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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: COLLECTIVE CREATIVITY
Collective angst and collective action for progressive city policies: study3
Dane BadawczePaweł Adamowicz, the liberal mayor of Gdańsk, died on January 14, 2019, after being stabbed by a man who rushed onstage during a charity event. Three studies were carried out to analyze the predictors of willingness to engage in collective action for the support of the progressive city policies he initiated. We conducted Study 3 to test the model with...
Collective angst and collective action for progressive city policies: study1
Dane BadawczePaweł Adamowicz, the liberal mayor of Gdańsk, died on January 14, 2019, after being stabbed by a man who rushed onstage during a charity event. Three studies were carried out to analyze the predictors of willingness to engage in collective action for the support of the progressive city policies he initiated. In this study 1 (N = 214), the questionnaire,...
Collective angst and collective action for progressive city policies: study2
Dane BadawczePaweł Adamowicz, the liberal mayor of Gdańsk, died on January 14, 2019, after being stabbed by a man who rushed onstage during a charity event. Three studies were carried out to analyze the predictors of willingness to engage in collective action for the support of the progressive city policies he initiated. Since we assumed that the time after the...
Manufacturing collective intelligence by the means of Decisional DNA and virtual engineering objects, process and factory
PublikacjaEngineering collective intelligence is paramount in current industrial times. This research proposes and presents case studies for collective knowledge structures required in the industry field. Knowledge structures such as Set of Experience and Decisional DNA are extended into more advanced knowledge structures for manufacturing processes. These structures are called Virtual Engineering Object, Virtual Engineering Process and...
Co-nonsolvency in concentrated aqueous solutions of PNIPAM: effect of methanol on the collective and the chain dynamics
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Quality assessment criteria in the process of collective communication of passengers in selected urban transport organizations
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Collaborative urban studios in Poland. Teaching collective problem solving via live projects
PublikacjaThe requirements of contemporary architectural and urban design practice places a growing importance on the ability to generate new solutions to complex design challenges. Such an approach is particularly relevant in the context of contemporary urban projects in need of urban innovation and socially engaged practice, i.e. urban regeneration or street quality improvement projects. Meaningful involvement in such topics requires a...
From Individual to Collective: Intelligence Amplification with Bio-Inspired Decisional DNA and its Extensions
PublikacjaIn nature, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The idea behind our vision is to develop an artificial system, an architecture that would support discovering, adding, storing, improving and sharing information and knowledge among agents and organizations through experience. We propose a novel Knowledge Representation (KR) approach in...
System of breath collection and analysis for diseases detection
PublikacjaCollection and study of composition of the exhaled air is now intensively investigated to develop non-invasive medical diagnostics based on presence of metabolic compounds in the exhaled air. The process of collecting and processing of the exhaled air must fulfill relevant conditions to achieve satisfactory results. The paper presents the system of collecting samples of exhaled breath and the proposed methods of its analysis, using...
Modelling of convective heat transfer in flow boiling.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rozważania dotyczące modelowania przepływu z wrzeniem w zastosowaniu do kanałów o małej średnicy. Stwierdzono,że stosowanie korelacji obowiązujących dla średnic konwencjonalnych nie sprawdza się z praktyką w przypadku małych średnic.
Natural convective heat transfer from isothermalconic
PublikacjaTheoretical considerations on convective heat transfer from isothermal upward conicalsurfaces have been presented. The physical model of this phenomenon consists of an isothermalcone of inclination angle (φ) between the cone generating line (X) and the radius (R) of the cone base. The angle is a parameter of conical surface which varied from (φ = 0−circular horizontal plate) to (φ = π/2—vertical cylinder) . Onthe basis of Navier–Stokes...
Strategy of collecting samples from an aquatic environment
PublikacjaW rozdziale opisano strategię, sposoby i urządzenia do pobierania próbek wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych, a także osadów dennych, które stanowią integralną cześć środowiska wodnego. Zwrócono uwagę na aktualne trendy w sposobach pobierania próbek do oznaczania zanieczyszczeń środowiska, szczególnie opartych na metodach pasywnych.
Do the New Requirements for the Use of Energy Efficient Lighting Design Mean the End of Creativity?,
PublikacjaThis paper addresses issues strongly connected to recent environmental discussions which are currently taking place in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and other parts of the world about global warming, the Greenhouse Effect, light pollution and other negative impacts artificial lighting has on our planet and what can be done about it. The author also attempts to answer indirectly two of the most important questions for lighting...
Virtual tour as an innovative tool for architectural education - from understanding heritage to creativity stimulation
PublikacjaThe article presents the potential of the virtual tour in architectural education as an innovative tool to better understand heritage and stimulate creativity. A methodology for creating a virtual tour based on a point cloud obtained from a survey based on 360° camera images is presented. Two different purposes for the use of point clouds are presented from reliable indicators of heritage documentation useful for digital twin modelling...
Reactivity of diacyloxyiodobenzenes toward trivalent phosphorus nucleophiles
PublikacjaBadano reaktywność diacyloksyjodobenzenów w stosunku do nukleofilowych odczynników trójwiązalnego fosforu takich jak: fosforyny dialkilu, tlenki drugorzędowych fosfin oraz trzeciorzędowych fosfin.
Antibody Cross-Reactivity in Serodiagnosis of Lyme Disease
PublikacjaLyme disease is a tick-borne disease caused by spirochetes belonging to the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex. The disease is characterized by a varied course; therefore, the basis for diagnosis is laboratory methods. Currently, a two-tiered serological test is recommended, using an ELISA as a screening test and a Western blot as a confirmatory test. This approach was introduced due to the relatively high number of false-positive...
International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving
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International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation
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International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change
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Catalysis Structure & Reactivity
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Living Reviews in Relativity
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Identification of Substrates of Cytoplasmic Peptidyl-Prolyl Cis/Trans Isomerases and Their Collective Essentiality in Escherichia Coli
PublikacjaProtein folding often requires molecular chaperones and folding catalysts, such as peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerases (PPIs). The Escherichia coli cytoplasm contains six well-known PPIs, although a requirement of their PPIase activity, the identity of their substrates and relative enzymatic contribution is unknown. Thus, strains lacking all periplasmic and one of the cytoplasmic PPIs were constructed. Measurement of their PPIase...
Innovations in Polish family firms. Exploring employee creativity and management practices that stimulate innovative thinking
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PublikacjaThe paper proposes an approach to creative generation of new names for the purposes of Role Playing Games in fantasy realms. The generator based on an existing database of na mes is able to propose a set of new names with regard to demanded attributes, such as: length of the name, sex and race of the character, a given p hrase as the origin for the generated name as well as subjective evaluations from former users. The software...
Scientific tools for collecting and analysing medical data in rhinology.
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Natural convective heat transfer from isothermal cuboids
PublikacjaPrzestawiono rozważania teoretyczne i wyniki badań eksperymentalnych konwekcyjnej wymiany ciepła od powierzchni izotermicznego prostopadłościanu. W rozwiązaniu analitycznym uwzględniono pełną długość warstwy przyściennej i sposób jej rozchodzenia się wzdłuż powierzchni prostopadłościanu. W celu zweryfikowania otrzymanego rozwiązania przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne w trzech możliwych położeniach bryły. Zaproponowano uniwersalną...
Natural convective heat transfer from isothermal cuboids
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of theoretical and experimental investigations of the convective heat transfer from isothermal cuboid. The analytical solution was performed taking into account complete boundary layer length and the manner of its propagation around isothermal cuboid. It arises at horizontal bottom surface and grows on vertical lateral surface of the block. After changing its direction, the boundary layer occurs above...
Convective heat transfer inside hemispherical reflective concentrator.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono uproszczone rozwiązanie analityczne, obliczenia numeryczne wykonane za pomocą programu FLUENT/UNS i wyniki badań eksperymentalnych swobodnej konwekcyjnej wymiany ciepła wewnątrz izotermicznej powierzchni kołowej w przestrzeni nieograniczonej. Wykonane obserwacje bezpośrednie konwekcyjnych struktur przepływu, jak i wyniki obliczeń numerycznych otrzymane w postaci pola prędkości i linii prądu wewnątrz...
On implementation of fibrous connective tissues’ damage in Abaqus software
PublikacjaConnective fibrous tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, in humans and animals exhibit hyperelastic behaviour. The constitution of the material of these tissues is anisotropic due to the presence of the collagen fibres, where one family of fibres is the typical case. Traumatic events and/or aging may sometimes lead to the damage of the tissue. The study of motion of affected joints or limbs is usually not permitted in vivo. This...
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The reactivity of CeO2 towards MoO3 in air atmosphere – reinvestigation
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Relativity of the simplified runoff calculations for rainwater drainage system
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono problem względności wyników uproszczonych obliczeń spływu wód opadowych dla potrzeb systemów kanalizacji deszczowej, wynikającą zarówno z uproszczeń przy wyborze modelu obliczeniowego, jak i dostępności danych i szacunkowości stosowanych współczynników obliczeniowych. Szczególny nacisk został położony na rolę współczynnika spływu oraz sposobu określania czasu koncentracji i czsu trwania deszczu w zlewni....
Chemical reactivity and antimicrobial activity of N-substituted maleimides
PublikacjaZsyntezowano kilkanaście N-podstawionych maleimidów, zawierających w swojej strukturze podstawniki o różnej wielkości i polarności.Maleimidy o charakterze obojętnym wykazywały silny efekt przeciwgrzybowy; ich aktywność przeciwbakteryjna była zróżnicowana. Niską aktywność przeciwbakteryjną, ale wysoką aktywność cytostatyczną stwierdzono dla maleimidów o charakterze zasadowym. Reaktywność chemiczna i lipofilowość miały wpływ na aktywność...
Towards the 4th industrial revolution: networks, virtuality, experience based collective computational intelligence, and deep learning
PublikacjaQuo vadis, Intelligent Enterprise? Where are you going? The authors of this paper aim at providing some answers to this fascinating question addressing emerging challenges related to the concept of semantically enhanced knowledge-based cyber-physical systems – the fourth industrial revolution named Industry 4.0.
Nationalism as a Manipulation of Collective Imaginaries (Stereotypes) of One’s Own and Strangers in Jan Stanisław Bystroń’s “National Megalomania”
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Quality improvement in Polish public administration in the context of the creativity potential of tools and techniques of customer satisfaction research
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Development of Technical Creativity Featuring Modified TRIZ-AM Inventive Principle to Support Design for Additive Manufacturing
Publikacjahe design for additive manufacturing (DFAM) processing was introduced to fully utilise the design freedom provided by additive manufacturing (AM). Consequently, appropriate design methodologies have become essential for this technology. Recently, many studies have identified the importance of DFAM method utilisation to produce AM parts, and TRIZ is a strategy used to formalise design methodologies....
Sealing tax collection in Poland and the EU in the years 2008–2018
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study is to present issues related to sealing tax collection system in Poland and European Union countries as well as OECD members in 2008–2018. The article is divided into four parts, which include: introduction, origin of the problem, implemented solutions and conclusions. It presents the results of the conducted analysis including studies of the literature and empirical data (mainly from OECD, GUS—Polish...
Study of free convective heat transfer from horizontal conic.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono teoretyczne rozważania i badania eksperymentalne konwekcji swobodnej od izotermicznej powierzchni poziomego stożka w przestrzeni nieograniczonej. Rozwiązanie przeprowadzono dla wprowadzonego krzywoliniowego układu współrzędnych, opartego na krzywej linii prądu wokół powierzchni stożkowej.
Conceptual design of shore station for an innovative waste collecting vessel
PublikacjaMarine environment protection legislation in the EU requires ships to return waste they generate on voyages to waste-reception facilities in ports. In many harbors there is a need to expand the port infrastructure to enable the operation of Waste Collecting Vessels (WCVs). In addition, these vessels can perform new functions of cleaning port basins and adjacent waterways. A novelty in the presented research on the conceptual design...
Convective momentum and heat transfer in single and two-phase flows
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono dorobek autora w zakresie modeowania wymiany pędu i ciepław w przepływach jedno i dwufazowych.
Cyanobacterial and Algal Strains in the Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)
PublikacjaThe dataset titled Microalgal strains from “Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA)” is a representation of cyanobacterial and microalgal cultures isolated from the Baltic Sea. It is a unique catalogue of strains of the dominant and rare species found in the Baltic phytoplankton and microphytobenthos assemblages. The main purpose of the collection is to extend the knowledge on the Baltic microbial communities by providing...
SiMiSnoRNA: Collection of siRNA, miRNA, and snoRNA database for RNA Interference
PublikacjaObjective:The discovery of sequence specific gene silencing which occurs due to the presence of double-stranded RNAs has considerable impact on biology, revealing an unknown level of regulation of gene expression. This process is known as RNA interference (RNAi) or RNA silencing in which RNA molecules inhibit gene expression, typically by causing the destruction of specific mRNA molecule. Two types of small RNA molecules - small...
Influence of Toll Collection Method on Motorways on Traffic Safety and Efficiency
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of the effectiveness analysis for various forms of toll collection on motorway gates and their impact on safety and efficiency of traffic. The results from field tests that were performed on the A1 motorway in Rusocin were used for the analysis. The research included the analysis of the video image of driver behaviour on the way to the toll booths and at toll booths. The PTV VISSIM tool was used to...
Low-temperature reactivity of the surface species of vanadia–tungsta catalyst
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The Reactivity of Arylphosphorus Acid Amides Under Birch Reduction Conditions
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DFT-based prediction of reactivity of short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase
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The electronic structure of p-xylylene and its reactivity with vinyl molecules
PublikacjaThe electronic states of p-xylylene molecule were described at the multi-configurational CASSCF/MRMP2 level of theory. The closed-shell singlet state representing the quinoidal p-xylylene molecule was pre-dicted to be the ground electronic state whereas the triplet (benzoidal) and the singlet open-shell states were found to be much higher in energy (by 159 and 423 kJ/mol, respectively, as found at the CASSCF(8,8)/6-31+G(d) level)....
The Reactivity of Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes of Transition Metals Toward Terminal Dihaloalkanes
PublikacjaThe reactivities of phosphanylphosphinidene complexes [(DippN)2W(Cl)(η2-P−PtBu2)]− (1), [(pTol3P)2Pt(η2- P=PtBu2)] (2), and [(dppe)Pt(η2-P=PtBu2)] (3) toward dihaloalkanes and methyl iodide were investigated. The reactions of the anionic tungsten complex (1) with stochiometric Br(CH2)nBr (n = 3, 4, 6) led to the formation of neutral complexes with a tBu2PP(CH2)3Br ligand or neutral dinuclear complexes with unusual tetradentate...
The Reactivity of the Imine Bond within Polynuclear Nickel(II) Complexes
PublikacjaThree novel Ni complexes with the Schiff base ligand 2-methoxy-6-(E-2-pyridyliminomethyl)-phenol (L1) are described. In comparison with the similar 2-(pyridine-2-ylimino-methyl)phenol (pymp), the mode of coordination of L1 is altered due to the presence of methoxy substituent introducing the sterical hindrance. During the synthesis of the complexes, partial hydrolysis of the ligand was observed. Since such immediate hydrolysis...