Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: cold atom physics - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: cold atom physics

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: cold atom physics

  • Potential energy surfaces of the low-lying electronic states of the Li+LiCs system

    Ab initio quantum chemistry calculations are performed for the mixed alkali triatomic system. Global minima of the ground and first excited doublet states of the trimer are found and Born-Oppenheimer potential energy surfaces of the Li atom interacting with the LiCs molecule were calculated for these states. The lithium atom is placed at various distances and bond angles from the lithium-caesium dimer. Three-body nonadditive forces...

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  • Rotational state-changing collisions of C2H− and C2N− anions with He under interstellar and cold ion trap conditions: A computational comparison

    • J. Franz
    • B. P. Mant
    • L. González-Sánchez
    • R. Wester
    • F. A. Gianturco


    We present an extensive range of quantum calculations for the state-changing rotational dynamics involving two simple molecular anions that are expected to play some role in the evolutionary analysis of chemical networks in the interstellar environments, C2H− (X1Σ+) and C2N− (X3Σ−), but for which inelastic rates are only known for C2H−. The same systems are also of direct interest in modeling selective photo-detachment experiments...

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  • Physics-Based Coarse-Grained Modeling in Bio- and Nanochemistry

    • A. Liwo
    • A. K. Sieradzan
    • A. S. Karczyńska
    • E. Lubecka
    • S. A. Samsonov
    • C. Czaplewski
    • P. Krupa
    • M. Mozolewska

    - Rok 2021

    Coarse-grained approaches, in which groups of atoms are represented by single interaction sites, are very important in biological and materials sciences because they enable us to cover the size- and time-scales by several orders of magnitude larger than those available all-atom simulations, while largely keeping the details of the systems studied. The coarse-grained approaches differ by the scheme of reduction and by the origin...

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  • Spin-Orbit Coupling Matrix Elements in the KRb Molecule

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The allowed 190 spin-orbit coupling (SOC) matrix elements have been calculated for the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+ (S+), Pi (P), and Delta (D) electronic states of the KRb molecule. These SOCs are needed for investigations of areas connected with classical spectroscopy, deperturbation analysis of the observed spectra, atom-molecule and molecule-molecule...

  • A new approach to β-decays studies impacting nuclear physics and astrophysics: The PANDORA setup

    • D. Mascali
    • D. Santonocito
    • M. M. Busso
    • L. Celona
    • A. Galatà
    • M. La Cognata
    • G. S. Mauro
    • A. Mengoni
    • E. Naselli
    • F. Odorici... i 5 innych

    - EPJ Web of Conferences - Rok 2023

    Theory predicts that lifetimes of β-radionuclides can change dramatically as a function of their ionization state. Experiments performed in Storage Rings on highly ionized atom have proven nuclei can change their beta decay lifetime up to several orders of magnitude. The PANDORA (Plasmas for Astrophysics, Nuclear Decay Observation and Radiation for Archaeometry) experiment is now conceived to measure, for the first time, nuclear...

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  • Beyond the helium buffer: 12C−2 rotational cooling in cold traps with H2 as a partner gas: interaction forces and quantum dynamics

    • B. P. Mant
    • J. Franz
    • R. Wester
    • F. A. Gianturco

    - MOLECULAR PHYSICS - Rok 2021

    abstract = { The scattering cross-sections and corresponding rate coefficients for rotationally inelastic collisions of $^{12}$C$_2$^-$ ($^2 \Sigma_g^+$) with H$_2$ ($^1 \Sigma_g^+$) are presented over a broad range of cold-trap temperatures. They have been calculated using quantum scattering theory that employs a new ab initio potential energy surface. The rate coefficients for the inelastic processes in the anionic partner are...

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  • Superconducting SrSnP with Strong Sn–P Antibonding Interaction: Is the Sn Atom Single or Mixed Valent?



    The large single crystals of SrSnP were prepared using Sn self-flux method. The superconductivity in the tetragonal SrSnP is observed with the critical temperature of ∼2.3 K. The results of a crystallographic analysis, superconducting characterization, and theoretical assessment of tetragonal SrSnP are presented. The SrSnP crystallizes in the CaGaN structure type with space group P4/nmm (S.G. 129, Pearson symbol tP6) according...

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  • Multi-GPU UNRES for scalable coarse-grained simulations of very large protein systems



    Graphical Processor Units (GPUs) are nowadays widely used in all-atom molecular simulations because of the advantage of efficient partitioning of atom pairs between the kernels to compute the contributions to energy and forces, thus enabling the treatment of very large systems. Extension of time- and size-scale of computations is also sought through the development of coarse-grained (CG) models, in which atoms are merged into extended...

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  • Paweł Możejko dr hab.

  • Optimization of parallel implementation of UNRES package for coarse‐grained simulations to treat large proteins



    We report major algorithmic improvements of the UNRES package for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of proteins. These include (i) introduction of interaction lists to optimize computations, (ii) transforming the inertia matrix to a pentadiagonal form to reduce computing and memory requirements, (iii) removing explicit angles and dihedral angles from energy expressions and recoding the most time-consuming energy/force terms...

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  • Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu magnetycznym


    W rozprawie przedstawiono opis wpływu zewnętrznego stałego, słabego, jednorodnego pola magnetycznego na jednoelektronowy atom Diraca. Wykorzystując funkcje gęstości ładunku elektrycznego oraz gęstości prądu elektrycznego, rozważono procesy indukowania się w atomie dodatkowych elektromagnetycznych momentów multipolowych. Dokonano analizy indukowanego momentu dipolowego, w wyniku której uzyskano wyrażenie dla magnetyzowalności atomu....

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    ISSN: 0126-1568 , eISSN: 2356-5322



    - Rok 2021

    Cold recycling with cement and bituminous emulsion is one of the most environmentally friendly techniques to maximize the reuse of reclaimed asphalt (RA) collected during demolition of roads. Cold recycled mixtures are commonly used for base courses in construction or rehabilitation of flexible and semi-rigid pavements. Current experiences demonstrated that cold recycling with appropriate requirements and technical recommendations...

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  • Optical properties of polyazomethine with oxygen atom in the backbon


    - Rok 2008

    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to show results of optical measurement performed on poly –(1-(4-methylenephenoxy-1)phenylene-4-methylene-1.4-phenylnenitrylomethylene) (PPI2) polyazomethine thinfilms and to compare with poly - (1.4-phenylenemethylenenitrilo-1.4 phenylenenitrilomethylene) (PPI).Design/methodology/approach: Influence of oxygen atom in the polymer chain on optical properties ofpolyazomethine was investigated....

  • Evaluation of ChatGPT Applicability to Learning Quantum Physics


    - Rok 2023

    ChatGPT is an application that uses a large language model. Its purpose is to generate answers to various questions as well as provide information, help solve problems and participate in conversations on a wide range of topics. This application is also widely used by students for the purposes of learning or cheating (e.g., writing essays or programming codes). Therefore, in this contribution, we evaluate the ability of ChatGPT...

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  • Fundamentals of Physics-Based Surrogate Modeling


    Chapter 1 was focused on data-driven (or approximation-based) modeling methods. The second major class of surrogates are physics-based models outlined in this chapter. Although they are not as popular, their importance is growing because of the challenges related to construction and handling of approximation surrogates for many real-world problems. The high cost of evaluating computational models, nonlinearity of system responses,...

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  • CMS Physics Technical Design Report, Volume II: Physics Performance


    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Relativistic two-dimensional hydrogen-like atom in a weak magnetic field


    A two-dimensional (2D) hydrogen-like atom with a relativistic Dirac electron, placed in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the atomic plane, is considered. Closed forms of the first- and second-order Zeeman corrections to energy levels are calculated analytically, within the framework of the Rayleigh–Schrödinger perturbation theory, for an arbitrary electronic bound state. The second-order calculations are...

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  • Jan Kozicki dr hab. inż. arch.

    W roku 2002 po uzyskaniu dyplomu magistra inżyniera w zakresie konstrukcji budowlanych podjął pracę na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska PG. W 2004 roku uzyskał dyplom magistra architekta na Wydziale Architektury za projekt stacji badawczej na Marsie. Doktorat obronił w 2007 roku w zakresie modelowania numerycznego w dynamice klasycznej. W 2013 roku uzyskał licencjat z zakresu fizyki teoretycznej na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim....

  • Physics of Materials

    Kursy Online
    • M. Gazda

    Physics of Materials: Doctoral School

  • Relativity of arithmetic as a fundamental symmetry of physics

    Arithmetic operations can be defined in various ways, even if one assumes commutativity and associativity of addition and multiplication, and distributivity of multiplication with respect to addition. In consequence, whenever one encounters ‘plus’ or ‘times’ one has certain freedom of interpreting this operation. This leads to some freedom in definitions of derivatives, integrals and, thus, practically all equations occurring in...

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  • Physics augmented classification of fNIRS signals

    • F. Orihuela-Espina
    • M. Rojas-Cisneros
    • S. A. Montero-Hernández
    • J. S. Garcia Salinas
    • B. Cuervo-Soto
    • J. Herrera-Vega

    - Rok 2022

    Background. Predictive classification favours performance over semantics. In traditional predictive classification pipelines, feature engineering is often oblivious to the underlying phenomena. Hypothesis. In applied domains such as functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), the exploitation of physical knowledge may improve the discriminative quality of our observation set. Aims. Give exemplary evidence that intervening the...

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    ISSN: 0301-0104 , eISSN: 1873-4421

  • Technical Physics

    Kursy Online
    • M. Shopa

    Technical Physics, ćwiczenia grupa 1 (Inżynieria Danych, 3 semestr)  

  • Path integrals formulations leading to propagator evaluation for coupled linear physics in large geometric models



    Reformulating linear physics using second kind Fredholm equations is very standard practice. One of the straightforward consequences is that the resulting integrals can be expanded (when the Neumann expansion converges) and probabilized, leading to path statistics and Monte Carlo estimations. An essential feature of these algorithms is that they also allow to estimate propagators for all types of sources, including initial conditions....

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  • Glaciers: The dynamic giants of cold regions


    - Hydrolink - Rok 2024

    Glaciers, often described as nature’s formidable ice giants, are essential components of the Earth's cryosphere, with profound influence on the global water cycle, energy production, and landscape stability. These massive bodies of ice, formed over centuries from accumulated snow, are not just frozen relics of the past; they are dynamic systems that play a critical role in cold region environments. As the climate changes, understanding...

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  • Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.

  • Evaluating experimental molecular physics studies of radiation damage in DNA*

    The field of Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP) is a mature field exploring the spectroscopy, excitation, ionisation of atoms and molecules in all three phases. Understanding of the spectroscopy and collisional dynamics of AMP has been fundamental to the development and application of quantum mechanics and is applied across a broad range of disparate disciplines including atmospheric sciences, astrochemistry, combustion and environmental...

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    ISSN: 0094-2405 , eISSN: 2473-4209

  • Studying of polyoxadiazole with Si atom in the backbone


    - Rok 2010

    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to show properties of spin-coated thin films of new polymer having siliconatom in the backbone. This amorphous polymer has appeared to be applied as active films in organic devices (asOLED).Design/methodology/approach: Thin films of 4-(diphenyl(4-(4-(5-(p-tolyoxy)phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)phenyloamino)methyl)-phenyl)silyl)-1-methylbenzamide (Oxad–Si-B) were obtained by spin-coating method.The...



    Permanent urban growth of the world of today world implies demanding challenges for the steel construction industry. Nowadays, one of the most important issues is the cost optimization of steel structures. Since the weight of building materials is a major component of the total cost, engineers and designers try to reduce structural weight, without compromising durability and sustainability of a steel structure. Therefore, light...

  • Physics-guided neural networks (PGNNs) to solve differential equations for spatial analysis

    Numerous examples of physically unjustified neural networks, despite satisfactory performance, generate contradictions with logic and lead to many inaccuracies in the final applications. One of the methods to justify the typical black-box model already at the training stage and lead to many inaccuracies in the final applications. One of the methods to justify the typical black-box model already at the training stage involves extending...

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  • Technical Physics 22

    Kursy Online
    • M. Shopa

    Technical Physics, ćwiczenia (Inżynieria Danych, 3 semestr)  

  • Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu elektrycznym


    - Rok 2008

    W pracy przeanalizowano wpływ słabego, stałego, jednorodnego, zewnętrznego pola elektrycznego na relatywistyczny atom jednoelektronowy, znajdujący się w stanie podstawowym. Wykorzystując rozwinięcie uogólnionej funkcji Greena w bazie funkcji Sturma-Diraca-Coulomba, wyznaczono trzy rodzaje elektromagnetycznych momentów dipolowych (elektryczny, magnetyczny oraz magnetyczny toroidalny), indukowanych w atomie przez zewnętrzne pole...



    ISSN: 0953-4075 , eISSN: 1361-6455

  • Cold-adapted bacterial lipolytic enzymes and their applications

    Lipolytic enzymes, esterases and lipases catalyze the hydrolysis and transesterification of fatty acid esters. This class of enzymes is the most important group of biocatalysts for biotechnological applications. From this perspective, coldactive lipolytic enzymes from cold adapted bacteria display attractive properties for some industrial purposes, including high catalytic activity at low temperatures and low thermostability. To...

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  • Thermodynamics and statistical physics - 2022

    Kursy Online
    • P. Weber

    Thermodynamics and statistical physics (TerStaEN)- WFTIMS studenci erasmusa



    ISSN: 0009-2614 , eISSN: 1873-4448

  • Innovative Cold-formed GEB Section under Bending


    This paper is concerned with the numerical bending capacity study of the innovative cold-formed GEB sections. Both linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis incorporating geometric and material nonlinearity were carried out employing a shell structural model. The magnitudes of buckling load and limit load with respect to GEB section depth and thickness were obtained. The opened cold-formed section was tested assuming...

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  • Two-dimensional hydrogen-like atom in a weak magnetic field

    We consider a non-relativistic two-dimensional (2D) hydrogen-like atom in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the atomic plane. Within the framework of the Rayleigh-Schr¨odinger perturbation theory, using the Sturmian expansion of the generalized radial Coulomb Green function, we derive explicit analytical expressions for corrections to an arbitrary planar hydrogenic bound-state energy level, up to the fourth...

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    ISSN: 0375-9601 , eISSN: 1873-2429

  • Technical Physics 2024/25

    Kursy Online
    • S. Bielski
    • A. Sbai
    • R. C. Sia

    Field of study: Data Engineering; Subject: Technical physics; Lecture notes and other course materials.

  • Cold recycled mixtures for binder courses - laboratory evaluation of mechanical properties


    Cold recycled mixtures composed with cement and bituminous emulsion are nowadays commonly used material for base layer. Typical pavement with cold recycled mixtures usually consists of two asphalt courses (wearing and binding course) constructed over cold recycled base. Therefore the next step in cold recycling is possibility of design of binding courses with recycled materials, but with potential to obtain high quality mixtures...

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  • Technical physics (Data Engineering)

    Kursy Online
    • S. Bielski

    Field of study: Data Engineering; Subject name: Technical physics; Lecture notes and other course materials.

  • Stability of an Innovative Cold-Formed GEB Section

    This paper is focused on the numerical analysis and experimental test of stability of the cold-formed profile with an innovative GEB cross-section. For the shell model of the axially compressed member, the linear buckling analysis and the nonlinear static analysis were carried out. In the numerical research, the buckling load and the limit load for variable section heights were obtained. Some of the results were compared with the...

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  • Physics II - 2021/2022

    Kursy Online
    • J. Szmytkowski

    LECTURE "Physics II - 2021/2022" Kierunek:  Green Technology and Monitoring Wydział Chemiczny stopień I, semestr 2

  • Atom-economic thiophosphoroselenenylations of C–H acid esters and amides

    Three improved thiophosphoroselenenylation procedures of CHacids, including derivatives of malonic and acetyl-, phosphono-, 4-nitrophenyl- and 3-pyridylacetic acids, have been described and compared to previously reported thiophosphoroselenylation of diethyl malonate using bis(disopropoxyphosphinothioyl)diselenide alone or with the aid of methyl iodide. The use of iodine makes it possible to utilize both equivalents of the selenenylating...

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  • Technical Physics 24/25

    Kursy Online
    • M. Shopa

    Technical Physics, ćwiczenia grupa 1 (Inżynieria Danych, 3 semestr)  

  • PG_00042018 Physics 1 24/25

    Kursy Online
    • M. Śmiałek-Telega

    Physics 1 for stutents of Power Engineering, 2nd semester of the first year of study

  • A dressing method in mathematical physics


    - Rok 2007

    Metodę ubierania stosuje się do równań nieliniowych całkowalnych i w teorii potencjałów całkowalnych mechaniki kwantowej.