThe main goal of the paper is to build a high-level model for the design of KPIs. Currently, the development and processes of cities have been checked by KPI indicators. The authors realized that there is a limited usability of KPIs for both the users and IT specialists who are preparing them. Another observation was that the process of the implementation of Smart Cities systems is very complicated. Due to this the concept of a...
Sustainable Development of Water Housing Using the Example of Poland: An Analysis of Scenarios
PublikacjaAt the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, Polish cities began the process of returning to live by water. There is a growing interest in water reservoirs not only as places for recreation, but also as new areas suitable for living, at the very center of the city. Unfortunately, due to the lack of appropriate legal regulations, the dynamic development of floating homes (FHs) is starting to raise increasing concerns in Poland. Regardless...
Wyzwania zarządzania strategicznego w perspektywie Smart City - blockchain
PublikacjaW pracy pokazano możliwość zastosowania technologii Blockchain w rzadko rozważa-nym dla niej środowisku jakim są urzędy miejskie realizujące koncepcję Smart City. Celem pracy nie jest opis technologii, a spojrzenie strategiczne na jej zastosowanie stąd, poza pod-stawowym opisem Blockchain i Smart City, przedstawiono zalety oraz wyzwania wdrażania Blockchain dla Smart City. Całość zilustrowano dwoma przykładami procesów, które obrazują...
Potencjał strategii slow city dla rozwoju miast kształtujących się metropolii polskich. Na przykładzie Pucka i Kartuz miast Obszaru Metropolitalnego Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia
PublikacjaW artykule wskazano możliwości wykorzystania filozofii ruchu Slow, do wykształcenia nowego modelu Metropolitalnych Slow City (MSC). Odniesiono się do założeń ruchu Cittaslow, pokazując potencjały dla alternatywnego kierunku strategii rozwojowej w duchu „miast dobrego życia” dla ośrodków w granicach obszarów metropolitalnych. W podsumowaniu założenia teoretyczne zilustrowano przykładem innowacyjnego modelu projektu rewitalizacji...
A Concept of Freight Traffic Flow Regulations in the City of Gdansk
PublikacjaThis paper presents a review of state-of-art efforts in urban freight transport modelling in the context of their requirements and applicability as a basis for evaluation of city's freight transport policy. Freight transport mirrors all aspects of the city's economic activity and for that reason its proper planning is of extreme importance. However, urban freight system may be considered as the most varied and fragmented element...