Search results for: PROPAGATION MODEL
Modelling of Longitudinal Elastic Wave Propagation in a Steel Rod Using the Discrete Element Method
PublicationThe paper deals with the issue of modelling elastic wave propagation using the discrete element method (DEM). The case of a longitudinal wave in a rod with a circular cross-section was considered. A novel, complex algorithm consisting of the preparation of models and simulation of elastic waves was developed. A series of DEM models were prepared for simulations, differing in discretisation and material parameters. Additional calculations...
Modeling of the finite amplitude plane wave propagation in non-dissipative medium
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki analizy teoretycznej zagadnienia propagacji fali płaskiej o skończonej amplitudzie w ośrodku wodnym bez dyssypacji. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki obliczeń numerycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o jednowymiarowe równania mechaniki płynów. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Analizowano zmiany ciśnienia i zmiany widma. Badano zbieżność i dokładność...
Signal Propagation in Electromagnetic Media Modelled by the Two-Sided Fractional Derivative
PublicationIn this paper, wave propagation is considered in a medium described by a fractional-order model, which is formulated with the use of the two-sided fractional derivative of Ortigueira and Machado. Although the relation of the derivative to causality is clearly specified in its definition, there is no obvious relation between causality of the derivative and causality of the transfer function induced by this derivative. Hence, causality...
Spectral Methods for Modelling of Wave Propagation in Structures in Terms of Damage Detection—A Review
PublicationModern methods of detection and identification of structural damage direct the activities of scientific groups towards the improvement of diagnostic methods using for example the phenomenon of mechanical wave propagation. Damage detection methods that use mechanical wave propagation in structural components are extremely effective. Many different numerical approaches are used to model this phenomenon, but, due to their universal...
Empirical formulas for determination of the propagation loss in urban radio access links
PublicationOpisano wielowariantowy model empiryczny tłumienia propagacyjnego przeznaczonego do analizowaniai projektowania radiowych systemów dostępwych w warunkach zabudowy miejskiej, opracowanego na podstawie obszernych pomiarów tego tłumienia w rzeczywistych warunkach takiej zabudowy. Scharakteryzowano przydatność użytkową tego modelu.
Propagation of initially sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals in a quasi-isentropic magnetic gas
PublicationThe characteristics of propagation of sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals at a transducer are analytically studied in this work. A plasma under consideration is motionless and uniform at equilibrium, and its perturbations are described by a system of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. Some generic heating/cooling function, which in turn depends on equilibrium thermodynamic parameters, may destroy adiabaticity of a flow and...
Modelling of FloodWave Propagation with Wet-dry Front by One-dimensional Diffusive Wave Equation
PublicationA full dynamic model in the form of the shallow water equations (SWE) is often useful for reproducing the unsteady flow in open channels, as well as over a floodplain. However, most of the numerical algorithms applied to the solution of the SWE fail when flood wave propagation over an initially dry area is simulated. The main problems are related to the very small or negative values of water depths occurring in the vicinity of...
Inception and Propagation of Electrical Trees in the Presence of Space Charge in HVAC Extruded Cables
PublicationThis paper presents the space charge impact on the inception and propagation of electrical trees in cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation via simulations and experimentation. A 3D finite element analysis (FEA)-based modeling is proposed to simulate electrical trees via a needle embedded on the XLPE insulation. The proposed FEA model demonstrates the influence of the space charge magnitude and polarity on the initiation of...
Design of OFDM-based radio communication systems for coast-to-sea and coast-to-air propagation environments
PublicationIn the paper the study of radio communication system design process for systems based on OFDM transmission is considered. The signal propagation model for 1.4 GHz frequency band is discussed, and the study of signal propagation characteristics, important from the point of view of OFDM system design, is presented. The methodology of OFDM interface design is proposed and some characteristics of the OFDM-based radio communication...
Instrumented End Notched Flexure - Crack propagation and process zonemonitoring. Part I: Modelling and analysis
PublicationAnalysis of the three-point bending, End Notched Flexure (ENF), test is presented for exploitation with a new experimental methodology using the backface strain monitoring technique. The model consists oftwo Timoshenko beams joined with a two parameter elastic foundation, to evaluate stress and strain fields in both adherends and the adhesive layer, together with the specimen compliance and energyrelease rate. This model is compared...
Left-handed propagation characteristics of a dielectric and metal-loaded periodic circular waveguide
PublicationIn this paper, a periodic dielectric/metallic rod is located in a circular waveguide to obtain left-handed operation. Two geometries of the dielectric/metallic rod are proposed and examined. The dispersion characteristics of the investigated waveguides are obtained using a surface impedance model. Moreover, equivalent circuit models are proposed allowing for calculation of the dispersion characteristics and scattering parameters...
Spectral Finite Element Method for Propagation of Elastic Waves in Wind Turbine Blades for SHM
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono model łopaty turbiny wiatrowej zbudowany z wykorzystaniem spektralnych elementów skończonych. Omówiono wyniki symulacji propagacji fal sprężystych i ich interakcji z uszkodzeniami w formie pęknięcia i delaminacji.
Propagation in a ferrite circular waveguide magnetized through a rotary four-pole magnetic field
PublicationOpracowano uproszczony model matematyczny użyteczny do badania zjawisk polowych występujących w falowodzie cylindrycznym magnesowanym czterobiegunowym polem obrotowym. Wykazano, że falowód ten może być wykorzystany jako przesuwnik fazy lub układ zmieniający polaryzację.
PublicationA hydraulic fracturing job was performed to stimulate gas flow from a horizontal wellbore located in Poland. The whole operation was overseen by means of microseismic monitoring. For this purpose, an array of 12000 geophones was deployed on ground in form of patches distributed unevenly in a region of 4km from the wellbore. The array was constantly recording seismic signals during whole fracturing processed. Such recorded signals...
Hydraulic Conditions of Flood Wave Propagation in the Valley of the Narew River after the Siemianówka Dam Overtopping Failure
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono prognozę propagacji fali powodziowej w dolinie rzeki Narwi wywołanej potencjalną przelaniem się wody przez koronę zapory Siemianówka. Do modelowania hydrodynamiki przepływu powodziowego wykorzystano model jednowymiarowy w formie równań de Saint-Venanta. Opisano również mechanizm powstawania rozmycia w ziemnej zaporze zbiornika i przedstawiono model tworzenia się wyrwy w korpusie zapory. Wykonane obliczenia...
Modelling of in-plane wave propagation in a plate using spectral element method and Kane-Mindlin theory with application to damage detection
PublicationThis paper presents results of experimental and numerical analyses of in-plane waves propagatingin a 5 mm-thick steel plate in the frequency range of 120-300 kHz. For such a thickness/frequency ratio,extensional waves reveal dispersive character. To model in-plane wave propagation taking into account thethickness-stretch effect, a novel 2D spectral element, based on the Kane-Mindlin theory, was formulated. Anapplication of in-plane...
PublicationThis work presents a method of forecasting the level of PM10 with the use of artificial neural networks. Current level of particulate matter and meteorological data was taken into account in the construction of the model (checked the correlation of each variable and the future level of PM10), and unidirectional networks were used to implement it due to their ease of learning. Then, the configuration of the network (built on the...
Measuring research on radio wave propagation
PublicationTelecommunication connections are increasingly based on the wireless links, both fixed and mobile, carried out under different radio systems. This kind of solution has many advantages. However, the propagation medium is a factor that causes many difficulties in designing wireless networks, because of large diversity of propagation environments. Transmission loss in each environment is determined by many variables phenomena and...
Propagation of Acoustic Disturbances in Shallow Sea
PublicationPropagation of acoustic waves in shallow sea differs fundamentally from the same phenomenon occurring in deep sea in view of non-negligible distance from the sea bottom in the first case, where presence of two regions limiting the water layer results in the acoustic pressure distribution induced by a harmonic source has an interferential nature as a result of multi-path propagation of the acoustic signal. These interferential properties...
Wave propagation in damage assessment of ground anchors
PublicationThe inspection possibilities of ground anchors are limited to destructive test such as pull-out test. Guided wave propagation gives an opportunity to develop an inspection system dedicated to determine the condition of inspected element without violation of their integrity. In this paper the experimental study on wave propagation in laboratory models of ground anchors are presented. Experiments were conducted for different bonding...
Simulations of wave propagation and attenuation in fields of colliding ice floes
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of numerical smulations of sea ice-wave interactions, corresponding to laboratory experiments conducted at the Large Ice Model Basin (LIMB) at the Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA) as part of the LS-WICE ("Loads on Structure and Waves in Ice"; project. THe simulations were conducted...
Diagnostics of historic columns using wave propagation
PublicationThis paper presents a numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in columns of historical buildings for diagnostics purposes. Numerical calculations were performed using the finite element method in the Abaqus software package. The analysis was carried out for three types of brick columns: a full column, a column filled with debris, and a column empty inside. The excitation was in the form of a wave packet and signals of propagating...
Propagation in rectangular waveguides with a pseudochiral Ω slab
PublicationThe transfer matrix approach is applied for analysis of waveguides loaded with a uniaxial pseudochiral Ω slab. In particular a pseudochiral parallel plate and rectangular guides are investigated. Based on the numerical analysis the influence of the pseudochirality on propagation characteristics and field distribution are examined. Other feature such as a field displacement phenomenon appearing in the both considered structures...
System information propagation for composite structures
PublicationWe study in details decoherence process of a spin register, coupled to a spin environment. We use recently developed methods of information transfer study in open quantum systems to analyze information flow between the register and its environment. We show that there are regimes when not only the register decoheres effectively to a classical bit string, but this bit string is redundantly encoded in the environment, making it available...
Modeling of light propagation in canine gingiva
PublicationThis study is a preliminary evaluation of the effectivenes of laser-based surgery of maxillary and mandibular bone in dogs. Current methods of gingivial surgery in dogs require the use of general anaesthesia.1, 2 The proposed methods of laser surgery can be performed on conscious dogs, which substantially reduces the associated risks. Two choices of lasers, Nd:YAG and a 930 nm semiconductor lasers were evaluated. The former is...
Application of a stochastic compartmental model to approach the spread of environmental events with climatic bias
PublicationWildfires have significant impacts on both environment and economy, so understanding their behaviour is crucial for the planning and allocation of firefighting resources. Since forest fire management is of great concern, there has been an increasing demand for computationally efficient and accurate prediction models. In order to address this challenge, this work proposes applying a parameterised stochastic model to study the propagation...
An Approach to Mean Path Loss Model Estimation for Off-Body Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an approach to estimation of the mean path loss model parameters in off-body Body Area Networks channels. In this approach, the path loss exponent is constrained to a value obtained for the line-of-sight (LoS) propagation in the co-polarised channel, considering a generalised static scenario. The comparison of the goodness of fit between the proposed approach and other approaches, for a set of measurements obtained...
Experimental and numerical analysis of wave propagation in ground anchors
PublicationThe article focuses on wave propagation phenomenon in ground anchors. The main aim of the investigation is the non-destructive diagnostics and the assessment of the state of ground anchors, using the guided wave propagation method. Laboratory models of anchors with different lengths of the anchor body were tested and voltage signals of propagating waves were registered at several locations. For all tested specimens corresponding...
Numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in unbounded structures
PublicationThe main objective of this paper is to show the effectiveness and usefulness of the concept of an absorbing layer with increasing damping (ALID) in numerical investigations of elastic wave propagation in unbounded engineering structures. This has been achieved by the authors by a careful investigation of three different types of structures characterised by gradually increasing geometrical and mathematical description complexities....
An Empirical Model for the Polarisation Characteristics of Indoor Off-Body Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of the polarisation characteristics for the channel in dynamic off-body communications, and an empirical channel model, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an office environment. Body presence and propagation conditions have a strong influence on signal depolarisation. The model assumes three components for the total path loss: mean path loss, represented by a log-distance function with...
Numerical FDM modelling of wave propagation in concrete structure
PublicationThe article presents application of finite difference method to damage detection and its size evaluation in concrete structure by elastic wave propagation method. The simulations of wave propagation in concrete structure were performed for six different damage scenarios. Damages were modelled as areas with changed material properties. Investigation focused on the influence of damage size on the energy of wave reflection. Presented...
A hyperelastic model for soils with stress-induced and inherent anisotropy
PublicationIn this paper, modelling of the superposition of stress-induced and inherent anisotropy of soil small strain stiffness is8presented in the framework of hyperelasticity. A simple hyperelastic model, capable of reproducing variable stress-induced9anisotropy of stiffness, is extended by replacement of the stress invariant with mixed stress–microstructure invariant to10introduce constant inherent cross-anisotropic component. A convenient...
A Finite Element Approach for Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids
PublicationThis book focuses on wave propagation phenomena in elastic solids modelled by the use of the finite element method. Although the latter is a well-established and popular numerical tool used by engineers and researchers all around the word the process of modelling of wave propagation can still be a challenge. The book introduces a reader to the problem by presenting a historical background and offering a broad perspective on the...
Lamb wave propagation in a single lap adhesive joint
PublicationThe aim of the paper is the analysis of Lamb wave propagation in adhesive joints. The research was performed on a single lap adhesive joint of two steel plates. Two types of joints, namely an intact and with defect were considered. In experimental investigations the condition assessment of the joint was performed with the use of antisymmetric Lamb waves excited by a plate piezo actuators and measured by a laser vibrometer. Numeri-cal...
Features of Nonlinear Sound Propagation in Vibrationally Excited Gases
PublicationWeakly nonlinear sound propagation in a gas where molecular vibrational relaxation takes place is studied. New equations which govern the sound in media where the irreversible relaxation may take place are derived and discussed. Their form depends on the regime of excitation of oscillatory degrees of freedom, equilibrium (reversible) or non-equilibrium (irreversible), and on the comparative frequency of the sound in relation to...
Propagation of Clematis ‘Warszawska Nike’ in In Vitro Cultures
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Wave propagation in plate structures for crack detection
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Wave propagation in plate structures for crack detection.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę propagacji fali poprzecznej w płycie z pęknięciem. Do modelowania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę elementów spektralnych.
Elastic wave propagation software - visualization methods
PublicationW pracy omówiono program do analizy propagacji fal spręzystych w 2 wymiarowych elementach konstrukcyjnych bazujący na metodzie spektralnych elementów skończonych.
Propagation of elastic waves in shell-like structures
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Signal propagation in electromagnetic media described by fractional-order models
PublicationIn this paper, signal propagation is analysed in electromagnetic media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs). Maxwell’s equations with FO constitutive relations are introduced in the time domain. Then, their phasor representation is derived for one-dimensional case of the plane wave propagation. With the use of the Fourier transformation, the algorithm for simulation of the non-monochromatic wave propagation is introduced....
Application of guided wave propagation in diagnostics of steel bridge components
PublicationEarly detection of potential defects and identification of their location are necessary to ensure safe, reliable and long-term use of engineering structures. Non-destructive diagnostic tests based on guided wave propagation are becoming more popular because of the possibility to inspect large areas during a single measurement with a small number of sensors. The aim of this study is the application of guided wave propagation in...
Simulation of Wave Propagation in Media Described by Fractional-Order Models
PublicationIn this paper, algorithms for simulation of the wave propagation in electromagnetic media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs) are presented. Initially, fractional calculus and FO Maxwell's equations are introduced. The problem of the wave propagation is formulated for media described by FOMs. Then, algorithms for simulation of the non-monochromatic wave propagation are presented which employ computations in the time...
Propagation analysis of the point-to-point radio links operating in the band
PublicationThe theoretical possibilities of utilizing the EHF-band frequencies for point-to-point short range communications have been discussed. The most important factors that affect propagation attenuation in this band have been briefly described, as well as relevant mathematical formulas that allow for numerical analysis of these phenomena. After that, a research have been carried out in which the authors have analyzed propagation losses...
Shallow-Water Acoustic Communications in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
PublicationA phenomenon that has a strong impact on signal transmission conditions in Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems is multipath propagation. As a result of multipath propagation, the transmitted signal undergoes time dispersion which results in inter-symbol interference observed on the receiving side. Time dispersion is large, especially in horizontal channels in shallow waters which significantly limits the transmission...
Waveguide model of the hearing aid earmold system
PublicationBackground The earmold system of the Behind-The-Ear hearing aid is an acoustic system that modifies the spectrum of the propagated sound waves. Improper selection of the earmold system may result in deterioration of sound quality and speech intelligibility. Computer modeling methods may be useful in the process of hearing aid fitting, allowing physician to examine various earmold system configurations and choose the optimum one...
Waveguide model of the hearing aid earmold system
PublicationBackground The earmold system of the Behind-The-Ear hearing aid is an acoustic system that modifies the spectrum of the propagated sound waves. Improper selection of the earmold system may result in deterioration of sound quality and speech intelligibility. Computer modeling methods may be useful in the process of hearing aid fitting, allowing physician to examine various earmold system configurations and choose the optimum one...
Efficient Complex Root Tracing Algorithm for Propagation and Radiation Problems
PublicationAn efficient complex root tracing algorithm for propagation and radiation problems is presented. The proposed approach is based on a discretization of Cauchy’s Argument Principle and its generalization to the C × R space. Moreover, an engagement of the tracing process with a global root finding algorithm recently presented in the literature is performed. In order to confirm a validity and efficiency of the proposed technique, a...
Sounding of Layered Marine Bottom - Model Investigations
PublicationThe necessary actions connected with interpretations of examining of physical properties of sea bottom structure is developing of proper procedure of modeling of the layered structure. The implementation of the acoustic waves for the determination of seabed stratification requires a precise diagnosis of the topic from both the theoretical and practical side. Little differences between the parameters of sediments, as well as irregular...
Diagnostics of bolted lap joint using guided wave propagation
PublicationThe paper presents numerical and experimental analyses of elastic waves propagation in a bolted lap joint. In experimental investigations condition assessment of the joint was performed with the use of symmetric waves excited by a piezoactuator. Numerical calculations were conducted in commercial finite element method software Abaqus. The influence of number of bolts and the value of the initial stress on recorded signals was examined....