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Search results for: jel classification: l26, i21, a21, a22
Magnetic flux leakage signals of far side defects measured with different velocities
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw signals measured with the use of the magnetic flux leakage (MFL) technique. Linear Hall effect sensors A1324 were used to measure magnetic flux leakage. Three voltage signals were measured: Bx sensor output, Bz1 sensor output, and difference of Bz1 and Bz2 outputs. An output of a Bx sensor was directly proportional to the tangential...
Estimates for minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply-connected manifolds
Open Research DataWe consider a closed smooth connected and simply-connected manifold of dimension at least 4 and its self-map f. The topological invariant Dr[f] is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of f. We assume that r is odd and all coefficients b(k) of so-called periodic expansion of Lefschetz numbers of iterations are...
Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (K3,Km-e;n), 2<m<7, 1<n<R(K3,Km-e).
Open Research DataFor K3 and Km-e graphs, a coloring type (K3,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K3 subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K3,Km-e)...
The number of enterprises in Poland and selected EU countries in 2012
Open Research DataIn 2012, Poland was sixth in the ranking of the number of enterprises in selected European Union countries. In total, 22 million companies conduct business in the countries of the Community. However, when analyzing these values in relative numbers (calculated as the number of enterprises per 1000 inhabitants), Poland ranks only 22nd among the Member...
Comparison of the number of foreigners registered for retirement and disability pension insurance - at the end of the year
Open Research DataThe increase in the number of foreigners registered for retirement and disability insurance was characterized by the highest dynamics in the case of non-EU migrants, in particular Ukrainian citizens (26-time increase in the period 2008-2018; impressive nominal growth from 16.2 to 420.7 thousand economic migrants) and Georgia (a 37-time increase). Also...
Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs being coloring types (K4-e,Km-e;n), 2<m<7, 1<n<R(K4-e,Km-e)
Open Research DataFor K4-e and Km-e graphs, the type coloring (K4-e,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K4-e subgraph in the first color (no edge in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (exists edge in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K4-e,Km-e) is the smallest...
The electrochemical studies of thin boron-doped diamond films deposited at conductive poly(lactic acid) 3D prints
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical characteristics of the electrodes composed of thin boron-doped diamond films coated on commercially available graphene-doped polylactide acid. The boron doping level expressed as the [B]/[C] ratio in the gas phase for these studies was 500 and 10,000 ppm.
Nuts 43 (voj. lubuskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. lubuskie (Poland, nuts 43)
Nuts 71 (voj. lodzkie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. lodzkie (Poland, nuts 71)
Nuts 82 (voj. podkarpackie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. podkarpackie(Poland, nuts 82)
Nuts 81 (voj. lubelskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. lubelskie (Poland, nuts 81)
Nuts 42 (voj. zachodniopomorskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. zachodniopomorskie (Poland, nuts 42)
Construction of recombinant plasmid coding Borrelia burgdorferii sl F protein
Open Research DataDiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), an infection caused by spirochaetes of the B. burgdorferi sl species complex, is mainly based on clinical symptoms supported with serology and is often misdiagnosed in areas of endemicity. The complexity of the antigenic composition among the Borrelia genospecies and differential expression of proteins in host and...
Construction of recombinant plasmid coding Borrelia burgdorferi sl P protein
Open Research DataDiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), an infection caused by spirochaetes of the B. burgdorferi sl species complex, is mainly based on clinical symptoms supported with serology and is often misdiagnosed in areas of endemicity. The complexity of the antigenic composition among the Borrelia genospecies and differential expression of proteins in host and...
IRR (Irianian Rial) in comparison to the USD (IRR/USD)
Open Research DataCurrent problem of the Iranian economy is unstable exchange rate of Iranian currency Rial (IRR) to the US dollar (USD). Exchange rate was maintained at about 10-12 thousand IRR for 1 USD. However, the impact of sanctions depreciated Rial dramatically. In July 2013, the price of IRR has been reduced from 12 200 to 24 980 IRR/USD. At the same time, the...
Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs being coloring types (K3-e,Km-e;n), 2<m<8, 1<n<R(K3-e,Km-e)
Open Research DataFor K3-e and Km-e graphs, the type coloring (K3-e,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K3-e subgraph in the first color (no edge in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (exists edge in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K3-e,Km-e) is the smallest...
AFM and SSRM investiagtion of carbon nanowalls properties
Open Research DataStructures with limited dimensionality are of great interest in modern nanotechnology. The properties of these objects are used, among others, for the construction of modern displays or as a base for quantum computers. Carbon nanowalls, which are the subject of the imaging results contained in this collection, are also considered interesting building...
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 019_v_5
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 019_h_5
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 009_h_5
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 019_h_4
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 039_v_4
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 009_v_2
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 039_v_2
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 009_h_4
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 009_v_4
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 009_v_3
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 039_v_3
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 019_v_3
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 039_h_3
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 019_h_3
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 009_h_3
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 039_h_5
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 039_h_4
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
3D printed ABS thermoplastic vs. steel. Dry sliding wear test in constant load & velocity ring on flat configuration. Test parameters: print layer thickness and orientation. Test symbol: 019_v_4
Open Research DataData gathered in sliding ring-on-block (flat contact) tribological experiment. Materials: alloy steel (heat treated) vs. ABS plastic.
Ultrastructure of the bovine testis in cattle (Bos Taurus)
Open Research DataThe data present research results being part of the OPUS-22 project entitled “In search of new markers of male fertility in cattle. Aquaporins expression in the reproductive organs and sperm of the bulls (Bos taurus)” obtained from the National Science Center in Poland (grant no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/00204).
Nuts 51 (voj. dolnoslaskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. dolnoslaskie (Poland, nuts 71).
Nuts 62 (voj. warminsko-mazurskie). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in voj. warminsko-mazurskie (Poland, nuts 62)
Nuts 92 (mazowiecki regionalny region). Number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities
Open Research DataThe data contains information about the number of accidents, injuries, seriously Injured and fatalities between 1999 and 2019 in months in mazowiecki regionalny region (Poland, nuts 92)
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-LDH2
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Colvolutional calibration of AFM probe
Open Research DataAtomic force microscopy is based on the interaction of the examined surface with a probe of a pyramidal shape, tipped with a sharp end with a radius of curvature ranging from single nanometers to hundreds of nanometers. The resolution of the obtained image is of course dependent on the above-mentioned geometric size, and the resulting image is a convolutional...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen MIC3-MAG1-ROP1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen SAG1-SAG2-MAG1S
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Construction, production and evaluation of the diagnostic utility of a recombinant Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigen MIC3-MAG1-AMA1
Open Research DataThe intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to infect a wide range of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Currently, diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based mainly on the use of the native antigens in enzyme immunoassay which allow for detection of IgG, IgM and IgA antibody classes. However, in some cases the performed studies give...
Investigation of the C-1311 glucuronidation: an electrochemical approach
Open Research DataThis study was undertaken to investigate the glucuronidation of the compound C-1311 (5-diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone – the model anticancer acridine derivative) using electrochemistry/mass spectrometry (EC/MS) as a complementary technique to in vitro (liver microsomes) and in silico approaches.
Non-linear impedance of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 923K
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the non-linear electrical properties of V2O5 nanorods which were measured by the impedance spectroscopy method. V2O5 nanorods were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The precursor powder was pressed into the disk-shaped pellets (12mm in diameter...
D-loop sequences retrieved from Canis lupus familiaris mitochondrial genome
Open Research DataCanine mitochondrial genome is built of 16727 bp. Non-coding control region (mtCR), called also D-loop, begins with 15458 nucleotide and ends with 16727 nucleotide. The length of this fragment is 1270 bp (Kim et al., 1998). D-loop region is responsible for replication and transcription of mitochondrial DNA. Mutations that occur within it may cause irregularity...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the hydrophobicity of cells of recombinant Escherichia coli strains: AAEC191A and BL21(DE3)
Open Research DataThe ability of a cell surface to repel or adhere to surfaces is crucial, and it was assessed through a microbiological adhesion test involving hexadecane and xylene. In this method, microorganisms in an aqueous layer are mixed with an organic layer, and after completion, the absorbance of each sample is measured at a 570 nm wavelength. The results obtained...
Numerical Study of the Impinging Jets Formed by an Injector with Different Nozzle Diameters
Open Research DataThe data set contains the simulation files related to the research paper “Numerical Study of the Impinging Jets Formed by an Injector with Different Nozzle Diameters”,
Light microscopy observation of emergent macrophytes in floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC): heavy metals loaded treatments
Open Research DataThis dataset presents the light microscope images of emergent plants (Phragmites australis and Iris pseudacorus) used in floating treatment wetlands combined with microbial fuel cells (FTW-MFC) systems for wastewater treatment and bioenergy generation.