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Search results for: COLD-ACTIVE ENZYME
Cloning and characterization of a novel cold-active glycoside hydrolase family 1 enzyme with beta-glucosidase, beta-fucosidase and beta-galactosidase activities.
PublicationBackground: Cold-active enzymes, sourced from cold-adapted organisms, are characterized by high catalytic efficiencies at low temperatures compared with their mesophilic counterparts, which have poor activity. This property makes them advantageous for biotechnology applications as it: (i) saves energy costs, (ii) shortens the times for processes operated at low temperatures, (iii) protects thermosensitive substrates or products...
Cold-Active beta-Galactosidases: Sources, Biochemical Properties and Their Biotechnological Potential
Publicationbeta-D-Galactosidases have been studied extensively in terms of their application to a variety of industrial technologies. To date, considerable research efforts have been devoted to characterization of new cold-active beta-D-galactosidases which were isolated directly from selected species of bacteria and yeasts, as well as with the use of metagenomic approaches. This chapter will provide a review of current research towards cold-active...
Thyroid peroxidase as a dual active site enzyme: Focus on biosynthesis, hormonogenesis and thyroid disorders of autoimmunity and cancer
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A new cold-active β-galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. S3* - gene cloning, overexpression, purification and properties
PublicationA psychrotrophic bacterium producing a cold-active β-galactosidase was isolated from Spitsbergen soil and classified as Arthrobacter sp. S3*. The gene encoding β-galactosidase was isolated from the genomic DNA library, sequenced, cloned, expressed in Escherichia coli, purified by ion exchange chromatography and characterized. The Arthrobaster sp. S3* β-galactosidase is a homotrimeric enzyme composed of 74,4 kDa subunits. It is...
Purification and biochemical characteristic of a cold-active recombinant esterase from Pseudoalteromonas sp. 643A under denaturing conditions.
PublicationIn this paper production of a cold-active esterase EstA from the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. 643A in E. coli expression system was described. The purification and biochemical characteristic of EstA were performed in the presence of urea and then compared with results obtained for the esterase with no addition of urea and isolated from the native source. In both cases the cold-active enzyme displayed similar properties....
A novel cold-active beta-D-galactosidase from the Paracoccus sp. 32d - gene cloning, purification and characterization
PublicationBeta-D-galactosidase (EC catalyze the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing beta-D-galactose residues in beta-D-galactosides. Cold-active beta-D-galactosidases have recently become a focus of attention of researchers and dairy product manufactures owing to theirs ability to: (I) eliminate of lactose from refrigerated milk for people afflicted with lactose intolerance, (II) convert lactose to glucose and galactose which...
Active Site Architecture and Reaction Mechanism Determination of Cold Adapted beta-D-galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB
PublicationArthbetaDG is a dimeric, cold-adapted beta-D-galactosidase that exhibits high hydrolytic and transglycosylation activity. A series of crystal structures of its wild form, as well as its ArthbetaDG_E441Q mutein complexes with ligands were obtained in order to describe the mode of its action. The ArthbetaDG_E441Q mutein is an inactive form of the enzyme designed to enable observation of enzyme interaction with its substrate. The...
A novel cold-active β-D-galactosidase with transglycosylation activity from the Antarctic Arthrobacter sp. 32cB - gene cloning, purification and characterization
PublicationA gene encoding a novel β-D-galactosidase from the psychrotolerant Antarctic bacterium Arthrobacter sp. 32cB was isolated, cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The active form of recombinant β-D-galactosidase consists of two subunits with a combined molecular weight of approximately 257 kDa. The enzyme's maximum activity towards o-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyranoside was determined as occurring at 28 °C and pH 8.0. However, it...
A New Expression System Based on Psychrotolerant Debaryomyces macquariensis Yeast and Its Application to the Production of Cold-Active β-D-Galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d
PublicationYeasts provide attractive host/vector systems for heterologous gene expression. The currently used yeast-based expression platforms include mesophilic and thermotolerant species. A eukaryotic expression system working at low temperatures could be particularly useful for the production of thermolabile proteins and proteins that tend to form insoluble aggregates. For this purpose, an expression system based on an Antarctic psychrotolerant...
Heterologous Production, Purification and Characterization of Two Cold-Active β- D-Galactosidases with Transglycosylation Activity from the Psychrotolerant Arctic Bacterium Arthrobacter sp. S3* Isolated from Spitsbergen Island Soil
PublicationCold-adapted microorganisms possess cold-active enzymes with potential applications in different industries and research areas. In this study, two genes encoding β-D-galactosidases belonging to Glycoside Hydrolase families 2 and 42 from the psychrotolerant Arctic bacterium Arthrobacter sp. S3* were cloned, expressed in Escherichia coli and Komagataella phaffii, purified and characterized. The GH2 β-D-galactosidase is a tetramer...
Identyfikacja i izolacja genu kodującego zaadaptowaną do zimna β-galaktozydazę Paracoccus sp. = Identification and izolation of the gene encoding cold-active β-galactosidase from paracoccus sp.
PublicationZaprezentowane badania były prowadzone u eehi wyizolowania ze środo¬wiska organizmu psychrofilnego, zdolnego do hydrolizy laktozy w niskiej tempe¬raturze, oraz zidentyfikowania genu kodującego (i-galaktozydazę zaadaptowaną do zimna.Poszukiwan gen został w izolowany z psychrofilnego szczepu autarkicz¬nego Paracoccus sp. 321). Na podstawie sekwencji nukleotydowej genu kodują¬cego fS-galaktozdaze ustalono skład aminokwasów),...
Structural studies of a cold-adapted dimeric Beta-D-galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d
PublicationThe crystal structure of a novel dimeric [beta]-D-galactosidase from Paracoccus sp. 32d (Par[beta]DG) was solved in space group P212121 at a resolution of 2.4 Å by molecular replacement with multiple models using the BALBES software. This enzyme belongs to glycoside hydrolase family 2 (GH2), similar to the tetrameric and hexameric [beta]-D-galactosidases from Escherichia coli and Arthrobacter sp. C2-2, respectively. It is the second...
PublicationINTRODUCTION. β-Galactosidase [EC] is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of O-glycosidic linkages in galactosides. It is commercially used in dairy industry for the production of milk with reduced lactose content. Potentially, the best method for lactose removal under cooling conditions should be carried out with a cold-adapted enzyme. AIM. The aim of this study was to determine the taxonomic affiliation of the isolate...
Mapping the Transglycosylation Relevant Sites of Cold-Adapted β-D-Galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB
PublicationB-Galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB (ArthbetaDG) is a cold-adapted enzyme able to catalyze hydrolysis of beta-D-galactosides and transglycosylation reaction, where galactosyl moiety is being transferred onto an acceptor larger than a water molecule. Mutants of ArthbetaDG D207A and E517Q were designed to determine the significance of specific residues and to enable formation of complexes with lactulose and sucrose and to...
A new cold-adapted beta-D-galactosidase from the Antarctic Arthrobacter sp. 32c - gene cloning, overexpression, purification and properties
PublicationThe development of a new cold-active β-D-galactosidases and microorganisms that efficiently ferment lactose is of high biotechnological interest, particularly for lactose removal in milk and dairy products at low temperatures and for cheese whey bioremediation processes with simultaneous bio-ethanol production. In this article, we present a new β-D-galactosidase as a candidate to be applied in the above mentioned biotechnological...
The psychrotrophic yeast Sporobolomyces roseus LOCK 1119 as a source of a highly active aspartic protease for the in vitro production of antioxidant peptides
PublicationA psychrotrophic yeast strain producing a cold-adapted protease at low temperature was classified as Sporobolomyces roseus. In standard YPG medium, S. roseus LOCK 1119 synthesized an extracellular protease with an activity of approximately 560 U/L. Optimization of medium composition and process temperature considerably enhanced enzyme biosynthesis; an approximate 70% increase in activity (2060 U/L). The native enzyme was purified...
Cloning, expression, and biochemical characterization of a coldactive GDSL-esterase of a Pseudomonas sp. S9 isolated from Spitsbergen island soil
PublicationAn estS9 gene, encoding an esterase of the psychrotolerant bacterium Pseudomonas sp. S9 was cloned and sequenced. The deduced sequence revealed a protein of 636 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 69 kDa.Further amino acid sequence analysis revealed that the EstS9 enzyme contained a G-D-S-L motif centered at a catalytic serine, an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal autotransporter domain. Two recombinant E. coli...
PublicationINTRODUCTION: β-Galactosidase is an enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of O glycosidic bond in β-galactosides. Another activity of β galactosidase is a transglycosylation activity. The main industrial use of this protein is the hydrolysis of lactose in milk in a cooling conditions. Synthesis of galactooligosaccharides, which are mostly used as a prebiotics added to some foods or available as dietary supplements, is only one...
Expression of a GDSL esterase from Pseudomonas sp. S9 in Pichiapastoris
PublicationCold active lipolytic enzymes are promising to replace the conventional enzymes processes of biotechnological industries. One of the most important feature of the cold-active lipases and esterases is that they offer economic benefits through energy saving. In general, they exhibit high activity at low temperatures and low thermostability at moderate temperatures. Lipolytic enzyme EstS9 was isolated from Pseudomonas sp. S9. A multiple...
Beta-Galactosidases of Pseudoalteromonas sp. – Characteristics and application for lactose hydrolysis and galactopyranosides synthesis
PublicationBeta-galactosidase [EC] is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of O-glycosidic linkages in galactosides. It has biotechnological applications in the dairy industry for the production of milk with a low content of lactose and galactooligosacharides for use in healthy food. The transgalactosylation activity of beta-galactosidase can be used in the synthesis of alkyl galactopyranosides. Due to the fact that conditions of...
Glutathione conjugation of the antitumor-active 1-nitroacridine derivatives compounds C-857 and C-1748 – the major role of glutathione S-transferase M1-1
Open Research DataObjectives: C-857 and C-1748 are antitumor-active agents, monomers of unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives. The aim of this study was to analyze their glutathione (GSH) conjugation in vitro in the presence of glutathione S-transferase (GST) M1-1.
Involvement of human glutathione S-transferase M1-1 in the glutathione conjugation of the antitumor unsymmetrical bisacridine derivative C-2028.
Open Research DataUnsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) are a novel potent class of antitumor-active therapeutics. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible role of human glutathione S-transferase M1-1 (hGSTM1-1) in the glutathione (GSH) conjugation of a representative UA, C‑2028.
Comparison of oil yield and quality obtained by different extraction procedures from salmon (Salmo salar) processing byproducts
PublicationThe content and composition of lipids in different byproducts (skins, heads, and backbones) from mechanically processed farmed Atlantic salmon were determined and compared with that obtained from wild salmon. Three different procedures were used to establish the optimal conditions of oil extraction (at high temperature −95°C, “cold” extraction at temperature not exceeding 15°C and enzyme assisted with Alcalase). “Cold” extraction...
Oznaczanie tlenu – od metody Winklera do czujników enzymatycznych (Determination of oxygen – from Winkler Method to enzymatic sensor)
PublicationMonitoring of dioxygen levels is of utmost importance from the view-point of life processes, medical diagnostics, nutrition and chemical industries. In all these measurements both low and high levels of this element are important. The common methods for the determination of dioxygen are the Winkler method, Clark electrode and pulsoxymeters. A new, already strong field of research can be now recognized – the development of miniaturized...
Structure of EstA esterase from psychrotrophic Pseudoalteromonas sp. 643A covalently inhibited by monoethylphosphonate.
PublicationThe crystal structure of the esterase EstA from the cold-adapted bacteriumPseudoalteromonas sp. 643A was determined in a covalently inhibited form at aresolution of 1.35 A˚. The enzyme has a typical SGNH hydrolase structureconsisting of a single domain containing a five-stranded beta-sheet, with threehelices at the convex side and two helices at the concave side of the sheet, and isornamented with a couple of very short helices...
A new B-D-galactosidase with a low temperature optimum isolated from the Antarctic Arthrobacter sp. 20B: gene cloning, purification and characterization.
PublicationA psychrotrophic bacterium producing a coldadaptedB-galactosidase upon growth at low temperatureswas classiWed as Arthrobacter sp. 20B. A genomic DNAlibrary of strain 20B introduced into Escherichia coliTOP10F' and screening on X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-B-D-galactopyranoside)-containing agar plates ledto the isolation of B-galactosidase gene. The B-galactosidasegene (bgaS) encoding a protein of 1,053 amino acids,with a...
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Enzyme immobilization on magnetic nanoparticles
PublicationImmobilized enzymes have been commonly used in many branches of industry, biotechnology, medicine and also in analytical chemistry. Their use provides many advantages in comparison with free enzymes including repeated, easy recovery of the enzyme and improvement in enzyme stability. Enzymes are strong and specific catalysts, but are also expensive and fragile. Their immobilization and stabilization may reduce reaction costs, which...
PublicationCold recycling with cement and bituminous emulsion is one of the most environmentally friendly techniques to maximize the reuse of reclaimed asphalt (RA) collected during demolition of roads. Cold recycled mixtures are commonly used for base courses in construction or rehabilitation of flexible and semi-rigid pavements. Current experiences demonstrated that cold recycling with appropriate requirements and technical recommendations...
Cold-adapted bacterial lipolytic enzymes and their applications
PublicationLipolytic enzymes, esterases and lipases catalyze the hydrolysis and transesterification of fatty acid esters. This class of enzymes is the most important group of biocatalysts for biotechnological applications. From this perspective, coldactive lipolytic enzymes from cold adapted bacteria display attractive properties for some industrial purposes, including high catalytic activity at low temperatures and low thermostability. To...
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Inspired by Nature: The Use of Plant-derived Substrate/Enzyme Combinations to Generate Antimicrobial Activity in situ
PublicationThe last decade has witnessed a renewed interest in antimicrobial agents. Plants have received particular attention and frequently rely on the spontaneous enzymatic conversion of an inactive precursor to an active agent. Such two-component substrate/enzyme defence systems can be reconstituted ex vivo. Here, the alliin/alliinase system from garlic seems to be rather effective against Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whilst the glucosinolate/myrosinase...
Enzyme Research
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Enzyme-conjugated MXene nanocomposites for biosensing and biocatalysis acuities
PublicationEngineered two-dimensional (2-D) MXenes-based materials with tunable characteristics and multi-functionalities have brought up new paradigms in the biosensing and catalysis of chemical compounds. The profusion of electroactive functional moieties on the surface of few/multi-layer MXenes facilitates their ability to retain biomolecules such as enzymes resulting in unique dimensions for bioanalytical and biosensing applications....
Glaciers: The dynamic giants of cold regions
PublicationGlaciers, often described as nature’s formidable ice giants, are essential components of the Earth's cryosphere, with profound influence on the global water cycle, energy production, and landscape stability. These massive bodies of ice, formed over centuries from accumulated snow, are not just frozen relics of the past; they are dynamic systems that play a critical role in cold region environments. As the climate changes, understanding...
Active management of equipment cooling in hoteling data centers
PublicationHoteling data centers are designated for housing computing and storage units of many, usually small customers, as opposed to traditional data centers supporting own computing and storage resources of a bigger company. One of the services to be provided to consumer’s equipment is cooling. Cooling in data centers is prevalently achieved by circulating air in computer room. Efficient cooling requires delivering cold air from central...
PublicationPermanent urban growth of the world of today world implies demanding challenges for the steel construction industry. Nowadays, one of the most important issues is the cost optimization of steel structures. Since the weight of building materials is a major component of the total cost, engineers and designers try to reduce structural weight, without compromising durability and sustainability of a steel structure. Therefore, light...
Enzyme-linked carbon nanotubes as biocatalytic tools to degrade and mitigate environmental pollutants
PublicationA wide array of organic compounds have been recognized as pollutants of high concern due to their controlled or uncontrolled presence in environmental matrices. The persistent prevalence of diverse organic pollutants, including pharmaceutical compounds, phenolic compounds, synthetic dyes, and other hazardous substances, necessitates robust measures for their practical and sustainable removal from water bodies. Several bioremediation and...
Engineering Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase for efficient enzyme purification
PublicationRationally designed muteins of Candida albicans glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase, an enzyme known as a promising target for antifungal chemotherapy, were constructed, overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to near homogeneity. To facilitate and to optimize the purification of the enzyme, three recombinant versionscontaining internal oligoHis fragments were constructed: (i) by substituting residues 343 - 348...
Innovative Cold-formed GEB Section under Bending
PublicationThis paper is concerned with the numerical bending capacity study of the innovative cold-formed GEB sections. Both linear buckling analysis and non-linear static analysis incorporating geometric and material nonlinearity were carried out employing a shell structural model. The magnitudes of buckling load and limit load with respect to GEB section depth and thickness were obtained. The opened cold-formed section was tested assuming...
Cold recycled mixtures for binder courses - laboratory evaluation of mechanical properties
PublicationCold recycled mixtures composed with cement and bituminous emulsion are nowadays commonly used material for base layer. Typical pavement with cold recycled mixtures usually consists of two asphalt courses (wearing and binding course) constructed over cold recycled base. Therefore the next step in cold recycling is possibility of design of binding courses with recycled materials, but with potential to obtain high quality mixtures...
Enzyme Conjugation - A Promising Tool for Bio-catalytic and Biotransformation Applications – A Review
PublicationEnzymes have revolutionized conventional industrial catalysts as more efficient, eco-friendly, and sustainable substitutes that can be used in different biotechnological processes, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Yet, the enzymes from nature are engineered to make them adapt and enhance their durability in the industrial environment. One promising approach involves the combined use of multiple enzymes that catalyze highly...
Stability of an Innovative Cold-Formed GEB Section
PublicationThis paper is focused on the numerical analysis and experimental test of stability of the cold-formed profile with an innovative GEB cross-section. For the shell model of the axially compressed member, the linear buckling analysis and the nonlinear static analysis were carried out. In the numerical research, the buckling load and the limit load for variable section heights were obtained. Some of the results were compared with the...
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Current Enzyme Inhibition
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PublicationThe main goal of modern machining operations is to achieve increasingly better performance. High Speed Machining and/or High Performance Cutting, despite a lot of advantages, have also some drawbacks, for example, a possibility of losing stability and development of self-excited chatter vibration. This paper presents an approach of vibration surveillance during high speed milling with a use of active optimal control. Non-stationary...
Modeling of truss with cold-formed section and positive eccentricity in the node
PublicationThis work is dedicated to establishing the load carrying capacity of tensed and compressed truss’ nodes made of cold-formed open cross sections. The occurrence of bending in the truss’ nodes is the result of a specific production technology for system lattice girders assumed by the designer and the producer. The aim of this research is to present the methodology of conduct for creation of computational models that best depict the...
Active Dynamic Infrared Thermal Imaging in Burn Depth Evaluation
PublicationThe aim of this study was to find the relationship between active dynamic thermography (ADT) with cold excitation and burn depth. This new modality of evaluation of burns seems to be an attractive proposal for quantitative classification, allowing proper choice of burn wound treatment: conservative or surgical, especially compared with static thermography. The work was an in vivo experiment on domestic pigs, and a small number...
Polish experience with cold in-place recycling
PublicationDeep cold in-place recycling using cement and asphalt emulsion has been used for reconstruction of existing roads since the beginning of the 1990s. This paper describes the first Polish requirements for mineral-cement-emulsion mixtures. As requirements stated for the strength of the mineral-cement-emulsion mixtures were quite high, most of the mixtures were designed using high amount of cement and aggregate added for the improvement...
Review and evaluation of cold recycling with bitumen emulsion and cement for rehabilitation of old pavements
PublicationThe article presents Polish experience with cold recycling of asphalt pavements with theusage of bituminous emulsion and cement. In the 1990s numerous roads in Polandrequired immediate reinforcement due to their significant degradation. Implementation ofthe cold recycling technology was one of the solutions to this problem. Cold recycledmixtures containebeside the recycled asphalt pavement and aggregateetwo differenttypes of binding...