Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: sample assessment
Video traffic data - Interchange Karczemki (S6-501)
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 5 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Karczemki interchange within S6 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S6 and regional road 501), located in the Tri-City Agglomeration . The data covers the one day: 10.10.2017 (expressway S6).
Video traffic data - Interchange Krakow Poludnie (A4-7), Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 5 video cameras at entry and exit lanes of the Krakow Poludnie interchange within A4 motorway in Poland (interchange of motorway A4 and national road 7), located in the Krakow Agglomeration. The data covers the one day: 29.08.2017 (motorway A4).
Video traffic data - Interchange Skawina (A4-44), Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 5 video cameras at entry and exit lanes of the Skawina interchange within A4 motorway in Poland (interchange of motorway A4 and national road 44), located in the Krakow Agglomeration. The data covers the one day: 31.08.2017 (motorway A4).
The effect of pH change of ketoprofen solutions on the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) seeds
Dane BadawczeIn these studies, an attempt was also made to determine whether (and, if so, to what extent) the change in pH affects the toxicity of ketoprofen will affect the germination of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum) seeds. As reported by Kudlak B, Wieczerzak M, Yotova G, Tsakovski S, Simeonov V, Namieśnik J (2016) Environmental risk assessment of Polish wastewater...
Visualization of the surface of the Nafion membrane
Dane BadawczeFuel cells use the chemical energy of hydrogen or other fuels to produce electricity. If the fuel is hydrogen, the only products are electricity, water and heat. Fuel cells are unique in the variety of their potential applications, they can use a wide variety of fuels. They are also highly scalable devices that can power both cars and mobile phones....
Video traffic data - Interchange Sulno (S1-94), Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 8 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Sulno interchange within S1 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S1 and national road 94), located in the Silesian Agglomeration. The data covers the two days: 12.09.2017 (expressway S1) and 13.09.2017 (road 94).
The magnetic field measurements in selected places of the industrial building
Dane BadawczeThe dataset is part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the electromagnetic field intensity in a building of an operating industrial plant. Detailed results of magnetic field measurements, carried out in selected places of this building, are presented.
Video traffic data - Interchange Zakrzewo (S11-307), Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 8 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Zakrzewo interchange within S11 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S11 and regional road 307), located in the Poznan Agglomeration. The data covers the two days: 20.09.2017 (expressway S11) and 21.09.2017 (road 307).
Video traffic data - Interchange Komorniki (A2-5), Poland, 2018
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 12 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Komorniki interchange within A2 motorway in Poland (interchange of motorway A2 and national road 5), located in the Poznan Agglomeration. The data covers the two days: 8.09.2017 (motorway A2) and 19.09.2017 (road 5).
Video traffic data - Interchange Krzesiny (A2-S11), Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 10 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Krzesiny interchange within A2 motorway in Poland (interchange of motorway A2 and expressway S11), located in the Poznan Agglomeration. The data covers the two days: 19.09.2017 (motorway A2) and 20.09.2017 (expressway S11).
Video traffic data - Interchange Lotnisko (S6-472) - weaving, Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 9 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Lotnisko interchange within S6 expressway in Poland (interchange of expressway S6 and regional road 472), located in the Tri-City Agglomeration . The data covers the two days: 04.10.2017 (expressway S6) and 05.10.2017 (road 472).
Video traffic data - Interchange Balice II (A4-744), Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 12 video cameras at entry and exit lanes of the Balice II interchange within A4 motorway in Poland (interchange of motorway A4 and regional road 744), located in the Krakow Agglomeration. The data covers the two days: 29.08.2017 and 30.08.2017 (motorway A4).
Video traffic data - Interchanges Bielany (A4-5) - exit+entry lanes, Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 12 video cameras at entry or exit lanes of the Bielany interchange within A4 motorway in Poland (interchange of motorway A4 and nacional road 5), located in the Wroclaw Agglomeration.The data covers the two days: 06.06.2017 and 08.06.2017 (motorway A4).
Measurements of raising of 160EC pantograph type
Dane BadawczeIn this description the results of the experiment and also simulation performed on the total assembly of the 160 EC pantograph type is given. Multibody dynamics of pantograph rising due to external torque and forces are measured for parameter validation of the pantograph model.
Video traffic data - Interchange Sosnica (A1 - 902), Poland
Dane BadawczeThe data includes video traffic data registered with 8 video cameras at weaving area (weaving section type A) of the Sosnica interchange within A1 motorway in Poland (interchange of motorway A1 and regional road 902, located in the Silesian Agglomeration).The data covers the two days: 12.09.2017 (motorway A1) and 11.09.2017 (road 902).
Active Learning Based on Crowdsourced Data
PublikacjaThe paper proposes a crowdsourcing-based approach for annotated data acquisition and means to support Active Learning training approach. In the proposed solution, aimed at data engineers, the knowledge of the crowd serves as an oracle that is able to judge whether the given sample is informative or not. The proposed solution reduces the amount of work needed to annotate large sets of data. Furthermore, it allows a perpetual increase...
SegSperm - a dataset of sperm images for blurry and small object segmentation
Dane BadawczeMany deep learning applications require figure-ground segmentation. The performance of segmentation models varies across modalities and acquisition settings.
Experimental Study of the Influence of Noise Level on the Uncertainty Value in a Measurement System Containing an Analog-to-Digital Converter
Dane BadawczeFor newly developed measuring systems it is easy to estimate type B uncertainties based on the technical data of the measuring modules applied. However, it is difficult to estimate A type un-certainties due to the unknown type and level of interferences infiltrating into the measuring sys-tem. This is a particularly important problem for measurements...
Permanent traffic counting stations - Expressway S6 in Gdansk (dataset containing 5-min aggregated traffic data and weather information)
Dane BadawczeThe data includes traffic data from permanent traffic count station located on the expressway S6 in the Tri-City Agglomeration area in Poland. The data covers the three year period between 2014 and 2017 and one direction of traffic (southbound).
A set of data constituting the basis for the publication entitled "Mitochondria dysfunction is one of the causes of diclofenac toxicity in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii"
Dane BadawczeNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as diclofenac (DCF), form a significant group of environmental contaminants. When the toxic effects of DCF on plants are analyzed, authors often focus on photosynthesis, whilemitochondrial respiration is usually overlooked. Therefore, an in vivo investigation of plant mitochondria functioning under...