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Search results for: MOVING MESH
Complete input data to CFD 3D model of combustion in the large marine 4-stroke engine
Open Research DataInput data to CFD and 3D model of combustion process for large marine 4-stroke diesel engine.
Tagged images with LEGO bricks moving on the conveyor belt
Open Research DataThe data set conatins tagged images conatining LEGO bricks used for traning LEGO bricks detecting network. The dataset contains frames taken from video recordings of lego bricks moving on a conveyor belt. The images conatin from 0 to 7 bricks. In total there are 5459 tagged lego bricks in 4340 images and 3390 images without any bricks in them. The images...
LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt
Open Research DataThe set contains renders of 5237 LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across...
LDRAW based renders of LEGO bricks moving on a conveyor belt with extracted models
Open Research DataThe set contains renders of LEGO bricks moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. For each brick starting position, alignment and color was selected (simulating the brick falling down on the conveyour belt) and than 10 images was created while the brick was moved across the...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl on one side of the bath mass on the other - the person is moving- men
Open Research DataThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
Technical fabrics old sample
Open Research DataThe data presented here includes video of technical fabric strength testing. The included movie is in .cine format, and an external program with a viewer for such movies is required.
Emotion Recognition
Open Research DataThe films presented here were recorded using so-called high-speed camera Phantom Miro. To play the movie You need the special software which can be downloaded from the web site the details of the movie are available after starting the movie in the viewer in the description...
Emotion Recognition
Open Research DataThe films presented here were recorded using so-called high-speed camera Phantom Miro. To play the movie You need the special software which can be downloaded from the web site the details of the movie are available after starting the movie in the viewer in the description...
Elgold partial: Movie reviews
Open Research DataThe dataset contains 37 English texts with movie reviews. In each text, the named entities are marked. Each name entity is linked to the corresponding Wikipedia if possible. All entities were manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking algorithms.
Ultrastructure of the bovine testis in cattle (Bos Taurus)
Open Research DataThe data present research results being part of the OPUS-22 project entitled “In search of new markers of male fertility in cattle. Aquaporins expression in the reproductive organs and sperm of the bulls (Bos taurus)” obtained from the National Science Center in Poland (grant no. 2021/43/B/NZ9/00204).
Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - Wide Brics
Open Research DataThe set contains videos of LEGO bricks (wide bricks, with each side having more than 1 stud) moving on a white conveyor belt. The videos were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary...
Internal legal acts of technical and medical universities in Poland regulating classes conducted in-person during the Covid-19 pandemic
Open Research DataA database of legal acts and other internal documents of medical and technical universities in Poland regulating the way of organizing in-person or hybrid classes during the COVID-19 pandemic from the summer semester 2019/2020 to the winter semester 2020/2021.Documents were encoded in two separate coding systems using the MAXQDA program for qualitative...
UE regional state aid for territories with low standard of living
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography and a list of important individual decisions issued on the topic of regional state aid ( for investment purposes) in Poland in the periods 2007- 2013 and 2014- 2020. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility to acquire basic knowledge on the abovementioned...
Construction of recombinant plasmid coding Borrelia burgdorferii sl F protein
Open Research DataDiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), an infection caused by spirochaetes of the B. burgdorferi sl species complex, is mainly based on clinical symptoms supported with serology and is often misdiagnosed in areas of endemicity. The complexity of the antigenic composition among the Borrelia genospecies and differential expression of proteins in host and...
Construction of recombinant plasmid coding Borrelia burgdorferi sl P protein
Open Research DataDiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), an infection caused by spirochaetes of the B. burgdorferi sl species complex, is mainly based on clinical symptoms supported with serology and is often misdiagnosed in areas of endemicity. The complexity of the antigenic composition among the Borrelia genospecies and differential expression of proteins in host and...
Photos and movies regarding the dome's real-life model assembly and tests
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an archive with the photos and movies regarding the dome's real-life model assembly and tests.
Construction of recombinant plasmid coding Borrelia burgdorferi sl B12 protein
Open Research DataDiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), an infection caused by spirochaetes of the B. burgdorferi sl species complex, is mainly based on clinical symptoms supported with serology and is often misdiagnosed in areas of endemicity. The complexity of the antigenic composition among the Borrelia genospecies and differential expression of proteins in host and...
Construction of recombinant plasmid coding Borrelia burgdorferi sl B1 protein
Open Research DataDiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), an infection caused by spirochaetes of the B. burgdorferi sl species complex, is mainly based on clinical symptoms supported with serology and is often misdiagnosed in areas of endemicity. The complexity of the antigenic composition among the Borrelia genospecies and differential expression of proteins in host and...
Construction of recombinant plasmid coding Borrelia burgdorferi sl B3 protein
Open Research DataDiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), an infection caused by spirochaetes of the B. burgdorferi sl species complex, is mainly based on clinical symptoms supported with serology and is often misdiagnosed in areas of endemicity. The complexity of the antigenic composition among the Borrelia genospecies and differential expression of proteins in host and...
Construction of recombinant plasmid coding Borrelia burgdorferi sl B6 protein
Open Research DataDiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), an infection caused by spirochaetes of the B. burgdorferi sl species complex, is mainly based on clinical symptoms supported with serology and is often misdiagnosed in areas of endemicity. The complexity of the antigenic composition among the Borrelia genospecies and differential expression of proteins in host and...
Construction of recombinant plasmid coding Borrelia burgdorferi sl B2 protein
Open Research DataDiagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), an infection caused by spirochaetes of the B. burgdorferi sl species complex, is mainly based on clinical symptoms supported with serology and is often misdiagnosed in areas of endemicity. The complexity of the antigenic composition among the Borrelia genospecies and differential expression of proteins in host and...
Cyclic polarization studies of Mg corrosion in alkaline environment
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the cyclic polarization studies of Mg (99.99%) in NaOH electrolyte at different pH values: 10, 11 and 12 aiming at understanding of Mg(OH)2 passive layer formation mechanism and conditions. The electrochemical studies were carried out in a three electrode setup, with Pt mesh as the counter electrode and Ag|AgCl as the reference...
Technology and democracy: the who and how in decision-making. The cases of Estonia and Catalonia. METADATA
Open Research DataThe analysis of the Estonian data comes mainly from studies conducted to analyse the cost-efficiency of the Estonian online voting model (Krimmer; Duenas-Cid; Krivonosova, 2021), as well as from the contagion effect that ensued in other parts of the Estonian administration after the voting system was developed (Krimmer; Duenas-Cid,2019). In both cases,...
Appendices for the submission: Trust in Internet Voting: Preliminary Results of a QMethodology Experiment in Estonia
Open Research DataThese are the appendices for the paper "Trust in Internet Voting: Preliminary Results of a QMethodology Experiment in Estonia", submitted at AMCIS Conference 2025.
Tagged images with bees 2
Open Research DataImages taken from bee hive with tagged bees.
Frequency Response Functions for Sandvik CoroBore 825 XL boring tool, 733 mm
Open Research DataFrequency Response Functions (FRF) obtained for Sandvik CoroBore® 825 XL mounted at WHN 13-15 TOS VARNSDORF CNC machine at the minimum extension of the spindle adaptor. Tool set to bore a hole with a diameter 733mm
Technology and democracy: the who and how in decision-making. The cases of Estonia and Catalonia. METADATA 1
Open Research DataThe analysis of the Estonian data comes mainly from studies conducted to analyse the cost-efficiency of the Estonian online voting model (Krimmer; Duenas-Cid; Krivonosova, 2021), as well as from the contagion effect that ensued in other parts of the Estonian administration after the voting system was developed (Krimmer; Duenas-Cid,2019). In both cases,...
Cyclic voltammetry curves for FTO/PANI:WO3 nanocomposite
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of kinetic electrochemical studies, carried out with cyclic voltammetry (CV) of FTO/PANI:WO3 nanocomposite at various scan rates: 10, 20, 50, 75, 100 and 200 mV/s. The electrolyte was 1M H2SO4 solution. The measurements were performed in a three electrode setup, and with Ag|AgCl|3M KCl as the reference electrode and...
Spectroscopic spectra (absorption and emission) of environmental samples in the form of fingerprints obtained from living people.
Open Research DataThe results present absorption and emission spectra (under excitation at wavelengths of 275 nm and 295 nm) of environmental samples in the form of fingerprints obtained from living people.
A model of stealth maritime object having some innovative solutions concerning the object form, structure and materials.
Open Research DataThe aim of the project is to work out a model of the stealth maritime object which will have innovative solutions concerning the object form, structure and materials. These solutions should enable a modification of combinations of the object features defining the object stealth characteristics (difficulty of the object detection in the water). It is...
Energy, water detailed usage. Living lab testing for sustainable urban food-water-energy cycle.
Open Research DataData set contains detailed, continuous measurements of the usage of water and electrical energy (AC power) in an experimental facility set up in a scientific laboratory (Laboratorium im. B.Niemkiewicza) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology. The test bed was established in co-operation...
Partial PLA composite surface activation by femtosecond laser ablation
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the studies on electrochemical activity of PLA composite (commercially available CB-PLA Protopasta), which was 3D printed in a form of 1x1cm electrodes. The electrodes were submitted to femtosecond laser ablation, etching a certain % of the electrochemically-exposed electrode size. The % value is in the name of each file. The goal...
Laser scanning point clouds of a 32-meter radiotelescope located in the radioastronomical observatory in Piwnice (Poland)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains laser scanning point clouds of a 32-meter RT4 radiotelescope located in the radioastronomical observatory in Piwnice in Poland. Measurements were performed on 18th May 2018 using two laser scanners: Leica P40 (shared by Leica Geosystems Poland) and Riegl VZ400 (shared by Geotronics Dystrybucja Sp. z o.o.). The cloud points from...
The photocatalytic activity of MoS2 electrodes under sunlight illumination
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of the photocatalytic activities of the MoS2 and MoS2 modified by SnO2 were assessed through the photocatalytic reduction of Cr6+ under the sunlight illumination. In the experiment, 20 mg of the catalyst was distributed in the K2Cr2O7 aqueous solution (50 mL, 100 mg•L-1). The mixed solution was stirred for 30 min to...
The electrochemical studies of CB-PLA electrode after surface activation by proteinase K digestion with different times and concentrations
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed to evaluate surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes by enzymatic hydrolysis in a solution containing proteinase K. DIfferent proteinase K concentrations and digestion times were evaluated, as described in subfolder names. The studies were performed before surface activation, during...
Technical fabrics sample 1
Open Research DataThe data presented here includes 3 videos of technical fabrics strength testing. The included movies are in .cine format, and an external program with a viewer for such movies is required.
Technical fabrics sample 2
Open Research DataThe data presented here includes 3 videos of technical fabrics strength testing. The included movies are in .cine format, and an external program with a viewer for such movies is required.
The luminescence study ofNaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4:Ce coumpounds.
Open Research DataPhosphors with a rigid and symmetrical structure are urgently needed. The alkali lithosilicate family (A[Li3SiO4]) has been extensively studied with a narrow emission band due to its unique cuboid-coordinated environment and rigid structure. However, here we demonstrate for the first time Ce-doped NaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4 phosphors with a broad emission band,...
Electrochemical cell impedance spectra at Eoc-100mV
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of electrochemical cell filled with 3% NaCl solution presented in the figure below. This cell was used measured using Atlas-Sollich 0531 impedance analyser with built-in potentiostat. When changing the DC polarisation of the cell the non-linear phenomena could be observed. The impedance spectrum frequency range...
Electrochemical cell impedance spectra at Eoc
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of electrochemical cell filled with 3% NaCl solution presented in the figure below. This cell was used measured using Atlas-Sollich 0531 impedance analyser with built-in potentiostat. When changing the DC polarisation of the cell the non-linear phenomena could be observed. The impedance spectrum frequency range...
Electrochemical cell impedance spectra at Eoc+100mV
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of electrochemical cell filled with 3% NaCl solution presented in the figure below. This cell was used measured using Atlas-Sollich 0531 impedance analyser with built-in potentiostat. When changing the DC polarisation of the cell the non-linear phenomena could be observed. The impedance spectrum frequency range...
Electrochemical cell impedance spectra at Eoc+200mV
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of electrochemical cell filled with 3% NaCl solution presented in the figure below. This cell was used measured using Atlas-Sollich 0531 impedance analyser with built-in potentiostat. When changing the DC polarisation of the cell the non-linear phenomena could be observed. The impedance spectrum frequency range...
Electrochemical cell impedance spectra at Eoc-200mV
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of electrochemical cell filled with 3% NaCl solution presented in the figure below. This cell was used measured using Atlas-Sollich 0531 impedance analyser with built-in potentiostat. When changing the DC polarisation of the cell the non-linear phenomena could be observed. The impedance spectrum frequency range...
The electrochemical studies of CB-PLA surface activation by electrolysis in 1M NaOH
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed under different conditions of surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes. The activation was performed by electrolysis in 1M NaOH solution under cycling polarization with different anodic or cathodic overpotentials (data in different subfolders). The file names contain the exact...
The electrochemical studies of CB-PLA electrode after surface activation by proteinase K digestion
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed to evaluate surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes by enzymatic hydrolysis in a solution containing proteinase K (72h digestion period). Different enzyme concentrations were evaluated: 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 mg/ml. The studies were performed before surface activation, during and...
Tagged images with bees 3
Open Research DataImages taken from bee hive with tagged bees. The images are random frames from movies recorded in may 2017 and 2018. All images are taken from full HD video stream.
Energy, water detailed usage. Living lab testing for sustainable urban food-water-energy cycle. Jan. 2022
Open Research DataData set contains detailed, continuous measurements of the usage of water and electrical energy (AC power) in an experimental facility set up in a scientific laboratory (Laboratorium im. B.Niemkiewicza) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology. The test bed was established in co-operation...
Energy, water detailed usage. Living lab testing for sustainable urban food-water-energy cycle. Dec. 2021
Open Research DataData set contains detailed, continuous measurements of the usage of water and electrical energy (AC power) in an experimental facility set up in a scientific laboratory (Laboratorium im. B.Niemkiewicza) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology. The test bed was established in co-operation...
The cyclic voltammetry studies of CB-PLA electrode after surface activation by electrolysis in 1M NaOH
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the electrochemical studies performed for surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes by electrolysis in 1M NaOH solution. The studies were performed after treatment at an anodic overpotential of 1V, found to be optimal for surface activation. The measurements were carried out with cyclic voltammetry (CV) under different...
Video of LEGO bricks on conveyor belt - flags and signs
Open Research DataThe set contains videos of LEGO bricks (flags and signs) moving on a white conveyor belt. The images were prepared for training neural network for recognition of LEGO bricks. The bricks were separated as much as possible and in most cases they should not overlap. The images were taken from different sides by stationary camera located over the final...