Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ict
ICT Express
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Frontiers in ICT
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Journal of ICT Standardization
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ICT and social development. Conceptual considerations.
PublikacjaThis chapter is intended to provide basic ideas and concepts related to technology, technological progress and society. It explains how and why technology and society are interrelated, forming a dynamic, complex and interdependent evolutionary system. It introduces the terms Digital (ICT) Revolution and information and communication technologies (ICTs), showing elementary features of new technologies. The chapter explains why ICTs...
Use of ICT infrastructure for teaching HPC
PublikacjaIn this paper we look at modern ICT infrastructure as well as curriculum used for conducting a contemporary course on high performance computing taught over several years at the Faculty of Electronics Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. We describe the infrastructure in the context of teaching parallel programming at the cluster level using MPI, node level using OpenMP and CUDA. We present...
Determining Information Quality in ICT Systems
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Big Data Analytics for ICT Monitoring and Development
PublikacjaThe expanded growth of information and communication technology has opened new era of digitization which is proving to be a great challenge for researchers and scientists around the globe. The utmost paradigm is to handle and process the explosion of data with minimal cost and discover relevant hidden information in the least amount of time. The buzz word “BIG DATA” is a widely anticipated term with the potential to handle heterogeneous,...
Rola sektora ICT w gospodarce polskiej
Publikacjasektor ict ma kluczowe znaczenie dla zwiększenia produktywności oraz pobudzenia innowacji w wielu krajach. dla krajów transformujących się, takich jak polska, rozwój sektora ict jest warunkiem koniecznym dla szybszego niwelowania różnic w poziomie i tempie rozwoju gospodarczego między najlepiej rozwiniętym krajami a krajami rozwijającymi się (transformującym sięi).celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza stanu sektora ict w polsce,...
ICT-enabled circular economy: conceptualising the links
PublikacjaThis chapter sets conceptual backgrounds regarding the potentially emerging causal links between digital technologies and circular economy ideas implementation. We argue that digital technologies may constitute an effective element enabling the transformation from linear to circular and environmentally friendly economic activities. This work draws the general picture at the macro and micro level. The macro perspective shows how...
Forecasting of the Employment Rate in the EU ICT Field
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Business relationships in the context of ICT – a bibliometric review
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Journal of ICT Research and Applications
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ICT, financial markets and their impact on firms’ performance and internationalisation
PublikacjaThe effects of information and communication technology (ICT) and financial development on growth are highly debated in the literature. Motivated by previous studies and their mixed results, in this study, we propose an analysis to re-examine the ICT-finance puzzle. We go beyond country-specific or sector-specific studies and conduct cross-country analysis with firm-level data. It enables obtaining a broad picture of the ICT-finance-growth...
Networks Externalities as Social Phenomenon in the Process ICT Diffusion.
PublikacjaThis paper is designed to fill the gap in knowledge that we have identified regarding the process of diffusion of information and communication technologies and emerging network effects that significantly enhance spread of these technologies. We contribute to the present state of the art by examining the process of ICT diffusion in 50 countries, which in 2015 achieved highest ICT penetration rates.
Kształcenie inżynierów ICT w świecie permanentnych zmian.
PublikacjaWyzwania, jakie stawia przed światem rozwój technologiczny, są jakościowo nowe. Zjawisko, zwane "budowaniem społeczeństwa informacyjnego", skłania środowiska akademickie i zawodowe do pogłębionej refleksji, zaś przedsiębiorców, zwłaszcza w trudnej branży szeroko pojętej telekomunikacji, zmusza do złożonych, ryzykownych, przedsięwzięć.Dyskusja problemów kształcenia inżynierów dla potrzeb przedsiębiorstw działających w obszarze ICT,...
Decision Making Methods for the Selection of ICT Project Manager
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Potential for ITS/ICT Solutions in Urban Freight Management
PublikacjaThe article presents a study on applying ITS solutions in planning and management of urban freight transport in Gdynia. The traffic management system Tristar which is under implementation and its related systems show a potential to assist in development of freight transport measures. Recommendations for urban freight policy development supplementing Gdynia's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan were used as a basis for identification...
ICT-driven economic and financial development. Analyses of European countries
PublikacjaICT-Driven Economic and Financial Development: Analyses of European Countries demonstrates the effects of ICT diffusion on economic, social and financial development by examining their impact on the structure and dynamics of national economies. It provides the insight into shifts observed in labour markets, international trade activities productivity factors, education and use of innovative financial products. It combines empirical...
Technologia radia programowalnego w procesie kształcenia studentów ICT
PublikacjaTechnologie informacyjne i telekomunikacyjne ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) są współcześnie synonimem nowoczesności, innowacyjności oraz jednym z głównych czynników wzrostu społeczno-gospodarczego. Uczelnie wyższe stoją przed wyzwaniem, aby dostosować program studiów i metody nauczania do potrzeb rynku, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu wysokiej jakości kształcenia. Obecnie studenci wyższych uczelni na kierunkach technicznych...
Open Strategy for Digital Business. Managing in ICT-Driven Environments
PublikacjaThis book offers the reader a novel perspective on how digital contexts and open strategy approaches – the act of opening up strategic initiatives beyond company managers to involve front-line employees, stakeholders, and entrepreneurs – are related. Going beyond the claim that digital media drives open strategy by containing a detailed analyses of the interrelations between the two, the authors examine how ICT have diffused globally...
Gospodarka cyfrowa a lokalizacja: wpływ ICT na funkcjonowanie klastrów
PublikacjaCelem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie głównych możliwości, związanych z zastosowaniem nowoczesnych ICT w klastrach. Dodatkowo autorzy rozważają potencjalne zagrożenia dla funkcjonowania gron w we współczesnej gospodarce cyfrowej.
How non-technological innovation saved the day by using ICT
PublikacjaCertainly, the current pandemic situation provides a lot of evidence of the need for non-technological innovations, both in the area of company organization and marketing. Socio-cultural innovations are not less important. Therefore, the role of non-technological innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic is discussed in the sixth chapter. Innovations supported by digital solutions have become a silent heroes for many companies as...
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Social development and ICT adoption. Recent evidence from developing world
PublikacjaThis paper is designed to provide empirical evidence on the relationship between the process of ICT diffusion and social development across selected low-income and lowermiddle- income countries during the period of 2000 and 2014. It main target it so identify whether in low-income and lower-middle-income economies, ICT development and social development (social empowerment) are correlated.
ICT Diffusion in Developing Countries. Towards the new concept of technological takeoff
PublikacjaMonografia dotyczy procesów dyfuzji ICT w krajach zacofanych gospodarczo w latach 2000-2012.
To meet or to connect? Face-to-face contacts vs ICT in cluster organisations
PublikacjaThe main purpose of the paper is to explore how cluster organisations (COs) take advantage of direct (F2F) and indirect (ICT) contacts in fulfilling their main roles. The paper addresses the research question: “How important are Information and Communication Technologies at each level of advancement of cluster cooperation?” The research was conducted in 2016 in four purposefully selected cluster organisations representing metal...
Udział Polski w globalnej wymianie handlowej produktami sektora ICT
PublikacjaW ostatnich latach w gospodarce światowej notowany jest dynamiczny wzrost produkcji towarów ICT. Jednak większośc krajów importuje towary ICT, gdyż tylko nieliczna grupa krajów zaliczana jest do światowych ekporterów tych towarów. W kontekście powyższego celem autorek było przeanalizowanie wartości i struktury (towarowej jak i geograficznej) polskiego ekportu i importu towarów ICT w latach 2000-2008.
Modelling the Safety Levels of ICT Equipment Exposed to Strong Electromagnetic Pulses
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Developing ICT-rich lifelong learning opportunities trough EU-projects.
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje doświadczenia Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej od 1997 roku we wdrażaniu kształcenia na odległość. Głównym zadaniem CEN PG jest tworzenie dostępu do materiałów, skryptów, kursów i środowiska internetowego w sieciach LAN i WAN. Udostępniane moduły kursowe zostały opracowane głównie w międzynarodowych zespołach projektowych w wyniku realizowanych unijnych programów Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates...
The use of ICT tools in gaining knowledge about law in judicial decisions
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Enhancing Economic Development Through ICT-Based Governance: Evidence for Developing Countries
Publikacjahis shows novel empirical evidence on how e-government solutions enhance the emergence of inclusive societies, increase institutional quality, and through that channels dynamize economic development in developing countries. With this aim we examine digital development inequalities adopting 2 core ICT indicators: mobile cellular telephony and Internet users; and gross per capita income and Human Development Index to show the level...
ICT Diffusion Trajectories and Economic Development: Empirical Evidence for 46 Developing Countries
PublikacjaIn economic theory, technology is treated as a crucial factor contributing significantly to economic development. Seminal works of Schumpeter (Theory of economic development. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, 1934, J Econ Hist 7:149–159, 1947), Baumol (Am Econ Rev 76:1072–1084, 1986), Gerschenkron (Economic backwardness in economic perspective. Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA, 1962) or Abramovitz (J Econ Hist 46(2):385–406, 1986)...
The role of clusters as collective actors in the energy transformation: the case of Mazovia Cluster ICT
PublikacjaPurpose – In our paper we aim to show the possibilities of implementing the idea of sustainability in the context of energy transformation using the concept of an industrial cluster. The implementation of the idea of sustainability is of particular importance from the perspective of the functioning of the meta-organisations involved in the implementation and promotion of decarbonisation processes. Industrial clusters, as collective...
The Reliability and Operational Analysis of ICT Equipment Exposed to the Impact of Strong Electromagnetic Pulses
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ICT-supported spatial identification of natural and cultural values as a tool in development policies
PublikacjaW ciagu ostatnich dwudziestu lat świat stał się miejscem gwałtownego postępu technologicznego, mentalnego i społecznego. Przesył danych geoprzestrzennych staje się coraz łatwiejszy a dostęp coraz bardziej powszechny. Stwarza to nowe możliwości konstruowania polityk rozwoju.Artykuł przedstawia kwestie wykorzystania technologii teleinformatycznych w prowadzeniu polityki rozwoju - na przykładzie przetwarzania danych o środowisku przyrodniczym...
"Born Poland, Gone Global". The case of successful Polish ICT company - Aiton Caldwell
PublikacjaThis work examines the pathway to global markets of Polish ICT company Aiton Caldwell
Być czy mieć? Hierarchia kapitałów w wybranych przedsiębiorstwach ICT na Pomorzu
PublikacjaPrezentowany artykuł stanowi podsumowanie pierwszej, początkowej fazy konstruowania koncepcji wykorzystującej przekształconą teorię kapitałów Pierre’a Bourdieu w analizie działań przedsiębiorstw. Jej sednem jest podział dostępnych przedsiębiorstwom zasobów na cztery podstawowe typy odpowiadające wyróżnionym typom kapitału, a więc: kapitałowi ekonomicznemu, społecznemu, kulturowemu i symbolicznemu oraz założenie, zgodnie z którym...
Survey of ICT students' views on self-assessment of professional preparation after remote study
PublikacjaThe contemporary post-pandemic reality is characterised by an undisputable shift toward remote education and work. The aim of this article is to identify the assessment of ICT evaluation of different forms of study, including desktop, remote and hybrid forms; to find out their preferences towards different forms of education and work, and to determine their sense of self-efficacy in terms of professional tasks undertaken after...
The influence of ICT instruments on a transmission of interest rates by business entities and public authorities – A scientific comment
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Reshaping financial systems: The role of ICT in the diffusion of financial innovations – Recent evidence from European countries
PublikacjaExchange-traded funds (ETFs) are among the fastest-growing types of innovative financial products. The emergence and spread of these instruments have been facilitated by the digital revolution. Information and communication technology (ICT) is profoundly reshaping the global economic landscape, laying solid foundations for unrestricted and unbounded flows of information and knowledge, eliminating information asymmetries, and furthering...
The Reliability and Exploitation Analysis Method of the ICT System Power Supply with the Use of Modelling Based on Rough Sets
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Business continuity management framework for Industry 4.0 companies regarding dependability and security of the ICT and ICS/SCADA system
PublikacjaThis chapter addresses a business continuity management (BCM) framework for the Industry 4.0 companies including the organizational and technical solutions, regarding the dependability and security of the information and telecommunication technology (ICT), and the industrial control system (ICS) / supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. These technologies and systems play nowadays important roles in modern advanced...
Towards the industry 4.0: Have ICT services improved the position of Central and Eastern Europe in global production linkages?
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Innovative ICT Platform for Emerging eHealth Services: Towards Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers and Solving Grand Challenges in Medicine
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ICT for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies: Economic, Cultural, and Social Innovations for Human Capital in Transition Economies
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ICT technologies and financial innovations: The case of exchange traded funds in Brazil, Japan, Mexico, South Korea and the United States
ICT in Management 2020
Kursy OnlineICT in Management for Bachelor in Management students
ICT in Management - Spring 2024
Kursy OnlineICT in Management course for Bachelor in Management students (Spring 2024 edition)
ICT in Management, Spring 2022
Kursy Online„ ICT w zarządzaniu licencjami” dla studentów studiów z zarządzania, edycja 2022 „ ICT w sklepie ” dla studentów BiM edycja 2022
ICT in management (summer 2022/2023)
Kursy Online