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Search results for: DARK MATTER
Going to extremes – a metagenomic journey into the dark matter of life
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Non-Newtonian Mathematics Instead of Non-Newtonian Physics: Dark Matter and Dark Energy from a Mismatch of Arithmetics
PublicationNewtonian physics is based on Newtonian calculus applied to Newtonian dynamics. New paradigms such as ‘modified Newtonian dynamics’ (MOND) change the dynamics, but do not alter the calculus. However, calculus is dependent on arithmetic, that is the ways we add and multiply numbers. For example, in special relativity we add and subtract velocities by means of addition β1⊕β2=tanh(tanh−1(β1)+tanh−1(β2)), although multiplication β1⊙β2=tanh(tanh−1(β1)⋅tanh−1(β2)),...
Particulate Matter Production of Small Heat Source Depending on the Bark Content in Wood Pellets
PublicationWood pellets as biofuel are more and more used in small heat sources in Europe. Standard wood pellets are produced from wood sawdust without bark. The paper deals about the impact of bark in wood pellets on their properties and combustion process. Special attention in this work is paid to production of particulate matter during combustion of wood pellets depending on bark content. There were experimentally produced spruce wood...
Process arrival pattern aware algorithms for acceleration of scatter and gather operations
PublicationImbalanced process arrival patterns (PAPs) are ubiquitous in many parallel and distributed systems, especially in HPC ones. The collective operations, e.g. in MPI, are designed for equal process arrival times (PATs), and are not optimized for deviations in their appearance. We propose eight new PAP-aware algorithms for the scatter and gather operations. They are binomial or linear tree adaptations introducing additional process...
If Gravity is Geometry, is Dark Energy just Arithmetic?
PublicationArithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), as well as the calculus they imply, are non-unique. The examples of four-dimensional spaces, R^4 and (−L/2,L/2)^4, are considered where different types of arithmetic and calculus coexist simultaneously. In all the examples there exists a non-Diophantine arithmetic that makes the space globally Minkowskian, and thus the laws of physics are formulated in terms...
Modelling of dark fermentation of glucose and sour cabbage
PublicationIn the article, modified Anaerobic Digestion Models 1 (ADM-1) was tested for modelling dark fermentation for hydrogen production. The model refitting was done with the Euler method. The new model was based on sets of differential equations. The model was checked for hydrogen production from sour cabbage in batch and semi-batch in 5 g VSS (volatile solid suspension)/L and at the semi-batch process from glucose at 5 and 10 g VSS/L....
Alternative methods for dark fermentation course analysis
PublicationDark fermentation course analysis is crucial, as complexed matrix of gaseous components may be formed and revealed during the process. The paper considers key issues related to the microbiological process in which complex organic substances are transformed into hydrogen. For the purposes of hydrogen generation, the application of wastewater mixed sludge pre-treated according to Faloye method (Faloye et al. in Int J Hydrog Energy...
Don't forget the dark side of green transformation
PublicationDesign/methodology/approach – The study is a continuation of the research by Durst and Zieba (2019) related to knowledge risks and their potential outcomes. This present study makes an update on the literature on knowledge risks and green transformation and describes knowledge risks that can be faced in this process. Originality/value – The paper offers new insights for researchers dealing with the topic of knowledge risks in...
Including the Dark Side of Entrepreneurship in the Entrepreneurship Education
PublicationPursuing an entrepreneurial career is often rewarding in terms of both economic and psychological outcomes. However, becoming an entrepreneur also has its darker side that affects professional and personal life. Meanwhile, the positivity bias is prevalent in entrepreneurial education and research. It is recognized as emphasizing the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur and giving considerably less attention to potential downsides....
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Hydrogen production from biomass using dark fermentation
PublicationHydrogen applicability in the power, chemical and petrochemical industries is constantly growing. Efficientmethods of hydrogen generation from renewable sources, including waste products, are currently being de-veloped, even though hydrogen is mainly produced through steam reforming or thermal cracking of natural gasor petroleum fractions. In paper alternative methods of hydrogen production with a particular emphasis on darkfermentation...
Dark chocolate – a temptation harmful to health or a valuable component of diet?
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Hydrogen production from wood waste by mean of dark fermentation
PublicationThe utilization of wood wastes in clean and green chemistry method like by mean of dark fermentation, is a highly desired solution of waste management. In the article model for the estimation hydrogen potential of wood waste is given. The model has been used to calculate the potential theoretical hydrogen mass that can be produced from wood wastes in Pomerania and Silesia: pine, spruce, fir, beech and oak. In the introduction,...
Dark current characteristics of single crystalline silicon solar cells.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ szkodliwych rezystancji na parametry pracy krzemowych ogniw fotowoltaicznych. W tym celu wyznaczono ciemne charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowe. W celu opisu własności elektrycznych ogniw zastosowano model jedno- i dwu-diodowy. Wyznaczono współczynniki nieidealności charakterystyki i rezystancję szeregową w całym zakresie temperatur pracy ogniw fotowoltaicznych dla zastosowań naziemnych. Wyznaczona za...
Survival of commercial probiotic strains and their effect on dark chocolate synbiotic snack with raspberry content during the storage and after simulated digestion
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Hospital as a landscape mark
PublicationHalf of the nineteenth century brought significant changes in the organization and operation of hospitals. The on-coming takeover by the state and its agencies tasks related to medical care resulted in a significant jump in quantitative and almost massive construction of new hospitals. Several hospitals and nursing homes functioned on a relatively small area of a city or town, with different specializations and profiles of care....
Yacht Park/Gdynia
PublicationOd lat przedwojennych ścisłe centrum Gdyni stanowi rejon ulic: 10 Lutego ze Skwerem Kościuszki, Świętojańskiej, Starowiejskiej, Waszyngtona.W tej niezwykle prestiżowej lokalizacji, nieopodal muzeów, teatru, parku, mariny i plaży powstał niedawno ekskluzywny zespół mieszkalno-usługowy Yacht Park autorstwa pracowni Arch-Deco. Zlokalizowaneprzy ul. A. Rybickiegozałożenie jest elementem koncepcjiurbanistyczno-architektonicznej, która...
Antioxidant Properties of Dark Wheat Bread with Exogenous Addition of Buckwheat Flour
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Low dark current metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors fabricated on GaN
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Management of Dark Fermentation Broth via Bio Refining and Photo Fermentation
PublicationLignocellulose and starch-based raw materials are often applied in the investigations regarding biohydrogen generation using dark fermentation. Management of the arising post-fermentation broth becomes a problem. The Authors proposed sequential processes, to improve the efficiency of both hydrogen generation and by-products management carried under model conditions. During the proposed procedure, the simple sugars remaining in...
Effect of temperature on dark current characteristics of silicon solar cells and diodes
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu zmian temperatury na ciemne charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowe ogniw fotowoltaicznych i diod z monokrystalicznego krzemu. Badania eksperymentalne przeprowadzono w zakresie temperatur od 295 do 373 K. W celu wyznaczenia wartości rezystancji szeregowej wyznaczono szereg ciemnych charakterystyk I-U. Stwierdzono, że rezystancja szeregowa rośnie wraz ze wzrostem temperatury 0,65% /K i dlatego...
Research-by-design Best Practices in Architectural Lighting Design: Defragmenting Research Theories for their Effective Use in the Practice of Architectural and Spatial Design After Dark
Publication"This paper aims to combine theory and applied science; academia and practice for the creative transformation of spaces after dark taking into account a consistent environmental awareness. It is based on the premise that design research in the realm of architectural lighting design should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Architectural lighting design is a field within architecture and...
Enriching novel dark chocolate with Bacillus coagulans as a way to provide beneficial nutrients
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Fast Machine Vision Line Detection for Mobile Robot Navigation in Dark Environments
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Bioconversion of waste materials to hydrogen via dark fermentation using Enterobacter aerogenes
PublicationHydrogen can be obtained via dark fermentation with the use of anaerobic Enterobacter aerogenes. The efficiency of hydrogen production by fermentation techniques is strongly dependent on the con-ditions used i.e. the pH range, temperature, composition of fermentation broths, oxygen content, or even the presence of substances with potentially inhibitory effects on the microbiological culture [1-4]. The paper describes the study...
Membrane-Assisted Dark Fermentation for Integrated Biohydrogen Production and Purification: A Comprehensive Review
PublicationAbstract The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the membrane-assisted dark fermentation process for bioH2 production and purification. This review initially analyses the need for and the current state of the art in H2 production through dark fermentation, evaluating the research landscape and the maturity level of the technology. Key factors influencing the dark fermentation process are then examined,...
Technologiczny Park w Gdyni
PublicationKrytyka architektoniczna III i IV etap rozbudowy Pomorskiego Parku Naukowo - Technologicznego w Gdyni (PPNT), powstałego na terenach pokomunikacyjnych dawnej zajezdni autobusowej (proj. AEC Krymow i Partnerzy). Realizacja projektu została sfinansowana z Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Pomorskiego 2007-2013 oraz środków budżetowych miasta Gdyni.
Park leśny Jaśkowej Doliny
PublicationW artykule pokazano historię Parku Leśnego Jaśkowej Doliny we Wrzeszczu w aspekcie historycznym i kompozycyjno-przestrzennym.
Antibacterial activity of core-shell CuxO@TiO2 photocatalyst under UV, vis and dark
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Mesophilic and thermophilic dark fermentation course analysis using sensor matrices and chromatographic techniques
PublicationProduction of biofuels from biomass is expected to benefit the society and the environment. At present, bio waste residues processing includes hydrolysis, dark fermentation, photofermentation, pyrolysis, gasification, and chemical synthesis. As the composition and the chemical structure of organic substances affect the efficiency of mentioned processes, it is believed that the glucose concentration is a crucial parameter for the...
Automatic Threat Detection for Historic Buildings in Dark Places Based on the Modified OptD Method
PublicationHistoric buildings, due to their architectural, cultural, and historical value, are the subject of preservation and conservatory works. Such operations are preceded by an inventory of the object. One of the tools that can be applied for such purposes is Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). This technology provides information about the position, reflection, and intensity values of individual points; thus, it allows for the creation...
Laboratory bioreactor with pH control system for investigations of hydrogen production in the dark fermentation process
PublicationThe work presents the construction of a low-cost research bioreactor equipped with a pH control sys-tem. The developed bioreactor was applied for hydrogen production in the dark fermentation process using Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048. Presented paper compares the results obtained during the process without and with pH regulation for different feed materials: glucose, energetic poplar hydro-lysates, acid whey and glycerol....
Particle size analysis of suspensions in removing of organic matter and phosphorus from waste water and surface water
PublicationIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake- and waste- water treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed.The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal waste water, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
Park miejski w Jaśkowej Dolinie
PublicationAutorka przedstawia dzieje najstarszego gdańskiego parku miejskiego we Wrzeszczu.
On dynamics of the question mark shell structure
PublicationW pracy prezentuje się problemy analizy dynamicznej nieregularnej konstrukcji powłokowej na przykładzie powłoki w kształcie znaku zapytania. Badania oparto na sześcioparametrowej nieliniowej teorii powłok, która pozwala na dyskretyzację modelu metodą elementów skończonych zawierających sześć stopni swobody w węźle. Ta teoria daje możliwość poprawnego modelowania nieregularności oraz rozgałęzień i ortogonalnych przecięć, jak również...
Park Fryderyka Chopina Żelazowa Wola
PublicationKrytyka architektoniczna Parku Fryderyka Chopina w Żelazowej Woli
Park naukowo-technologiczny w Gdyni
PublicationKrytyka architektoniczna Pomorskiego Parku Naukowo - Technologicznego w Gdyni (PPNT), powstałego na bazie przebudowanych obiektów zajezdni autobusowej w latach 2003- 2006.
Quantitatively and qualitatively characteristic of organic matter in sewage after treatment in constructed wetlands
PublicationNajczęstszym kryterium oceny skuteczności oczyszczania ścieków jest efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń. Jednakże oczyszczone ścieki zawierają pewne ilości substancji organicznej niepodatnej na rozkład biologiczny tzw. refrakcyjnej.Organiczne substancje refrakcyjne to przede wszystkim kwasy humusowe, które swoja obecnością w wodzie mogą pogarszać jej właściwości i utrudniać procesy uzdatniania do celów konsumpcyjnych. Wykazano,że...
Influence of dissolved organic matter in natural and simulated water on the photochemical decomposition of butylparaben
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The Dark Side of Media and Technology: A 21st Century Guide to Media and Technological Literacy [Book Review]
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Recent advances on biogranules formation in dark hydrogen fermentation system: Mechanism of formation and microbial characteristics
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PublicationModel has been developed for calculating theoretical mass of hydrogen produced from textile wastes by mean of dark fermentation. As vegetable fibres wastes were chosen two mostly used — cotton and linen (flax). As the synthethic carbohydrate rich fiber was chosen viscose. In the background there were introduced: problems of dark fermentation, characteristics of textile material structure. Additionally pathways of the process...
Park w metropolii – perspektywy i paradoksy
PublicationCelem artykułu jest ukazanie znaczenia parków miejskich w budowaniu wizerunku metropolii, oraz podkreślenie potrzeby przewartościowania poglądów dotyczących szeroko pojętego krajobrazu miasta. Na tle ogólnych rozważań o potrzebie i podejściu do ochrony otwartego krajobrazu miejskiego zaprezentowano kilka pozytywnych przykładów działań miast na rzecz przywracania świetności terenów zielonych i rekreacyjnych, lub ich tworzenia na...
Feasibility Study of Biohydrogen Production from Acid Cheese Whey via Lactate-Driven Dark Fermentation
PublicationThe high loading of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) present in cheese whey still limits its use as hydrogen feedstock. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of producing hydrogen from acid cheese whey via lactate-driven dark fermentation (LD-DF). Mesophilic batch fermentations were performed with delipidated acid cheese whey at a fixed pH of 5.8 and driven by an acidogenic bacterial culture containing LAB and lactate-oxidizing...
Looking Up to the Stars. A Call for Action to Save New Zealand’s Dark Skies for Future Generations to Come
PublicationThe rapid development of technology coupled with humanity’s desire to reach beyond terra firma, has resulted in more than 60 years of Outer Space activities. Although the exploration of space has provided many advantages and benefits to society so far, including vast, new information that has greatly added to our understanding of our planet and beyond, unfortunately, mankind’s footprint has negative aspects that need to be minimised...
Quenching of bright and dark excitons via deep states in the presence of SRH recombination in 2D monolayer materials
PublicationTwo-dimensional (2D) monolayer materials are interesting systems due to an existence of optically non-active dark excitonic states. In this work, we formulate a theoretical model of an excitonic Auger process which can occur together with the trap-assisted recombination in such 2D structures. The interactions of intravalley excitons (bright and spin-dark ones) and intervalley excitons (momentum-dark ones) with deep states located...
Notatki mikologiczne z okolic Ostrzyc (Kaszubski Park Krajobrazowy)= Mycological notes from the area of Ostrzyce (Kaszubski Landscape Park)
PublicationPrzeprowadzono wstępne badania mikobioty w okolicach Ostrzyc (Północna Polska, Pojerzerze Kaszubskie), podczas których natrafiono na interesujące macromycetes ujęte w poniższym wykazie. Stwierdzono łącznie 117 gatunków, siedem z nich (Strobilomyces strobilaceus, Geastrum fimbriatum, Hericium coralloides, Sparassis crispa, Matinus caninus, Clavariadelphus pistillaris i Polyporus Umbellatus) znajdują się pod ochroną ścisłą, a 23...
Antrakofilne gatunki Macromycetes w Lasach Oliwskich (Trójmiejski Park Krajobrazowy) = Anthracophilous species of Macromycetes in the Oliwskie Foresrs (Trójmiejski Ladscape Park)
PublicationW Lasach Oliwskich (Północna Polska), w miejscach wypalania drewna stwierdzono kilka gatunków macromycetes zaliczanych do grzybów antrakofilnych, np. Lyophyllum antracophilum, Faerberia carbonaria, Geopyxis carbonaria i in. Sprządzono krótką charakterystykę tych taksonów, podano położenie ich stanowisk.
Apatite-coated Ag/AgBr/TiO2 nanocomposites: Insights into the antimicrobial mechanism in the dark and under visible-light irradiation