Catalog People
Lastnames starting with: L clear
total: 579
Catalog People
Piotr Lorens prof. dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleProf. Piotr Lorens - PhD, DSc., urban planner. Lecturer in urban design and development and - since 2007 - Head of the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology. His university activities also include coordination of the research and EU Social Fund projects. Based on these projects he was responsible for organization and coordination of the post-graduate studies...
Jerzy Łabanowski prof. dr hab. inż.
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Zbigniew Lubośny prof. dr hab. inż.
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Krzysztof Leja dr hab. inż.
PeopleKrzysztof Leja graduated from the Faculty of Applied Physics at Gdansk University of Technology, PhD in economics, DSc in management. Associate professor and v-ce dean for research at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. His fields of interest include research of HEIs and policy studies. He is an expert of Polish Rectors Foundation and Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He led and participated...
Marcin Stanisław Łapiński dr hab. inż.
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Arkadiusz Lewicki dr hab. inż.
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Adam Lesner Prof dr hab
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Justyna Łuczak dr hab. inż.
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Aneta Łuczkiewicz prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleI conduct research on the adaptive abilities of microorganisms and their potential use in supporting technological processes. I combine environmental engineering with elements of biomedical and materials engineering. I am interested in innovative methods for detecting clinically significant microorganisms in aquatic environments (so-called wastewater-based epidemiology) and advanced and practical solutions in the water management...
Adam Lamęcki dr hab. inż.
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Ewa Lechman prof. dr hab.
PeopleEWA LECHMAN (ur. 24 III 1977 Katowice), ekonomistka, profesor ► Politechniki Gdańskiej (PG). Córka Andrzeja i Anny. W 1996 absolwentka III Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Adama Mickiewicza w Katowicach. Do 2001 studiowała na Wydziale Ekonomii ► Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (UG) na kierunku ekonomia, w specjalności polityka gospodarcza i strategia przedsiębiorczości. Studia ukończyła obroną pracy magisterskiej o przystąpieniu Meksyku do...
Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak prof. dr hab.
PeopleAnna Lisowska-Oleksiak, born in 1952, has been working at GUT since 1977. Currently is employed at the Faculty of Chemistry as a full professor. She was employed as a research assistant at the University of St Andrews in the group of C. A. Vincent and P.G. Bruce (1991-1994). She completed a two-month research internship in CEA Grenoble (2011). Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak obtained her MSc in chemistry at Nicolaus Copernicus University...
Bogusława Leska prof. dr hab.
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Witold Lewandowski prof. dr hab. inż.
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Rafał Lech dr hab. inż.
PeopleIEEE Senior Member #92122578 Rafal Lech was born in Elblag, Poland, in 1977. He received the M.Sc.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees (with honors) from the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland, in 2001 and 2007, respectively. He is currently with the Faculty of Electronics, Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology. His main research interests are electromagnetic-wave...
Anna Lis dr hab. inż.
PeopleAnna Lis has been the head of the Department of Management in Industry, Faculty of Economics and Management GUT since 2019. In 2005 she obtained Ph.D. degree in the field of Economic Sciences, in the discipline Management Sciences, 2019 – the degree of habilitated doctor in the field of Social Sciences, in the discipline of Management and Quality Studies. In the years 2004-2009 she was employed at the Faculty of Production Engineering...
Izabela Lubowiecka dr hab. inż.
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Jacek Łubiński dr hab. inż.
PeopleJacek Łubiński, absolwent Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej (1994). Stopień doktora nauk technicznych uzyskał w roku 2002. Tytuł doktora habilitowanego usyskał w roku 2018. Obecnie na stanowisku profesora uczelni na Wydziale Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Okrętownictwa PG, Instytut Instytutu Mechaniki i Konstrukcji Maszyn. Od początku swojej działalności naukowej zajmuje się tribologią, a w szczególności badaniami tarcia...
Jacek Lebiedź dr inż.
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Agnieszka Landowska dr hab. inż.
PeopleAgnieszka Landowska works for Gdansk University of Technology, FETI, Department of Software Engineering. Her research concentrates on usability, accessibility and technology adoption, as well as affective computing methods. She initiated Emotions in HCI Research Group and conducts resarch on User eXperiene evaluation of applications and other technologies.
Zbigniew Łubniewski dr hab. inż.
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Grzegorz Lentka dr hab. inż.
PeopleGrzegorz Lentka obtained his MSc title in electronics, specialization Measurement Systems at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics in 1996. He obtained the PhD title in 2003 and habilitation in 2014, respectively. Currently he is an professor in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics. His main scientific interests are focused on digital signal processing for metrology,...
Wojciech Litwin prof. dr hab. inż.
People1992÷1996 - study on Mechanical Department at Gdansk University of Technology1996 – employed in the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdansk University of Technology2004 – PhD2014 – habilitation2016 - vice dean for science at Faculty of Ocean Engineering2020 - dean of the Faculty of Ocean Engineering2021 - head of Institute of Naval Architecture He participated in a number of designing and research programs...
Henryk Lasota dr hab. inż.
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Agnieszka Lang dr hab. inż.
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Michał Landowski dr inż.
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Krzysztof Lipiński dr hab. inż.
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Rafał Leszczyna dr hab. inż.
PeopleDr hab. Rafal Leszczyna is an associate professor at Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics. He holds the M.Sc. degrees of Computer Science and Business Management. In December, 2006 he earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science, specialisation - Computer Security at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdansk University of Technology. Between 2004 and 2008 he worked in the European...
Jolanta Łopatowska dr inż.
PeopleJolanta Łopatowska, assistant professor at the Department of Management Engineering and Quality at the Faculty of Management and Economics, is a graduate of the Faculty of Electronics at Gdańsk University of Technology and Institute of Organization and Design of Production Systems at Gdańsk University of Technology. She obtained Ph.D. degree in the discipline of Economic Science. Her scientific and research interests focus on organizationally...
Sergey Leble prof. dr hab.
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Zofia Maria Lendzion-Bieluń prof. dr hab. inż.
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Jarosław Łuszcz dr hab. inż.
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Jan Łażewski dr hab.
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Magdalena Lemańska dr inż.
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Elżbieta Luboch prof. dr hab. inż.
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Michał Lech dr inż.
PeopleMichał Lech was born in Gdynia in 1983. In 2007 he graduated from the faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdansk University of Technology. In June 2013, he received his Ph.D. degree. The subject of the dissertation was: “A Method and Algorithms for Controlling the Sound Mixing Processes by Hand Gestures Recognized Using Computer Vision”. The main focus of the thesis was the bias of audio perception caused...
Adam Lepczyński dr hab. inż.
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Agata Lisińska-Czekaj dr hab.
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Natalia Lasowicz dr inż.
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Kuba Łopatka mgr inż.
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Natalia Łukasik dr inż.
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Jacek Lachowicz dr inż.
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Wojciech Łuczaj
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Roksana Licow dr inż.
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Marek Lieder dr hab. inż.
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Rafał Łangowski dr inż.
PeopleRafał Łangowski received the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degrees (Hons.) in control engineering from the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology in 2003 and 2015, respectively. From 2007 to 2014, he held the specialist as well as manager positions at ENERGA, one of the biggest energy enterprises in Poland. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Intelligent Control and...
Eleonora Ledóchowska dr hab. inż.
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Martyna Lubinska-Szczygeł
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Sławomir Ledwoń dr inż. arch.
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Andrzej Lisak dr hab.