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Search results for: SURVIVIN
Survival of probiotic lactic acid bacteria immobilized in different forms of bacterial cellulose in simulated gastric juices and bile salt solution
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Survival of commercial probiotic strains and their effect on dark chocolate synbiotic snack with raspberry content during the storage and after simulated digestion
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Survival at the Frontier of Holy War: Political Expansion, Crusading, Environmental Exploitation and the Medieval Colonizing Settlement at Biała Góra, North Poland
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Dual inhibition of PI3K/Akt signaling and the DNA damage checkpoint in p53-deficient cells with strong survival signaling: implications for cancer therapy
PublicationOporność komórek nowotworowych na leki uszkadzjące DNA związana jest ściśle ze zdolnością do utrzymywania blok z fazie G2 cyklu komórkowego. Blok ten regulowany jest przez mechanizmy punktu kontrolnego G2/M oraz szlaki przeżycia komórkowego. W pracy badaliśmy rolę szlaku kinazy PI3K/Akt w funkcjonowaniu punktu kontrolnego cyklu komórkowego i wpływ na przeżycie komórek traktowanych lekiem przeciwnowotworowym - cisplatyną. Nasze...
The Possible Role of PM2.5 Chronic Exposure on 5-Year Survival in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
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Physiological Biomarkers Assessed by Low‐Tech Exercise Tests Predict Complications and Overall Survival in Patients Undergoing Pneumonectomy Due to Lung Cancer
PublicationDue to its debilitating character pneumonectomy this is last‐resort procedure. Preoperative results of the 6‐min walking test (6MWT) help to identify high risk of postoperative complications and increased mortality in patients undergoing lobectomy for lung cancer. The aim of the study was to validate the value of 500 m in 6MWT as an indicator, which differentiates risk of complications in patients undergoing pneumonectomy. 125...
The Four-Feature Prognostic Models for Cancer-Specific and Overall Survival after Surgery for Localized Clear Cell Renal Cancer: Is There a Place for Inflammatory Markers?
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The Preoperative Maximum Standardized Uptake Value Measured by 18F-FDG PET/CT as an Independent Prognostic Factor of Overall Survival in Endometrial Cancer Patients
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Down-regulation of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha leads to prolonged cell cycle transit in G2 and early M phases and increased survival to microtubule-interacting agents
PublicationInhibitory polimeryzacji mikrotubul wykazują preferencyjną toksyczność wobec komórek mitotycznych. W ramach tego projektu badaliśmy czy oporność komórek ludzkich białaczek na inhibitor mikrotubul, winkrystynę, prowadzi do zmian w regulacji progresji cyklu komórkowego. Nasze wyniki wskazują, że oporności na winkrystynę towarzyszą zmiany w długości fazy G2 i M w nieobecności i obecności inhibitora wrzeciona mitotycznego, nokodazolu....
Can We Go beyond Pathology? The Prognostic Role of Risk Scoring Tools for Cancer-Specific Survival of Patients with Bladder Cancer Undergoing Radical Cystectomy
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Mitotic catastrophe followed by necrosis versus pro-survival autophagy - two opposite cellular effects triggered upon C-1311 treatment in MCF-7 cells
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie zdolności imidazoakrydonu C-1311 do indukcji katastrofy mitotycznej, nekrozy i autofagii w komórkach ludzkiego raka piersi MCF-7. Wszystkie eksperymenty przeprowadzone zostały przy stężeniu hamującym proliferację komórek nowotworowych w 80%. Wykazano, że pochodna C-1311 powoduje przejściową akumulację komórek MCF-7 w fazie G2 cyklu życiowego (59% po 48 godz. inkubacji) z równoczesnym...
Integrating Statistical and Machine‐Learning Approach for Meta‐Analysis of Bisphenol A‐Exposure Datasets Reveals Effects on Mouse Gene Expression within Pathways of Apoptosis and Cell Survival
PublicationBisphenols are important environmental pollutants that are extensively studied due to different detrimental effects, while the molecular mechanisms behind these effects are less well understood. Like other environmental pollutants, bisphenols are being tested in various experimental models, creating large expression datasets found in open access storage. The meta‐analysis of such datasets is, however, very complicated for various...
Brachytherapy boost improves survival and decreases risk of developing distant metastases compared to external beam radiotherapy alone in intermediate and high risk group prostate cancer patients
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Association between P-glycoprotein and lymphoid antigen expression on myeloblasts versus therapy response and survival in de novo acute myeloid leukemia: long-term follow-up results
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Processing of 1-nitroacridine-induced DNA-DNA cross-links by topoisomerase I is associated with enhanced cellular survival: a possible role of topoisomerase I in the removal of DNA cross-links
PublicationW tej pracy wykazujemy, że modyfikacje plazmidu indukowane przez wzrastające dawki 1-nitroakrydyn (nitracrine i związek C-857) prowadzą do zahamowania aktywności katalitycznej topoizomerazy I. Hamowanie to związane jest z pojawieniem się pojedynczoniciowych uszkodzeń DNA i tworzeniem kowalencyjnych kompleksów topoizomeraza I-DNA. Nie obserwowano takich efektów dla topoizomerazy typu II.Dalsze badania wykazały, że jedna z 1-nitroakrydyn...
Insulin-like growth factor type 2 is better than insulin-like growth factor type 1 a survival marker in patients after acute decompensation of heart failure
PublicationIntroduction:A decreased IGF-1 has been found in heart failure (HF). There are no reports assessing IGF-2 in HF, although in vitro study has shown, that IGF-2 stimulates cardiomyocyte proliferation more than IGF-1. The study aim was to compare the IGF-1 and IGF-2 concentration depending on HF exacerbation and annual survival.Material and methods:Among 75 patients hospitalized...
The Prognostic Significance of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), Monocyte to Lymphocyte Ratio (MLR) and Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) on Long-Term Survival in Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (OPCAB) Procedures
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The Unfolded Protein Response: A Double-Edged Sword for Brain Health
PublicationEfficient brain function requires as much as 20% of the total oxygen intake to support normal neuronal cell function. This level of oxygen usage, however, leads to the generation of free radicals, and thus can lead to oxidative stress and potentially to age-related cognitive decay and even neurodegenerative diseases. The regulation of this system requires a complex monitoring network to maintain proper oxygen homeostasis. Furthermore,...
Synagogi dawnej Polski - ich teraźniejszość i przyszłość
PublicationTekst stanowi próbę ujęcia w szerszej perspektywie złożonego zjawiska zmiany formy użytkowania ocalałych obiektów kultu religijnego. Postępująca sekularyzacja współczesnych społeczeństw stanowi wyzwanie dla religijnych społeczności różnych wyznań, przynosząc również pytania dotyczące zmiany przeznaczenia pustoszejących świątyń. Biorąc pod uwagę społeczny kontekst zarysowany powyżej, ocalałe budynki synagog można uznać za odrębny,...
Knowledge Sharing and Managing Intellectual Capital in the Times of COVID-19: Evidence from Polish Restaurant Industry
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show how restaurants in Poland managed their intellectual capital (IC) in the COVID-19 crisis and how knowledge sharing (KS) helped them to survive in those dynamically changing conditions. Methodology: The study is based on qualitative research – semi-structured interviews with a few restaurant owners and managers responsible for the business operations during...
Markov Model of Disease Development and Recovery
PublicationMarkov models are commonly used to simulate diseases and allow modeling of multiple health states and outcomes. Starting with the well known Le Bras multistate model (cascading failure model) with time-independent transitions we will see how simple Markov mortality models may be pressed into the service of survival and event history analysis. We will focus on more complex models which will be able to take into account remission,...
Knowledge Management and Resilience in SMEs Sector
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of resilience in surviving major disruptions, such as pandemic or war. This problem is especially vital for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as they often lack both resources needed for survival during prolonged economic hardship and knowledge management (KM) practices which are useful for developing the necessary business resilience. Methodology: The paper uses...
Triazoloacridone C-1305 impairs XBP1 splicing by acting as a potential IRE1α endoribonuclease inhibitor
PublicationInositol requiring enzyme 1 alpha (IRE1α) is one of three signaling sensors in the unfolding protein response (UPR) that alleviates endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in cells and functions to promote cell survival. During conditions of irrevocable stress, proapoptotic gene expression is induced to promote cell death. One of the three signaling stressors, IRE1α is an serine/threonine-protein kinase/endoribonuclease (RNase) that...
Targeting of FLT3-ITD kinase contributes to high selectivity of imidazoacridinone C-1311 against FLT3-activated leukemia cells
PublicationDrugs targeting receptor tyrosine kinase FLT3 are of particular interest since activating FLT3-internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutations abundantly occur in fatal acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs). Imidazoacridinone C-1311, a DNA-reactive inhibitor of topoisomerase II, has been previously shown to be a potent and selective inhibitor of recombinant FLT3. Here, we expand those findings by studying its effect on leukemia cells with...
Human-associated bacteria and their mobile genetic elements - important minority in wastewater and wastewater impacted ecosystems
PublicationSince human-associated bacteria have been recognized as vectors in two - way gene transmission between the pathogenic and environmental populations, health hazard connected with wastewater discharge requires reevaluation. In this paper the particular attention was given to antimicrobial-resistance of Escherichia coli and enterococci isolated from wastewater and wastewater impacted environments. The obtained results showed that...
Ischemic stroke in general practice - risk factors, prognosis - prospective single center study
PublicationBackground. Ischemic stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in Poland, in the European Union and in the United States. Awareness related to the risk factors, particularly the modifiable ones, is of crucial importance in general practice and may improve early and long-term prognoses. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the risk factors and half-year survival rate in patients with ischemic stroke...
Comparative Assessment of Bacteriophage and Antibiotic Activity against Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms
PublicationProblems connected with biofilm-related infections and antibiotic resistance necessitate the investigation and development of novel treatment strategies. Given their unique characteristics, one of the most promising alternatives to conventional antibiotics are bacteriophages. In the in vitro and in vivo larva model study, we demonstrate that phages vB_SauM-A, vB_SauM-C, and vB_SauM-D are effective antibiofilm agents. The exposure...
Inhibition of T-type calcium channel disrupts Akt signaling and promotes apoptosis in glioblastoma cells.
PublicationGlioblastoma multiforme (GBM) are brain tumors that are exceptionally resitant to both radio- and chemotherapy regimens and novel approaches to treatment are needed. T-type calcium channels are one type of low voltage-gated channel (LVCC) involved in embryonic cell proliferation and differentiation; however they are often over-expressed in tumors, including GBM. In this study, we found that inhibition of T-type Ca channels in GBM...
Evolutionary benefits of personality traits when facing workplace bullying
PublicationFacing workplace bullying negatively affects physical and mental health, and consequently quality of life and well-being. Personality traits that can help an individual survive and reproduce entail more benefits than costs. Building on two evolutionary theories, Life History Theory and Costly Signaling Theory, this study aims to provide novel insights into how and why personality traits are associated with facing workplace bullying...
The Yin and Yang of hsa-miR-1244 expression levels during activation of the UPR control cell fate
PublicationRegulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis plays a critical role in maintaining cell survival. When ER stress occurs, a network of three pathways called the unfolded protein response (UPR) is activated to reestablish homeostasis. While it is known that there is cross-talk between these pathways, how this complex network is regulated is not entirely clear. Using human cancer and non-cancer cell lines, two different genome-wide...
Expression of cyclin D1 after treatment with doxorubicin in the HL-60 cell line
PublicationIncreased levels of cyclin D1 and amplification of CCND1 gene occur in many types of cancers. We have followed the expression of cyclin D1 after treatment with doxorubicin with reference to cell death and other possible therapeutic implications. The effect of the treatment on the cell cycle, survival, intracellular level (flow cytometry), and intracellular localization of cyclin D1 (fluorescence microscopy) and expression of...
Portico Farmhouses of the Vistula Delta: Architecture, Current State and Finite Element Modelling of Timber Roof Truss under Material and Cross-section Uncertainty
PublicationThe article focuses on the oldest surviving I-type portico houses located in the Vistula Delta, which were built in the 17th and 18th centuries. The study describes the houses’ origins, structure, details of roof structures and technical condition, and it also includes numerical modelling of a roof truss and its mechanical analysis. Numerical models of the roof trusses are defined and analysed by means of the finite element method....
Fragment prywatnego księgozbioru gdańskiego kupca George'a Tönnigesa zachowany w zbiorach Biblioteki Gdańskiej PAN
PublicationIn the present holdings of the Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences beside the historical book collections once belonging to Gdańsk patricians (e.g. J. Uphagen, M. Hanow, W. Schlieff and A. Rosenberg), there are remains of a less known private book collection belonging in the 18th century to George Tönniges, a representative of the Gdańsk patriciate. On the one side, these several prints, fortunately survived up till...
Collaboration within the Automotive Value Chain
PublicationThe paper describes new approach to supply chain management in the North American automotive industry, in part influenced by the Japanese model. To survive and prosper all automotive suppliers must face major challenges in supporting their customers including delivering innovative ideas, technology and quality with increasing speed, participating in every aspect of product development and producing entire systems. The authors describe...
Smart Innovation Engineering System - A Tool for Facilitating Product Innovation Process
PublicationFor the survival and prosperity of the manufacturing unit, entrepreneurs need to find out new ideas that can be implemented in the products leading to innovation. The current study employs a systematic approach for product innovation. In this approach past experiences based on innovation decisions are stored and recalled during the innovation problem solving process. Implementing this system in the process of product innovation...
The Urbanity Phenomenon – Tradition and New Cultural Iterations
PublicationCities that have managed to survive and rebuild lost urbanity do not close themselves towards new forms that are largely generated by culture. People are increasingly organized around common, local goals. They want to live in cities that open themselves up to differences, with culture as a tool for the revitalization of urbanity. Flexible management methods, tailored to the context and new needs, are therefore emphasized. Nowadays,...
Screening of predicted synergistic multi-target therapies in glioblastoma identifies new treatment strategies
PublicationAbstract Background IDH-wildtype glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly malignant primary brain tumor with a median survival of 15 months after standard of care, which highlights the need for improved therapy. Personalized combination therapy has shown to be successful in many other tumor types and could be beneficial for GBM patients. Methods We performed the largest drug combination screen to date in GBM, using a high-throughput effort...
Role of miR-15b/16–2 cluster network in endometrial cancer: An in silico pathway and prognostic analysis
PublicationEndometrial cancer (EC) is the second most common cancer in women. A large number of human cancers exhibit dysregulation of microRNA expression including EC. MiR-15b/16–2 is one of the best-known miRNA clusters that is expressed in many types of cancer tissues. Herein, we analyzed the expression of individual miR-15b/16–2 cluster members, its paralogues, and their target network analysis, as well as their prognostic significance...
Sektorowe zróżnicowanie płynności finansowej przed-siębiorstw
PublicationPłynność finansowa warunkuje prawidłowość funkcjonowania całej firmy. Uzależniona jest od niej możliwość przetrwania przedsiębiorstwa na rynku oraz perspektywa jego rozwoju. Artykuł podejmuje tematykę zróżnicowania płynności finansowej przedsiębiorstw w zależności od ich przynależności sek-torowej. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że wartość wskaźników z obsza-ru płynności finansowej jest silnie zróżnicowana w przekroju sektorowym....
Intelligent system supporting diagnosis of malignant melanoma
PublicationMalignant melanomas are the most deadly type of skin cancers. Early diagnosis is a key for successful treatment and survival. The paper presents the system for supporting the process of diagnosis of skin lesions in order to detect a malignant melanoma. The paper describes the development process of an intel-ligent system purposed for the diagnosis of malignant melanoma. Presented sys-tem can be used as a decision support system...
Self-Organization in Multi-Agent Systems Based on Examples of Modeling Economic Relationships between Agents
PublicationThe goal of the research was to observe and analyze self-organization patterns in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) by modeling basic economic relationships between agents forming a closed loop of relations necessary for their survival. The paper describes a worked-out MAS including an example of a production cycle and used economic rules. A special focus is put on behavior rules and decision systems of an individual agent such as: product...
VUV photofragmentation of the six-membered heterocyclic molecules containing oxygen
PublicationCancer is a significant public health concern worldwide, which results in millions of deaths each year. The standard cure routine for cancer is surgery, and nowadays, radiotherapy or a hadrontherapy. Depending on the type of cancer, patients may undergo additional treatment, including targeted therapy. A combination of radio- or hadron-therapy with proper drug treatment can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and thus can...
Targeting shelterin proteins for cancer therapy.
PublicationAs a global health challenge, cancer prompts continuous exploration for innovative therapies that are also based on new targets. One promising avenue is targeting the shelterin protein complex, a safeguard for telomeres crucial in preventing DNA damage. The role of shelterin in modulating ataxia- telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR) kinases, key players in the DNA damage response (DDR),...
Experimental dynamic study on a timber-frame house using shaking table
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to show the results of the shaking table experimental study concerning the behaviour of the model of the timber-frame house under earthquake excitation and impact loading. In order to determine the basic dynamic properties of the undamaged structure, the free vibration and the sweep-sine tests were first conducted. Then, the model was excited using the time history record of the El Centro earthquake of...
Parallel computations in the volunteer based Comcute system
PublicationThe paper presents Comcute which is a novel multi-level implemen- tation of the volunteer based computing paradigm. Comcute was designed to let users donate the computing power of their PCs in a simplified manner, requiring only pointing their web browser at a specific web address and clicking a mouse. The server side appoints several servers to be in charge of execution of particular tasks. Thanks to that the system can survive...
Determinants of the Internationalization of Family Firms - a Structural Eqquation Modeling Analysis
PublicationCurrently, international behaviors of family businesses (FBs) attract a growing interest of researchers. In an increasingly competitive environment, numerous FBs are forced to expand into foreign markets in search for ways to survive or grow. The article is both theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part it presents theoretical concepts of FBs internationalization, especially determinants for their going international....
Dietary antioxidants as a source of hydrogen peroxide
PublicationStudies of 54 antioxidants revealed that 27 of them, mainly polyphenols, generated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) when added to Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM), other media used for culture of mammalian and yeast cells and phosphate-buffered saline. The most active antioxidants were: propyl gallate (PG), (−)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and quercetin (Q). Chelex treatment and iron chelators decreased H2O2 generation suggesting...
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of tetrahydroquinolinones and tetrahydroquinolines with anticancer activity
PublicationColorectal cancer (CRC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Europe and the United States and the second leading cause of cancer related mortality. A therapeutic strategy used for the treatment of CRC involves targeting the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we synthesized a series of novel tetrahydroquinolinones and assessed their ability to inhibit CRC growth and proliferation by evoking...
Instalacja oświetleniowa w zbiorniku wody "Stary Sobieski" - rozważania o spektakularnym zabytku techniki
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia efekty badań autora nad niezwykle okazałą, ponad stuletnią instalacją elektryczną, która zachowała się w zabytkowym obiekcie infrastruktury wodociągowej w niemal 100% oryginalnej formie (nie licząc częściowej dewastacji). Jest to rzadki przykład tego rodzaju zabytku, ponieważ obiekty tego typu i w tym wieku zwykle podlegały modernizacji na przestrzeni lat albo, po wyłączeniu z eksploatacji zostały całkowicie...
Design and Validation of Ultra-Compact Metamaterial-Based Biosensor for Non-Invasive Cervical Cancer Diagnosis in Terahertz Regime
PublicationCervical cancer belongs to the most dangerous types of cancers posing considerable threat to women’s survival. It is most often diagnosed in the advanced stages as precancerous lesions are often symptom-free and difficult to identify. Microwave imaging, especially in terahertz (THz) range, is a convenient and noninvasive cancer detection tool. It enables characterization of biological tissues and discrimination between healthy...