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Synthesis and characterization of cycloaliphatic hydrophilic polyurethanes, modified with l-ascorbic acid, as materials for soft tissue regeneration
PublicationIn this paper we described synthesis and characteristic of obtained hydrophilic polyurethanes (PURs) modified with ascorbic acid (commonly known as vitamin C). Such materials may find an application in the biomedical field, for example in the regenerative medicine of soft tissues, according to ascorbic acid wide influence on tissue regeneration Flora (2009), Szymańska-Pasternak et al. (2011), Taikarimi and Ibrahim (2011), Myrvik...
l-ascorbic acid modified poly(ester urethane)s as a suitable candidates for soft tissue engineering applications
PublicationIn this paper we created novel poly(ester urethane)s (PESUs) designed specifically for tissue engineering. The PESUs were derived from oligomeric α,ω-dihydroxy(ethylene-butylene adipate) (dHEBA), 1,4-butanediol (BDO) and aliphatic 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) and modified with l-ascorbic acid to improve their biocompatibility. In addition, we determined their mechanical properties (such as tensile strength, elongation at...
Journal of Bone and Joint Infection
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In vitro studies of antimicrobial activity of Gly-His-Lys conjugates as potential and promising candidates for therapeutics in skin and tissue infections
PublicationWe presented in vitro studies of antimicrobial activity of Gly-His-Lys conjugates that are important point in preliminary biological evaluation of their potential application in skin and tissue therapy. The novel compounds include the conjugation of fatty acids with a modification of the amino acid sequence in the primary structure of Gly-His-Lys.
The Influence of PEG on Morphology of Polyurethane Tissue Scaffold
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Modelling Lymphoedematous Tissue under Pneumatic Compression
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Optimization and control of tissue growth and repair in bioreactor.
PublicationPraca przedstawia model matematyczny procesu optymalizacji i odnowy hodowanej w bioreaktorze tkanki. Model matematyczno-numeryczny umożliwia właściwy dobór parametrów w trakcie hodowli w celu uzyskania pożądanych efektów w zakresie fizyko-chemicznych właściwości rozmnażającej się tkanki. Charakterystyką o znamionach nowości jest wieloparametrowość optymalizacji w zakresie hodowli tkanek.
Polish Suburban Landscape made of Enterpereneurial Tissue
PublicationDwa ostatnie dekady w Polsce to okres ekspansywny rozwój małych przedsiębiorstw i równolegle dynamiczne przekształcenia przestrzeni wokół miasta . Rozwój tych dwóch zjawisk nastąpiło w okresie transformacji gospodarczej po 1989 roku . Głównym celem pracy jest zbadanie poziomu interakcji między procesem suburbanizacji i rozwojem sektora MSP w wybranych podmiejskich obszary, na przykładzie Metropolii Trójmiejskiej.
From Bioink to Tissue: Exploring Chitosan-Agarose Composite in the Context of Printability and Cellular Behaviour
PublicationThis study presents an innovative method for producing thermosensitive bioink from chitosan hydrogels saturated with carbon dioxide and agarose. It focuses on a detailed characterisation of their physicochemical properties and potential applications in biomedicine and tissue engineering. The ORO test approved the rapid regeneration of the three-dimensional structure of chitosan–agarose composites in a unidirectional bench press...
EEG-Based Analysis of ASMR Stimuli: A Pilot Study of Neuropsychological Responses through Conventional vs. Bone-Conduction Headphones
PublicationIn this study, the impact of ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) experiences delivered through different types of headphones was evaluated with respect to neural responses and anxiety levels. The EEG data of a 24-year-old participant was recorded while he underwent ASMR stimulation using conventional and bone-conduction headphones. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) assessed anxiety levels before and after ASMR stimulation,...
Pilot installation for thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidised bed boiler
PublicationThe technology of thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is still at the research state. However, there are already a number of existing pilot-scale installations that provide the complete, effective and environmentally safe process conducting. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste, including animal waste, municipal waste and sludge, mixed at any ratio with different types...
The influence of amorphous macrodiol, diisocyanate type and l-ascorbic acid modifier on chemical structure, morphology and degradation behavior of polyurethanes for tissue scaffolds fabrication
PublicationStudies described in this work were related to the bulk synthesis and characterization of polyurethanes (PURs) obtained with the use of cyclic 4,4′-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate) (HMDI) or linear 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI), amorphous α,ω-dihydroxy(ethylene-butylene adipate) macrodiol (PEBA), 1,4-butandiol (BDO) chain extender and dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL) catalyst. Obtained PURs were modified with l-ascorbic...
Comparative analysis of mechanical conditions in bone union following first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with varied locking plate positions: A finite element analysis
PublicationFirst metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis is a typical medical treatment performed in cases of arthritis or joint deformity. The gold standard for this procedure is arthrodesis stabilisation with the dorsally positioned plate. However, according to the authors’ previous studies, medially positioned plate provides greater bending stiffness. It is worth to compare the mechanical conditions for bone formation in the fracture callus...
Rheumatoid arthritis bone marrow environment supports Th17 response
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Different expression of chemokines in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis bone marrow
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Comparison of post-mortem ethanol level in blood and bone marrow
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Pathologic bone alterations in celiac disease: Etiology, epidemiology, and treatment
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Ancient DNA sequence quality is independent of fish bone weight
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Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
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Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
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Journal of Hard Tissue Biology
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Practice in the Field of Thermal Retrofitting in Historic Buildings and Preservation of the Authentic Tissue of Façades of Historic Buildings in Poland
PublicationThe pursuit to reduce emissions of harmful substances to the atmosphere resulting from the combustion of fuels for heating purposes makes a building more ecological and environmentally friendly. All operations aimed to limit emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere are motivated by the growing environmental awareness of developed societies and alarming reports on the global warming and its effects. In Poland, legal regulations...
The reactions occuring on the implant as a result of contact with human tissue
PublicationObecnosc implantu w ciele czlowieka powoduje liczne, czesto nieprzewidywalne skutki. Powodem takiej sytuacji jest duza roznorodnosc interakcji materialu medycznego z kontaktujaca sie z nim tkanka. Stwierdzenie to dotyczy glownie oddzialywan i skutkow zachodzacych na poziomie molekularnym w poszczegolnych komorkach kontaktujacej sie tkanki.
Experimental measurements of friction forces on the tissue in probabilistic view
PublicationNiniejsza praca jest poświęcona wyznaczaniu wartości sił tarcia wywołanych podczas hydrodynamicznego przepływu lepkosprężystej cieczy odżywczej na powierzchniach hodowanych chondrocytów w bioreaktorze. Badania realizuje się w nano skali przy wykorzystaniu mikroskopu sił atomowych. Chondrocyty hodujemy w celu naprawy uszkodzonych chrząstek stawowych kolana człowieka.
Estimation of flow for tissue perfusion of nutrient liquids in bioreactor.
PublicationPrzedstawione zostały problemy związane z wyznaczaniem pola prędkości w warstwie przyściennej opływanej tkanki miękkiej w bioreaktorze. Warunki brzegowe na powierzchni miękkiej tkanki o właściwościach porowatych zostały w niniejszej pracy sformułowane.
Tribological properties of tissue in biobearings and bioreactors as the histotribological parameters
PublicationReferat przedstawia stan wiedzy oraz potrzeby b+r w zakresie celów badawczych podjętych w projekcie BioBearing, finansowanym przez Komisję Europejską. Są to badania teoretyczne, numeryczne i eksperymentalne problemów tribologii tkanek jako elementów histotribologii a w szczególności smarowania stawów nienewtonowskimi cieczami synowialnymi w warunkach nieustalonych z uwzględnieniem deformacji chrząstki stawowej w opisie stochastycznym.
Olfactory and tissue markers of fear in mammals including humans
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono informacje na temat:-klasyfikacji i budowy chemicznej związków chemicznych zaliczanych do grupy feromonów,-ich rola w funkcjonowaniu organizmów żywych w tym także organizmu ludzkiego,wyników badań prowadzonych z wykorzystaniem komory ekspozycyjnej własnej konstrukcji,metodyk analitycznych wykorzystywanych do oznaczania śladowych zawartości feromonów w próbkach wydychanego powietrza.
Nanoparticle-free tissue-mimicking phantoms with intrinsic scattering
PublicationWe present an alternative to the conventional approach, phantoms without scattering nanoparticles, where scattering is achieved by the material itself: spherical cavities trapped in a silicone matrix. We describe the properties and fabrication of novel optical phantoms based on a silicone elastomer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and glycerol mixture. Optical properties (absorption coefficient µa, reduced scattering coefficient µs',...
Nanosilver-loaded PMMA bone cement doped with different bioactive glasses – evaluation of cytocompatibility, antibacterial activity, and mechanical properties
PublicationNanosilver-loaded PMMA bone cement (BC-AgNp) is a novel cement developed as a replacement for conventional cements. Despite favorable properties and antibacterial activity, BC-AgNp still lacks biodegradability and bioactivity. Hence, we investigated the doping with bioactive glasses (BGs) to create a new bioactive BC characterized by time-varying porosity and gradual release of nanosilver. The BC Cemex was used as the base material...
Thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidized bed boiler – The performance of pilot-scale installation
PublicationThermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is subject to stringent regulations that are meant to provide elimination of any potential pathogens. Incineration as well as other possible routes for thermal conversion of MBM are still at the research state. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste organic materials, including animal waste, municipal solid waste and sludge, mixed at any...
Influence of several biodegradable components added to pure and nanosilver-doped PMMA bone cements on its biological and mechanical properties
PublicationAcrylic bone cements (BC) are wildly used in medicine. Despite favorable mechanical properties, processability and inject capability, BC lack bioactivity. To overcome this, we investigated the effects of selected biodegradable additives to create a partially-degradable BC and also we evaluated its combination with nanosilver (AgNp). We hypothesized that using above strategies it would be possible to obtain bioactive BC. The Cemex...
The predicting role of substance P in the neoplastic transformation of the hypoplastic bone marrow
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Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism
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Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery-ABJS
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Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism
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Synthesis and characterization of novel aliphatic polyurethanes for tissue engineering applications
PublicationSummarizing, in this thesis was described the synthesis of novel PUR system, which was obtained by using aliphatic diisocyanate (HDI), amorphous macrodiol (PEBA) and chain extender (BDO). This PUR system was established as suitable for TE purpose and successfully modified with AA, which as expected improved its biocompatibility. According to this, AA-modified HDI-based PURs is the PUR system ready for further studies including...
The influence of durable contact on human tissue on austenitic biomaterials behaviour
PublicationBadania opierają się na studium pojedynczego przypadku dwoch wkrętów ze stali austenitycznej, które były implantowane do organizmu człowieka jako element łączący złamaną kość piszczelową. Oba wkręty zostały zostały wkręcone w jednakowych warunkach, na okres 1 roku, po którym miały zostać wyjęte. Na skutek komplikacji życiowej nosiciela, wkręty te zostały usunięte dopiero podczas zabiegu po okresie 8 lat.
Determination of metronidazole residues in water, sediment and fish tissue samples
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The effects of RNA editing in cancer tissue at different stages in carcinogenesis
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Adipose tissue macrophages: the inflammatory link between obesity and cancer?
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ILC2s and Adipose Tissue Homeostasis: Progress to Date and the Road Ahead
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Blockade of Lymphangiogenesis Shapes Tumor-Promoting Adipose Tissue Inflammation
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Computational studies of friction forces for hard tissue cultivation in bioreactor.
PublicationPonieważ wymiana naturalego stawu na endoprotezę może być dokonywana 2-3 razy w życiu, problem leczenia przez transplantację tkanek chrzęstnych nabiera dużego znaczenia. Przeszczepów tkanki można dokonywać z sukcesem wiele razy. W bioreaktorach, środowisko hydrodynamiczne kształtuje hodowlę tkanek in vitro w obecności sił tarcia, poprzez bezpośrednie działanie na morfologię komórek a także poprzez pośrednie działanie na tkankę...
Polyacrylamide‐based phantoms as tissue substitute in experimental radiation physics
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Optimization of the System for Determining the Volume of Tissue Needed for Breast Reconstruction
PublicationThis article presents techniques for reconstructing surfaces and volume calculations using a point cloud generated from 3D imaging. The main objective of this article was to optimize the voxel size for the most accurate representation of the surface of the female breast. We experimented with different methods for determining volume using images from the Intel D435i camera. In addition, we designed application and measurement station...
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Discovery of small-molecule regenerative drugs using a model of complex tissue injury in mice. Transcriptomic responses of neurodevelopmental genes during pharmacologically induced regeneration
PublicationDespite significant development in regenerative medicine, there is a deficit of effective therapies for wound healing and tissue regeneration. Research performed using animal wound models allows for a better understanding of this complex process, searching for compounds with pro-regenerative properties, and assessing their efficacy and safety. Unfortunately, the lack of adequate preclinical models proves to be an issue as no animal...
CD4+FOXP3+ T Cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis Bone Marrow Are Partially Impaired