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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: optical properties
Polarization state analysis in optical coherence tomography
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano metody analizy stanu polaryzacji światła w systemach optycznej tomografii kohererentnej. Przedstawiono różne konfiguracje systemu PS-OCT wraz z ich parametrami oraz właściwościami. Omówiono zasadę pomiaru stanu polaryzacji ściatła przy użyciu systemu PS-OCT oraz przeprowadzono dyskusję nad przydatnością metody do badania struktury materiałów silnie rozpraszających promieniowanie.
Fluorescence Measurements for chemical optical sensor of cobalt
PublikacjaW pracy zaproponowano i opisano optoelektroniczny fluorescencyjny sensor do pomiaru stężenia kobaltu w wodzie.
Polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography system
PublikacjaW pracy pokazano system OCT czuły na stan polaryzacji do pomiaru właściwości dwójłomnych wybranych ośrodków rozpraszających światło. W systemie zastosowano detekcję zrównoważoną. Pokazano wstępne wyniki pomiarowe.
Synthesized light source for optical coherence tomography
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono wpływ parametrów źródła promieniowania optycznego na właściwości systemu OCT. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na źródła syntezowane. Omówiono charakterystykę źródła zbudowanego z dwóch różnych diod SLD. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów, które wskazują na możliwości znacznego polepszenia czułości i rozdzielczości systemu OCT wykorzystującego takie źródło.
Carbon-Coated Tellurium for Optical Data Storage
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Multicore Optical Fibres for an External Talbot Cavity
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Luminescent optical fibre sensor for UV-A detection
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Rare-earth doped materials for optical waveguides
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland – 2018
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland 2020
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland: 2017
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<title>Applications of capillary optical fibers</title>
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Apparatus to search for optical flashes of extragalactic origin
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland: 2014
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<title>Measurements of nonlinear optical fibers</title>
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Broadband Buses Based On Multicore Optical Fibres
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Multiclad Monomode Optical Fibres By MZD Technology
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Development of optical fiber technology in Poland 2015
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Optical Fibre, Local Measurement Systems For Ships
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Single-Mode Quadruple-Core Optical Fibres
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Geometry design in rerfractive capillary optical fibers
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Application of optical fibres in oxidation-reduction titrations
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Optical switching technologies: problems and proposed solution
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Dispersion of thermo-optic coefficient of optical polymers
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Optical spectroscopy and scintillation mechanisms ofCexLa1−xF3
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Laser Induced Piezo-Optical Effects in Chalcogenides
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Intelligent algorithms for optical track audio restoration
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono dwa algorytmy dedykowane redukcji pasożytniczych zniekształceń dźwięku spotykanych w optycznych ścieżkach dźwiękowych. Pierwszy algorytm umożliwia redukcję szerokopasmowego szumu w nagraniach fonicznych. Wykorzystano w nim psycho-akustyczny model słuchu oparty o miarę nieprzewidywalność sygnału (ang. Unpredictability Measure). Ocena jakości redukcji szumu została wykonana z wykorzystaniem metod inteligentnych....
Optical metrology for high fidelity LCD-TV
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono aktualny stan metrologii optycznej wyświetlaczy ciekłokrystalicznych (LCD) i omówiono niedoskonałości obecnych technik pomiarowych występujące w charakteryzacji wyświetlaczy o wysokiej wierności odwzorowania. Zaprezentowano urządzenia, procedury pomiarowe i metody obróbki danych umożliwiajace obiektywną ocenę właściwości ciekłokrystalicznych odbiorników telewizyjnych.Metody te umożliwiają identyfikację artefaktów...
Electrical and optical characterization of ITO thin films
PublikacjaW pracy przestawiono wyniki badań tlenku cyny domieszkowanego indem (ITO) pod kątem zastosowania jako przezroczyste elektrody. opisano metody pomiarów wybranych właściwości elektrycznych i optycznych. cienką warstwę ito, naniesioną na szklane podłoże, wykonano metodą rozpylania magnetronowego.
Optical materials for organic light emitting diodes
PublikacjaW pracy dokonano przeglądu materiałów stosowanych w organicznych diodach elektroluminescencyjnych.
Optical Investigation of Hematocrit Level in Human Blood
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania metod optoelektronicznych, takich jak: spektroskopia Ramana i interferometria niskokoherencyjna do pomiaru poziomu hematokrytu ludzkiej krwi.
Optical glyphs based localization and identification system
PublikacjaThe paper presents a description of functioning of a platform supporting the detection of obstructive diseases in the respiratory system education process. A 16-parameter model of the respiratory system simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment was set in the role of the tested patient. It has been linked to the control layer, developed in the LabVIEW environment, using the SIT library (Simulation Interface Toolkit). This layer...
Functional fluorine-doped tin oxide coating for opto-electrochemical label-free biosensors
PublikacjaSensors operating in multiple domains, such as optical and electrochemical, offer properties making biosensing more effective than those working in a single domain. To combine such domains in one sensing device, materials offering a certain set of properties are required. Fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) thin film is discussed in this work as functional optically for guiding lossy modes and simultaneously electrochemically, i.e....
Gold nanoparticles evaluation using functional optical coherence tomography
PublikacjaThe main object of this research was to assess the ability to characterize the gold nanoparticles using optical modalities like optical coherence tomography. Since the nanoparticles, especially gold one, have been very attractive for medical diagnosis and treatment the amount of research activities have been growing rapidly. The nanoparticles designed for different applications like contrast agents or drugs delivery change the...
Use of optical skin phantoms for preclinical evaluation of laser efficiency for skin lesion therapy
PublikacjaSkin lesions are commonly treated using laser heating. However, the introduction of new devices into clinical practice requires evaluation of their performance. This study presents the application of optical phantoms for assessment of a newly developed 975-nm pulsed diode laser system for dermatological purposes. Such phantoms closely mimic the absorption and scattering of real human skin (although not precisely in relation to...
Sol-gel Al2O3 antireflection coatings for silicon solar cells
PublikacjaPurpose: This paper presents the results of investigations on morphology and opticalproperties of the prepared aluminium oxide thin filmsDesign/methodology/approach: Thin films were prepared with use of sol-gel spincoating method. The changes of surface morphology were observed in topographic picturesperformed with the atomic force microscope AFM. Obtained roughness coefficients valueswere generated...
Practical issues for the implementation of survivability and recovery techniques in optical networks
PublikacjaFailures in optical networks are inevitable. They may occur during work being done for the maintenance of other infrastructures, or on a larger scale as the result of an attack or large-scale disaster. As a result, service availability, an important aspect of Quality of Service (QoS), is often degraded. Appropriate fault recovery techniques are thus crucial to meet the requirements set by the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between...
Disaster Resilience of Optical Networks: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities
PublikacjaFor several decades, optical networks, due to their high capacity and long-distance transmission range, have been used as the major communication technology to serve network traffic, especially in the core and metro segments of communication networks. Unfortunately, our society has often experienced how the correct functioning of these critical infrastructures can be substantially hindered by massive failures triggered by natural...
Towards high quality ITO coatings: the impact of nitrogen admixture in HiPIMS discharges
PublikacjaThe paper reports controlled deposition of optically transparent and electrically conductive ITO films prepared by a combination of rf (13.56 MHz) and High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) systems without any post deposition thermal treatment/annealing. It is shown that (i) reactive admixture of N2 gas to the process and (ii) pressure in the deposition chamber enable to optimize optical properties of ITO films. Furthermore,...
Modeling of multi-cavity Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensors
PublikacjaReflectance characteristics of a two-cavity extrinsic Fabry-Perot optical fiber sensor were investigated using computer modeling. Calculations were performed using a plane wave-based approach, selected for clarity of results. Based on the modeling results, it can be concluded that the two-cavity Fabry-Perot interferometer can be used to measure two different quantities, such as refractive index and temperature, independently. It...
Radiation dose distributions in three dimensions from tomographic optical density scanning of polymer gels: I. Development of an optical scanner
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Interferometric optical fiber sensors with active stabilization of the operating point using a tunable semiconductor laser. Optical Fibres and Their Applications VIII.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań światłowodowych interferometrycznych sensorów siły wykonanych w konfiguracji interferometru Michelsona i wykorzystujących aktywną stabilizację punktu pracy przy pomocy zmiany długości fali źródła. Porównano dwie klasy omawianych sensorów a następnie zrealizowano sensor. W konstrukcji sensora zastosowano modulator z pośrednim pomiarem siły. Mierzona siła jest zamieniana na ciśnienie hydrostatyczne,...
Study of Photovoltaic Devices with Hybrid Active Layer
PublikacjaThe aim of this work is to present the influences of composition of the material andmanufacturing technology conditions of the organic photovoltaics devices (OPv) with the organicand hybrid bulk heterojunction on the active layers properties and cells performance. The layers wereproduced by using small molecular compounds: the metal-phthalocyanine (MePc) and perylenederivatives (PTCDA) and the titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles....
Structure and optical measurements of Eu doped tellurium oxide thin films
Dane BadawczeThin films were deposited by magnetron sputtering method and simultaneously heated at 200 oC. Presence of Eu ions and their valence states was confirmed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements. The structure of the films as well as the influence of europium dopant on crystalline structure of the films was examined by X-ray diffraction method. ...
Miscanthus × giganteus root anatomical traits measurements
Dane BadawczeThis data set presents the optical microscope measurements/ images of Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) roots. The experiment was performed under work package 1: "Properties characterisation of two types of biochar", task D_RT: Phyto-analyses (stress response of plants on biochar amendments) in cooperation with Aarhus University. A short term pot experiment...
PublikacjaSince over a decade we observe intensive effort of research institutions and industrial consortia on extending flexibility and automation of the transport network control also known under the term network programmability. Key aspect of each programming interface is ability to evolve but also sensitivity to future modifications. As indicated in the past work in the specific context of optical transport networks an important criterion...
Microcrystalline diamond film evaluation by spectroscopic optical coherence tomography
PublikacjaThis study has focused on the microcrystalline diamond film (MCD) thickness evaluation. For this purpose, optical coherence tomography (OCT) enhanced by spectroscopic analysis has been used as a method of choice. The average thickness of the tested layer was about 1.5 µm, which is below the standard 2-point OCT resolution. In this case, the usefulness of the spectroscopic analysis was confirmed for the evaluation of the thickness...
The luminescence study of CsPbI3 nanoparticles embedded in Cs4PbI6 crystals.
Dane BadawczeCs4PbI6, as a rarely investigated member of the Cs4PbX6 (X is a halogen element) family, has been successfully synthesized atlow temperatures by collaborators from National Taiwan University. Strong red to near-infrared (NIR) emission properties have been detected, and its optical emission centers have been identified to be numerous embedded perovskite-type...
Detection of immunological agent by optical fiber sensor: preliminary study
PublikacjaThe objective of this study is the application of optical methods for detection of immunological agent concentration. As the agent we used the Cyclaid, produced by Apotex Inc. In this article we investigated different Cyclaid concentrations in water. We used a Fabry-Pérot interferometer working in a reflective mode, the measurements were performed with source with central wavelength λ = 1550 nm. The preliminary investigation have...
Optical method for verification of homogeneity of phantoms for calibration of magnetic resonance
PublikacjaThe primary purpose of this study was to develop a laboratory photonic set-up for characterisation of homogeneity of gel phantoms for calibration of magnetic resonance. In this system, optical coherence tomography allows the detection of micro- and macroscopic heterogeneities of a structure. The set-up was used to perform measurements of agar and agar-carrageenan gels, which are the basis for more complex phantoms for magnetic...