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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WETLAND CONSERVATION
Conservation and diversity of MutS proteins
PublikacjaThe homologues of MutS, mismatch repair protein, exist in all prokaryotes, with the exception of Actinobacteria, Mollicutes and part of the Archaea. Multiple alignments of 316 MutS amino acid sequences from 169 species revealed conserved residues and sequence motifs distinguishing MutS homologues. All MutS homologues show high conservation within the ATPase domain. MutS1, the homologue responsible for DNA mismatch recognition,...
Magdalena Gajewska prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyMagdalena Gajewska (ur. 1.06.1968 r. w Gdańsku) ukończyła studia w 1993 roku na Wydziale Hydrotechniki Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jest adiunktem w Katedrze Technologii Wody i Ścieków na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej. Doktorat (2001) i habilitacja (2013) w dyscyplinie inżynierii środowiska. W kadencji 2016–2020 pełni funkcję prodziekana ds. nauki. Specjalizuję się w technologiach związanych z ekoinżynierią:...
Ecology and Conservation of Steppes and Semi-Natural Grasslands
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Architectural Heritage Virtual Models in Conservation Practice
PublikacjaThe article presents the issues concerning architectural heritage digital models’ applications in conservation practice. These considerations are discussed in the context of the commencement of creating virtual models regarding no-longer existing historical buildings in the first half of the 1980s. Such models’ applications and possible uses are analyzed within the adopted criteria that distinguish the following model types....
General aspects of waterfront heritage conservation in Poland
PublikacjaPublikacja obejmuje analize wybranych zagadnień związanych z ochroną dziedzictwa kulturowego obszarów nadowdnych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zespołów portowych Gdańska i Gdyni.
The Conservation and Preservation of Gdynia`s Modernist Architecture
PublikacjaThe paper presents the introducing of legal protection in Gdynia City Center and conservation of modern monuments built before WWII in this town
Minimal surfaces and conservation laws for bidimensional structures
PublikacjaWe discuss conservation laws for thin structures which could be modeled as a material minimal surface, i.e., a surface with zero mean curvatures. The models of an elastic membrane and micropolar (six-parameter) shell undergoing finite deformations are considered. We show that for a minimal surface, it is possible to formulate a conservation law similar to three-dimensional non-linear elasticity. It brings us a path-independent...
Pomerania Laboratory - A solution for the cultural heritage research and conservation
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Mass and momentum conservation in the simplified flood routing models
PublikacjaW pracy wykazano, że uproszczone modele fal wezbraniowych w postaci fali kinematycznej reprezentują w przypadku liniowych zarówno zasadę zachowania masy jaki i pędu, natomiast w przypadku nieliniowym, reprezentują albo zasadę zachowania masy albo pędu, zależnie od postaci zachowawczej równania. Ponadto wykazano, iż nieliniowa fala dyfuzyjna nie spełnia ani całkowowej zasady zachowania masy ani pędu.
Types of Treatment Wetlands
PublikacjaThe removal of pollutants in treatment wetland systems is the result of the sorption of biochemical pollutants, redox reactions, and a biological activity of microorganisms as well as hydrophytes plants.
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Petrographic, mineralogical, and climatic analyses, and risk maps for conservation strategies
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Slow growth conservation and molecular characterization of Deutzia scabra Thunb
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Virtual reality tools in teaching the conservation and history of Polish architecture
PublikacjaVirtual reality and its impact on teaching conservation and architectural history is the subject of this article. During the COVID-19 crisis in 2020, the education of students of architecture was transferred by Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Gdańsk, Poland, to distance learning. This method has provided academics an opportunity to examine the impact of virtual reality and remote education on architectural history and conservation....
Western Front of the City Centre of Gdańsk. An Urban Conservation Study
PublikacjaThe western front of Gdańsk`s city centre is the key fragment of a ring road scheme, which was created at the turn of the 20th century during the great transformation of the city. It was at that time that new streets and squares were delineated on the site of the early modern earthen bastions, which for more than three centuries marked Gdańsk`s border. The new city development was set up in their surroundings. In 1945, Gdańsk was...
Jakub Szczepański prof. dr hab. inż. arch.
OsobyJakub Szczepański jest profesorem nadzwyczajnym na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, a od 2016 r. prodziekanem ds. nauki. Architekt, historyk architektury i konserwator zabytków. Jego badania koncentrują się na historii i architekturze Gdańska i miast Regionu Bałtyckiego, a także konserwacji dziedzictwa architektury osadzonych w problematyce współczesnych miast. Równolegle z pracą naukową na Politechnice Gdańskiej...
Numerical and behavioral responses of waterfowl to the invasive American mink: A conservation paradox
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Reverse flow routing problem solved by the Space-Time Conservation Method
PublikacjaW artykule rozpatruje się zagadnienie odwrotnej transformacji przepływów dla przypadku przepływu nieustalonego wolno zmiennego w kanałach otwartych, opisanego układem równań de Saint Venanta. Przedstawiono specyficzne dla rozpatrywanego przypadku problemy powstające na etapie jego rozwiązywania oraz zaproponowano efektywny algorytm obliczeniowy, wykorzystujący nową, atrakcyjną metodę czasoprzestrzennych objętości skończonych. Do...
Flood Routing by the Non-Linear Muskingum Model: Conservation of Mass and Momentum
PublikacjaIn this paper, the conservative properties of the Muskingum equation, commonly applied to solve river flood routing, are analysed. The aim of this analysis is to explain the causes ofthe mass balance error, which is observed in the numerical solutions of its non-linear form. The linear Muskingum model has been considered as a semi-discrete form of the kinematic wave equation and therefore it was possible to derive its two non-linear...
Investigating the sustainability, utilisation, consumption and conservation of sea mammals – A systematic review
PublikacjaAlmost 80 % of the oceans, especially the Arctic and Subarctic are primarily inhabited by marine mammals. Marine species depend mostly on sea ice for food, raising their young ones and safeguarding themselves from predators. Consumption of marine mammals has always been recommended as healthy, but the truth is that it can be detrimental for human health because of sea water pollution from trash and chemicals. This systematic review...
Building modernization located in the conservation protection zone in the aspect of technical conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents a description of the technical condition of the building after many years of operation and analyzes the impact of the current use and the lack of regular periodic repairs on the technical efficiency of the building. The influence of the technical solutions applied during the construction of the building on the current limitations related to the planned, target change in the way of use was discussed. Variant conceptual...
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Conservation Letters
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Ethnobiology and Conservation
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Conservation Physiology
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Conservation & Society
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Primate Conservation
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Conservation Evidence
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Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
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Conservation of Farmland Birds Faces Different Challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe
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Space-Time Conservation Method applied to numerical solution of water hammer equations
PublikacjaArtykuł poświęcony jest metodzie czasoprzestrzennych objętości skończonych (STC) zastosowanej do przypadku uderzenia hydraulicznego w stalowym przewodzie pracującym pod ciśnieniem. Metoda STC ze względu na swoje własności numeryczne - wysoką dokładność - może być interesującą alternatywą dla tradycyjnych metod numerycznych, szczególnie w przypadku, gdy efekty numeryczne mają bardzo silny wpływ na rozwiązanie, tym samym utrudniając...
Present state and future of wetland technology in environmental protection in Poland
Publikacja: Polish experience with implementation and operation of constructed wetland systems are presented. Wetland technology can be applied for the removal of contaminants from aerial sources, point sources and for utilization of sewage sludge.From 1994-2002 monitoring of three different facilities for water protection was carried out. Substantial im-provement of water quality after implementation of the facilities was observed.From...
Protection of surface water against contamination by wetland systems in Poland
PublikacjaOpisano systemy hydrofitowe stosowane do usuwania zanieczyszczeń z wód powierzchniowych zasilanych wodami opadowymi. Po wprowadzeniu systemów stwierdzono znaczną poprawę jakości wód analizowanych cieków.
The removal of biogenic compounds and suspended solids in a constructed wetland system
PublikacjaW celu ochrony ujęcia powierzchniowego wody pitnej dla m. Gdańska w 1997 roku został wybudowany obiekt hydrofitowy na cieku spływającym ze wsi Bielkowo. System hydrofitowy jest zbiornikiem retencyjnym złożonym z dwóch części: - część ''mokra'' tzn. stale wypełniona wodą stanowiąca system grobli z wewnętrznym drenażem, która miała pełnić rolę oczyszczających złóż korzeniowych, - część ''sucha'' wypełniająca się wodą okresowo i przeznaczona...
Evaluation of respiration capacity of VF in hybrid constructed wetland systems.
PublikacjaThree VF-beds operating in hybrid constructed wetlands in configuration HF-VF-HF were analysed. These hybrid constructed wetlands provide the II stage biological treatment. They are located in Pommerania voivodship, in Sarbsk, Wiklino and Wieszyno, and their capacities are 29.5, 14.2 and 21.6 m3/d, respectively. The article focuses on performance and operation of VF-CW plants during one year. Based on removal of organic matter...
30 years of treatment wetland application in poland- progress and reserch
PublikacjaThe experiences with design and operation of constructed wetlands in the Pommerania region during last 30 years followed by carried out investigations of treatment processes lead to the following conclusions:First applications of constructed wetlands for biological sewage treatment were made in 1984-92. The later implementations of multi-stage constructed wetlands in the individual household and local scale enable wastewater treatment...
Spatiotemporal dynamics of the active perirheic zone in a natural wetland floodplain
PublikacjaAbstract The ecologically and biogeochemically significant perirheic zone is a part of the floodplain where waters originating from both the river and adjacent floodplain are present. In this study, we investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of the active perirheic zone, i.e. river and floodplain waters and their transient mixing extent. This is achieved by using the Hydraulic Mixing-Cell method, a complement to a fully integrated...
Landfill Leachate Treatment in Treatment Wetlands
state aid for projects on heritage conservation
Dane BadawczeThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts in EU law, a list of selected bibliography, together with a list of some interesting individual EC decisions issued on the topic of state aid for heritage conservation in Poland and some UE countries in the period 2007-2013. The reader gets the possibility to acquire basic information...
Efficient long-term conservation of Taraxacum pieninicum synthetic seeds in slow growth conditions
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Protection and conservation of modern movement heritage in Gdynia - some examples of local Government activities
Publikacjaartykuł dotyczy ochrony i konserwacji acrhitektury modernizmu na przykładzie miasta Gdyni
Conservation aspects of cast-iron platform shelters on the example of Vistula Pomerania railway stations
PublikacjaCast-iron shelters were used in the 19th century as cheaper alternatives to large platform halls. Nevertheless, they were aesthetically distinguishable from later riveted solutions. Because of their durability and continuous utility, they were not the subject of disassembly, as numerous transport infrastructure objects have been in recent decades. This article aims to indicate proper conservation practices during construction works...
In Conversation with the Fox: Challenges in Spatial Development and Planning in Europe
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Removal and retention of selected heavy metals in components of a hybrid wetland system
PublikacjaProwadzone badania z określeniem możliwosci retencjonowania metali ciężkichw systemie hybrydowej oczyszczalni hydrofitowej. Wykazano, że znaczna rete- ncja tych pierwiastków następowała w wyniku sorpcji. Przeprowadzona ekstra- kcyjna analiza sekwencyjna wykazała, że Pb2+ i Cu2+ zostały zakumulowane w połączeniach trwałych i nie powinny ulegać wymywaniu z oczyszczalni. Nato- miast Cd2+ wskutek sorpcji we frakcjach labilnych może...
Treatment Wetland for Overflow Stormwater Treatment: The Impact of Pollutant Particles Size
PublikacjaThe problem of stormwater treatment in urban areas has become increas- ingly crucial. It has been widely recognized that both mechanical and biological treatment of stormwater is necessary to protect surface water against pollution. Moreover, technology must be applied to ensure effective treatment in changing hydraulic conditions and to serve, to the extent possible, as a retention volume. Treatment wetland (TW) could be...
History and Perspective of Treatment Wetland in Poland – Part One: Lesson learned
PublikacjaEarly implementation of treatment wetlands under supervision of the researchers from were quite promising. The constructed facilities ensured effective wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering. In the next years a number of treatment wetland s systems were constructed without following the designing principles and left without proper maintenance. In the consequence this lead to unsatisfactory treatment results. Investigations...
Nitrogen fraction fluctuation during wastewater treatment in a multistage treatment wetland
PublikacjaAlthough the size of pollutants discharged to a WWTP plays an important and often underestimated role in characterizing treat ability and hence the degree of contaminant removal of wastewater. From one hend In order to obtain efficient nitrogen removal in thedenitrification process, sufficient amounts of bioavailable carbon source should be ensured bur for the other hand in TWs, particulates from the wastewater are naturally trapped...