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Search results for: ACOUSTIC%20DIFFUSER

  • Creating Acoustic Maps Employing Supercomputing Cluster

    The implemented online urban noise pollution monitoring system is presented with regard to its conceptual assumptions and technical realization. A concept of the noise source parameters dynamic assessment is introduced. The idea of noise modeling, based on noise emission characteristics and emission simulations, was developer and practically utilized in the system. Furthermore, the working system architecture and the data acquisition...

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  • Measurements of transmission properties of Acoustic Communication Channels


    Tough transmission properties of shallow water acoustic channels (SWAC) highly limit the use of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems. An adaptive matching of modulation and signaling schemes to instantaneous channel conditions is needed for reliabledata communications. This creates, however, unique challenges for designers when compared to radio transmission systems. When communication system elements are in move, the...

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  • Signatures and acoustic images of objects moving in water


    Observation of underwater space is part of a generaltrend, which primary purpose is to protect and increasesafety in the selected area. The basic aim of the paper ispresentation of designated acoustic characteristics typicalfor objects moving on the water surface and under water,which represent some knowledge about detection of theseobjects. Create a catalog of acoustic signature and not onlyacoustic, as well as acoustic images...

  • Acoustic journal bearing - A search for adequate configuration

    Classical non-contact bearings are already used in a number of specialist applications but there are somespecialist areas where they cannot be used for variety of reasons and acoustic sliding bearings could be an alternative. The paper presents the quest for a configuration of an acoustic journal bearing and shows that the overall shape of the bearing and its geometry are of a vital importance for the load capacity oft he bearing....

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  • Examining Acoustic Emission of Engineered Ultrasound Loudspeakers


    Measurement results of the sound emitted from an ultrasound custom-made system with high spatial directivity are presented. The proposed system is using modulated ultrasound waves which demodulate in nonlinear medium resulting in audible sound. The system is aimed at enhancing the users’ personal audio space, therefore the measurements are performed using the Head and Torso Simulator which provides the realistic reproduction of...

  • Online urban acoustic noise monitoring system

    Concepts and implementation of the Online Urban Noise Monitoring System are presented. Principles of proposed solution used for dynamic acoustical maps creating are discussed. The architecture of the system and the data acquisition scheme are described. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source model and propagation simulations, was developed and employed in the system. Dynamic estimation of noise source parameters utilized...

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  • Active Suppression of Nonstationary Narrowband Acoustic Disturbances


    In this chapter, a new approach to active narrowband noise control is presented. Narrowband acoustic noise may be generated, among others, by rotating parts of electro-mechanical devices, such as motors, turbines, compressors, or fans. Active noise control involves the generation of “antinoise”, i.e., the generation of a sound that has the same amplitude, but the opposite phase, as the unwanted noise, which causes them to interfere...

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  • Applying computational intelligence to acoustics.


    W artykule przedstawiono przegląd wybranych zagadnień związanych z zastosowaniem metod inteligencji obliczeniowej w akustyce. Zaprezentowane metody obejmują sztuczne sieci neuronowe, zbiory przyblizone, logikę rozmytą, algorytmy genetyczne. Problematyka akustyczna dotyczy z kolei klasyfikacji dźwięków muzycznych, inteligentnego przetwarzania muzyki, inteligentnego sterowania trakturą organową oraz obiektywizacji metody oceny...

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  • Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics

    • Z. Michalopoulou
    • P. Gerstoft
    • B. Kostek
    • M. A. Roch

    - Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Year 2021

    When we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...

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  • Modeling of the acoustic waves propagation in non-homogeneous medium


    Rozważano zagadnienie propagacji fal w ośrodku niejednorodnym. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki badań numerycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Badano zmiany ciśnienia i zmiany widma odpowiednio w ośrodku jednorodnym i niejednorodnym.

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  • Sea bottom structure investigation by means of acoustic methods

    The main aim of the paper is the result of experimental investigations of the seabed in the Gulf of Gdańsk arried out using parametric echosounder as a main measuring tool. Examination of the surface's upper layer of the seabed, especially is acoustic properties, reflecting most often transsmision and reflection properties of the incident elastic wave, could be a valuable material for determination of the stratification, and the...

  • Electrochemical and acoustic emission studies of aluminium pitting corrosion

    Badania metodą potencjokinetyczną i emisjii akustycznej przeprowadzono w typowej trójelektrodowej celce elektrochemicznej. Elektrodę badaną przygotowano z stopu aluminium 1050A. Badania metodą cyklicznej polaryzacji i emisjii akustycznej wykonywano jednocześnie. Na podstawie wyników akustycznych i polaryzacyjnych wyznaczono potencjał korozji wzerowej.

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  • Search for the fundamental solution to the vector acoustic wave equations


    - Year 2009

    Czasowo-przestrzenna funkcja Greena pola swobodnego jest dobrze znanym rozwiązaniem podsta-wowym skalarnego niejednorodnego równania falowego. Wyraża ona odpowiedź ośrodka płynnego na punktowe zaburzenie o symetrii sferycznej. Odpowiedź ośrodka na zaburzenie wektorowe nie jest tak oczywista. Artykuł przedstawia oryginalne podejście do problemu, polegające na systematycznej, szcze-gółowej weryfikacji hipotetycznych rozwiązań skalarnych...

  • Electrochemical and acoustic emission studies of aluminum pitting corrosion


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  • Pressure distribution and beam pattern of the parametric acoustic arrays.


    - Year 2004

    Przedstawiono model matematyczny i wyniki badań teoretycznych zjawiska oddziaływań fal dla źródeł parametrycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Badano zmiany ciśnienia fal wybranych częstotliwości w obrębie wiązki akustycznej oraz charakterystyki kierunkowe dla kołowych źródeł parametrycznych generujących fale różnych częstotliwości.

  • Procesing the complex signal in the acoustic processor of a sonobuoy system


    W artykule przedstawiono metody cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnału kompleksowego w procesorze akustycznym systemu radiohydroboi. Omówiono ogólną postać systemu oraz sygnału kompleksowego. Opisano dwie alternatywne metody przetwarzania sygnału: pierwszą w dziedzinie czasu, drugą w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Zaprezentowano schematy blokowe algorytmów obu sposobów przetwarzania. Omówiono problemy praktycznej realizacji poszczególnych...

  • Influence of vortices on a progressive quasi-plane acoustic wave


    Metoda separacji składowych przepływu ogólnego doprowadza do powstania układów równań dla wszystkich możliwych typów ruchu. Szczególny przypadek oddziaływań dotyczy rozpraszania fali akustycznej na wirach. W rezultacie separacji układu bilansu powstają równania pierwszego rzędu względem czasu dla fal akustycznych o przeciwnych kierunkach propagacji. Zasugerowane są ilustracje.

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  • Modelling of acoustic heating induced by different types of sound


    Wyprowadzono równanie dynamiczne sterujące ogrzewaniem na skutek strat energii fali akustycznej dowolnego typu, okresowej i nieokresowej, w płynie ze standardową dyssypacją i przewodnictwem ciepła. Zbadano efektywność ogrzewania w przypadku dźwięku stochastycznego i regularnego.

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  • Acoustic streaming caused by modulated sound and wave packets.


    - Year 2004

    Rozpatruje się powstanie pola wirowego na skutek nieliniowej propagacji fali akustycznej w środowiskach z lepkością. Teoria odwołuje się do fal akustycznych nieokresowych, w odróżnieniuod teorii klasycznej. Obliczenia numeryczne na podstawie nowych wzorów są porównywane z wynikami teorii klasycznej.

  • Acoustic Hysteresis in Flows with Different Kinds of Relaxation and Attenuation


    Graphs in the thermodynamic plane acoustic pressure versus excess acoustic density representing acoustic hysteresis, are considered as indicators of relaxation processes, equilibrium parameters of a flow, and kinds of wave exciters. Some flows with deviation from adiabaticity are examined: the Newtonian flow of a thermocon- ducting gas, the flow of a gas with vibrational relaxation, the flow of liquid electrolyte with a chemical...

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  • Theoretical Model of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Shallow Water

    The work is devoted to the propagation of low frequency waves in a shallow sea. As a source of acoustic waves, underwater disturbances generated by ships were adopted. A specific feature of the propagation of acoustic waves in shallow water is the proximity of boundaries of the limiting media characterised by different impedance properties, which affects the acoustic field coming from a source situated in the water layer “ deformed”...

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  • Search for the most useful geometry of an acoustic journal bearing


    - TRIBOLOGIA - Year 2017

    Computer simulations of a number of journal bearing’s geometries utilising acoustic levitation were carried out. The choice of the best geometry depended on the ability of a deformed shape, created by piezo-electric elements, to facilitate squeeze film ultrasonic levitation, and also to create three evenly distributed diverging aerodynamic gaps. Deformations of analysed variants of the bearing’s shape were generated by numerical...

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  • Localization of sound sources with dual acoustic vector sensor


    - Year 2019

    The aim of the work is to estimate the position of sound sources. The proposed method uses a setup of two acoustic vector sensors (AVS). The intersection of azimuth rays from each AVS should indicate the position of a source. In practice, the result of position estimation using this method is an area rather than a point. This is a result of inaccuracy of the individual sensors, but more importantly, of the influence of a source...

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  • Acoustic heating produced in resonators filled by a newtonian fluid


    Acoustic heating in resonators is studied. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination of conservation equations in differential form, allowing the reduction of all acoustic terms in the linear part of the final equation, but preserving terms belonging to the thermal mode responsible for heating. This equation is instantaneous and includes nonlinear acoustic terms that form a...

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  • Quality prediction of foil capacitors by acoustic emission signals


    - Year 2010

    Jakość i trwałość kondensatorów foliowych jest zależna od ich warunków pracy (np. nadmiarowego napięcia pracy, temperatury, wilgotności) oraz od potencjalnych defektów wprowadzonych na różnych etapach wytwarzania kondensatorów. Nieustanny nacisk na wzrost jakości wytwarzanych elementów przy jednoczesnej redukcji kosztów wytwarzania oznacza, że nowe, tanie i szybkie metody predykcji jakości tych elementów są mocno poszukiwane. W...

  • Acoustic emission for detecting deterioration of capacitors under aging


    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów kondensatorów foliowych poddanych przyśpieszonemu procesowi starzenia na ramie trwałości. Stwierdzono, że w niektórych typach kondensatorów foliowych istnieje związek między intensywnością sygnału emisji akustycznej mierzonego w kondensatorach po ich wytworzeniu oraz rezystancji izolacji mierzonej po procesie ich starzenia.

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  • Acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a bingham plastic

    This study is devoted to the instantaneous acoustic heating of a Bingham plastic. The model of the Bingham plastic's viscous stress tensor includes the yield stress along with the shear viscosity, which differentiates a Bingham plastic from a viscous Newtonian fluid. A special linear combination of the conservation equations in differential form makes it possible to reduce all acoustic terms in the linear part of of the final equation...

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  • Determination of the Vehicles Speed Using Acoustic Vector Sensor


    - Year 2018

    The method for determining the speed of vehicles using acoustic vector sensor and sound intensity measurement technique was presented in the paper. First, the theoretical basis of the proposed method was explained. Next, the details of the developed algorithm of sound intensity processing both in time domain and in frequency domain were described. Optimization process of the method was also presented. Finally, the proposed measurement...

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  • Counting and tracking vehicles using acoustic vector sensors

    A method is presented for counting vehicles and for determining their movement direction by means of acoustic vector sensor application. The assumptions of the method employing spatial distribution of sound intensity determined with the help of an integrated 3D intensity probe are discussed. The intensity probe developed by the authors was used for the experiments. The mode of operation of the algorithm is presented in conjunction...

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  • Estimation of Coherence Bandwidth for Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel


    A shallow underwater acoustic communication channel is characterized by strong multipath propagation. The signal reaching the receiver consists of a direct waveform and a number of its delayed and suppressed replica. A significant time dispersion of the transmitted signal and selective fading of its spectrum are observed. Coherence bandwidth defines maximal bandwidth, wherein the channel amplitude characteristic remains constant...

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  • Adaptive acoustic crosstalk cancellation in mobile computer device

    The cancellation of acoustic crosstalk is employed to enhance the stereo image in mobile listening conditions. A practical setup employing a mobile computer is employed. The adaptation of the crosstalk cancellation filter to the position of the listener's head is featured. The measurement evaluating the possibility of practical application of the method are described. The head and torso simulator was used for measurements. The...

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  • Underwater Acoustic Communications in Time-Varying Dispersive Channels


    Underwater acoustic communication (UAC) system designers tend to transmit as much information as possible, per unit of time, at as low as possible error rate. However, the bit rate achieved in UAC systems is much lower than for wire or radio-communication systems. This is due to disadvantageous properties of the UAC channels, namely the sea and inland waters. Estimation of UAC channel transmission properties is possible within...

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  • 3D Acoustic Field Intensity Probe Design and Measurements

    The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, some basic notions on acoustic field intensity and its measurement are shortly recalled. Then, the equipment and the measurement procedure used in the sound intensity in the performed research study are described. The second goal is to present details of the design of the engineered 3D intensity probe, as well as the algorithms developed and applied for that purpose. Results of the intensity...

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  • Scalar and Vector acoustic fields and sources: a new look


    - Year 2011

    A study of fundamental problems of the wavefields that are the reaction of fluid continuum on two kinds of primary actions in fluid, then on two kinds of elementary point sources, is presented in this paper, based on the assumption of the physical duality of linear fluid mechanics and the formal symmetry of mathematical description. The two fundamental wavefields generated in fluid by physical point sources are discussed in detail,...

  • The Examination of the Upper Layers of the Seabed by the Means of the Acoustic Methods


    Propagation of acoustic waves in the sea, in particular in shallow sea, depends on several factors. The basic of them are source power and frequency of acoustic waves, spatial distribution inhomogeneous medium in which acoustic wave propagates, and distributions of speed of sound and density of seawater. The coastal conditions, which limit water medium from above (free surface of the sea) and from bottom (the seabed), are no less...

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  • Application of OFDM technique to underwater acoustic data transmission


    Performances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) digital systems are strongly related to specific transmission properties of the underwater channel. Depending on the characteristics of the channel, an architecture and modulation techniques are usually implemented that are known as reliable solutions for data transmission in difficult radio channels. The OFDM technique seems to be the most promising nowadays. The parameters...

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  • Action-reaction based synthesis of acoustic wavefield equations


    - HYDROACOUSTICS - Year 2011

    The analysis of acoustic fields is usually based on the well-known mathematics of second order partial differential equations called wave equations. The author explores the duality and symmetry of linear fluid mechanics and develops two distinct equations of acoustics on the basis of a causal approach to local small-scale phenomena. Wavefields that are solutions of these equations have different composition, the spherical pressure...

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  • Acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a Bingham plastic

    This study is devoted to the instantaneous acoustic heating of a Bingham plastic. The model of the Bingham plastic's viscous stress tensor includes the yield stress along with the shear viscosity, which differentiates a Bingham plastic from a viscous Newtonian fluid. A special linear combination of the conservation equations in differential form makes it possible to reduce all acoustic terms in the linear part of of the final equation...

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  • Propagation of acoustic pulses in some fluids with yield stress


    This study is devoted to the derivation of approximate equations governing acoustic pulses in flows with yieldstress, including some time-dependent flows with a slow dependence on time of yield stress and apparent viscosity. Themodeling of yield stress and apparent viscosity in the vicinity of a zero deformation rate allows us to consider a thixotropicfluid as a Bingham plastic with coefficients that are dependent on time. The...

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  • Using concentrated spectrogram for analysis of audio acoustic signals


    The paper presents results of time-frequency analysis of audio acoustic signals using the method of Concentrated Spectrograph also known as ''Cross-spectral method'' or ''Reassignment method''. Presented algorithm involves signal's local group delay and channelized instantaneous frequency to relevantly redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform lines in time-frequency plain. The main intention of the paper is to compare various...

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  • A system for acoustic field measurement employing cartesian robot

    A system setup for measurements of acoustic field, together with the results of 3D visualisations of acoustic energy flow are presented in the paper. Spatial sampling of the field is performed by a Cartesian robot. Automatization of the measurement process is achieved with the use of a specialized control system. The method is based on measuring the sound pressure (scalar) and particle velocity (vector) quantities. The aim of the...

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  • Monitoring of underdeck corrosion by using acoustic emission method


    This paper presents first short characteristics of underdeck corrosion process as well as a problem of its monitoring. Next is described an acoustic emission (AE) method elaborated by Department of Ship Technology , Quality Systems and Material Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology in cooperation with partners of CORFAT project realized within 7th EU Frame Program . Further are presented short characteristics of the emission...

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  • Considerations of Adaptive Digital Communications in Underwater Acoustic Channel


    Down-link communication (DLC) and air transportable communication (ATAC) buoys as well as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) use acoustic links for gathering oceanographic data from underwater monitoring systems. The underwater channel propagation conditions are diverse in nature and require a special adaptive approach to the communication system design. The article presents a methodology for the communication systems design,...

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  • Application of acoustic emission in evaluation of pitting corrosion insteel

    • A. Mirakowski

    - Physico-Chemical Mechanics of Materials - Year 2002

    Przedstawiono przegląd różnych zastosowań emisji akustycznej (AE) w badaniach korozji wżerowej stali austenitycznej. Wykorzystanie emisji akustycznej w przypadku tego rodzaju korozji nie jest przypadkowe, ponieważ korozja wżerowa jest najgroźniejszym typem korozji, atakującym różne materiały konstrukcyjne takie jak stal. Prezentowana praca przeglądowa dostarcza przydatnych informacji o naturze pomiarów akustycznych, które wykazują...

  • Detection of Water on Road Surface with Acoustic Vector Sensor


    - SENSORS - Year 2023

    This paper presents a new approach to detecting the presence of water on a road surface, employing an acoustic vector sensor. The proposed method is based on sound intensity analysis in the frequency domain. Acoustic events, representing road vehicles, are detected in the sound intensity signals. The direction of the incoming sound is calculated for the individual spectral components of the intensity signal, and the components...

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  • Acoustic Sensing Analytics Applied to Speech in Reverberation Conditions


    The paper aims to discuss a case study of sensing analytics and technology in acoustics when applied to reverberation conditions. Reverberation is one of the issues that makes speech in indoor spaces challenging to understand. This problem is particularly critical in large spaces with few absorbing or diffusing surfaces. One of the natural remedies to improve speech intelligibility in such conditions may be achieved through speaking...

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  • Acoustic Detector of Road Vehicles Based on Sound Intensity


    - SENSORS - Year 2021

    A method of detecting and counting road vehicles using an acoustic sensor placed by the road is presented. The sensor measures sound intensity in two directions: parallel and perpendicular to the road. The sound intensity analysis performs acoustic event detection. A normalized position of the sound source is tracked and used to determine if the detected event is related to a moving vehicle and to establish the direction of movement....

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  • Shallow Water Experiment of OFDM Underwater Acoustic Communications

    The large variability of communication properties of underwater acoustic channels, and especially the strongly varying instantaneous conditions in shallow waters, is a challenge for the designers of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems. The use of phase modulated signals does not allow reliable data transmission through such a tough communication channel. However, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), being...

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  • Applications of computational intelligence techqniues to acoustics


    Celem artykułu jest przegląd wybranych zastosowań metod inteligentnych w akustyce, a w szczególności w szeroko rozumianej inżynierii dźwięku. Przedstawione badania i eksperymenty były prowadzone w oparciu o sztuczne sieci neuronowe, metodę zbiorów przybliżonych, logiką rozmytą, grafy przepływowe Pawlaka oraz algorytmy genetyczne. Rozwiązywane problemy dotyczyły klasyfikacji dźwięków muzycznych, rozpoznawania fraz muzycznych, przetwarzania...

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  • Underwater acoustic communications system with error correction and synchronization coding


    Niezawodna transmisja danych w wielodrogowym i niestacjonarnym płytkim kanale podwodnym wymaga zastosowania efektywnej techniki modulacji oraz equalizacji adaptacyjnej. W zaproponowanym artykule w systemie transmisji danych zastosowano modulację OFDM oraz equalizację adaptacyjną opartą o filtrację Kalmana. Ponadto zaimplementowano dwie techniki kodowania: FEC w celu eliminacji błędów transmisji oraz kodowanie pseudoszumowe, którego...