


  • „Space, architecture and infrastructure “in-between cities”.


    The article presents contemporary city problems, like division of the city, infrastructural barriers, empty spaces, chaotic development, cuting-off areas, threatening the city image and functioning. These problems can be best observed in the areas in-between cities. One of the main questions for urban planners and architects seems thus to be: how to connect the city spaces instead of creating the barriers, how to create the areas...

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  • Green analytical chemistry as an integral part of sustainable education development


    - Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry - Rok 2021

    Green chemistry is an important way of thinking in the field of chemistry and aims to conduct processes in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. It is the application of a wide range of principles that minimize the impact of both chemical processes and products on the environment. And what about analytical chemistry? Without a doubt, analytical chemistry plays an important role in the sustainable development...

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  • Smart Cities


    eISSN: 2624-6511

  • Cities and Health


    ISSN: 2374-8834


    Kursy Online
    • J. Gużyński

  • Sustainable development

    Kursy Online
    • J. Gużyński

  • Implementation of Business Processes in Smart Cities Technology


    The goal of the paper is to present the results of studies concerning the development of a method of implementation of business processes in Smart Cities systems. The method has been developed during studies carried out within the building of a Smart Cities system for Gdańsk, and is based on basic development project management mechanisms (drawing from best practices, and in particular from the RUP methodology) and business-oriented...

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  • Jewish Communities in Azerbaijan: Past and Present


    - NOWY PROMETEUSZ - Rok 2023

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  • Quantum structure in competing lizard communities



    Almost two decades of research on applications of the mathematical formalism of quantum theory as a modeling tool in domains different from the micro-world has given rise to many successful applications in situations related to human behavior and thought, more specifically in cognitive processes of decision-making and the ways concepts are combined into sentences. In this article, we extend this approach to animal behavior, showing...

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  • Definition of urban regeneration projects in Russian cities

    Urban regeneration is extremely important process for Russian cities, which faced to the challenges of post-industrial economy. In an attempt, to explain needs of urban regeneration in Russian megacities author analyzed the social and economic trends and some historic features of Russian cities development. The article identified the key areas for regeneration such as the regeneration of historic core, the regeneration of the urban...

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  • What drives sustainable investing? Adoption determinants of sustainable investing exchange-traded funds in Europe

    Despite the growing interest in various topics related to sustainable (ESG) investing, some issues remain understudied, such as the determinants of their utilization at the macro level. This paper contributes to the state of knowledge two-directionally. First, it shows the development of sustainable investing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in European countries. Second, it traces the significant determinants of adopting sustainable...

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  • Assessing sustainable development goal 7 implementation and its nexus with social, economic and ecological factors in EU countries



    This research paper delves into the captivating realm of sustainable development, specifically focusing on assessing the degree of implementation of sustainable development goal 7 (SDG7) and its intricate relationship with social, economic and ecological factors within European Union (EU) countries. By comprehensively unravelling the interplay between SDG7 and these multifaceted factors, this study provides invaluable insights...

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  • Scenarios in the development strategies of larger cities in Poland

    Summary: Planning prepares decisions and future actions. Therefore, future conditions should be considered in planning, in particular strategic planning, due to its long-term nature. To accomplish this, certain prognostic methods should be applied. A scenario method is seen as one of the most useful prognostic method, especially in cases when social and institutional behaviour plays a crucial role. The aim of the paper is an analysis...

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  • Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Regeneration of Waterfronts in Port Cities


    - Rok 2014

    The paper includes comparative analysis of the selected waterfront case studies in cities around Europe and North America.

  • Implementacja procesów biznesowych w technologiach Smart Cities

    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań nad opracowaniem metody implementowania procesów biznesowych w systemach Smart Cities. Metoda została opracowana w trakcie badań prowadzonych w ramach budowy systemu Smart Cities dla Gdańska bazuje na podstawowych mechanizmach zarządzania projektami wytwórczymi (czerpiąc z dobrych praktyk m.in. metodyki RUP) oraz zasadach biznesowo zorientowanego wytwarzania, gdzie rola modelowania...

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  • Environmental Taxes and Their Role in the Economics of Sustainable Development


    The purpose of this article is to answer the question of the role of environmental taxes in the economics of sustainable development. The first part of the article discusses the idea of sustainable economic development and the economics of sustainable development. Then, environmental taxes are defined, their essence explained and their role in the economics of sustainable development discussed in theoretical terms, which finally...

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  • Forest management

    Kursy Online
    • S. Klisz

    The last ice age ended in Scandinavia about 15 000 years ago. The land was gradually occupied by present tree species. Human settlement followed the vegetation. The first forest uses were hunting and gathering. Animal husbandry and forest grazing came later. Shifting cultivation was a wide spread form of agriculture, especially in Sweden and Finland. Wood was first used for domestic purposes and for construction, In the 18th century,...

  • Model of an Integration Bus of Data and Ontologies of Smart Cities Processes


    This paper presents a model of an integration bus used in the design of Smart Cities system architectures. The model of such a bus becomes necessary when designing high-level architectures, within which the silo processes of the organization should be seen from the perspective of its ontology. For such a bus to be used by any city, a generic solution was proposed which can be implemented as a whole or in part depending on the requirements...

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  • High-Level Model for the Design of KPIs for Smart Cities Systems


    The main goal of the paper is to build a high-level model for the design of KPIs. Currently, the development and processes of cities have been checked by KPI indicators. The authors realized that there is a limited usability of KPIs for both the users and IT specialists who are preparing them. Another observation was that the process of the implementation of Smart Cities systems is very complicated. Due to this the concept of a...

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  • Smart Cities Concept: Smart Mobility Indicator



    This work attempts to analyze problems resulting from the lack of possibility to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of “Smart Mobility” solutions, which represent one of the cornerstones of Smart Cities, from the point of view of city hall offices. The work presents existing Smart Mobility evaluation solutions, discusses their drawbacks, and then proposes a new indicator. The final part of the work presents assumptions...

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  • The Effect of University Campuses on the Modal Split of Polish Cities


    The article considers the effect Polish public universities have on the characteristics of urban traffic. The article describes how the public university community has changed over 25 years and its share in the urban population. The characteristics of the modal split in Polish university towns is given based on selected cases. The relation between the share of transport modes in the modal split and the size of towns or university...

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  • Smart Cities System Design Method Based on Case Based Reasoning


    The objective of this paper is to present the results of research carried out to develop a design method for Smart Cities systems. The method is based on the analysis of design cases of Smart Cities systems in cities, the selection of the city appropriate to the requirements for implementation and application. The Case Based Reasoning method was used to develop the proposed design methodology, along with mechanisms of the conversion...

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  • state aid for sustainable urban development

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts with respect on the usage of EFRD for urban projects, a list of selected bibliography as well as a list of selected individual notifications of state aid measures being part of the Sustainable Urban Development Programme in the period  2014- 2020. As a comparison, an example of individual EC decision...

  • The Changing Nature of In‐Between Spaces in the Transformation Process of Cities


    In the in‐between spaces of cities, there are many problems of various nature and scale: functional, spatial, economic, environmental, visual, and social. There are also some hidden potentials that can be activated. The aim of the article is to explore the possibilities of solving existing problems and to show the possibilities of using the potentials of in‐between spaces with regard to the changing nature of a city. The article,...

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  • ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering


    ISSN: 2168-0485

  • 9. Sustainable Development

    Kursy Online
    • A. Karalus

  • Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects


    - Rok 2022

    In order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....

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  • The Principles of Model Building Concepts Which Are Applied to the Design Patterns for Smart Cities


    - Rok 2017

    The involvement of citizens into decision-making processes is one of the main features of smart cities. Such commitment is reflected in the form of requirements towards the city, and the benefits which are expected from the city. Requirements and benefits are thus the primary language of communication between decision-makers and urban residents. To develop such a language, it becomes necessary to develop design patterns for Smart...

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  • Rule-Based Model for Selecting Integration Technologies for Smart Cities Systems


    The aim of this article is to present the stages of development for an information technology integration model for the design of systems for smart cities. The Introduction explains the need for integration technologies and presents a model for selecting integration technologies and the conditions for its use in designing smart cities systems. Then two verification stages of the presented model are discussed. In the first stage,...

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  • A place of school in the idea of the sustainable development


    Well designed school space enables social contacts, increases activity of pupils and improves the condition of their health. However, the best design would not bring the expected benefits if it is not integrated with the surroundings in terms of transportation, security and local needs. In the sustainable development, the social goals are in harmony with ecological aims according to the rule of "3 r" (reduce, reuse, recycle).

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  • Measurement of expenditure efficiency of Polish cities with county rights in the context of quality of life


    - Rok 2020

    The article is devoted to the measurement of efficiency of overall expenditures. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of use of budget resources by local government units in the context of fostering quality of life. The subject of the study is 65 Polish cities with county rights (county status). Calculations were carried out using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results of analysis confirm the two research...

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  • Coffee Wastes as Sustainable Flame Retardants for Polymer Materials

    • H. Vahabi
    • M. Jouyandeh
    • T. Parpaite
    • M. Saeb
    • S. Ramakrishna

    - Coatings - Rok 2021

    Development of green flame retardants has become a core part of the attention of material scientists and technologists in a paradigm shift from general purpose to specific sustainable products. This work is the first report on the use of coffee biowastes as sustainable flame retardants for epoxy, as a typical highly flammable polymer. We used spent coffee grounds (SCG) as well as SCG chemically modified with phosphorus (P-SCG)...

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  • Extended generalized blockmodeling for compound communities and external actors


    - Rok 2009

    Większość sieci społecznych charakteryzuje się swoją wewnętrzną, unikatową strukturą. W artykule poddano analizie sieci społeczne złożone z wielu mniejszych grup społecznościowych, które określamy mianem złożonych sieci społecznych. Dla tego typu sieci zaproponowano rozszerzenie metody ogólnego modelowania blokowego biorąc pod uwagę specyficzną strukturę złożonych sieci społecznych oraz ich relacje z zewnętrznymi aktorami. W oparciu...

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  • Extended generalized blockmodeling for compound communities and external actors


    - Rok 2010

    Niektóre sieci społeczne wykazują się specyficzną strukturą wewnętrzną. W artykule rozpatrujemy społeczności, które składają się z mniejszych wspólnot. Takie społeczności nazywamy społecznościami złożonymi. Dla takich struktur zastosowalismy metodę ogólnego modelowania blokowego proponując odpowiednie rozrzerzenia dla tej metody. Wzięliśmy pod uwagę specyfikę złożonych struktur społecznych oraz ich relacje z aktorami zewnętrznymi...

  • Adaptive response of microbial communities to soluble microbial products.


    - Rok 2004

    Badano wpływ obecności ubocznych produktów mikroorganizmów na stężenie biomasy osadu czynnego oraz na efektywność obniżenia ładunku BZT5 i ChZT w ściekach syntetycznych. Doświadczenia prowadzono w obecności ubocznych produktów mikroorganizmów (Soluble Microbial Products) oraz w warunkach pozbawionych tych produktów.

  • Euro 2012 economic impact on host cities in Poland


    - Rok 2013

    The UEFA European Championship (Euro) is among the world's most important sporting events staged nowadays. Apart from tremendous excitement among football fans, such a major event has a number of other implications, above all of economic nature. This study, as one of the few concerned with the Polish circumstances, is intended to determine what significance should be attributed to stage the Euro 2012 in Polish host cities. aware...

  • Insights into baby disposable diapers sustainable application

    The sustainable use of baby disposable diapers is one of the issues currently being discussed to reduce the undesirable impact on the environment and improve the public's understanding of the proper use of diapers. This issue is a step toward promoting a cleaner, greener, and waste-less environment. In this article, the authors discuss options for a viable future for both people and the planet. We believe that it inspire others...

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  • Sustainable Investing. Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds


    - Rok 2023

    Sustainable Investing: Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds examines the social and economic effects of sustainable investing ETFs and their impacts on the global financial system. The book presents the key issues with regard to sustainable investing, discussing exchange-traded funds mechanisms and categories in comparison to competing investment funds. The book outlines the theoretical determinants of ETF markets development...

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  • Smart growth - is it a fairytale or the best initiative for polish cities and their functional regions?


    - Studia Regionalia - Rok 2013

    The paper presents smart growth perceived as natural step in sustainable development understanding.

  • IET Smart Cities


    eISSN: 2631-7680

  • Future Cities and Environment


    eISSN: 2363-9075

  • Buenos Aires – Toward Comprehensive Development and Sustainable Mobility

    This paper is introducing Buenos Aires’ achievements and challenges in implementing comprehensive development and integrating efficient and sustainable transport system within its urban structure. There are several important steps in this process starting from urban regeneration of Puerto Madero, the introduction and then implementation of a strategic plan Modelo territorial (2010) and of Buenos Aires' Plan de Movilidad Sustentable...

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  • Tworzenie miasta przyjaznego wszystkim


    - Rok 2017

    Tworzenie miasta przyjaznego wszystkim, to zadnie, które jest prawdopodobnie celem wszystkich włodarzy miejskich. Czy nie jest tak, że każdy chciałby w takim mieście zamiesz-kać? Jednak zadanie to jest dość trudne, bo wymaga pogodzenia wielu aspektów życia mieszkańców. Obecnie do zagadnień środowiskowych związanych z szeroko rozumianą ekologią dochodzi zagadnienie dostosowania przestrzeni zgodnie z zasadami projektowania uniwersalnego....

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  • Ageing of Society — Local Disparities. Classification of the Pomorskie Voivodship Communes According to the Pace and Progress of Local Communities’ Ageing

    The article deals with the issues of local disparities in the field of advancement and pace of demographic ageing. The subjects of the research were communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship. The purpose of the article — i.e., diagnosing and assessing the progress and pace of ageing of local communities in all 123 communes of the Pomorskie Voivodship, was achieved using a combination of traditional measures of ageing: age factor,...

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  • Spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic regions


    - Rok 2017

    Geographical proximity, common historical roots and collaboration within the Nordic Council make the Nordic countries, often wrongly treated as monoliths. How ever, in reality, Nordic regions differ in terms of broadly defined socio - economic development. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial differences in sustainable development components in Nordic NUTS - 3 regions in the period 2006 - 2014....

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  • Sustainable Fashion in Poland—Too Early or Too Late?


    This article presents an analysis of the concept of sustainable fashion from the Polish consumer’s perspective. The aim of this research is to investigate how Polish fashion consumers approach the concepts of sustainability, such as organic, fair-trade, and carbon emissions. Exploring the experience of the Polish consumption context provides a richer understanding of the evolution of fashion sustainability concepts in this and...

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  • Sustainable investing exchange-traded funds: US and European market

    The key aim of the paper is to examine the diffusion of the sustainable investing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on the European and US ETFs markets, with the special focus on the market shares of sustainable investing and conventional funds. The model of diffusion of innovation (logistic growth model) is applied. Monthly data on the assets of ETFs in the time period of 2006-2017 are used. Increasing assets of sustainable investing...

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  • Elsa Estevez dr


    Elsa Estevez jest kierownikiem Katedry UNESCO ds. Społeczeństw Opartych na Wiedzy i Cyfrowego Państwa w Narodowym Uniwersytecie Południa, niezależnym badaczem w Krajowej Radzie Badań Naukowo-Technicznych (CONICET) oraz profesorem zwyczajnym na Narodowym Uniwersytecie w La Plata, wszystko w Argentynie. Jest także konsultantem Między-Amerykańskiego Banku Rozwoju (IADB) w kwestiach administracji cyfrowej, szczególnie w Ameryce Łacińskiej,...

  • Bicycle Traffic Model for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning


    Modelling tools and transport models are required to assess the impact of measures for the effective planning of cycling routes in cities. This paper presents the methodology for developing a four-stage macroscopic model of bicycle traffic for the city of Gdynia, and its use in planning new bicycle routes, considering a modal shift. The model presented in this paper allows for the evaluation of the influence of the characteristics...

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  • Metoda projektowania systemów Smart Cities bazowana na Case Based Reasoning

    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań nad opracowaniem metody projektowania systemów Smart Cities. Metoda ta bazuje na analizie przypadków projektowania systemów Smart Cities w miastach, wybór odpowiedniego do wymagań zdecydowanego na wdrożenie ośrodka i jego zastosowanie. Do budowy proponowanej metody projektowania wykorzystano metodę Case Based Reasoning oraz mechanizmy konwersji procesów i ról projektowych do procesów...

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