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Search results for: ECOLOGICAL DISASTER
Fluvial ecology disasters: the impact of the Gliwice Canal on the ecological crisis in the Oder River basin, Poland (2022)
PublicationIn August 2022, the Oder River experienced an ecological disaster, resulting in the extinction of hundreds of aquatic organ- isms. Mass fsh deaths also occurred during that time in the Gliwice Canal, located in southern Poland, which connects to the upper section of the Oder River. The aim of the article was to assess the impact of the waters from the Gliwice Canal on the water quality changes in the Oder River, as expressed by...
eFRADIR: An Enhanced FRAmework for DIsaster Resilience
PublicationThis paper focuses on how to increase the availability of a backbone network with minimal cost. In particular, the new framework focuses on resilience against natural disasters and is an evolution of the FRADIR/FRADIR-II framework. It targets three different directions, namely: network planning, failure modeling, and survivable routing. The steady state network planning is tackled by upgrading a sub-network (a set of links termed...
Knowledge management and disaster management in tourism industry
PublicationPurpose – This conceptual paper aims to present the results of the literature analysis devoted to the application of knowledge management and its processes in the situation of a crisis caused by a natural disaster. On the basis of the analysed papers, the theoretical model linking knowledge management and crisis management for the tourism industry has been proposed. Findings - The proposed theoretical model presents the role of...
Disaster-Resilient Routing Schemes for Regional Failures
PublicationLarge-scale natural disasters can have a profound effect on the telecommunication services in the affected geographical area. Hence, it is important to develop routing approaches that may help in circumventing damaged regional areas of a network. This prompted the development of geographically diverse routing schemes and also of disaster-risk aware routing schemes. A minimum-cost geodiverse routing, where a minimum geographical...
Potential application of ionic liquids in aluminium production - economical and ecological assessment
PublicationTechnologia wytwarzania aluminium stosowana na skale przemysłową oparta jest na elektrodepozycji w ciekłym kriolicie i nosi nazwę procesu Hall-Heroult'a. Technologia ta wymaga wysokich nakładów energii elektrycznej, charakteryzuje się ponadto, szeroko udokumentowanym, negatywnym wpływem na środowisko naturalne. Produkcja aluminium możliwa jest również metodą alternatywną poprzez elektrodepozycję a mieszaniny cieczy jonowych w temperaturze...
PublicationThis paper addresses dynamic planning and analysis of earthquake disaster relief work by analysis the disaster throughout the technical and procedural method. And combine this analysis as continues assessment for better input to investigating planning disaster for discontinuous economic growth. This implemented, considering the vulnerability and hazard analysis as a procedural analysis disaster to estimating acceptance risk leveling...
Learning from the often-forgotten Jan Heweliusz disaster
PublicationPrzedstawiono konieczność przeprowadzenia badań nad zatonięciem promu Jan Heweliusz, którego katastrofa - w odróżnieniu od innych promów - została przemilczana i nie wywołała żadnych badań naukowych.
Survivability function - a measure of disaster-based routing performance.
PublicationZnaczenie przeżywalności sieci transmisji danych systematycznie rośnie, ponieważ awaria pojedynczego elementu może dotknąć miliony użytkowników na dużym obszarze. Zdefiniowano funkcję przeżywalności: prawdopodobieństwo realizacji określonego procentu strumieni użytkowników po awarii oraz atrybuty przeżywalności. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu protokołów doboru tras architektury TC/IP na funkcję i atrybuty przeżywalności. Pracę...
Scheduling jobs to contain a natural disaster: a model and complexity
Publicationthis paper is devoted to the problem of scheduling suppression units so that a natural disaster is dealt with as efficient as possible. the concept of deteriorating jobs is adopted, that is, the formal model of scheduling represents linearly increasing value loss as the disaster remains unsuppressed and increasing time for its suppression. more precisely, two different goals are considered: finding a suppression schedule of minimal...
Disaster-resilient communication networks: Principles and best practices
PublicationCommunication network failures that are caused by disasters, such as hurricanes, arthquakes and cyber-attacks, can have significant economic and societal impact. To address this problem, the research community has been investigating approaches to network resilience for several years. However, aside from well-established techniques, many of these solutions have not found their way into operational...
On the Disaster Resiliency within the Context of 5G Networks : The RECODIS Experience
PublicationNetwork communications and the Internet pervade our daily activities so deeply that we strongly depend on the availability and quality of the services they provide. For this reason, natural and technological disasters, by affecting network and service availability, have a potentially huge impact on our daily lives. Ensuring adequate levels of resiliency is hence a key issue that future network paradigms, such as 5G, need to address. This...
Disaster Resilience of Optical Networks: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities
PublicationFor several decades, optical networks, due to their high capacity and long-distance transmission range, have been used as the major communication technology to serve network traffic, especially in the core and metro segments of communication networks. Unfortunately, our society has often experienced how the correct functioning of these critical infrastructures can be substantially hindered by massive failures triggered by natural...
Analysis of causes of crude oil tankers' disasters
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono dane statystyczne dotyczące rozlewów ropy surowej oraz opis katastrof tankowców w latach 1999-2003. Zlekceważenie problemów poprawnej eksploatacji wielokrotnie kończy się tragicznie. Z tych powodów wypełniony ropą grecki tankowiec ''Amaragos'' czy też maltańska ''Erika'' złamały się na pół i poszły na dno. Przykładów takich jest więcej. W referacie przedstawiono analizę przyczyn rozlewów olejowych według...
Reinforced Secure Gossiping Against DoS Attacks in Post-Disaster Scenarios
PublicationDuring and after a disaster, the perceived quality of communication networks often becomes remarkably degraded with an increased ratio of packet losses due to physical damages of the networking equipment, disturbance to the radio frequency signals, continuous reconfiguration of the routing tables, or sudden spikes of the network traffic, e.g., caused by the increased user activity in a post-disaster period. Several techniques have...
Attitudes of Lazarski University Medical Students towards Disaster Medicine; Questionnaire Survey
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Transport of dangerous goods by rail, and threats to the subsoil of the railway surface in the event of a disaster
PublicationIn Poland, in 2020, the mass of dangerous goods (loads) transported by rail was 26 151.06 thousand tone. This translated into the performance of 8 899 691.89 thousand tone - km of transport performance. In 2020, these figures accounted for 11.72% of the weight of goods transported by rail. The situation is similar in other countries around the world. With such a large volume of transport of dangerous...
Fundamentals of Communication Networks Resilience to Disasters and Massive Disruptions
PublicationCommunication networks are exposed to a variety of massive failure events following from activities of nature, weather-induced disruptions, technology-implied problems, and malicious human activities. In this chapter, we first highlight the characteristics of these scenarios and discuss example failure events reported during the last three decades. Next, we explain the concept of network resilience and present an overview of major...
Improving the Survivability of Carrier Networks to Large-Scale Disasters
PublicationThis chapter is dedicated to the description of methods aiming to improve the survivability of carrier networks to large-scale disasters. First, a disaster classification and associated risk analysis is described, and the disaster-aware submarine fibre-optic cable deployment is addressed aiming to minimize the expected costs in case of natural disasters. Then, the chapter addresses the improvement of the network connectivity resilience...
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Risk Assessment Based on SORA for First Responders and Disaster Management
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RECODIS: Resilient Communication Services Protecting End-user Applications from Disaster-based Failures
PublicationDisaster-based failures can seriously disrupt any communication network, making its services unavailable. Such disruptions may be caused by natural disasters, technology-related failures, or malicious attacks, and they are observably increasing in number, intensity and scale. When network services that are a part of critical infrastructure become unavailable, commercial and/or societal problems are inevitable. The issue of limiting...
Ecological floating dock
PublicationZaprezentowano efekt końcowy projektu europejskiego grupy EUREKA pn. ''Przyjazne środowiskowo doki pływające''. Przedstawiono konsorcjum realizacyjne projektu, scharakteryzowano zagrożenia ekologiczne, wskazano najważniejsze uregulowania prawne oraz scharakteryzowano projekt proekologicznego doku pływającego SINE 212CD i koncepcję przebudowy doku istniejącego SINE 126 CD. Artykuł zawiera też kompletną bibliografię prac wykonanych...
A survey of strategies for communication networks to protect against large-scale natural disasters
PublicationRecent natural disasters have revealed that emergency networks presently cannot disseminate the necessary disaster information, making it difficult to deploy and coordinate relief operations. These disasters have reinforced the knowledge that telecommunication networks constitute a critical infrastructure of our society, and the urgency in establishing protection mechanisms against disaster-based disruptions. Hence, it is important...
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Mercury in the Diatoms of Various Ecological Formations
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Improvement of the resistance to oxidation of the ecological greases by the additives
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Greenwashing sins - the indicators of ecological marketing immaturity
PublicationThe paper presents the main features of so called "green washing". Unethical aspects of that new phenomena are presented and some corrective actions are proposed by the authors.
Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis as a tool for monitoring methanogenic archaea changes in an anaerobic digester
PublicationThe applicability of a newly-designed PCR primer pair in examination of methanogenic Archaea in a digester treating plant biomass was evaluated by Ribosmal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (RISA). To find a suitable approach, three variants of RISA were tested: (1) standard, polyacrylamide gel-based, (2) automated, utilized capillary electrophoresis (GA-ARISA), and (3) automated microfluidics-based (MF-ARISA). All three techniques yielded...
Ecological and Health Effects of Lubricant Oils Emitted into the Environment
PublicationLubricating oils used in machines with an open cutting system, such as a saw or harvester, are applied in forest areas, gardening, in the household, and in urban greenery. During the operation of the device with an open cutting system, the lubricating oil is emitted into the environment. Therefore, the use of an oil base and refining additives of petroleum origin in the content of lubricants is associated with a negative impact...
Geographical information system for analysis of critical infrastructures and their hazards due to terrorism, man-originated catastrophes and natural disasters for the city of gdansk.
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje System Informacji Przestrzennej dla oceny i wizualizacji Infrastruktur Krytycznych i ich zagrożeń, stworzony przez Katedrę Systemów Geoinformatycznych dla Miasta Gdańska. System pozwala na przestrzenną analizę i mapowanie wyników przetwarzania danych dotyczących Infrastruktur Krytycznych pochodzących z modułu CARVER2.
Ecological correlates of the popularity of birds and butterflies in Internet information resources
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Ecological traits predict population trends of urban birds in Europe
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A design concept of fire protection system for an ecological floating dock
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwe do wystąpienia na doku pływającym zagrożenie pożarowe oraz projekt koncepcyjny systemu zabezpieczenia przeciwpożarowego. Projekt ten obejmuje: istalację gaśniczą wodno-hydrantową i pianową do ochrony pokładu głównego oraz instalację CO2 do ochrony siłowni, rozdzielni elektrycznej i tunelu kablowego, a także instalację wykrywania i sygnalizacji pożaru.
Scuffing resistance of DLC-coated gears lubricated with ecological oil
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Ecological trends in machining as a key factor in sustainable production – A review
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Pro-ecological technology of wood sawing with circular saw blades
PublicationW niniejszym artykule opisano możliwości materiało- i energooszczędnego przecinania piłami tarczowymi. Przedstawiono również przykłady efektów zastosowania proekologicznych technologii przecinania w przemyśle.
Sources of inspiration in designing ecological buildings. If not Pinterest than what?
PublicationEfficiency of ecological measures for sustainable architecture depends greatly upon the moment in which it is defined as essential, and how early it can be applied during the design concept stage. The following article refers to inspiration, the initial stage of the design and means to combine it with substantial knowledge regarding ecological architecture. Means, such as computer programs...
Effects of Different Aeration Modes on Ammonia Removal from Sludge Digester Liquors in the Nitritation-Anammox Process
PublicationSludge digester liquors can be responsible for up to one third of the nitrogen load to the biological step of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The conventional process for ammonia removal via two sequential processes, i.e. nitrification and denitrification, is increasingly being challenged by a one-step process in which ammonium is oxidized directly to nitrogen gas e.g. ammonium oxidation (anammox) process. In this novel process,...
The effects of different aeration modes on ammonia removal from sludge digester liquors in the nitritation–anammox proces
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the impact of continuous and intermittent aeration on the rate of ammonia removal in the combined nitritation–anammox process. This process was run in two parallel sequencing batch reactors (SBRs), with a working volume V = 10 L, treating sludge digester liquors from the Gdansk (Poland) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The ammonia oxidizing bacteria were cultivated from activated sludge...
Determination of molybdenum in biological materials
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Noise in biological Raman spectroscopy
PublicationRaman spectroscopy is a widely used method to investigate chemical molecules by analyzing their vibrational transitions. It utilizes inelastic scattering of the laser light irradiating the investigated object. The scattered light requires appropriate filtering to reduce dominant laser light and expose much weaker components having shifted wavelengths of a characteristic spectral pattern. These components are measured by dispersing...
Motivations for hotels to undertake pro-ecological activities – opinions of hotel guests
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Application of Chemical Sensors and Olfactometry Method in Ecological Audits of Degraded Areas
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The Role of Crypto Trading in the Economy, Renewable Energy Consumption and Ecological Degradation
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Adaptability of a socio-ecological system. The case of a polish municipality at risk of flood
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The influence of base oil type on the rheological properties of ecological lubricating greases
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Perspective of Created Value in Consumer Choice: Comparison of Economic and Ecological Dimensions
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Urban Farming – The Ecological, Spatial and Social Factors of Urban Landscape Transformation
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Pro-Ecological Activities in Polish Financial Institutions on the Example of Selected Banks
PublicationThe character of the role that banks play in the economy provides them with an opportunity to positively affect the environment on multiple levels. The article aimed at characterizing and evaluating pro-ecological activities occurring in financial institutions in Poland. It compares pro-ecological activities undertaken by three different banks operating on the Polish market: BOŚ Bank SA, BNP Paribas Bank Polska SA and PKO Bank...
Hazardous material-related propagation of the effects of train accidents in the subgrade
PublicationA large part of the transport of hazardous materials is carried out by rail. Therefore, the security of these transports is becoming increasingly important. Every catastrophe involving dangerous materials has a negative impact on the participants of the incident and the surrounding environment, because its range is generally not local. It follows that in the event of a catastrophe, its effects should be minimized and remediation...
Envisioning infrastructure to reduce disaster’s impact to cities during the climate change area being elements of smart cities