Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: creep
Assessment of Thermal Stresses in Asphalt Mixtures at Low Temperatures Using the Tensile Creep Test and the Bending Beam Creep Test
PublikacjaThermal stresses are leading factors that influence low-temperature cracking behavior of asphalt pavements. During winter, when the temperature drops to significantly low values, tensile thermal stresses develop as a result of pavement contraction. Creep test methods can be suitable for the assessment of low-temperature properties of asphalt mixtures. To evaluate the influence of creep test methods on the obtained low-temperature...
Experimental observations on the creep behaviour of frozen soil
PublikacjaConstitutive models in the literature for creep of frozen soil are based on the direct use of time counted from the onset of creep. An explicit time dependence in a constitutive equation violates the principles of rational mechanics. No change in stress or temperature is allowed for during creep, using the time-based formulations. Moreover, the existing descriptions need much verification and improvement on the experimental side...
Creep failure prediction of pipelines in elevated temperature
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono zastoswanie modelu konstytutytwnego pełzania pozwalającego na analizę trwałości metalowych ruruciągów pracujących w wysokich temperaturach. Zaprezentowano wyniki obliczeń opartych na metodzie elementów skończonych (MES) wykonanych z wykorzystaniem procedur użytkownika w komercyjnym programie MES. Porównano wyniki dla dwóch typów 4-węzłowych elementów powłokowych.
An experimental investigation of the influence of plasticity on creep degradation rate
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An experimental investigation of the influence of plasticity on creep degradation rate
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A role of destructive and non-destructive tests in creep damage Identification
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań mjących zilustrować i określić rolę badań niszczących i nieniszczących w identyfikowaniu degradacji po pełzaniu
Creep rupture study of dissimilar welded joints of P92 and 304L steels
PublikacjaThe present work investigates the high-temperature tensile and creep properties of the dissimilar metal weld joints of 304L austenitic stainless steel (SS) and P92 creep strength-enhanced ferritic-martensitic (CSEF/M) steel under diferent testing condition. Thermanit MTS 616 fller rod (P92 fller) and the multi-pass tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process were used to create the dissimilar weld connection. The ultimate tensile...
Testing of low temperature behaviour of asphalt mixtures in bending creep test
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method of bending beam test and its importance for evaluation of asphalt mixtures behaviour at low temperatures. Two types of asphalt mixtures: asphalt concrete AC with normal paving grade bitumen and stone mastic asphalt SMA with SBS-modified bitumen were tested. Long-term oven ageing (LTOA) test was also used in the laboratory according to SHRP procedure. The Burgers model was applied and rheological parameters...
Modelling of Asphalt Mixes under Long Time Creep at Low Temperatures
PublikacjaProper description of asphalt mixtures behavior under long time load is one of the most important factors in analyses of strain and stress relations at low temperatures both from traffic and environmental loads. For example different models of thermal stress accumulation require different approaches of description of asphalt concrete. But in all cases it is required to describe its behavior under long time loading, which in some...
Modeling incipient creep damage effects on Barkhausen noise and magnetoacoustic emission.
PublikacjaZaproponowano model fizyczny opisujący zmiany natężenia efektu Barkhausena i emisji magnetoakustycznej podczas procesu degradacji stali ekploatowanych w przemyśle energetycznym.
Mechanical properties of Precontraint 1202 S2 based on uniaxial tensile and creep tests
PublikacjaThe purpose of the paper is the estimation of the polyvinyl chloride – polyester-coated fabric (Precontraint 1202 S2) mechanical properties under uniaxial tensile tests as well as short- and long-time creep tests. The uniaxial tests are the basis of non-linear elastic description while the creep tests are used for the evaluation of the stiffness parameters in time and for the identification of the standard viscoelastic model. The...
Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture Low-Temperature Performance in Bending Beam Creep Test
PublikacjaLow-temperature cracking is one of the most common road pavement distress types in Poland. While bitumen performance can be evaluated in detail using bending beam rheometer (BBR) or dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) tests, none of the normalized test methods gives a comprehensive representation of low-temperature performance of the asphalt mixtures. This article presents the Bending Beam Creep test performed at temperatures from −20...
Attempt to modeling with FEM of the impact of initial oval shape of tube into creep process.
PublikacjaOpisano zasady modelowania metodą elementów skończonych zjawiska pełzania dla elementów typu rura oraz pokazano wynik próby modelowania za pomocą MES wpływu początkowej owalności rury na proces pełzania.
Application of Tensile Creep Test and Viscoelastic Method to the Analysis of Thermal Stresses at Low Temperatures
PublikacjaThe paper presents the viscoelastic method of thermal stresses calculation with utilization of results from tensile creep test (TCT) at a temperature range from −20 to +20 °C (in the case of asphalt concrete with styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) polymer-modified bitumen from −30 to +20 °C). Two types of neat road bitumen 35/50 and 50/70 and polymer SBS-modified bitumen 45/80–55 were tested for tensile creep properties at low temperatures....
Municipal soild waste settlement (MSWS) model with account for integrated creep and degradation processes.
PublikacjaModel oparto na superpozycji składowych osiadania zależnych od obciązenia i wpływu czasu, zgodnie z obserwowanym zachowaniem się odpadów komunalnych w warunkach polowych i laboratoryjnych. Składowe osiadania zależne od obciązenia, które przyrastają w miarę dokładania kolejnych warstw odpadów, oblicza się z uwzględnieniem modułu podatności zależnego od poziomu obciążenia. Składowe osiadania wynikające z upływu czasu obejmują osiadanie...
Improved calculation of damage due creep by more accurate time to rupture data representation
PublikacjaReguła Robinsona (Linear Life Fraction Damage Rule) jest stosunkowo łatwa w użyciu dla różnorodnych warunków obciążenia. Z tego powodu jest ona powszechnie akceptowana i używana. Potencjalne możliwości poprawy dokładności obliczeń tą metodą daje zastosowanie specjalnych funkcji do aproksymacji wyników badań wytrzymałości czasowej. W pracy zaproponowano zastosowanie funkcji typu Spline oraz bardzo elastycznej funkcji Spline3D do...
Behaviour of asphalt concrete in cyclic and static compression creep test with and without lateral confinement
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wpływ metodyki badań na określanie parametrów betonu asfaltowego. Wykazano, że badania pełzania bez skrępowania bocznego w większym stopniu uwypuklają wpływ asfaltu na parametry badanego betonu asfaltowego natomiast w badaniach ze skrępowaniem bocznym, zarówno rola asfaltu jak i szkieletu mineralnego jest uwzględniana przy ocenie parametrów betonu asfaltowego. Ponadto wykazano, że lepszymi miarami do oceny betonu...
Complementary study with magnetic and acoustic techniques of A336 steel damage state due to creep
PublikacjaBadano możliwość detekcji w sposób nieniszczący zmian w mikrostrukturze stali A336 poddanej próbie pełzania. Testowano dwie magnetyczne techniki (klasyczny efekt Barkhausena i emisję magnetoakustyczną) oraz dwie nowe techniki ultradźwiękowe (pomiar współczynnika elasto-akustycznego oraz dwójłomność akustyczną). Wykazano, iż wyniki badań akustycznych są komplementarne do wyników badań magnetycznych.
Mechanical properties of polyester reinforced PVC coated fabric subjected to biaxial loading of creep type
PublikacjaThe goal of the current study is to analyze the basic mechanical properties of the architec-tural fabric VALMEX, which is a composite material built of reinforcing polyester thread families and both sides PVC coated. The material was firstly subjected to biaxial loading of creep type for about 48 hours. The stress levels of the creep loading in two main or-thogonal directions of the fabric (commonly called the warp and fill directions)...
LCF behavior of 2024AA under uni- and biaxial loading taking into account creep pre-deformation
PublikacjaThis study presents the results of experimental low-cycle fatigue (LCF) tests of aluminum 2024 alloy T3511 temper in uni- and biaxial loading states. Tests were carried out on both the as-received material (hardened extruded rods) and material with different pre-deformation histories. These deformations were carried out in the creep process at 200 °C and 300 °C for two different levels of at each temperature. The pre-deformed material’s...
PublikacjaMastic containing asphalt in its composition is an example of a viscoelastic material. It is an effective binder in asphalt. It consists of a filler (<0.063 mm) and asphalt mixed in the right proportions. Just like in asphalt, its response depends on the temperature level, the load and stress time. Changing the stress stiffness of the mastic affects the non-linear course of the stress-strain relationship. Modelling of the non-linear...
Designing a magnetoacoustic emission measurement configuration for measurement of creep damage in power plant boiler tubes
PublikacjaOpisywane są własności skonstruowanego detektora emisji magneto-akustycznej (EMA) służącego dla pomiaru stopnia degradacji rurociągów w przemyśle energetycznym. Specjalna budowa biegunów magnesu umożliwia ich dopasowanie do zakrzywionych powierzchni. Układ pomiarowy pozwala na badanie natężenia EMA dla pola wzdłuż osi rury, a także w kierunku obwodowym. Wykazano, iż możliwa jest detekcja zmiany stopnia degradacji materiału na obwodzie...
Microscopic impact of creep damage incipience and development on the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic Cr-Mo steel
PublikacjaPokazano wyniki badań emisji magneto-akustycznej (EMA0 oraz magnetostrykcji dla stali P22 w stanie dostawy i po ekploatacji. Wyniki te pokazują, że maksimum EMA jest skorelowane z maksimum pochodnej magnetostrykcji. Badania morfologii wydzieleń w granicach ziarn i w ich wnętrzu potwierdzają tezę, iż te pierwsze są główną przyczyną zmniejszania natężenia EMA. Zaproponowano prosty model tłumaczący ilościowo funkcję zmian natężenia...
Damage assessment during creep and fatigue of power plant steels using destructive and nondestructive techniques
PublikacjaOpisano wyniki badń mających na celu ocena uszkodzeń od pełzania i zmęczenia stali energetycznych z wykorzystaniem technik niszczących i nieniszczących
The effect of preliminary creep-strain on material behavior under LCF tension/compression and pure torsion regimes
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of experimental tests of monotonic tension and torsion, creep-rupture and preliminary creep at 200C and 300C, as well as low-cycle fatigue of 2024 T3511 aluminum alloy. The fatigue process was conducted at room temperature for uniaxial tension/compression and torsion. The as-received material and pre-deformed material were also investigated during creep at elevated temperature. Basic monotonic,...
Application possibilities of the low-temperature repairs on creep-resistance turbine components from material GX23CrMoV12-1
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Comparison of properties of magnetoacoustic emission and mechanical Barkhausen effects for P91 steel after plastic flow and creep
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki pogłębionej analizy sygnału szumowego efektu Barkhausena dla próbek ze stali krzemowej Fe-2%Si po deformacji plastycznej. Badane były próbki po walcowaniu na zimno powodującym odkształcenie względne w zakresie do 8%. Pierwsze podejście polegało na analizie w dziedzinie czasu widma badanego sygnału. Analiza ta została uzupełniona o analizę liczby zliczeń impulsów w funkcji napięcia progowego, zarówno...
Fractographical quantitative analysis of EN-AW 2024 aluminum alloy after creep pre-strain and LCF loading
PublikacjaThis paper explores the applicability of a new damage parameter combining both fracture surface topography and loading features to estimate the fatigue lifetime under creep pre-strain and low-cycle fatigue loading. Fractures of EN-AW 2024 aluminum alloy caused by mixed creep and low-cycle fatigue loading are experimentally characterized and quantified via surface topography analysis. The specimens were preliminary damaged in a...
Analysis of the possibility of creep damage detection in T24 heat resistant steel with the help of magnetic nondestestructive testing methods
PublikacjaThe paper presents the result of an analysis of applicability of various electromagnetic methods of nondestructive evaluation for creep damage detection in a novel heat resistant steel - T24 grade. Two sample sets, cut out from membrane wall tubes, were investigated – the as-delivered one and another exploited for 36,000 h in a power plant. There are described results of magnetic hysteresis loops B(H), Barkhausen noise (BN) and...
Experimental and theoretical study on high-temperature creep of VT6 titanium alloy under multi-axial loading conditions
PublikacjaIn the framework of damage mechanics, we discuss a new mathematical model that describes the kinetics of the stress–strain state and damage accumulation during material degradation by the mechanism of long-term strength under complex multiaxial stress state. An experimental and theoretical technique is proposed for determination of material parameters and scalar constitutive functions for damaged media based on specially set experiments...
Strength parameters of polyester reinforced PVC coated fabric after short term creep loading in biaxial mode
PublikacjaThis study addresses the analysis of tensile strength parameters of the technical fabric VALMEX, which is composed of two orthogonal polyester thread families (named the warp and fill) and both sides PVC coated. The material was firstly subjected to 48-hour biaxial creep loading with the equal stress level in both orthogonal directions of the fabric. The stress levels were established as follows: 4.6 kN/m, 10.4 kN/m, 16.4 kN/m,...
A model of damaged media used for describing the process of non-stationary creep and long-term strength of polycrystalline structural alloys
PublikacjaThe main laws of the processes of creep and long-term strength of polycrystalline structural alloys are considered. From the viewpoint of continuum damaged media (CDM), a mathematical model is developed that describes the processes of viscoplastic deformation and damage accumulation under creep. The problem of determining material parameters and scalar functions of the developed constitutive relations based on the results of specially...
Influence of e-beam irradiation on the dynamic creep and fatigue properties of poly(aliphatic/aromatic-ester) copolymers for biomedical applications
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Effects of deviations from thermo-rheologically simple behavior of asphalt mixes in creep on developing of master curves of their stiffness modulus
PublikacjaThe paper presents the deviations from the thermo-rheologically simple behavior of asphalt mixes and their effects on the developing of master curves of stiffness modulus. Eleven different mixes were tested in three point bending test under constant load at temperatures –20°C, –10 °C and 0 °C, and in some cases at +10 °C. The test method was developed at the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The applied stress level was...
Experimental investigations and damage growth modeling of EN‐AW 2024 aluminum alloy under LCF loading accounting creep pre‐deformation
PublikacjaThis article presents the results of experimental tests of creep rupture and of low-cycle fatigue (LCF) of EN-AW 2024 aluminum alloy devoid of damage and having preliminary damage. The preliminary damage was dealt in the process of creep at elevated temperature 100C, 200C, and 300C until achievement of two different strain values at each temperature. Samples with preliminary damage were subjected to fatigue tests at room temperature....
Microstructure degradation and creep failure study of the dissimilar metal welded joint of heat-resistant steel and Inconel 617 alloy tested at 650 °C and applied stress range of 100–150 MPa
PublikacjaThe advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) power plant system is anticipated to become India's next-generation base-load power station. To adopt AUSC technology, dissimilar welded joints (DWJs) between heat-resistant steels and the nickel-based alloys, using the nickel-based fillers, will need to be implemented. However, failure of dissimilar welded joints from P92 steel base metal or the heat affected zone (HAZ) has been commonly...
Variational Method of Finding Streamlines in Ring Cascades for Creeping Flows
PublikacjaThis paper presents a new, analytical method of finding streamlinesfor creeping flows inside a ring cascade which is composed of an infinite number of infinitely thin blades. An analytical solution has been obtained through minimisation of a dissipation functional by means of variational calculus method. The necessary condition for optimum of a functional gives the Stokes equation if some additional assumptions are introduced....
Low temperature cracking equipment: Termal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST); Uniaxial Tensile Strength Test (UTST); Tensile Creep Test (TCT); Relaxation Test (RT);
Aparatura Badawcza -
CreepFatFrac3DTopo Zastosowanie trójwymiarowej fraktografii ilościowej w analizie trwałości zmęczeniowej materiału w warunkach obciążeń złożonych z uwzględnieniem predeformacji pełzaniowej oraz podwyższonej temperatury
ProjektyProjekt realizowany w Zakład Mechaniki Stosowanej i Biomechaniki
Modelling the time-dependent behaviour of soft soils
PublikacjaTime-dependence of soft soils has already been thoroughly investigated. The knowledge on creep and relaxation phenomena is generally available in the literature. However, it is still rarely applied in practice. Regarding the organic soils, geotechnical engineers mostly base their calculations on the simple assumptions. Yet, as presented within this paper, the rate-dependent behaviour of soft soils is a very special and important...
Asphalt concrete subjected to long-time loading at low temperatures – Deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle
PublikacjaThe article presents the observed deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle of asphalt concretes, tested in the bending beam creep test at low temperatures for a long time of loading. In almost all tested asphalt concretes, deviations appeared after 500 s of loading at the temperature of -10 C. Some types of bitumen presented deviations at other temperatures – usually the harder the grade of the bitumen, the...
Laboratory Determination of Burger's Model Parameters for Visco-elastic Analysis of Road Pavement Materials
PublikacjaBurger's Model is one of those models that describes performance of asphalt mixtures. Its parameters can be used in road construction analysis based on visco-elastic properties in wide variety of temperatures using dedicated programs (e.g. Veroad) or in Finite Element Method (FEM). Parameters of Burger's Model can be used for example in prediction of low temperature cracking in low winter temperatures or permanent deformation...
Advanced ultra super critical power plants: role of buttering layer
PublikacjaDissimilar metal welded (DMW) joint plays a crucial role in constructing and maintaining ultra-supercritical (USC) nuclear power plants while presenting noteworthy environmental implications. This research examines different welding techniques utilized in DMWJ, specifically emphasizing materials such as P91. The study investigates the mechanical properties of these materials, the impact of alloying elements, the notable difficulties...
The effect of long-term service at elevated temperatures on structure and mechanical properties of Cr-Mo-V steel
PublikacjaPurpose: of this paper is to reveal the microstructural changes in 13HMF steel exposed to long-term service at elevated temperatures. The degradation of bainite structure was determined and carbides morphology has been examined. The influence of carbides evolution was discussed in dependence of creep rupture strength and mechanical properties of the steel.
Comparison of calculated and measured thermal stresses in asphalt concrete
PublikacjaThe paper presents the comparison of calculated and measured thermal stresses induced in restrained asphalt concrete specimens by cooling. Thermal stresses were measured in the Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test. The calculations of thermal stresses were performed with the use of a theoretical formula based on the temperature dependent stiffness modulus. The novel approach applied in this paper was that the stiffness modulus...
Verification of the new viscoelastic method of thermal stress calculation in asphalt layers of pavements
PublikacjaThe new viscoelastic method of thermal stress calculations in asphalt layers has been developed and published recently by the author. This paper presents verification of this method. The verification is based on the comparison of the results of calculations with results of testing of thermal stresses in Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test. The calculations of thermal stresses according to the new method were based on rheological...
Sestaveni Smerne Krivky Modulu Tuhosti Pro Zkoumani Nizkotrplotnich Vlastnosti (Developing of Stiffness Master Curve for Analysis of Low Temperature Properties)
PublikacjaV prispevku je predstaven novy postup pro sestrojeni smernych tuhostnich krivek. Nizkoteplotni vlastnosti asfaltove smesi byly stanoveny za vyuziti zkousky dotvarovani pri tribodovem ohybu. Motivem tohoto vyzkumu je skutecnost, ze metody hodnoceni nizkoteplotniho chovani asfaltovych smesi, nove zavedenych v Polsku, nejsou dostatecne. V zaveru jsou prezentovany smerne krivky tuhosti beznych asfaltovych smesi vyuzivanych v Polsku.
Linear viscoelastic transversely isotropic model based on the spectral decomposition of elasticity tensors
PublikacjaThe linear viscoelasticity is still a useful model in the engineering for studying the behavior of materials loaded with different loading rates (frequencies). Certain types of materials reveal also an anisotropic behavior: fiber reinforced composites, asphalt concrete mixtures, or wood, to name a few. In general, researchers try to identify experimentally the dependence of engineering constants like: directional Young’s moduli...
PublikacjaThe paper presents in situ load testing of the innovative footbridge of FOBRIDGE grant mounted at Gdansk University of Technology. The span of composite sandwich structure (GFRP skins, PET core) and the scope of static and dynamic tests are presented. The selected, representative results of in situ measurements and data obtained from the SHM monitoring system are discussed. Besides the standard testing procedures on the full scale...
Determination of Mechanical Properties of P91 Steel by Means of Magnetic Barkhausen Emission
PublikacjaIn this work, an attempt at determination of mechanical properties by means of a method based on magnetic Barkhausen emission measurements was proposed. The specimens made of P91 steel were subjected to creep or plastic flow which were interrupted after a range of selected time periods in order to achieve specimens with an increasing level of strain. Subsequently, measurements of magnetic Barkhausen emission were carried out, and...