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Search results for: solid state ionics
The XRD diffraction patterns of as-prepared (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials synthesized via the solid state reaction method
Open Research DataThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9Me0.1Ti0.9O3-δ (Me= Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni) materials were synthesized via the solid state reaction method and examined as a potential anode material. First, the mixed oxide reagents were pressed into pellets and calcined at 1200 °C for 12 hours to decompose most of the organic compounds. The resulting calcined pellet was ground...
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics
Journals -
The superconducting state in the B2H6 compound at 360GPa
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Perovskites in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
PublicationPrzeglądowa publikacja dotycząca wykorzystania ceramicznych materiałów perowskitowych w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych.
Multigap superconducting state in molecular metallic hydrogen
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Influence of phonon-phonon coupling on superconducting state in honeycomb-type crystal lattice
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Superconducting state in the atomic metallic hydrogen just above the pressure of the molecular dissociation
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Effect of crystallization process at cryogenic conditions on the functional properties of the SUPERSTON alloy used in production the ship's propellers
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to show results of laser treatment at cryogenic conditions of the SUPERSTON alloy used for ship's propellers. That modification process ought to bring beneficial changes of microstructure and residual stresses in the surface layer. During the laser remelting at cryogenic conditions the microstructure changes significantly. This is related to synergistic effects of the solidification rate, phase transformations...
Ceramic composites for single-layer fuel cells
PublicationComposite materials consisting of acceptor doped lanthanum orthoniobate electrolyte phase (La0.98Ca0.02NbO4) and Li2O:NiO:ZnO semiconducting phase were synthesized. The precursor powder of La0.98Ca0.02NbO4 was prepared in nanocrystalline (mechanosynthesis) and microcrystalline (solid-state synthesis) form. The composite can be applied in a single-layer fuel cell, because of the presence of two phases acting as an anode and a cathode...
Structure and electrical properties of Y, Fe-based perovskite mixed conducting composites fabricated by a modified polymer precursor method
PublicationIn this work, samples of Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d with 20, 40, 60 and 80 mol% of iron amount were prepared by a low-temperature polymer precursor method. The SEM-EDS analysis proved that analyzed Y0.07Sr0.93Ti1-xFexO3-d samples were composites of two Ti- and Fe-rich perovskite samples. This kind of composite consists of two phases in which one has a good ionic and the other electronic conductivity, which makes such a composite a...
Formation of Porous Structure of the Metallic Materials Used on Bone Implants
PublicationResearch on improvement of structure and fabrication methods of the bone implants are carried out for many years. Research are aimed to shape the structures, that will have a Young's modulus value similar to the value of the human bones Young's modulus. Depending on theporosity, Young's moduli can even be tailored to match the modulus of bone closer than solid metals can, thus reducing the problems associated with stress shielding...
Generation of Optimal Process Plan Alternatives for Manufacturing Mechanical Components
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Application of Syntactic Pattern Recognition Approach in Design and Optimisation of Group Machining Systems
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Magnetic properties of charge ordered complex TCNQ salts with lattice distortions
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Magnetic properties of Co/Pd multilayered films on porous Al2O3 templates with developed cell substructure
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Laser Surface Alloying of Aluminium Alloys with Cu/Fe Metallic Powders
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Laser Thermal Oxidation by Ytterbium-Doped Fibre Laser of the Hot and Cold-Rolled Stainless Steel Surface
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Structure and Mechanical Properties of Composite Layers Prepared by Laser Alloying of Aluminium Alloy
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Study of Photovoltaic Devices with Hybrid Active Layer
PublicationThe aim of this work is to present the influences of composition of the material andmanufacturing technology conditions of the organic photovoltaics devices (OPv) with the organicand hybrid bulk heterojunction on the active layers properties and cells performance. The layers wereproduced by using small molecular compounds: the metal-phthalocyanine (MePc) and perylenederivatives (PTCDA) and the titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles....
Energy-Saving Mechatronic System for Fatigue Tests of Materials under Variable-Amplitude Proportional Bending and Torsion
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A Noded Carbon Emission Tool (NCET) to Measure Embodied Carbon (EC) in Compositional Cementitious Materials
PublicationThe ever evolving modern construction industry is now producing the highest levels of carbon content adversely affecting the construction associated environment. Although, the impact of carbon induced emission is quite large, but still not enough measurable standards and tools to scale these emission are available. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by providing a Grasshopper based definition to calculate the embodied...
Description of the thermodynamic properties of BiH 5 and BiH 6 superconductors beyond the mean-field approximation
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Multi Parameter Sliding Test Result Evaluation for the Selection of Material Pair for Wear Resistant Components of a Hydraulic Motor Dedicated for Use with Environmentally Friendly Working Fluids
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Degradation of Gel-Coat Layer in Glass/Polyester Laminate in Seawater Environment
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The Influence of Waste Expanded Perlite on Chemical Durability of Mortars
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Studies on the Preparation and Characterisation of Carbon Nanostructures
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Investigations on the influence CuO doping on elastic properties of Li2SO4–MgO–P2O5 glass system by means of acoustic wave propagation
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Calibration of Cameras and Fringe Pattern Projectors in the Vision System for Positioning of Workpieces on the CNC Machines
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Visualization of the Workpieces on the CNC Machines Using the Virtual Camera Based on the Sub-Pixel IBR Method
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Chemical instability of the cobalt oxyhydrate superconductor under ambient conditions
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Superconductivity in three-layer Na0.3CoO2·1.3H2O
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The effect of Fe and Ru substitution on the superconductivity in MgCNi3
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Structural and electrical transport studies of reduced in hydrogen surfaceof bismuth germanate glass
PublicationOtrzymano nanostruktury krystalicznego bizmutu w matrycy szkła germanowegooraz warstwę nanostruktur krystalicznego bizmutu na powierzchni redukowanegow atmosferze wodoru szkła Bi0.33Ge0.67O1.83. Zaproponowano prosty model bu-dowy zredukowanych szkieł bizmutowo-germanowych potwierdzony wynikami badańAFM i XRD. Zbadano wpływ czasu i temperatury redukcji oraz topnienia bizmu-tu na własności elektryczne badanych szkieł. Przeanalizowano...
Chemical instability of the cobalt oxyhydrate superconductor under ambientconditions.
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania dyfrakcyjne i termograwimetryczne uwodnionego, sodowo-kobaltowego tlenku nadprzewodzącego: NaxCoO2 yH2O (y=1.4). Materiał ten jest niestabilny już w temperaturze pokojowej i przechodzi w nowo odkrytą fazę = 0.6.
Phase investigations of copper based CuZn38Al2MnFe alloy
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę fazową mosiądzu CuZn38Al2MnFe. Wykazano, że obecność fazy Fe4Mn77Si19 powoduje kruchość stopu w teście zginania próbek.
Influence of type of material on performance of hydraulic components in thermal shock conditions
PublicationDuring the start-up of a hydraulic system in low ambient temperatures an incorrect operation may occur. The principles and conditions of safely operating hydraulic driven machines and devices are essential to designers and operators. For this reason the author of this article has conducted a series of tests on hydraulic components and systems in thermal shock conditions (cooled-down components were supplied with hot working medium)....
Using River Formation Dynamics Algorithm in Mobile Robot Navigation
PublicationRiver Formation Dynamics is a heuristic optimization algorithm based on the manner, in which drops of water form the river bed. The idea is to imitate the movement of drops on the edges between given nodes thus performing a search based on their height, which is modified through the mechanism of soil erosion and sediment deposition. In this way decreasing gradients are constructed, and these are followed by subsequent drops to...
Behavior Based Complete Coverage Task of Unknown Area by an Autonomous Mobile Robot SCORPION with Static Obstacles in Environment
PublicationIn the paper the behavior based control system of an autonomous mobile robot SCORPION is presented to execute the one of the most difficult navigation task, which is the complete coverage task of unknown area with static obstacles in the environment. The main principle assumed to design control system was that the robot should cover all area only once, if it possible, to optimize the length of path and energy consumption. All commercial...
Multibody and electromechanical modelling in dynamic balancing of mechanisms for mechanical and electromechanical systems
PublicationPraca prezentuje zagadnienia wspólnego modelowania układu wieloczłonowego i napędu elektrycznego oraz problemy wyrównoważania mechanizmów. Analizowanym układem mechanicznym jest płaski czworobok przegubowy. Analizowany mechanizm zamodelowano jako układ wieloczłonowy z zamkniętymi wielobokami ciał. Do wymuszenia ruchu układu wykorzystano model silnika prądu stałego. Zbadano oddziaływania pomiędzy płytą mocującą czworoboku i otoczeniem....
Identification of the Inertia of Masses Flowing Water through the Pipes in Water Power Plants
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono sposób identyfikacji stałej czasowej reprezentującej bezwładność mas przepływającej wody w systemie rurociągów, w elektrowni wodnej. Przedstawiono strukturę modelu układu regulacji prędkości kątowej wykorzystywanego w procesie identyfikacji oraz przeprowadzono badania skuteczności działania metody w środowisku Matlab-Simulink. Opisano najistotniejsze wnioski wynikające z przeprowadzonych badań symulacyjnych.
Selected problems of navigation of educational mobile robot
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono ideę sterowania układem autonomicznego robota mobilnego skonstruowanego do celów edukacyjnych. Opisano strukturę mechaniczną układu, układy sensorów oraz zakres możliwości wynikających z działania oprogramowania robota.
The Behaviour Based Area Coverage of Unknown Environment by Autonomous Mobile Robot Using Modified ''The Way of the Ox'' Algorithm
PublicationPrzedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania zagadnienie całkowitego pokrycia terenu w układzie autonomicznego robota mobilnego. W tym celu zmodyfikowano algorytm "siewcy" oraz opracowano odpowiedni model układu, w środowisku Matlab-Simulink. Wykonano serię badań symulacyjnych, których najistotniejsze wyniki opisano w artykule.
Localization of Mobile Robot Using Radio Waves
PublicationOpisano systemy lokalizacji robotów mobilnych wykorzystujące metody triangulacji i trilateracji, w przestrzeniach dwuwymiarowych. Zaproponowano metodę pomiaru odległości drogą radiową oraz przedstawiono uzyskane wyniki badań.
Comparison the Accuracy of the Extrapolation Methods of the Time Phase Coincidence in Synchronization of Power Generating Units
PublicationW artykule opisano metody ekstrapolacji chwili zgodności fazowej napięć łączonych obiektów elektroenergetycznych. Przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą wybranych metod ekstrapolacji w równych warunkach pracy oraz przedstawiono najistotniejsze wyniki badań.
The Influence of Modelling Material Zones on Strains and Stresses at Weld Toe Notch
PublicationThe latest development in the field of welding technology enabled prefabrication of thin-walled sandwich structures in an industrial scale. Sandwich structures fabricated of steel, or aluminium alloy plates and stiffeners are welded with the use of hi-power CO2 lasers. Strength analysis of such structures with the use of finite element method needs proper material modelling.In this paper the material model of steel sandwich panel...
Multi Parameter Sliding Test Result Evaluation for The Selection of Material Pair for Wear Resistant Components of a Hydraulic motor Dedicated for Use With Environmentally Friendly Working Fluids
PublicationIn the paper the method and results are presented of the testing of tribological performance of a number of hard materials available commercially. The tests consisted in unidirectional sliding with liquid lubrication. The load and velocity regime chosen were similar to a standard four-ball lubricity test with constant velocity and load increasing over time. The regime was modified in such a way that over the initial part of the...
Influence of Spatial Structures of 316L Stainless Steel on Its Cavitation Erosion Resistance
PublicationCavitation erosion performance of modified macroscopic internal structure 316L stainless steel was investigated. The samples processed by means of SLM method were subjected to cavitation erosion test. The scanning electron microscope Philips 30/ESEM was used to examine morphology of eroded surface.
Effect of Some Sulphur Additives on The Degradation of 9Cr-1Mo Steel After Its 10 Years Service in The CCR Platforming Unit
PublicationThe work shows the results of the tests of 9Cr-1Mo steel, which was for 10 years operated in the CCR platforming unit in Group Lotos SA in Gdańsk, and then in the laboratory was sulphidised during 166 h at a temperature of 600 °C. Sulphidation was performed in a mixture of H2-H2S gases at the vapour pressure of sulphur 4.1·10-14 atm, so the order of magnitude of vapour pressure was less than that of the dissociation pressure of...
Wear and corrosion characteristics of the layers type (mn-p) formed on aluminium alloys
Publicationopisano multipleksową metodę wytwarzania warstw zawierających mangan i fosfor (mn-p) na stopach aluminium. przedstawiono wyniki badań mikrostruktury, właściwości tribologicznych i korozyjnych tych warstw. stwierdzono obecność tlenku manganu i fosforku manganu w wytworzonych warstwach oraz ich wysoką twardość, rzędu 1272 hv0,02. warstwy typu (mn-p) zmniejszają podatność stopu alsi13mg1cuni na korozję w 0,01 mh2so4.
Indoor atmospheric degradation of historical metal objects studied by spectroscopic techniques