total: 2396
filtered: 246
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,9 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #2.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,9 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103, experiment run #2. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,9 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #1.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,9 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103, experiment run #1. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 534 mA. Sample J53, run #3.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 534 mA. Sample J53, experiment run #3. The period of images is 30 minutes in order to observe slow temperature fluctuations.The images were taken...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 1281 mA. Sample J51, run #1.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 1098 mA. Sample J51, experiment run #1. The current is extremely high for this type of sample to accelerate ageing processes.The images were taken...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 534 mA. Sample J53, run #7.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 534 mA. Sample J53, experiment run #7. The period of images is 30 minutes in order to observe slow temperature fluctuations.The images were taken...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,9 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #3.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,9 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103, experiment run #3. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 534 mA. Sample J53, run #6.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 534 mA. Sample J53, experiment run #6. The period of images is 30 minutes in order to observe slow temperature fluctuations.The images were taken...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #3.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103, experiment run #3. Continuation of experiment at high voltage to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,4 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #1.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,4 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103, experiment run #1. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #2.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103, experiment run #2. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 64 mA. Sample 91. Image period: 5 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 64 mA. Sample 91. Pictures were taken relatively fast, with period of 5 sec in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 2,7 V at 120 mA. Sample 103. Image period: 0,5 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 2,7 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 120 mA. Sample 103. Thermographic pictures were taken relatively fast, with period of 0,5 sec in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,4 V at 420 mA. Sample 103. Image period: 0,5 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,4 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 0,5 sec (2 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,3 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #1.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,3 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103, experiment run #1. Voltage was increased to accelerate the ageing process.The images were taken with thermographic camera VigoCAM...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,3 V at 420 mA. Sample 103. Image period: 2 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,3 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken relatively fast, with period of 2 sec in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103. Image period: 0,5 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 0,5 sec (2 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,5 V at 420 mA. Sample 103. Image period: 0,5 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,5 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 0,5 sec (2 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103. Image period: 1 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 1 sec (1 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,4 V at 420 mA. Sample 103. Image period: 1 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,4 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 1 sec in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging - discharging...
The luminescence study ofNaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4:Eu coumpounds.
Open Research DataNarrowband green phosphors with high quantum efficiency are required for backlighting white light-emitting diode (WLED) devices. Materials from the A[Li3SiO4]4:Eu2+ family have recently been proposed as having superior properties to industry-standard β-SiAlON green phosphors. Here, we show that a cheap, easily synthesized host NaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4 (NKLLSO)...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103. Image period: 0,5 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 0,5 sec (2 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103. Image period: 1 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 1 sec (1 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #2. Image period: 1 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 1 sec (1 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #3. Image period: 0,5 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 0,5 sec (2 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #2. Image period: 0,5 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 0,5 sec (2 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
Thermographic imaging of electrochemical double layer capacitors during cycling charging - discharging 0 - 3,6 V at 420 mA. Sample 103, run #3. Image period: 1 sec.
Open Research DataDataset contains thermal images of prototype electrochemical double layer capacitor taken during cyclic charging - discharging. The sample was charged to 3,6 V and discharged to 10 mV by constant current 420 mA. Sample 103. Pictures were taken with period of 1 sec (1 Hz) in order to examine the fast fluctuations of sample temperature during charging...
CTD Gdańsk Deep_2001_2005
Open Research DataDataset includes measurements of conductivity (mS cm-1), temperature (°C), sound speed (m s-1) and salinity (PSU) made with the probe Falmouth Scientific Inc. The research was carried out in 2001 (at the turn of May and June), 2003 (beginning of May), 2005 (end of April) and in 2002 and 2004 (at the turn of September and October). In 2002, only temperature...
Nanostructures fabrication with use of electrical AFM litography
Open Research DataIn the last 10 years, one of the nanotechnological trends has been observed, consisting in the development of new variants of computer memory systems with high capacity and speed of access, using quantum dots. One of the techniques for creating nanodots and other nanostructures is based on the use of an atomic force microscope acting as a lithographic...
The luminescence study of SrAl11.88−xGaxO19:0.12Cr3+ coumpounds.
Open Research DataPortable near-infrared (NIR) light sources are in high demand for applications in spectroscopy, night vision, bioimaging, and many others. Typical phosphor designs feature isolated Cr3+ ion centers, and it is challenging to design broadband NIR phosphors based on Cr3+–Cr3+ pairs. Here, we explore the solid-solution series SrAl11.88–xGaxO19:0.12Cr3+...
Identification of intermetallic phases in the structure of austenitic steel with use of Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy
Open Research DataDelta ferrite is formed in austenitic steels during the solidification of the alloy and its welds. It can also occur as a stable phase in any temperature range in high-alloy austenitic-ferritic steels. Depending on the amount, it can change into gamma and sigma phases and into ferrite with variable chromium content. The main role of delta ferrite in...
Plasmon resonance in a TiO2-Au NPs structures
Open Research DataInvestigated structures were deposited on a pre cleaned Corning 1737 glass substrates, which provided flat optical transmission characteristics and high transmission coefficient in a visible light range. Plasmonic nanostructures were formed as a result of thermal annealing. For gold films with thickness of 2.8 nm depiction a table-top dc magnetron sputtering...
Sounding rocket temperature and heat transfer data
Open Research DataThis dataset contains temperature and heat transfer data measured during REXUS 25 sounding rocket HEDGEHOG Experiment launched from Esrange Space Centre, Kiruna, Sweden. For experiment details, please see:
Calibration of NTC 10k thermistors in temperature of 0 C
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the research aimed at determining the actual characteristics of each thermistor in a package of twenty NTC10k type sensors.
Thermal properties of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the DSC and TG curves of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different reaction conditions. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The xerogel powder was annealing under argon atmosphere at the selected temperature: 500C, 600C, and 1000C.
Concrete temperature measurements of cubic specimens cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains temperature measurements of concrete cubes (150 x 150 x 150 mm) cured under isothermal and semi-adiabatic conditions. The specimens were moulded from six types of concrete mixtures produced in the laboratory conditions. Mix #1: Portland cement CEM I 42.5R and gravel aggregate, mix #2: CEM I 42.5R and basalt aggregate, mix#3: Portland-composite...
Calculations of the resistance values of 20 thermistors at 100°C
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the research aimed at determining the actual characteristics of each thermistor in a package of twenty NTC10k type sensors.
Calculations of the resistance values of 20 thermistors at 50°C
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the research aimed at determining the actual characteristics of each thermistor in a package of twenty NTC10k type sensors.
Thermal stability of V2O5 nanorods under inert atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the TGA curves of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 650°C. The information about nanorods synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal stability of V2O5 nanorods under oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the TGA curves of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 650°C. The information about nanorods synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Calculations of the resistance values of 20 thermistors at 0°C
Open Research DataThe presented data set is part of the research aimed at determining the actual characteristics of each thermistor in a package of twenty NTC10k type sensors.
Thermal properties. DSC analysis of poly(xylitol sebacate-co-butylene sebacate) PXBS.
Open Research DataIn this work, a bio-based copolyester with good mechanical properties was synthesized andcharacterized in terms of structure, main properties and biodegradability Determining the chemicalstructure of such materials is important to understand their behavior and properties. Performingan extraction of insoluble cross-linked polymer using di erent solvents...
Why does the Agile leader mindset matter the most?
Open Research DataThe literature widely states that agility is not as much an issue of the technological-methodological management approach as it is an issue of an employee’s mindset. Given that leaders play a pivotal role in any organization, this study underscores the crucial role of the agile mindset of leaders. It aims to uncover how agile mindset leaders influence...
Autocorrelation function for the chosen effective potential of the diatomic silver anion
Open Research DataThe process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag is theoretically studied. The ground state potential energy curves (PECs) of the neutral silver dimer and anionic silver diatomic molecule are calculated using the single reference...
Audible noise in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
Finite element models used in diagnostics of transverse cracks in bridge approach pavement
Open Research DataTransverse cracks in the asphalt pavement were observed on bridge structures next to single-module expansion joints with a 5 meter approach slab set at the depth of 1 m. The finite element (FE) models of the approach pavement were created to investigate the reasons of premature cracking and crack initiation mechanism over the back edge of the abutment...
A set of data constituting the basis for the publication entitled "Mitochondria dysfunction is one of the causes of diclofenac toxicity in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii"
Open Research DataNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as diclofenac (DCF), form a significant group of environmental contaminants. When the toxic effects of DCF on plants are analyzed, authors often focus on photosynthesis, whilemitochondrial respiration is usually overlooked. Therefore, an in vivo investigation of plant mitochondria functioning under...