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Search results for: GLOBAL TROPICS
Hourly GNSS-derived integrated moisture in the global tropics for the years 2001-2018
Open Research DataGlobal tropics are essential in formulating weather patterns and climate across various latitudes through atmospheric teleconnections. Since water vapour is an essential parameter in atmospheric convection and, thus, latent heat release, its tropical variability on different time scales is crucial in understanding weather and climate changes. The provided...
Tropospheric parameters derived from the selected IGS stations in the global tropics for the years 2001-2018
Open Research DataThis dataset contains daily GNSS-derived zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD), a posteriori corrected zenith wet delay (ZWD), and precipitable water vapour (PWV) time series. These troposphere-related data were estimated for the period between January 2001 and December 2018, for the 43 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations, located in the global tropics....
L5 and Th12 Vertebra Displacements from Global L-Spine Model
Open Research DataThe dataset contains multiple LS-DYNA files (*.k) capturing displacements and rotations at specific time steps for the L5 and Th12 vertebrae. Files _L5T12_rel_dispX.k, _L5T12_rel_dispY.k, and _L5T12_rel_dispZ.k detail relative translational motion, whereas _T12_dispRx.k, _T12_dispRy.k, and _T12_dispRz.k record rotational behavior about each global axis....
The Use of Sustainability Reporting Instruments in the Global Airline Industry in Financial Year 2019
Open Research DataThis dataset provides an overview of the GRI topic-specific disclosures global passenger airline companies reported in their 2019 financial year sustainability reports and the specific SDGs they addressed. Additionally, it includes information on the frequency of application of other well-known SR instruments (i.e., SASB, IIRC, CDSB, CDP, UNGC, ISO...
Data on wages, gender wage gap and global value chains measured on the European Structure of Earnings Survey and World Input-Output Database.
Open Research DataThis data article describes the data and merging procedure used by Nikulin and Wolszczak-Derlacz (Nikulin and Wolszczak-Derlacz, 2022).
Data and codes accompanying the paper: Parteka A., Kordalska A. "Artificial intelligence and productivity: global evidence from AI patent and bibliometric data". Technovation, Volume 125, July 2023, 102764
Open Research DataThe folder contains the data and codes used in the analysis described in the paper: Parteka A., Kordalska A. (2023) Artificial intelligence and productivity: global evidence from AI patent and bibliometric data. Technovation, Volume 125, July 2023, 102764
Rhetoric at school - a selection of the syllabi from the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk - transcription and photographs
Open Research DataThe following data set comprises a transcription (in txt and docx formats) and photographs (in jpg format) of the selected records from the Latin-language teaching syllabi termed 'Typus' or 'Catalogus lectionum' (an abbreviated title). Rhetoric is the main thematic criterion behind this choice. Various topics related to rhetoric have been taught not...
A survey examining the level of knowledge about open educational resources among local librarians
Open Research DataThe file contains the results of a survey conducted by the librarians of the Gdansk University of Technology Library among employees of Tricity public libraries on the subject of the use of open educational resources in their daily work. The survey was conducted online using a Google form between November 2021 and February 2022.
Images revealing the effect of local femtosecond laser ablation of conductive poly(lactic acid) 3D printed electrodes
Open Research DataThe dataset reveals the images of the femtosecond laser (FSL) ablation at the surface of commercially available carbon black-filled poly(lactic acid) 3D printed electrode. The process is used for the increase of the charge transfer of this electrode in electrochemical studies.
State aid for entrepreneurs at special economic zones
Open Research DataThe dataset encompasses a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography and a list of important individual sentences issued on the topic of state aid for entreprenuers investing at special economic zones. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility do acquire basic knowledge on the above mentioned topic.
State aid for coal mines in Poland
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish and foreign bibliography and a list of important individual decisions issued on the topic of state aid for coal mines in Poland in the period 1998-2018. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility do acquire basic knowledge on the above mentioned topic.
State aid for airports and airlines in the EU
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish and foreign bibliography and a list of important individual decisions of the EC issued on the topic of state aid forairlines and (regional) airports in EC Member states in the period 2004-2019. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility do acquire basic knowledge...
state aid for entrepreneurs - access to finance
Open Research DataThe dataset encompasses a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography and a list of important individual sentences issued on the topic of state aid for entreprenuers in the form of better access to finance their development and filling the capital gap. It emcompasses the period 2004-2020 Thanks to that the reader gets the...
state aid for broadband infrastructure
Open Research DataThe dataset encompasses a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected bibliography, and a list of important individual sentences issued on the topic of state aid for building the infrastructure and rendering of broadband services during the period 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, as well as beyond, in the EU Member States. Thanks to that the reader gets...
state aid for steel sector in the EU
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of most important UE and Polish legal acts, a list of selected Polish and foreign bibliography and a list of important individual decisions issued on the topic of state aid for steel industry in the UE. The significance of this topic is undoubted, as the steel industry is one of the most important UE production branches....
UE regional state aid for territories with low standard of living
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography and a list of important individual decisions issued on the topic of regional state aid ( for investment purposes) in Poland in the periods 2007- 2013 and 2014- 2020. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility to acquire basic knowledge on the abovementioned...
EU state aid for fisheries and aquaculture in the perspective 2014-2020
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography, and some examples of decisions issued by the EC on the topic of state aid for fisheries and aquaculture in Poland and in Germany. The data constitute a description of the basic state aid instruments used in practice in the period 2014-2020 for...
state aid for projects on heritage conservation
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts in EU law, a list of selected bibliography, together with a list of some interesting individual EC decisions issued on the topic of state aid for heritage conservation in Poland and some UE countries in the period 2007-2013. The reader gets the possibility to acquire basic information...
The OpenMolcas Web: A Community-Driven Approach to Advancing Computational Chemistry
Open Research DataThe developments of the open-source OpenMolcas chemistry software environment since spring 2020 are described, with a focus on novel functionalities accessible in the stable branch of the package or via interfaces with other packages. These developments span a wide range of topics in computational chemistry and are presented in thematic sections: electronic...
state aid for export activities
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts, a list of selected Polish and foreign bibliography, together with a list of important individual EC decisions issued on the topic of state aid for export credits in Poland and some UE countries in the period 2001-2019. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility do acquire basic...
Twenty years' (1996-2016) tropospheric parameters for selected EPN stations derived from GPS precise point positioning
Open Research DataPropagation of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) signals through the Earth’s atmosphere is affected by its physical properties. Both hydrostatic and wet part of the atmosphere (mostly related with troposphere) causes delays of GNSS signal, which usually are expressed in the zenith direction (zenith hydrostatic delay - ZHD, and zenith wet delay...
Twenty years' (1996-2016) tropospheric parameters for selected EPN stations derived from GPS double-difference processing
Open Research DataPropagation of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) signals through the Earth’s atmosphere is affected by its physical properties. Both hydrostatic and wet part of the atmosphere (mostly related with troposphere) causes delays of GNSS signal, which usually are expressed in the zenith direction (zenith hydrostatic delay - ZHD, and zenith wet delay...
state aid for employment of disadvantaged persons
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts, a list of selected Polish and foreign bibliography, together with a list of important individual EC decisions issued on the topic of state aid dedicated to including persons with disabilities to the labour market in Poland and some UE countries in the period 2001-2019. Thanks to that...
State aid for shipyards
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of the most important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography and a list of important individual decisions issued on the topic of state aid for shipyards in Poland and in selected UE countries. The data constitute a description of the basic state aid instruments used in practise in the period 1999-2018, but...
state aid for research, development and innovation ( R+D+I)
Open Research DataThe dataset encompasses a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography, some important individual EC decisions issued on the topic of state aid for research, development, and innovation during the budgetary periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility to acquire basic knowledge on the abovementioned...
Assessment of Poland's competitiveness as a location for BPO/SSC projects
Open Research DataIn compiled by A.T. Kearney in subsequent editions of the ranking (2009, 2011, 2016, 2019), the first three positions were taken by the same countries. India received the highest marks with a clear advantage. The country is a world leader in terms of attractiveness for locating business service centers. India can offer English-speaking skilled labor...
Countries with the highest and the lowest electricity consumption per capita in 1998, kWh / c
Open Research DataFor several years, domestic electricity consumption has been growing (the average annual growth rate of electricity consumption for 2005-2010 is 2.75%). The increase in demand for electricity is related to the continuous development of the Polish economy, the enrichment of society and the growing, year by year, industrial production. It should be noted...
Numerical and experimental generated data during project
Open Research DataThe dataset was generated using a procedure for the globalized design of microwave devices, which employs simplex-based regression models built at the level of operating parameters and performance figures of the circuit of interest. The computational efficiency of our technique stems from the topological simplicity of the surrogate and its updating...
Number of registered BEV and PHEV vehicles in 2011-2016 (in thousands)
Open Research DataThere are three main types of vehicles that are generally regarded as an electric car. These include:
Complex modulus of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture (28 days of curing at 20C)
Open Research DataDataset presents data of complex modulus determined for cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with 3 combinations of binding agents: 2% cement, 6% emulsion (C2E6), 6% cement, 6% emulsion (C6E6), 6% cement, 2% emulsion (C6E2). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Mixture contains...
Complex modulus of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E4 laboratory mixed/laboratory compacted (7-365 days of curing at 20C)
Open Research DataDataset presents data of complex modulus determined for cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with following binding agents: 3% cement, 4% emulsion (C3E4). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Mixture was mixed in laboratory conditions on the basis of materials obtained from...
Complex modulus of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E4 field mixed/laboratory compacted (7-365 days of curing at 20C)
Open Research DataDataset presents data of complex modulus determined for cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with following binding agents: 3% cement, 4% emulsion (C3E4). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Mixture was mixed in the field conditions and later compacted in laboratory. Mixture...
Complex modulus of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E4 cores obtained from the field section (28-365 days of curing at the field and later in laboratory at 20C)
Open Research DataDataset presents data of complex modulus determined for cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with following binding agents: 3% cement, 4% emulsion (C3E4). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Specimen were obtained from the field at 28, 180, 270 and 365 days after compaction....
Complex modulus of Cement Bitumen Treated Material Mixture C3E5.5 (over 28 days of curing at 20C)
Open Research DataDataset presents data of complex modulus determined for cold recycled mixture – cement bitumen treated material mixture with following binding agents: 3% cement and 5.5% emulsion (C3E5.5). Mixture was designed according to Polish requirements for the base course of pavement. Mixture contains 60% of RAP material. Specimen size: f=100 mm, h=130 mm. Specimen...
WRF forecasting data of severe weather event in Central Europe on 11 August 2017
Open Research DataThis dataset is related to the forecasting of weather conditions in Central Europe on 11 August 2017. During that day, the severe and devastating weather phenomenon (derecho) occurred in Poland. The simulations were carried out using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 4.2.1 with the initial and boundary conditions from the Global...
The luminescence study of (C10H16N)2MnBr4 Organic–Inorganic Hybrid
Open Research DataOrganic–inorganic hybrid metal halides have recently attracted attention in the global research field for their bright light emission, tunable photoluminescence wavelength, and convenient synthesis method. This study reports the detailed properties of (C10H16N)2MnBr4, which emits bright green light with a high photoluminescence quantum yield. Results...
The XRD diffraction patterns of as-prepared (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexMeyTi(1-x-y)O3-δ materials (Me=Ni,Co)
Open Research DataThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexMeyTi(1-x-y)O3-δ materials (Me=Ni,Co) were synthesized via the Pechini method. First, the reagents in the form of nitrates were weighed and dissolved in DI water. In another beaker, a stoichiometric amount of titanium (IV) butoxide (Ti(OBu)4) was mixed together with reagent-grade ethylene glycol (EG), and citric acid (CA)...
The XRD diffraction patterns of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) materials after reduction at 900 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) materials were synthesized via the Pechini method. First, the reagents in the form of nitrates were weighed and dissolved in DI water. In another beaker, a stoichiometric amount of titanium (IV) butoxide (Ti(OBu)4) was mixed together with reagent-grade ethylene glycol (EG), and citric acid...
The XRD diffraction patterns of as-preapred (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) materials
Open Research DataThe (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) materials were synthesized via the Pechini method. First, the reagents in the form of nitrates were weighed and dissolved in DI water. In another beaker, a stoichiometric amount of titanium (IV) butoxide (Ti(OBu)4) was mixed together with reagent-grade ethylene glycol (EG), and citric acid...
SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) materials after reduction at 900 deg.C in hydrogen
Open Research DataThe dataset presents SEM images of (La0.3Sr0.6Ce0.1)0.9FexTi(1-x)O3-δ (x=0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) powder materials synthesized via the Pechini method after reduction in hydrogen at 900C for 10h.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case He-Se: Equal harvesting and equal survival rates of juveniles and adults
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case Hj-S1: Harvesting juveniles only, survival rates of juveniles and adults add up to 1
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case Ha-Se: Harvesting adults only, equal survival rates of juveniles and adults
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case He-S1: Equal harvesting of juveniles and adults, survival rates of juveniles and adults add up to 1
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case Hj-Se: Harvesting juveniles only, equal survival rates of juveniles and adults
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Morse decompositions for a population model with harvesting. Case Ha-S1: Harvesting adults only, survival rates of juveniles and adults add up to 1
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Continuation classes for a population model with harvesting. Case He-S1: Equal harvesting of juveniles and adults, survival rates of juveniles and adults add up to 1
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Continuation classes for a population model with harvesting. Case Hj-Se: Harvesting juveniles only, equal survival rates of juveniles and adults
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Continuation classes for a population model with harvesting. Case Ha-S1: Harvesting adults only, survival rates of juveniles and adults add up to 1
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.
Continuation classes for a population model with harvesting. Case Ha-Se: Harvesting adults only, equal survival rates of juveniles and adults
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete population model with harvesting" by E. Liz and P. Pilarczyk: Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 297 (2012), pp. 148–165, doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.12.012.