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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SSAS
Rozwój technologii SaaS.
PublikacjaWyjaśniono koncepcję usług informacyjnych w oparciu o modele przetwarzania rozproszonego i zespołowego. Przedstawiono podstawowe kategorie usług i protokoły wspomagające ich wykonanie. Podano sposób wykorzystania usług złożonych w realizacji różnego typu przedsięwzięć elektronicznych.
SLAS Discovery
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SLAS Technology
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Artists - researchers of postindustrial city area. SEAS In Gdańsk / Artyści-badacze przestrzeni poprzemysłowego miasta, SEAS w Gdańsku
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia gdańską odsłonę interdyscyplinarnego projektu SEAS, w ramach którego artyści na różne sposoby odkrywali urbanistyczny potencjał poprzemysłowych terenów w miastach portowych nad Bałtykiem i Adriatykiem.
Upregulation of the sFas/sFasL system in psoriatic patients
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GIS for processing multidimensional marine data in SAAS model
PublikacjaGeographic Information Systems (GIS) have always been a useful tool for visualization and processing of geospatial data. However, their capabilities of analysis non-standard information such as hydroacoustic soundings has thus far been very limited. This paper proposes a general-purpose GIS which uses techniques such as OLAP, WCS and WCPS for processing of multidimensional spatio-temporal data. The versatility of the GIS is exemplified...
Superconductivity and particle accelerators 2018: SPAS'2018 conference overview
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The Tourist Attractiveness of Rural Spas on The Example of Przerzeczyn-Zdrój and Długopole-Zdrój
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Three Seas Economic Journal
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Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) - sources and applicationsin molecular biology
PublikacjaBiałka wiążące się do jednoniciowego DNA (SSB) odgrywają ważną rolę w replikacji, rekombinacji i naprawie DNA u bakterii, archea i eukariota. Ostatnio wzrosło zainteresowanie białkami SSB jako przydatnymi narzędziami w metodach badawczych biologii molekularnej, analitycznych i diagnostycznych. Większość znanych prokariotycznych białek SSB zbudowanych jest z czterech podjednostek (homotetramer) z jedną domeną wiążąca (OB) jednoniciowe...
Opinia dotycząca ustalenia przyczyny powstania szkody na statku M/V "STAS"
PublikacjaOpinia dotyczy uszkodzenia powstałego na statku M/V STAS, polegającego na zatarciu się wału śrubowego w smarowanych wodą łożyskach pochwy wału.W wyniku tego uszkodzenia statek został wyłączony z żeglugi i musiał być wydokowany na okres remontu.
Computational model for simulation of lifeboat motions during its launching from ship in rough seas
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono model obliczeniowy 3 D, opisujący ruch obiektu w 6 stopniach swobody (6DoF), do symulacji ruchu jedno- lub dwuzawiesiowej łodzi ratunkowej lub ratowniczej podczas opuszczania ze statku na wzburzonej wodzie. Jest to złożony model uwzględniający warunki morskie oraz elastyczność i własności tłumiące elementów i mechanizmów żurawika, liny oraz kadłuba łodzi. Ponadto przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki obliczeń...
Parasomnias and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: in search for a parasomnia evaluating tool appropriate for OSAS screening
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SKAS (Suomen Keskiajan arkeologian seura)
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Testing Students’ Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy as an Early Predictor of Entrepreneurial Activities. Evidence From the SEAS Project
PublikacjaOver the last forty years, since Bandura (1977) introduced the concept of self-efficacy, there have been a constantly growing number of research publications using this concept. Its early development resulted in the creation of a new construct of entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) proposed for the first time by (Chen et al. 1998). Since then, many different groups of research concerning ESE have emerged - one of them is the study...
Seismic Response Analysis of Knee-Braced Steel Frames Using Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs)
PublikacjaShape Memory Alloys (SMAs) are known as active materials that can be widely used for structural purposes due to their flag-shape behavior under loading and reloading. Their unique characteristics provided a potential solution for civil engi-neers especially to model buildings with the capability of dissipating seismic en-ergy. In this study, the main purpose is to explore the seismic behavior of Knee-Braced Frames (KBFs) and...
Influence of Cement Replacement with Sewage Sludge Ash (SSA) on the Heat of Hydration of Cement Mortar
PublikacjaThe amount of fly ash from the incineration of sewage sludge is increasing all over the world, and its utilization is becoming a serious environmental problem. In the study, a type of sewage sludge ash (SSA) collected directly from the municipal sewage treatment plant was used. Five levels of cement replacement (2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 20%) and unchanged water-to-binder (w/b) ratio (0.55) were used. The purpose of the study was...
Tideless estuaries in brackish seas as possible freshwater‐marine transition zones for bacteria: the case study of the Vistula river estuary
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Three Microbial Musketeers of the Seas: Shewanella baltica, Aliivibrio fischeri and Vibrio harveyi, and Their Adaptation to Different Salinity Probed by a Proteomic Approach
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Exploring the Dynamic Relationships between Agricultural Production and Environmental Pollution: Evidence from a GMM-SYS Model in the Three Seas Initiative (3SI)
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Exploring the Dynamic Relationships between Agricultural Production and Environmental Pollution: Evidence from a GMM-SYS Model in the Three Seas Initiative (3SI)
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Tailor-Made Polysaccharides for Biomedical Applications
PublikacjaPolysaccharides (PSAs) are carbohydrate-based macromolecules widely used in the biomedical field, either in their pure form or in blends/nanocomposites with other materials. The relationship between structure, properties, and functions has inspired scientists to design multifunctional PSAs for various biomedical applications by incorporating unique molecular structures and targeted bulk properties. Multiple strategies, such as...
Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska prof. dr hab. inż. arch.
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Comparative Analysis of Laboratory-Made and Industrial-Made Sewage Sludge Ash: Implications for Effective Management Strategy Development
Publikacjafirst_pageDownload PDFsettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Comparative Analysis of Laboratory-Made and Industrial-Made Sewage Sludge Ash: Implications for Effective Management Strategy Development by Bartłomiej Michał Cieślik 1,*ORCID,Oskar Ronda 1ORCID,Elżbieta Grządka 2ORCID,Jolanta Orzeł 2 andJustyna Płotka-Wasylka 1 1 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology, Gabriela...
On some aspects of maritime security
PublikacjaZostały przedstawione wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące ochrony żeglugi, w tym opisano Międzynarodowy Kodeks Ochrony Statków i Urządzeń Portowych - ISPS, Statkowy System Alarmowania (SSAS) oraz system AIS i System Identyfikacji i Śledzenia Dalekiego Zasięgu (LRIT). Przedstawiono również znaczenie nowoczesnej telekomunikacji dla potrze sprawnej ochrony żeglugi na morzach i oceanach
Jacek Krenz dr hab. inż. arch.
OsobyUr. 11 maja 1948 w Poznaniu – polski architekt, malarz, profesor Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, Wydziału Architektury, Inżynierii i Sztuki Sopockiej Szkoły Wyższej, W latach 70. członek Grupy Kadyńskiej, skupiającej plastyków i architektów związanych z Międzynarodowymi Plenerami "Ceramika dla architektury" w Kadynach. W roku 1980 uzyskał stopień doktora, a w 1997 – doktora habilitowanego. Prowadzi badania na temat...
Challenges and opportunities related to the use of sewage sludge ash in cement-based building materials – A review
PublikacjaDue to the increasingly demanding legal regulations, regarding both sewage sludge (SS) and solid residues obtained during its thermal utilization processes, new solutions to limit their negative impact on the environment are sought. One approach that eliminates the risk of sewage sludge ash (SSA) is its use in cement building materials. The article contains a detailed literature review regarding the use of SSA in mortars and concretes,...
Seismic performance evaluation of steel buckling-restrained braced frames including SMA materials
PublikacjaThe permanent deformation of the building after seismic excitations can be determined by the Maximum Residual Interstory Drift Ratio (MR-IDR), which may be used for measuring the damage states. Low-post yield stiffness of the steel buckling-restrained braced frame (BRBF) makes this system vulnerable to large MR-IDR after a severe earthquake event. To overcome this issue, this paper investigates the seismic limit state performances...
Multiphysical simulation of iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) activation embedded in concrete structures
PublikacjaShape memory alloys (SMAs) are a well-known type of smart material that recovers its original shapes upon activation. This unique property makes SMAs attractive for pre-stressing applications in civil engineering. Iron-based SMAs (Fe-SMAs) are particularly promising for civil engineering applications because of their low cost,...
Analytics of Surfactants in the Environment: Problems and Challenges
PublikacjaSurfactants (surface active agents = SAAs) are a group of compoundswith specific physicochemical properties (amphiphilicity,solubility in polar and nonpolar liquids, ability to form micelles,adsorption at phase boundaries).1,2 Because of their properties,surface-active compounds are widely applied in industry and thehousehold (e.g., in detergents, personal-care products, paints,pesticides, petroleum products). As their applications...
Surfactants: a real threat to the aquatic geoecosystems of lobelia lakes
PublikacjaLobelia lakes are valuable elements of the natural environment. They are characterised by low trophy, mainly in-forest location and a high transparency of water. However, similarly to other surface waters, they are subjected to increasing anthropogenic pressures, a good indicator of which is the level of surfactants, also called surface-active agents (SAAs). The aim of the study was to evaluate the intensity of anthropogenic pressures...
Subarachnoid Space: New Tricks by an Old Dog
PublikacjaPurpose: The purpose of the study was to: (1) evaluate the subarachnoid space (SAS) width and pial artery pulsation in both hemispheres, and (2) directly compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) measurements of SAS width changes in healthy volunteers.Methods: The study was performed on three separate groups of volunteers, consisting in total of 62 subjects (33...
Human subarachnoid space width oscillations in the resting state
PublikacjaAbnormal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pulsatility has been implicated in patients suffering from various diseases, including multiple sclerosis and hypertension. CSF pulsatility results in subarachnoid space (SAS) width changes, which can be measured with near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS). The aim of this study was to combine NIR-T/BSS and wavelet analysis methods to characterise the dynamics of the...
Kursy Onlineasasa
Piotr Sass dr inż.
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Coupling between Blood Pressure and Subarachnoid Space Width Oscillations during Slow Breathing
PublikacjaThe precise mechanisms connecting the cardiovascular system and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are not well understood in detail. This paper investigates the couplings between the cardiac and respiratory components, as extracted from blood pressure (BP) signals and oscillations of the subarachnoid space width (SAS), collected during slow ventilation and ventilation against inspiration resistance. The experiment was performed on...
Characterization of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from the psychrophilic bacteria Desulfotalea psychrophila, Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Psychrobacter arcticus, Psychrobacter cryohalolentis, Psychromonas ingrahamii, Psychroflexus torquis, and Photobacterium profundum
PublikacjaBackground: Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) play essential roles in DNA replication, recombination and repair in Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in SSBs, since they find numerous applications in diverse molecular biology and analytical methods. Results: We report the characterization of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins from the psychrophilic bacteria Desulfotalea...
Impact of slow breathing on the blood pressure and subarachnoid space width oscillations in humans
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to assess cardiac and respiratory blood pressure (BP) and subarachnoid space (SAS) width oscillations during the resting state for slow and fast breathing and breathing against inspiratory resistance. Experiments were performed on a group of 20 healthy volunteers (8 males and 12 females; age 25.3 ± 7.9 years; BMI = 22.1 ± 3.2 kg/m2). BP and heart rate (HR) were measured using continuous finger-pulse photoplethysmography....
Wybrane problemy ochrony żeglugi (Maritime Security)
Publikacjaprzedstawiono zagadnienia ochrony żeglugi w aspekcie uwarunkowań związanych z radiokomunikacją morską. Opisano Międzynarodowy Kodeks Ochrony Statków i Urządzeń Portowych - ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) i Statkowy System Alarmowania - SSAS (Ship Security Alert System) oraz także scharakteryzowano system AIS (Automated Information System) i System Identyfikacji i Śledzenia Dalekiego Zasięgu - LRIT (Long...
Increased inspiratory resistance affects the dynamic relationship between blood pressure changes and subarachnoid space width oscillations
PublikacjaBackground and objective Respiration is known to affect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) movement. We hypothesised that increased inspiratory resistance would affect the dynamic relationship between blood pressure (BP) changes and subarachnoid space width (SAS) oscillations. Methods Experiments were performed in a group of 20 healthy volunteers undergoing controlled intermittent Mueller Manoeuvres (the key characteristic of the procedure...
Occurrence of Surface Active Agents in the Environment
PublikacjaDue to the specific structure of surfactants molecules they are applied in different areas of human activity (industry, household). After using and discharging from wastewater treatment plants as effluent stream, surface active agents (SAAs) are emitted to various elements of the environment (atmosphere, waters, and solid phases), where they can undergo numerous physic-chemical processes (e.g., sorption, degradation) and freely...
Application of Shape Memory Alloys in Retrofitting of Masonry and Heritage Structures Based on Their Vulnerability Revealed in the Bam 2003 Earthquake
PublikacjaFor decades, one of the most critical considerations of civil engineers has been the construction of structures that can sufficiently resist earthquakes. However, in many parts of the globe, ancient and contemporary buildings were constructed without regard for engineering; thus, there is a rising necessity to adapt existing structures to avoid accidents and preserve historical artefacts. There are various techniques for retrofitting...
Coupling of Blood Pressure and Subarachnoid Space Oscillations at Cardiac Frequency Evoked by Handgrip and Cold Tests: A Bispectral Analysis
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to assess blood pressure–subarachnoid space (BP–SAS) width coupling properties using time–frequency bispectral analysis based on wavelet transforms during handgrip and cold tests. The experiments were performed on a group of 16 healthy subjects (F/M; 7/9) of the mean age 27.2 ± 6.8 years and body mass index of 23.8 ± 4.1 kg/m². The sequence of challenges was first handgrip and then cold test. The handgrip...
Migration of trace elements and radioisotopes to various fractions of solid wastes generated as a result of the sewage sludge incineration process
PublikacjaThe research was aimed at providing new knowledge in the field of chemical characteristics of solid waste generated in the process of combustion of sewage sludge in fluidized bed furnaces. The research material consisted of disposed fluidized beds (DFB), sewage sludge ash (SSA) and air pollution control residues (APC) from three Polish installations for the thermal treatment of sewage sludge. Natural radionuclides as well as anthropogenic...
Polysaccharide nanocomposites in wastewater treatment: A review
PublikacjaIn modern times, wastewater treatment is vital due to increased water contamination arising from pollutants such as nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical residues. Polysaccharides (PSAs) are natural, renewable, and non-toxic biopolymers used in wastewater treatment in the field of gas separation, liquid filtration, adsorption processes, pervaporation, and proton exchange membranes. Since addition of nanoparticles...
Selected anionic and cationic surface active agents: case study on the Kłodnica sediments
PublikacjaSurface active agents (surfactants) are a group of chemical compounds, which are used as ingredients of detergents, cleaning products, cosmetics and functional products. After use, wastes containing surfactants or their degradation products are discharged to wastewater treatment plants or directly into surface waters. Due to their specific properties of SAAs, compounds are able to migrate between different environmental compartments...
Pial artery and subarachnoid width response to apnoea in normal humans
PublikacjaBackground: Little is known about intracranial pressure (ICP)-cerebral haemodynamic interplay during repetitive apnoea. A recently developed method based on near-infrared transillumination/backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) noninvasively measures changes in pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) as well as subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans. Method: We tested the complex response of the pial artery and subarachnoid width to apnoea...
5-Bromo-2′-deoxycytidine—a potential DNA photosensitizer
PublikacjaA double-stranded oligonucleotide, 80 base pairs in length, was multiply labeled with 5-bromo-2′-deoxycytidine (BrdC) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The modified oligonucleotide was irradiated with 300 nm photons and its damage was assayed by employing DHPLC, LC-MS and denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Two types of damage were demonstrated, namely, single strand breaks (SSBs) and intrastrand cross-links...
Automatic Detection and Monitoring of Cyanobacterial Blooms in the Context of the Marine Cadastre
PublikacjaIn the wake of the European and global spatial data infrastructures (SDI) it is important to build information systems which use and serve thematic data in compliance with the INSPIRE Directive. In the context of hydrographic data, the Directive requires EU member states to collect and share information on maritime areas divided into regions and sub-regions, as well as coastal zone management areas. These data are part of recently...
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to determine the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched 10 granular sludge. The experimental data were extracted from a 4L completely-mixed batch reactor with the 11 granular sludge at different initial pH values (6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5) and constant temperature 12 T=30℃. Simulations were run in GPS-X 6.4 using a comprehensive mechanistic model Mantis2. Two 13 kinetic parameters,...