Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GAS-STEAM TURBINE BLEED
Modelowanie przepływu pary przez okołodźwiękowe wieńce turbinowe z użyciem sztucznych sieci neuronoych
PublikacjaNiniejszy artykuł stanowi opis modelu przepływu pary przez okołodźwiękowe stopnie turbinowe, stworzonego w oparciu o sztuczne sieci neuronowe (SSN). Przedstawiony model neuronowy pozwala na wyznaczenie rozkładu wybranych parametrów w analizowanym przekroju kanału przepływowego turbiny dla rozpatrywanego zakresu wartości ciśnienia wlotowego.
Improving operating efficiency of a gas turboset via cooperation with an absorption refrigerating machine
PublikacjaThe analysis of increase of ambient air temperature entering the compressor on reduction in power output from the turbine and increase fuel use was conduced. For medium size gas turbine operates in winter and summer conditions elementary power and economical values was calculated. Conditions of the determination of turbine inlet air cooling solution (using thermal storage for reduce equipment size) are presented
The influence of drying parameters on wood properties
PublikacjaResults of influence of gas-steam mixture drying process on wood mechanical properties are presented. Wood species, namely pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and beech (Fagus silvatica L.) from the northern part of Pomerania region in Poland, were subject of steam kiln-drying process in a laboratory kiln specially arranged for that reason.
Thermodynamic Cycles of Air Microturbine Power Plants Working on Biomass Fuels
PublikacjaThe gas turbine engine is modified to work as an air turbine set which consists, in the simplest arrangement, of a compressor, a heat exchanger and a turbine. Air is a working medium for both: the compressor and the turbine. This kind of air turbine set can be applied in power plants working on biomass fuels. In this solution we can burn fuels of varying parameters in the external combustion chamber without any harmful effects...
Wieloobszarowa regulacja systemu turbogeneratora elektrowni jądrowej =Multiregional control of nuclear power plant turbogenerator system
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono propozycję zaawansowanej struktury sterowania układem turbogeneratora w szerokim zakresie zmian zapotrzebowania na moc czynną. Dla potrzeb syntezy tej struktury wykorzystano nieliniowe, dynamiczne modele turbiny parowej i generatora synchronicznego współpracującego z systemem elektroenergetycznym. Zaproponowane algorytmy sterowania oparte są odpowiednio o wieloobszarowe regulatory rozmyte, z lokalnymi regulatorami...
Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plants. Part B: Prosumer and Distributed Power Industry
PublikacjaAn analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. A new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet has been described in the paper. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied, and in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points. The proposed cycle equipped with an effective heat exchanger could...
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznych symulacji okołodźwiękowego przepływu pary przez ostatnie stopnie części niskoprężnej turbiny o mocy 50 MW. Celem przeprowadzonych symulacji była detekcja oraz lokalizacja fali uderzeniowej, występującej dla przyjętej geometrii układu łopatkowego. Przeanalizowano również wpływ zmiany wartości ciśnienia na wlocie do rozpatrywanych stopni turbiny na maksymalną wartość...
Influence of steam drying process on wood mechanical properties
PublikacjaResults of influence of gas-steam mixture drying process on mechanical properties of material are presented. Wood species, namely oak (Quercus L.), beech (Fagus L.), pine (Pinus L.) and spruce (Picea K.) from the northern part of Pomerania region in Poland, were subject of air-steam mixture drying process in a laboratory kiln especially arranged for that reason. Measurements of the global coefficient of elasticity and bending strength...
CO2 capture through direct-contact condensation in a spray ejector condenser and T- junction separator
PublikacjaThe design principle underlying the steam condensation and CO2 purification in a gas power plant with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions encompasses the deployment of a spray ejector condenser (SEC) and separator. This innovative system facilitates direct-contact condensation of steam with non-condensable gas (CO2) by inter acting with a spray of subcooled water, seamlessly integrated with a T-junction separator mechanism aimed...
Influence of high temperature air-steam mixture application on time wood drying process
PublikacjaThe results of influence gas-steam mixture drying process on time wood drying process are presented. Wood species, namely oak (Quercus L.), beech (Fagus L.), pine (Pinus L.) and spruce (Picea K.) from the northern part of Pomerania region in Poland, were subject of air-steam mixture drying process. Main focus of those tests was to shorten the time of drying process and afterward to check properties of wood.
Wybrane zagadnienia przepływowe turbiny gazowej pracującej w tłoczni gazu ziemnego.
PublikacjaW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono cieplno-przepływowe obliczenia turbiny gazowej, stanowiącej napęd sprężarki w tłoczni gazu ziemnego. Wartości parametrów wejściowych niezbędnych do przeprowadzenia obliczeń przyjęto na podstawie danych technicznych tłoczni zasilających polski odcinek gazociągu tranzytowego Jamał-Europa, w których pracują turbiny gazowe SGT-600 firmy Siemens, o mocy 25,3 MW.
Gas turbines – technological development and potential use in CAES systems
PublikacjaThis article briefly describes Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), focusing on the technological development of one of the key elements of such systems – the gas turbines. It presents the basic parameters and features of gas turbines, as well as turbine classes with example models. Main tendencies in the structural and technological development are discussed. Changes and trends on electric energy markets are becoming more and...
Turbomachinery - Background
PublikacjaThe "Turbomachinery - Background" is the first part of a series of monographs devoted to different aspects of rotating machines. The book presents the main fundamentals which are necessary for the different problems of steam, gas, wind and water turbines as well as pumps, compressors and propellers which will discussed in detail in the subsequent parts of the series.
An Impact of Environmental Disturbances on Combined Cycle Power Plant Control
PublikacjaCombined cycle power plants operate at thermal efficiency approaching 60 percent. In the same time their performance presents several problems that have to be addressed. E.g. gas turbines are very sensitive to backpressure exerted on them by the heat recovery steam generators as well as to ambient pressure and temperature.
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublikacjaThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublikacjaThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
Experimental ORC micro-power plant for CHP application Part B: Radial and Multi-stage axial turbines
PublikacjaThe co-generative micro-power plant with the HFE7100 applied as a working medium was designed and built for experimental investigations. Special attention is paid to a micro-turbine which was built and tested in two variants: a radial turbine and an axial turbine. A concept of a radial turbine with 2 centripetal and 2 centrifugal stages is shown. This prototype was equipped with an aerostatic gas bearing and, alternatively, with...
Model neuronowy jako alternatywa dla numerycznego modelu okołodźwiękowego przepływu pary przez palisadę turbinową.
PublikacjaWystępowanie skośnej fali uderzeniowej w przepływie pary przez palisadę turbinową stanowi zagrożenie dla bezpiecznej pracy turbiny oraz dla jej elementów konstrukcyjnych. Detekcja oraz lokalizacja fali uderzeniowej, a także rozpoznanie przyczyny jej powstawania, nie są możliwe do osiągnięcia na drodze pomiarowej. Analizę zjawisk zachodzących wewnątrz kanału przepływowego umożliwiają natomiast modele numeryczne oraz neuronowe. Zaletą...
Direct-contact condensation from vapour- gas mixture in a spray ejector condenser for negative CO2 power plant
PublikacjaDirect-contact condensation of vapour containing the inert gas on a spray of subcooled liquid exists in a number of technical applications. For example, it may be found in the nuclear industry (e.g. pressurized jet under normal operating conditions, in safety analyses) or in the chemical industry (e.g. mixing-type heat exchanger, degasser, sea water desalting). The problem is also essential to modelling and analysis of some...
Identification of damages in the inlet air duct of a diesel engine based on exhaust gas temperature measurements
PublikacjaThe temperature of the exhaust gas of a diesel piston engine, measured in the characteristic control sections of its thermo-flow system, can be a valuable source of diagnostic information about the technical condition of the elements limiting the working spaces thus separated, including the turbocharging system, but also its fuel supply system and replacement of the medium. In standard marine engine measurement systems equipped...
Modeling of entrained flow steam gasification of sewage sludge
PublikacjaProper management of sewage sludge becomes increasingly problematic due to legal requirements aiming at diminishing environmental impact, as well as rationalizing the utilization from the point of view of logistics. Steam gasification of sewage sludge can result in very good quality of the producer gas. So far, the works have been focused on the gasification in fixed bed gasifiers. However, this does not allow to take full advantage...
Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass and Municipal Waste into Useful Energy Using Advanced HiTAG/HiTSG Technology
PublikacjaAn advanced thermal conversion system involving high-temperature gasification of biomass and municipal waste into biofuel, syngas or hydrogen-rich gas is presented in this paper. The decomposition of solid biomass and wastes by gasification is carried out experimentally with a modern and innovative regenerator and updraft continuous gasifier, among others. A ceramic high-cycle regenerator provides extra energy for the thermal conversion...
Application of Rapid Prototyping technology in the manufacturing of turbine blade with small diameter holes
PublikacjaThe article presents the possibilities of using Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology in the manufacturing of turbine blades with small diameter holes. The object under investigation was gas turbine blade with small diameter cooling holes and holes for generating longitudinal vortices. A turbine blade model was produced by means of Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology and subsequently validated in terms of detection and accuracy...
CAES – Energy storage providing stability for national power system
PublikacjaThis paper presents a short characteristics of the power system. It also describes various types of energy storage technologies. The suggested solution of accumulation and generation of electric power is based on the cooperation of gas turbine with Compressed Air Storage Energy systems – CAES. This analysis describes also various types of cooperation of CAES and renewable sources of energy, particularly wind power systems.
Metoda diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej turbin parowych wykorzystująca elementy algorytmów genetycznych
PublikacjaRozprawa doktorska poświęcona jest opisowi budowania metody diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej z wykorzystaniem elementów algorytmów genetycznych. Do tworzenia założeń i algorytmów metody posłużono się przykładem funkcjonowania bloku elektrowni kondensacyjnej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem układu łopatkowego turbiny parowej. Celem pracy jest zbudowanie metody diagnostyki cieplno-przepływowej. Zadaniem metody jest przeprowadzenie procesu...
Experimental investigation of domestic gas boiler fitted with ORC module
PublikacjaIn the paper the prototype of innovative domestic cogenerative ORC system, consisting of a conventional gas boiler and a small size axial vapour microturbines (in-house designed for ORC and the commercially available for Rankine cycle (RC)), evaporator and condenser were scrutinised. In the course of study the fluid working temperatures, rates of heat, electricity generation and efficiency of the whole system were obtained. The...
Role of distillation in determination of SCFAs in samples of different origin
PublikacjaShort-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are very volatile compounds and choosing an appropriate isolation and enrichement technique is a key to their determination. Distillation is one of methods which can be applied. There are many types of distillation. The simplest ones are direct, steam and fractional distillation, but they are not used very often and have some drawbacks. However, many modifications of basic distillation have been...
Fluid Mechanics, L/L/E, DaPE, sem. 04, summer 21/22 (PG_00050282)
Kursy OnlineLECTURES Introduction and basic definitions. Properties of fluids. Models of fluids. Fluids in equilibrium. Determination of hydrostatic forces. Archimedes" law. Methods of fluid flow description. General motion of fluid. Deformation of fluid element. Vortex motion of fluid. Principles of conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Balance of entropy. Navier-Stokes equation. Bernoulli equation. Similarity of flow phenomena. Potential...
Operation evaluation method for marine turbine combustion engines in terms of energetics
PublikacjaAn evaluation proposal (quantitative determination) of an y combustion turbine engine operation has been presented , wherein the impact energy occurs at a given time due to Energy conversion. The fact has been taken into account that in this type of internal combustion engines the energy conversion occurs first in the combustion chambers and in the spaces between the blade of the turbine engine. It was assumed that in the combustion...
Exhaust gas temperature measurements in diagnostics of turbocharged marine internal combustion engines. Part I. Standard measurements.
PublikacjaThe article discusses the problem of diagnostic informativeness of exhaust gas temperature measurements in turbocharged marine internal combustion engines. Theoretical principles of the process of exhaust gas flow in turbocharger inlet channels are analysed in its dynamic and energetic aspects. Diagnostic parameters are defined which enable to formulate general evaluation of technical condition of the engine based on standard...
Three phase transient model of wet coal pyrolysis
PublikacjaA one-dimensional transient mathematical model was developed to describe the thermal and flow phenomena during coal pyrolysis in a coke oven. The model was solved numerically using partly implicit methods for gas flow and heat transfer problems. It was successfully validated with industrial-scale measurements of temperature change in the middle-plane of the coke oven chamber. The evolution of temperature and pressure, distributions...
Development of a spray-ejector condenser for the use in a negative CO2 emission gas power plant
PublikacjaOne promising solution for developing low-emission power technologies is using gaseous fuel combustion in pure oxygen when the exhaust gas mixture is composed of H2O and CO2, and where CO2 is separated after steam condensation. The paper presents the results of computational analyses providing to the Spray-Ejector Condenser (SEC) development, which is one of the crucial components of the negative CO2 gas power plant (nCO2PP) cycle...
PublikacjaThis article presents a brief description of a power system, the current national power system daily load, the use of wind power as a renewable energy source and its share in the national load. It also discusses the methods for storing energy, their characteristics and possible solutions. The power storage and generation solution proposed in the article is based on the collaboration between a gas turbine and an air storage system....
Carbon Dioxide Recovery Skid
PublikacjaIn the face of tightening climate regulations, the adoption of carbon dioxide recovery systems is inevitable. Modular process skid units have been widely adopted across the industry. The gas-steam power plant skid unit with the carbon dioxide recovery system was described. The proposed skid module consists of the compact cycle with the oxy-combustion and the carbon dioxide capture skid unit producing pure compressed CO2. The compactness...
Experimental investigation of domestic micro-CHP based on the gas boiler fitted with ORC module
PublikacjaThe results of investigations conducted on the prototype of vapour driven micro-CHP unit integrated with a gas boiler are presented. The system enables cogeneration of heat and electric energy to cover the energy demand of household. The idea of such system is to produce electricity for own demand or for selling it to the electric grid – in such situation the system user will became the prosumer. A typical commercial gas boiler,...
Czesław Dymarski prof. dr hab. inż.
Osoby -
Sewage sludge co-pyrolysis with agricultural/forest residues: A comparative life-cycle assessment
PublikacjaThis study aims to determine the sustainability and energy efficiency of co-pyrolysis scenarios as treatment processes for municipal sewage sludge through a life cycle assessment (LCA). In addition, sensitivity and energy recovery analyses are conducted to determine the possible methods for optimizing the co-pyrolysis process from a circular bioeconomy perspective. Corncob and wood residue have been selected as potential co-feed...
Selected aspects of performance of organic Rankine cycles incorporated into bioenergy with carbon capture and storage using gasification of sewage sludge
PublikacjaThe study aims to investigate the application of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in the bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) using gasification of sewage sludge. The tool used in the investigation is the Aspen Plus software with REFPROP property methods for calculating fluid properties. The reason for this study is that a detailed analysis of the proposed BECCS process flow diagram indicates that a certain amount of...
Assessment, optimisation and working fluid comparison of organic rankine cycle combined with negative CO2 gas power plant system
PublikacjaThis study aims to investigate the application of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) as an alternative to low-pressure expansion in the negative CO2 power plant (nCO2PP). The reason for this study is that a detailed analysis of nCO2PP indicates a certain amount of waste heat present in the exhaust gas from the high-to-intermediate pressure gas turbine. Some of this energy can be used by the application of the expansion in a low-pressure...
Prediction of coking dynamics for wet coal charge
PublikacjaA one-dimensional transient mathematical model describing thermal and flow phenomena during coal coking in an oven chamber was studied in the paper. It also accounts for heat conduction in the ceramic oven wall when assuming a constant temperature at the heating channel side. The model was solved numerically using partly implicit methods for gas flow and heat transfer problems. The histories of temperature, gas evolution and internal...
Negative CO2 Emission Gas Power Plant As Technology for Utilization of Sewage Sludge, Production of Electrical Energy, and CO2 Capture - Case of Chamber Under Transpiration Cooling
PublikacjaThis work focuses on the concept developed in the nCO2PP project, which aims to demonstrate a technology that allows to achieve negative CO2 emissions through Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) applied to sewage sludge. A feedstock is first gasified, then the resulting syngas is burned in a semi-closed oxy-fuel gas turbine with pure oxygen and water, using the advantages of oxy-combustion, to ease the capture of CO2 in the resulting...
Technical and economic conditions of supplying residential consumers with heat from nuclear power plant
PublikacjaThe reduction of CO2 emission requires technological shift towards carbon-free options. Cogeneration of electricity and heat based on coal and natural gas will experience generation cost increase, if the costs of emissions are imposed on the plant operators. Therefore, nuclear and renewable options should be considered. In this paper, we present the concept of electricity and heat supply system with nuclear condensing turbine adapted...
Wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej - diagnoza i terapia
PublikacjaW artykule przeanalizowano stan i dalszy rozwój krajowego sektora wytwarzania energii elektrycznej w świetle najnowszych raportów Międzynarodowej Agencji Energetycznej, wskazujących potencjalne trendy i perspektywy w światowej energetyce. Na tle przewidywanego wzrostu zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną wskazano na możliwość istotnego ograniczenia emisji CO2 drogą zastąpienia przestarzałych, nieefektywnych...
WSPÓŁPRACA BLOKU GAZOWO-PAROWEGO Z OBIEGIEM ORC = Combinded power plant in cooperation with ORC
PublikacjaIn the paper presented is the idea of a combined gas and steam power plant cooperation with a low temperature organic Rankine cycle ORC unit. Considerations presented in the paper are accomplished for the Gorzów CHP. The intention of present analysis is heat recovery of low temperature energy and its further use in ORC cycle in order to produce electricity, without increase in fuel consumption. Waste energy is recovered from the...
Gasification of Densified Biomass (DB) and Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) Using HTA/SG Technology
PublikacjaThe necessity of economical and rational use of natural energy sources caused a rapid development of research on the possibilities of using non‐conventional energy resources. Taking the above into account, a new technological process of thermochemical conversion of biomass and communal waste, commonly known as High Temperature Air/Steam Gasification (HTA/SG) and Multi‐Staged Enthalpy Extraction Technology (HTAG‐MEET), was developed....
Evaluation of working spaces' technical condition of marine diesel engine on the basis of operation research
PublikacjaThe paper presents the method of evaluation of the technical state of working spaces of a marine diesel engine at the reduced control susceptibility. The method foresees making diagnosis on the basis of the measurements of exhaust gas pressure in the channels connecting engine cylinders with turbocharger's turbine. In the beginning of the article the research objects are characterized i.e. ZVIEZDA main engine of M401 type and the...
Influence of steam cooking on pro-health properties of Small and Large variety of Momordica charantia
PublikacjaSteam cooking is one of the most common preparations of Momordicacharantia dishes. This method improved the tastiness of the fruits but at the same time, some changes occurred in the volatile and non-volatile parts of their food matrices. In this study, for the first time these properties were correlated with the found substances affecting the bioactivity of this fruit. Two varieties of Momordicacharantia were analysed and compared....
Analysis of cyclone separator solutions depending on spray ejector condenser conditions
PublikacjaThe core design strategy for minimizing CO2 emissions in gas power plant entails combining a spray ejector condenser (SEC) and separator to accomplish steam condensation and CO2 purification. This innovative process involves direct-contact condensation of steam with CO2, facilitated by interaction with a subcooled water spray, along with a cyclone separator mechanism intended for generating pure CO2. The investigation of the SEC...
Conversion of Biomass and Municipal Wastes into Syngas and Hydrogen using Highly Preheated Agent (HTAG)
PublikacjaGasification is considered to be one of the most promising energy recovery technologies for the widespread utilization of biomass and wastes. During this process raw feedstock is converted into a combustible gas, which can then be burnt to produce thermal energy, or to run engines for mechanical or electrical power. The studies of biomass gasification demonstrate it as a friendly alternative to fossil fuels as one of renewable...
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to investigate thermodynamic efficiency of advanced hierarchic power cyclesunder partial loads by using of exergy analyze. Advanced hierarchical power systems arecomposed of few energy conversion cycles, most common are steam and gas cycles in various configurations, but they may contain fuel cells, ORC, lithium bromide absorption chillers and others. Moreover hierarchical cycles can be powered by several...