Search results for: TRANSMISSION LINES
Resonance problems in UHV transmission lines
PublicationThe paper presents resonance phenomena observed in 400 kV transmission lines in the Polish power system. Two events are analysed, when shunt reactors used for reactive power compensation, caused overvoltages and overcurrent protection tripping as a result of resonance. An oscillographic fault recordings from protection devices are compared to time domain simulation results. The obtained simulation results match fault recordings,...
Structural Health Monitoring of Overhead Power Transmission Lines
PublicationStructural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a novel and continuously developing branch of science and technology that draws attention of scientists all over the world. It creates opportunities to detect, localize and identify structural damage of various types such as: line breakage, permissible sag, bolt loosening, fatigue cracking or insulator contamination. On the other hand the methods used to estimate the remaining operational...
Impulse Measurements of Tower Earthings of Overhead Transmission Lines
PublicationPrzepisy wymagają okresowego badania uziemień słupów elektroenergetycznych linii przesyłowych. pomiary takie metodami klasycznymi niskiej częstotliwości wymagają odłączania uziomów od konstrukcji słupa, co wiąże się z wyłączaniem linii. wykorzstanie metody udarowej do oceny uziemień nie wymaga odłączania uziomów i może byc przeprowadzane podczas pracy linii.
Simulation of Signal Propagation Along Fractional-Order Transmission Lines
PublicationIn this paper, the simulation method of signal propagation along fractional-order (FO) transmission lines is presented. Initially, fractional calculus and the model of FO transmission line are introduced. Then, the algorithm allowing for simulation of the nonmonochromatic wave propagation along FO transmission lines is presented. It employs computations in the frequency domain, i.e., an analytical excitation is transformed to the...
The Issues of Reactive Power Compensation in High-voltage Transmission Lines
PublicationThis paper discusses the selection of compensation shunt reactors for a double-circuit 400 kV transmission line using the example of the newly built Elk Bis – Alytus transmission line. The analysis takes into account various conditions of the power system. The published results relate to voltage levels in steady states and during switching processes and short circuits.
Cross-talk modeling in coupled transmission lines terminated with nonlinear loads
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przegląd dostępnych metod symulacji zjawiska przesłuchu kładąc szczegółny nacisk na efekty nieliniowości rzeczywistych obciążeń linii sygnałowych na płytach drukowanych. Wykorzystując metodę analizy opartą o szeregi Volterry przeanalizowano efekt przesłuchu w strukturze sprzężonych linii mikropaskowych obciążonych na wyjściu toru transmisyjnego diodą Schottky'ego z niską barierą potencjalu. Uzyskano bardzo...
A compact microstrip rat-race coupler constituted by nonuniform transmission lines
PublicationIn this work, a step-by-step development of a compact microstrip rat-race coupler (RRC) has been presented and discussed. A high degree of miniaturization has been obtained by substituting six quarter-wavelength uniform atomic building blocks of a RRC by their nonuniform counterparts. The miniaturization procedure has been realized in three progressive steps: (i) the first layout solution of a miniaturized RRC has been acquired...
EHV transmission lines wires location on line operation issues - case studies
PublicationTransmission lines towers construction affects the line parameters and influences on its operation in the future. Misguided design of the tower can lead to serious problems such as overvoltages, electric arc extinction difficulties, voltage asymmetry, resonance phenomena or increasing of magnetic field near the line. The paper points out those threats on example of 400 kV double circuit overhead transmission line with shunt reactors....
Design of quarter-wave compact impedance transformers using coupled transmission lines
PublicationPrzedstawiono porównanie wyników symulacji jedno i wielosekcyjnych transformatorów impedancji budowanych w postaci struktur wykorzystujących idealnenie sprzężone linie transmisyjne, idealne sprzężone symetryczne linie transmisyjne oraz rzeczywiste sprzężone linie mikropaskowe. Pokazano, że możliwa jest konstrukcja transformatorów impedancji o bardzo dobrych parametrach technicznych wykorzystująca sprzężone linie mikropaskowe, pomimo...
Comments on ''An innovative fast powerful method for tackling electromagnetic eigenvalue problems for multistrip transmission lines''
PublicationPraca stanowi komentarz do publikacji Casanuevy i Garcii dotyczącej techniki szybkiego obliczania charakterystyk dyspersyjnych falowodów z niejednorodnym wypełnieniem. Zwrócono uwagę na niepotrzebną komplikację zagadnienia poprzez zastosowanie techniki rozkładu na wartości szczególne.
Application of 3D graphic software and GIS in visual impact assessment of high-voltage overhead transmission lines
Publication -
Calculations of Short-Circuit Current Flows in Earth Wires of HV Lines
PublicationThis paper presents a method which enables calculating flows of short-circuit currents in earth wires of high voltage transmission lines, and its implementation in the form of a computer programme. The algorithm enables performing calculations for a double-fed line and starconnected lines (three terminal lines). The developed programme enables verifying dimensioning of earth wires in the context of their short-circuit thermal withstand...
The contactless method of chip-to-chip high-speed data transmission monitoring
PublicationThis paper presents a technique of decoupling differential signals transmitted in a pair of microstrip lines on a printed circuit board (PCB), using dedicated coupler for high speed data transmission monitoring in chip-to-chip interconnections. The coupler used for signal probing is overlayed on the pair of microstrip lines under test, and provides a signal to the next blocks of the measurement system without disturbing transmission...
Case studies of resonance phenomena in high voltage overhead power lines with shunt reactors
PublicationMisguided design of the towers of power transmission lines can lead to serious problems such as voltage asymmetry, overvoltages, electric arc extinction difficulties or resonance – in case of double circuit line with shunt reactors. The paper points out those threats on example of 400 kV double circuit overhead transmission line with shunt reactors.
Damage Detection Strategies in Structural Health Monitoring of Overhead Power Transmission System
PublicationOverhead power transmission lines, their supporting towers, insulators and other elements create a highly distributed system that is vulnerable to damage. Typical damage scenarios cover cracking of foundation, breakage of insulators, loosening of rivets, as well as cracking and breakage of lines. Such scenarios may result from various factors: groundings, lightning strikes, floods, earthquakes, aeolian vibrations, conductors galloping,...
Secondary arc modelling for single pole reclosing analyses
PublicationThe paper discusses two evaluation methods of single pole auto-reclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage calculation results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a nonlinear secondary arc model implementation is presented. The paper presents the study results for the three types of EHV transmission...
Computer-Aided Calculations of Earth Potential Rise in High Voltage Overhead Lines
PublicationHigh voltage overhead power lines with earth wires comprise towers made of conductive material. Some towers are in locations where people can be expected to be either for a long time or for a short time but very frequently. Evaluation of shock hazard near such towers requires calculation of line-to-earth short-circuit current, earth current and especially earth potential rise. Number of towers in high voltage power lines can exceed...
Earth wires currents calculation by tableau analysis
PublicationThe paper presents a new method to compute a phase-to-earth fault current distribution in overhead transmission line. The method is based on the tableau analysis of an unbalanced, multi-wire model of a transmission line. It allows for the calculation of current distribution in overhead earth wires along the transmission line. Additionally, it may be used to calculate currents in a tower’s earthing system as well as voltages over...
Analysis of positioning error and its impact on high frequency properties of differential signal coupler
PublicationThis paper presents the analysis of the effect of differential signal coupler positioning accuracy on its high frequency performance parameters for contact-less high speed chip-to-chip data transmission on PCB application. Our considerations are continuation of the previous works on differential signal coupler concept, design methodology and analysis for high speed data transmission monitoring. The theoretical analysis of possible...
The Finite Elements Method application to assesment the impact of turbulence generated by wind turbines on their lacation inclose proximity of overhead high voltage power transmissionlines
PublicationThe paper presents selected aspects of construction of wind turbines location concerning aerodynamic impact on power lines. Reaserch is based on the source data concerning the aerodynamic impact of a wind farm consisting of 8 turbines and 400 kV power line, an analysis of the possibility of wind farm locating in the immediate vicinity of the line was carried out. There are serious problems with locating higher capacity wind farms...
Design of a compact planar transmission line for miniaturized rat-race coupler with harmonics suppression
PublicationThis paper presents an elegant yet straightforward design procedure for a compact rat-race coupler (RRC) with an extended harmonic suppression. The coupler’s conventional λ/4 transmission lines (TLs) are replaced by a specialized TL that offers significant size reduction and harmonic elimination capabilities in the proposed approach. The design procedure is verified through the theoretical, circuit, and electromagnetic (EM) analyses,...
Analysis of Positioning Error and Its Impact on High Frequency Performance Parameters of Differential Signal Coupler of Differential Signal Coupler
PublicationThis paper presents the analysis of the effect of differential signal coupler positioning accuracy on its high frequency performance parameters for contact-less high speed chip-to-chip data transmission on PCB application. Our considerations are continuation of the previous works on differential signal coupler concept, design methodology and analysis for high speed data transmission monitoring presented in [1, 2]. The theoretical...
Design of Microstrip UWB Balun Using Quasi-TEM Approach Aided by the Artificial Neural Network
PublicationThe design procedure for UWB balun realized in the microstrip technology is proposed in the paper. The procedure applies Artificial Neural Network which corrects the dimensions of the approximate design found by appropriate scaling of the dimensions of the prototype. The scale coefficients for longitudinal and transverse dimensions of microstrip lines are determined from electromagnetic modeling based on transmission line equations....
PublicationThe article presents the development of author’s concept of a diesel/hydraulic propulsion system for inland watercraft. Due to specific nature of vessel navigation on rivers, classical propulsion systems with shaft lines can be effectively replaced by systems with hydraulic power transmission. A solution is also presented of a hybrid design with extra electric port having the form of a pumping system driven from a battery of accumulators....
Miniaturized Dual-Band Bandpass Filter with Wide Inter Stopband for 5G Applications
PublicationThis article presents the design of a miniaturized dual-band bandpass filter with a wide inter-stopband and improved isolation. A novel topology comprising the series connection of shunt cascaded coupled lines and quarter-wavelength open stubs is proposed to realize the dual-band filter along with half-wavelength stepped-impedance stubs. The circuit characteristics contain nine transmission zeros and four poles. The transmission...
Expedited Geometry Scaling of Compact Microwave Passives by Means of Inverse Surrogate Modeling
PublicationIn this paper, the problem of geometry scaling of compact microwave structures is investigated. As opposed to conventional structures (i.e., constructed using uniform transmission lines), re-design of miniaturized circuits (e.g., implemented with artificial transmission lines, ATSs) for different operating frequencies is far from being straightforward due to considerable cross-couplings between the circuit components. Here, we...
Przesył energii elektrycznej - potrzeby,progi i bariery
PublicationW artykule przeanalizowano stan aktualny i kierunki rozwoju krajowego systemu przesy ł owego w kontek ś cie potrzeb gospodarki krajowej. Przedstawiono znaczenie sieci przesy ł owych oraz rol ę operatorów systemu przesy ł owego i systemów dystrybucyjnych w sektorze energetycznym. Oceniono mo ż liwo ś ci rozwoju przy uwzgl ę dnieniu aktualnych prognoz zapotrzebowania na energi ę , wytyczono potencjalne...
Nowa metoda obliczania rozpływu prądów zwarciowych w przewodach odgromowych linii wysokiego napięcia
PublicationReferat przedstawia nowatorską metodę obliczania wartości prądów płynących w przewodach odgromowych w czasie zwarć, pozwalającą na dobór przewodów odgromowych pod względem wytrzymałości cieplnej. Proponowana metoda charakteryzuje się większą dokładnością i większą uniwersalnością niż powszechnie stosowane metody, pozwalając tym samym na dobór przewodów odgromowych z mniejszym ryzykiem niepewności. Prezentowana metoda obliczeniowa...
Evaluation Of Single Pole Auto-Reclosing Effectiveness With Nonlinear Secondary Arc Model
PublicationThe paper discusses two evaluation methods of single pole auto-reclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a non-linear secondary arc implementation is presented. The authors indicate, that precise representation of secondary electric arc leads to more...
Energy losses reduction in the medium voltage cable line – case study
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of energy losses in a power cable system, which is composed of two 30 kV cable lines. This cable system is located at the seaside holiday area, so the load profile during a year is specific. Energy losses related to reactive power transmission, as well as to currents induced in the sheaths of the cables, are subject to analysis. Measurements were made in the system in order to prepare a computer model...
On the low-cost design of abbreviated multisection planar matching transformer
PublicationA numerically demanding wideband matching transformer composed of three nonuniform transmission lines (NUTLs) has been designed and optimized at a low computational cost. The computational feasibility of the design has been acquired through the exploitation of low-fidelity NUTL models in most steps of the design procedure and an implicit space mapping optimization engine, providing high accuracy results with only a handful of EM...
Novel structure and EM-driven design of miniaturized microstrip rat-race coupler
PublicationIn this paper, a novel structure and design procedure of a miniaturized microstrip rat-race coupler (RRC) is described. Small size of the RRC is achieved by folding the transmission lines of the conventional circuit into its interior, as well as by implementation of the structure on three layers. The final size of the coupler realized for the operating frequency of 1 GHz is only 220 mm2, which gives over 95% footprint reduction...
Selection of circuit geometry for miniaturized microwave components based on concurrent optimization of performance and layout area
PublicationThe paper presents a framework for automated EM-driven circuit geometry selection of miniaturized microwave components. Selection of a particular layout is based directly on miniaturization rates achieved for a set of candidate circuit geometries. Size reduction of the considered structures is obtained by replacing their main building blocks (i.e., conventional transmission lines) with slow-wave composite cells and meander lines....
On Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microscrip Dual-Band Rat-Race Coupler with Enhanced Bandwidth
PublicationIn the paper, a novel topology of a miniaturized wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented. Small size of the circuit has been obtained by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased in order to secure sufficient circuit flexibility in the context of its design optimization for dual-band operation. Optimum dimensions of...
Rapid Design Tuning of Miniaturized Rat-Race Couplers Using Regression-Based Equivalent Network Surrogates
PublicationA simple technique for fast design tuning of compact rat-race couplers is presented. Our approach involves equivalent circuit representation, corrected by nonlinear functions of frequency with coefficients extracted through nonlinear regression. At the same time, the tuning process connects two levels of coupler representation: EM simulation of the entire circuit and re-optimization of the coupler building blocks (slow-wave cells...
Diagnostic testing of marine propulsion systems with internal combustion engines by means of vibration measurement and results analysis
PublicationIn this paper selected issues concerning vibration diagnosis of the mechanical system within marine propulsion units have been presented, carried out on the basis of experimental examinations of a real object in which an exceedance of the allowable vibration’s level had been observed. Used diagnosing system has been characterised. A procedure of longitudinal and transverse vibrations shaft lines of the mechanical system within...
Surrogate-assisted EM-driven miniaturization of wideband microwave couplers by means of co-simulation low-fidelity models
PublicationThis article proposes a methodology for rapid design optimization of miniaturized wideband couplers. More specifically, a class of circuits is considered, in which conventional transmission lines are replaced by their abbreviated counterparts referred to as slow-wave compact cells. Our focus is on explicit reduction of the structure size as well as on reducing the CPU cost of the design process. For the sake of computational feasibility,...
Nonlinear secondary arc model use for evaluation of single pole auto-reclosing effectiveness
PublicationPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss two evaluation methods of single pole autoreclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a nonlinear secondary arc implementation is presented. Design/methodology/approach – A computer simulation studies were...
Piotr Marczak dr inż. arch.
PeoplePiotr Marczak is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology and since 2016 a Vice-Dean for Education and Promotion. He is also is also a member of the Pomeranian District Chamber of Architects (POIA RP). His research and publications focus on the theory of architecture, revitalization and transformation within the ports areas and the Baltic coast. These studies are associated with the...
Inverse modeling for fast design optimization of small-size rat-race couplers incorporating compact cells
PublicationIn the paper, a framework for computationally-efficient design optimization of compact rat-race couplers (RRCs) is discussed. A class of hybrid RRCs with variable operating conditions is investigated, whose size reduction is obtained by replacing ordinary transmission lines with compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs). Our approach employs a bottom-up design strategy leading to the development of compact RRCs through rapid design...
A structure and design optimization of novel compact microscrip dual-band rat-race coupler with enhanced bandwidth
PublicationIn the letter, a topology of a novel compact wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented along with its computationally efficient design optimization procedure. Reduction of the circuit size has been achieved by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased so as to secure sufficient flexibility of the circuit, necessary in...
Zastosowanie specjalnego uziemienia żył powrotnych w liniach kablowych SN
PublicationW artykule porównano metody uziemiania żył powrotnych kabli średniego napięcia. Głównym kryterium oceny poszczególnych rozwiązań było ograniczenie strat w przesyle energii elektrycznej oraz zapewnienie ochrony przeciwprzepięciowej osłon kabli. Na podstawie symulacji kabli zamodelowanych w programie CYMCAP i otrzymanych wyników obciążalności prądowej i strat w linii zaprezentowano metodę krzyżowania żył powrotnych (CB – cross-bonding...
Influence of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields on the circadian system – current stage of knowledge
PublicationOne of the side effects of each electrical device work is the electromagnetic field generated near its workplace. All organisms, including humans, are exposed daily to the influence of different types of this field, characterized by various physical parameters. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine the effects of an electromagnetic field on the physiological and pathological processes occurring in cells, tissues and...
Effect of selective laser treatment on initiation of fatigue crack in the main part of an undercarriage drag strut
PublicationThis paper presents the results of material characterization and a fatigue test conducted for a laser-re-melted drag strut used in an aircraft landing gear. The drag strut was re-melted with a CO2 laser beam. Eight re-melted paths were made in the form of spiral lines along the axis of the drag strut. Next, the drag strut was subjected to variable loads on a testing machine simulating loads occurring when an aircraft lands. The...
Experiment-Based Study of Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in a Casing Pipe
PublicationThe paper deals with the important challenges in terms of electricity transmission by means of underground cable lines. The power cable’s performance is characterized by an ampacity that represents its maximum electric current-carrying capacity. The ampacity of power cables depends on their ability to diffuse the heat generated by the current flow into the environment. In the performed research, the analysis of the efficiency of...
Arsalan Muhammad Soomar Doctoral Student
PeopleHi, I'm Arsalan Muhammad Soomar, an Electrical Engineer. I received my Master's and Bachelor's Degree in the field of Electrical Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. Currently enrolled as a Doctoral student at the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland. Also worked in Yellowlite. INC, Ohio as a Solar Design Engineer. HEADLINE Currently Enrolled as a Doctoral...
Analysis and Detection of Faults at Insulated Conductors of Overhead Medium Voltage Lines
PublicationThe paper dealt with the issue of breakdowns detection of isolated hanging wires on the medium-voltage transmission. The main aim of article is to describe the function of created breakdowns detector and evaluation its. The breakdowns detector is created based in indicators of faults such as touch between tree limbs and insulated wire, touch tree limbs with several phases or fall insulated wire on the ground. Breakdowns detector...
The issue of uncertainty of visual measurement techniques for long distance measurements based on the example of applying electric traction elements in diagnostics and monitoring
PublicationRail transport is the most economical and energy-effective in the field of land transport, in particular electrified. In order to ensure efficient and reliable operation of electrified rail transport, the issues of monitoring and diagnostics of the traction infrastructure and vehicles are extremely important. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to the vehicle is the sliding contact of the current collector...
Koncepcja zdalnego sterowania i monitoringu urządzeń trakcyjnych z wykorzystaniem technologii teleinformatycznych
PublicationAdvancement in wireless communication enables engineers to apply sophisticated and relatively inexpensive technologies in new fields of industry, which were previously designated solely to wire-based solutions. One of those fields is railway transportation system. In effect of a high reliability and safety demands, this area was resistive to new technologies. Nowadays, increased security and reliability of wireless sensor networks...
Establishment of the Right of Electricity Transmission Easement Through Court Proceedings
PublicationIncluding the amendment of the Civil Code Act on May 30, 2008, issues related to the right of easement of transmission were introduced to it. Such a regulation was necessary in view of the need to define the legal status of transmission facilities, existing and designed on real estate property. The purpose of the study is to analyze issues related to the definition of the spatial extent of the law of transmission easement for power...